《Briars and Thorns》Chapter 3: The Beginning of the Beginning
I'm stuck.
Well, not really. More like stumped. I look back up to the figure, at the many sliders and colour pickers floating around it. I've spent the past couple minutes customizing my character. Now its quills are a bright blue-green, getting lighter at the tips, and I've changed its eyes so that they're not droopy like mine, but instead they’re sharp and intelligent. Bright, icy blue irises surround its slitted pupils which stare back at me with an unblinking stare.
Now that I'm thinking about it, the lack of eyebrows is pretty creepy, but makes sense due to it having quills instead of hair.
Anyways, back to being stuck. A blue box hovers in front of me.
Character name: _________
The part I dread most about character creation. Naming.
Since I'm basically going to be living a second life in this body, I might as well use my real name, right?
Error. In order to ensure privacy, real names not permitted.
So now I'm stuck. I want a name that I'll know to respond to, but it can't be my real name. I ponder what to choose as I look up at my character.
I'm going to be a Thorn Fiend, so how about a name that goes with that. Thorn? Spike? No, those are horrible, plus I'd never remember that they're my name. Hmm…
Oh! That's perfect!
Character name: Briar
Briars - thorny plants which existed pre catastrophe. It's only a one letter difference from my actual name and yet it fits so perfectly.
Confirming my selection, I look around as everything in white space fades to match the white background. I notice Oren isn't here anymore, he must have left once I started customizing my character.
I'm hit by a wave of nausea as I look down at my body, which has also faded to white, making it appear as if I was invisible. I close my eyes, willing the nausea away as I relish the soothing darkness. Suddenly, I feel the air around me change. I'm not in the white space anymore.
My vision swims as I open my eyes, and I'm hit by another wave of nausea. I'm slightly taller than before, not by much but definitely by a couple inches. I kneel down to the ground, waiting for the nausea to pass. I touch the smooth marble floor, my nails aren't short and chewed like they used to be, but are instead long and sharp. I bring my hand to my head. Instead of my curly hair, quills, each about 15 cm long cover my head. They're hard and flexible, and make a soft clattering sound as I move my head.
Without thinking, I had gone to move my hand from my quills to my ears, dragging my hand against my horn in the process. I look down at my bleeding hand, instead of bright scarlet, the blood seeping from my wound is a dark, somewhat muted, purplish blue. I press the cut against my white clothing, dying it blue as I look around the room.
I'm in a tall marble hall. Gold trimmed pillars line the walls and disappear up into the ceiling. Light fills every corner of the room, but has no source. To my left and right, the pillar lined hall stretches far into the distance before disappearing from view, and in front of me looms a giant metal door. Engraved in the door is an incredible scene of people and Sprites fighting against beasts, it looks remarkably similar to the goddess’ drawing but much larger and more detailed.
Much more detailed. Each person is eerily realistic, their skin is textured with pores and even their hair has each individual strand carved into the metal. At the top of the door, in tiny text ‘Fate’ is carved.
How could I possibly see that?
I rub my eyes and look up again. I can definitely see it. It must be hundreds of meters above me yet I can see it as if it's only a couple centimetres away. Maybe this is what ‘Enhanced Senses’ does?
I continue inspecting the door, trying to imagine how the battle it depicts might have played out. I saw Sprites flinging spells, people swinging weapons, the beasts were losing, but then, with a surge of strength, they would turn the tide of battle in their favour. As I looked, I noticed something off. Not a single Thorn Fiend was in the battle. I looked and I looked, but I couldn't find the signature quills of the Fiends.
I spin around in shock as a familiar voice rings out through the halls. There stands the goddess, Evian.
She crosses her arms and doesn't make eye contact.
I've been sent to apologize, and to complete your introduction. So uh, I'm sorry.
“Hmm what’s that?”
I'M SORRY OKAY? She suddenly 'shouts', making eye contact for a second before looking away, beet red. Trying to calm her down, I speak up first.
“Honestly, I have no idea what you did wrong. If anything, I should apologize for flustering you. Sorry.”
I rub my neck as we stand in awkward silence, avoiding each other's eye contact.
