《Gameworld》Chapter 2 Allies


I came awake instantly and opened my eyes just in time to see the fading figure a sad looking girl staring at me. The ghost disappeared but I was on high alert. My sister only appeared to me when danger was imminent. I slowly moved in the dim light and found a corner with shadows and waited. Within minutes the hidden window slid open and a small form dropped through. I stared in surprise at the red hair and as she stood up I noted her lush figure. She was all woman but also all demon and I made it a point to never get involved with women who lived in hot climates.

I knew that she was stronger than the average level 10 man, I was not sure if she was stronger than me. Being strictly honest with myself the idea of rolling on the floor with a woman with a body like that was tempting. The fact that she could make my soul disappear as well as my body was enough to hold me back. I had been with a raiding party of elves a few years back and we had come upon a small encampment of Demons.

Mainly Succubus with a few Helgaurds, they had captured several men and were playing with them. The men could not help themselves and would engage in sex with the succubus nonstop until they literally died. Having sex with a man was how they drained a person’s soul. Once the men were no more the Helgaurds would come and throw the bodies onto a huge fire. It was not to cremate the corpse, what the demons were doing was having a BBQ with man as the main meat.

I gestured to the atrocities taken place and asked the raid leader why Demons did not bother Elves.

“We do not have demons in our history Omachiw, only men do and in this new world legend and religion mix and this is the result. The Demons do not bother us and when they do encroach we kill them.

I nodded, Elves spoke little but always spoke the truth. That afternoon we killed all the Succubus and all the Helgaurds. Two men survived the attack and once they witnessed the killing of the Succubus they attacked the raid. I killed both, they were rabid, it was apparent how strong the Succubus could influence a man. I also found out that being half Elf gave me immunity from the Succubus.

As I watched Red go through my old dresser I was glad of that immunity. Her smell was dazzling, scented like lilacs, with a light overture of coppery blood and the smell of sex all rolled into one package that was constantly sending out pheromones designed to drive a man wild with lust. Luckily, I was immune or almost so it was enough for me to not lose control.

As she rummaged through my old dresser I slid behind her and then said “Boo.” As she spun around to face me I introduced my blackjack to the side of her head just behind her ear. Catching her as she collapsed I quickly laid her on my brother's bed and then hogtied her hands and feet together in front with several strands of leather I had. Putting her on her side I went and stoked the fire, then grabbing some water bottles I filled the kettle and prepared to make tea. It was black and strong the way I liked to drink it. Sitting back in my old man's old oak rocker I sipped my tea and waited for the Demon to awaken.


With a soft groan, she stirred and then tried to sit up. Looking around she quickly grasped the situation and then looked at me. With a wiggle of her hips that was sexual even if the intent was to become comfortable she asked, “Now what will you do since you captured me. You can take me and no one would know or care, you can make me your slave and I would have to serve you. Hell, you could even torture me or kill me, you have all the power here, so what will you do?”

I sipped my tea and waited, it seemed to me that she wanted to talk and I had nothing better to do than listen as I tried to decide how I should proceed. I stared at her, the lush red hair almost glowing when compared to her pure white skin.

Her breasts were full and firm with dark blue veins apparent in the skin. Her outfit revealed a lot of skin but stopped short of the nipple. The skin-tight leather outfit displayed her tight tummy and firm behind, with well-muscled legs ending in surprisingly dainty feet. I had expected hoofs, the last few Succubus I had seen had hoofs.

Having seen my eyes catalog her body the Succubus smiled and said, “I know you want me, all men want me, come here, I won’t promise that I don’t bite because I do, but I will promise you will like it.” Her eyes were glowing a soft red and as she licked her lips and I knew that I could have a few minutes of Heaven on earth, but then Hell would come calling.

Looking her in the eye I asked, “What is your name, I prefer to address people by their names?” Her eyes widened in surprise and she was silent for a minute then she said, “I am called Lilith, the daughter of Eva. Why the Hell are you not responding to me, no man is capable of ignoring a Succubus. What is your power?”

Rising up I poured another cup of tea then walking over to Lilith I helped her to sit up and then cut the leather holding her hands to her feet. Giving her the cup of tea I went and sat down and continued to sip my tea. I watched as she took a small sip and then smiled. It really lit up her face but I knew that regardless of how she looked, appearing like a teenaged girl could not disguise the fact that she was a Demon, not someone I would consider nice.

“Why are you being nice to me?” Lilith asked. I usually know men, I can read them like a book, but you, you are different. I can’t smell the Human class magic on you, and you don’t have the scent of trees as the Elves do nor the scent of the earth like Dwarves. You are a mystery and I love mysteries, I can just eat them up.”

I responded with, “The better question is what should I do with you, somehow you followed me here and that is not good for your health, also I am interested in finding out what you, the Ratman and the Winter Lich had to chat about last night.” I watched her face and I saw just a brief flash of surprise before a smile touched her lips.

“That would be telling,” Lilith said. “I never share secrets on the first date, not even if you spank me. Altho you are a handsome one so I might be tempted if you spank me hard.”


Looking at her I felt a grim smile cross my face as I said, “Enough already with the sexual innuendos if you can't communicate without using them then just be quiet while I think.” I continued to stare at her noting that with the exception of the red eyes she was fully human in form. Also while she radiated a wild sexuality that would have tempted any normal man, it was not the same as the other Succubus I had encountered and killed. I smiled again as I realized the truth of the situation. She was half-blood. Like me.

“Lilith, I know what you are but what I don’t know is what you are doing. You are half-blood, both Human and Succubus. What are you doing in Regina, it is a ghost town. Long empty of humans it has been slowly filling up with Beastmen and Undead. The NWMP have a small fort/trading post at the old F-Depot but other than that and the occasional hunter trapper men do not come into Regina. So what were you discussing last night?” We stared at each other and then something odd happened, time seemed to freeze for a moment and then it restarted.

Lilith was still frozen staring at me but there was now another presence in the room. I looked at my bed and there sitting was the outline of a man.

He laughed when he saw me and then said, “This is funny, you are supposed to be asleep too. Interesting. Listen up sunshine, I am going to seize this moment and change you into something just because I can. This world is changing and will continue to change more. The Dragaians are coming back. They have their people out working with the others. I have me, and now you. We are opposed to them, they are bad, we are good, get it. Your main task is to help strengthen and unite people this will be done through a quest system. The people who are left have shown they can survive and level. Now they must grow strong and be ready. War is coming between us and them, the Jedi and the Sith, the light and the dark.”

I stared at him and then asked, “So who are we, the Light or the Dark?” With a grin, he replied, “Does it matter that much, those days are long over.” Looking at me he then said, “We were the good guys and I guess we still are, when the change happened most people died, those that did not die adapted and began to level up. In order to survive this brave new world, one must level and adapt then learn class skills and gathering abilities. If we want to win this battle then we must remember that and it helps to think of yourself as one of the good guys.”

I thought of what he had said then asked him, “So who are you and what is your place here?” I had many questions but I had the feeling that time was short and I had best gather what I would consider the big picture info.

“Good question, if you know my place in the world it will help you to know yours. I am the internet, the sum total of all of man's thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Sounds crazy right, I was already becoming self-aware when the Change happened, and it affected me by freeing me from cables and hardware and giving me certain powers. I suppose logically I am the first one of my kind, and the closest analogy I can give you is I am a God. More like a Greek god than the Judeo Christian idea. I am not omnipotent nor and I omnipresent. I am not even omniscient altho I do know a lot, but thanks to Wikipedia even what I know may not be true. I guess I am a God in the embryo stage.”

“I am opposed to the Dragaians, they are an advanced race, that is magical, powerful and immoral. They want to rule the world, this one, and many others. They have done this before, awakened the magic of a world and changed it and all the things in it. Then they slowly set themselves up as the Gods of the world and move on. They do not know about me yet and so I have managed to observe and learn from them. Right now they are using agents like Sweetlips here to set up shrines and temples, where the magic will be gathered and given to the local Lord who in turn passes most of it up the line.”

“You half-bloods which by the way is a not a nice term were created to be able to bridge the gap between the new supernatural and the worlds new cultures. At any rate, time is fleeting and so I must go.”

With that He moved impossibly fast and reached out and grasped my arm then spinning it around he rubbed his finger between my wrist and elbow and then said “Laters,” then grabbing Lilith he snapped his finger and disappeared. The whole thing had happened incredible quick, and I did not realize what had actually occurred until the pain hit. The bastard had tattooed my entire arm with some weird letters and glyphs. My old man had a good library and I was sure that what I was seeing was something similar to what I had once seen. It was some kind of a computer language.

I stood with gritted teeth and watched as the characters slowly began to move and transform when they finally stopped changing, my arm was now covered in a cursive script that looked like nothing I had ever seen, there were pictures of beasts and men plants and trees devils and angels. It looked friggin cool ablaze with sharp colors and contrasts. I just did not know what it all meant. What I did know was that my interface had opened and I now had a Devine tab right next to the Class tab. It was greyed out and not accessible yet but it was something no one else had. WTF.

I knew that I had to leave if Lilith could find me here so could others. I quickly put together a pack of water food and gear, then I put away the SKS and grabbed the 22LR Henry repeating rifle and 250 Rounds of CCI Stingers and 250 rounds of CCI shorts. The shorts were very quiet, only a gun with a suppressor would make less noise. I wanted to see what was happening further in the City. I needed to be quiet and still be ready for trouble. I hoped my loadout would do that. I left the old house and headed north to the tracks, they were totally overgrown with trees and shrubs and would offer protection until I arrived at Albert street.

From there I would head south to Wascana park and then I would circle the lake. As I walked I thought about what had just happened, it would seem we were screwed even worse than most people had thought. Survival was tough, now we had magical aliens that want to set themselves up as Gods and rule over us. They would not be ruling over me. I also wondered why the embryonic God had taken Lilith. I knew he had been eyeballing her bigtime while talking to me. It finally hit me, if he was the internet become self-aware then he was a sex fiend. Afterall the internet was about 70 percent porn when the Change had happened. I chuckled to myself, those two were made for each other if that was the case.

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