“Well!” - I clap my hands - “let's finish the introduction, shall we?”
Evian takes a long deep breath then shaking her head she finally looks at me.
Alright. So, this is the Door of Fate, it leads into the Elemental halls. Normally, this would be where you and a Sprite would be drawn to each other to form a bond. But because of your race choice, you won't get that pleasure.
Unfortunately, there is no other way to enter the world of Di, so you'll have to pass through the Elemental halls anyways. I wish you the best of luck.
She snaps her fingers and the large doors begin to slowly open outward, filling the hall with a deep grinding rumble. I turn to face the doors, but look back at Evian.
With a smile, she places her hand against my back and pushes me toward the door. Without looking back I walk through the door, grinning with excitement as it shuts behind me.
Wait. *sigh*
I forgot about my hand.
I was gonna ask her to heal it, but…
I look down at my hand. The skin around the injury is still dyed blue and clumps of dried blood are still stuck to my skin, but the injury itself has been healed.
Stretching and rubbing my hand, I tried to think back to the events in the marble hall, I hadn't even noticed it happen. I shake my head, enjoying the clattering feeling of my quills. I should really try to pay more attention.
With that in mind, I look around my surroundings.
I'm standing in a hellscape, quite literally. Rivers of glowing lava flow through the deep red rock, and fire dots the craggy landscape. Above me, the rocky walls curve up to form a jagged ceiling, from which long crooked stalactites hang. Bright drops of lava drop from their tips, sailing through the air to hit stalagmites below. In front of me, a slightly elevated path stretches forward, leading to the opposite side of the chamber, where in the distance I can see another large pair of metal doors. Bits of ash and ember float gently through the air, and a large cloud of smoke hangs by the roof of the chamber.
I take a deep breath. Immediately, I bend over coughing as foreign particles attack the inside of my nose and lungs. The smell is overpowering, I can taste the sulphur and smoke in my mouth as it sucks up any lingering moisture. I gasp for breath, only to be forced into another coughing fit. I bring my shirt to my mouth and nose, desperate to block out some of the smell.
It works, kinda. The smell is still horrible, but at least the choking smoke is being filtered out. With my free hand I rub my tearing eyes, waiting to catch my breath.
Damn ‘Enhanced Senses’.
A childish voice catches my attention. I look up to see two fire Sprites, floating up in the air in front of me. They look at me then giggle something to each other, their voices are childish, but are underlaid with the sound of a crackling and sputtering fire. Seeing that I notice them, one of them sticks out its tongue, forcing another burst of giggles from the other before they both zip away.
Still holding my shirt over my face, I begin to cautiously make my way forward on the path. As I walk, I notice more and more fire Sprites floating in groups around the chamber. Even amongst the crackling of fire and the bubbling of lava I could hear their whispered giggles.
The further along the path I walk, the more intense the heat grows. Quickly becoming an overbearing force that presses down on my shoulders. As I walk deeper into the chamber, the laughter of the Sprites grows more fevered, their gazes more frequent. I pay no heed and focus on crossing the chamber. One foot in front of the other, I focus on the path, trying not to let the heat or their giggles get to me.
A thin jet of fire brushing past my cheek breaks my concentration. Panicked, I pat my face and shoulder, making sure it didn't catch me aflame. I look up to see a large Sprite doubling over in laughter. It points at me, calling over another group of Sprites as it shoots another jet of flame, this time straight at my head.
Ducking and swearing, I make a dash for the exiting door. Behind me I can hear the group of Sprites bursting with laughter, and two more spouts of flames come flying after me. I lean forward as they sail past my head, hitting the path to my left and right.
As I begin to near the door it slowly starts to grind open, I'm only 30 meters away, 20, 10...
I'm at the door now, but it's only opened enough to get my arm through. I turn around and press my back against the opening. I watch as the horde of fire Sprites rushes toward me, shooting gouts of flame which narrowly miss me as I stand shock still.
I close my eyes, push myself against the slowly growing exit, and count the seconds that pass by.
I can hear their giggling as they begin to draw nearer.
The door shudders against my back as a burst of flame explodes above my head.
I hold by breath and lower my shirt from my face.
Flame scorches the side of my face as an explosion goes off next to my ear.
I fall through to the chamber beyond, hitting the ground with a hard thump. In a panic, I flounder about, trying to put the fire out as I hear the door grinding shut behind me.
The fire finally out, I open my eyes, trying to asses the damage.
The whole right shoulder of my shirt was burned off, and the skin underneath is red and raw. I bring a hand to the side of my face, a white flash of pain courses through my skin as I touch the charred flesh. It seeps blue blood and covers my already bloody hand with a fresh layer of viscera. If I had hair, it would be burned clean off.
I groan and lean against the door, resting my head on the cool stone. What in the world just happened. I was under the impression that Sprites were just friendly little elemental creatures, not whatever demons just chased me. Was it because of my race selection? Grr, that hurt.
I slide down to the floor, letting the cold stone quell my burns. The cooling stone feels blissful against my scorched face, and it slowly starts to lessen the pain. I lie there until it fades completely.
Stretching and sitting up, I feel more refreshed than I have in ages. Carefully, I bring my hand to my face. Whatever strange properties the stone has seems to have healed my wounds completely, and now the only indications that I was ever injured was the dried blood and my burnt shirt.
Using the door to stand up, I look around the chamber. It kinda looks like a combination of the white space and the marble hall I was in before. Tall, completely golden pillars flank the gold path that stretches out in front of me. Light seems to fill every nook and cranny, making the shining gold almost painful to look at. Beyond the pillars, pure white light seems to stretch on forever. I look up, the golden pillars stretch up as far as I can see, even with my improved vision. Hovering in the middle of the air, high above the centre of the pathway, a giant orb of pure light floats. It does not move, but it seems to pulse with a warm healing glow. I am standing on an elevated stone platform just outside the door, large steps lead down to the golden path and gentle notes of light float through the air and mark the way.
Carefully this time, I take a deep breath. Contrary to the last room, the air in this chamber is sweet and pleasant. Although beneath my feet the stone is cold, the air is warm against my skin, like a comfy blanket or sweater.
I begin to make my way forward, keeping an eye out for any Sprites along the way. I don't want a repeat of last time. As I walk and look around, I feel my muscles relax in the calming light. Boy am I lucky that this healing room is after that room of hell. I don't know if I would have made it if it was anything different.
I'm about halfway across the path before I finally see a sign of the Sprites, well more like hear a sign. The very faint, almost silent, sound of whispering catches my attention. Twisting my head toward the source, I only see the tail end of something bright disappearing behind a pillar. The whispering suddenly stops and the room goes completely still. Cautiously, I begin to make my way forward again, I feel like I'm being watched.
After a couple steps, the whispering resumes, still just barely audible. This time I spin around. A dark black shape darts across the edge of my vision. With a surge of adrenaline I reach out and grab it, pulling it toward me.
I did it again.
I shout as I grab my tail, pulling painfully on the base of my spine and once again cutting my hand on it's sharp diamond-shaped blade.
Freezing in embarrassment, I hold my own tail awkwardly as the gentle light heals my wound. I release the tail that I forgot I had and wipe my hand on my ruined shirt.
How could I have forgotten that I have a whole new limb? Now that I've thought of it, I can't get it out of my head. Strangely, I have no difficulty controlling it as I practice waving it around. When I wasn't paying attention, it seemed like it just kinda went on autopilot, swinging naturally in response to my emotions. If I ever actually wanted to do things with it, I needed to focus on what I wanted it to do. It wasn't particularly challenging, but I wouldn't be able to use it as a weapon in a fight. At least, not without practice.
I snap myself out of my momentary distraction. What was it that I said about paying more attention to my surroundings? Right, I should do that more.
I look back up to my destination, the door which leads to the next chamber. Or at least I would, if a brightly glowing Sprite wasn't blocking my way.
I jump back in surprise. Likewise, the Sprite’s eyes seem to widen as it darts away behind a pillar. The whispering grows louder as I continue forward, but nothing else happens as I make my way to the door.
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