《Host Me!》Chapter 14: Contest
Yuuto was able to keep his rank at number 10 due to a large number of clients spending a lot of money along with the recent VIP room fiasco that had happened to him the week before.
He was currently watching TV with Rinji, Motoki, and Pretty boy in their own room.
They stopped talking during an interesting commercial and listened intently to what the TV station announcer had to say.
“That's right you heard me! Our TV station will be broadcasting a contest live! In order to find the best host in the city! There are many host clubs in our fine city. Each club will only be allowed to send one host as a representative of their club. The host will then have to go through three stages during the contest to determine the winner. A large sum of money will be rewarded to the winner. There are also smaller money prizes for the 2nd and 3rd ranks and there is also a good luck award awarded to the host that comes in last. We will give you more info about the contest during the live show. Be sure to tune in to watch this first of its kind contest broadcasted live!”
The four of them looked at each other, Pretty boy began grinning when looking at Yuuto.
“Well if Yuuto was chosen it might be troublesome for the club.” teased Pretty boy.
“He's hopeless with women, it's a surprise he's ranked so high,” replied Motoki.
“He's a magnet for S women. So it's not that weird for him to be popular,” said Rinji
“Hey, guys I'm right here. I'm not a magnet for them, I just have bad luck that's all,” said Yuuto defensively.
“Bad luck enough for 10 people.” joked Pretty boy.
Yuuto was walking to the old man's office and dreading what was to come. He didn't know if he had messed up the night before or if it was some other mistake he had done.
He reached the room and was allowed to enter and waited for the old man to speak.
“You have been doing well in earning money for the club and paying off your debt. I'm sure you are aware of the host contest being broadcasted?” asked the old man.
“Yes I saw the commercial on TV with a few other friends,” answered Yuuto.
“Well, then you know each club will be sending a person to the contest. They made a troubling rule that it had to be a person from the top 10 hosts of the club. I don't really care for it but it may bring in more business so I'm sending you. That way, with you on the TV show, it won't hurt our money making potential like it would if I sent anyone else in the top 10.”
“I'm honored (I guess),” said Yuuto mumbling the last part.
“Don't mess around while you're there. You are the representative of the club and I expect you to act decently whether or not you win. Your time there will be compensated don't worry. “ the old man said while staring down Yuuto.
“R..right I will not disappoint you sir,” said Yuuto stiffly.
“You may go now,” said the old man. allowing Yuuto to leave the room with many troubled thoughts.
Yuuto was picked up early in the day around noon by a black businesses car of the TV station and was driven to one of their studios.
He was now walking in the large backstage room where fifty or so other hosts were mingling around with others still arriving.
Some were talking to each other while others kept to themselves, doing exercises, fiddling with their phones, or looking at their reflection in a mirror.
Yuuto was holding back, watching everyone and wondering if he should join in on some of the conversations and try to get to know some of the other contestants and fellow host.
He worked up his courage and walked over to a large group of hosts talking and spoke up when there was a lull in the conversation.
“Hello, my name is Yasuo. It is a pleasure to meet all of you,” he said in his most host like self.
“Who is he?” asked a tall host.
“Never heard of you before” a skinny host inserted.
“What club are you from?” asked a medium sized host who looked to be a major bodybuilder with his large muscles.
“I'm from club Winter Night.” replied the nervous Yuuto.
“Ha, they sent a nobody. Figures.” replied the tall host.
With that they ignored Yuuto and continued on with their conversation about customers and clients they had hosted before, a few gave out some famous actresses names.
Yuuto went back over to a couch that had only one other host sitting on it. He was too absorbed in his phone that he didn't notice or care that Yuuto sat down a few feet away from him on the opposite side of the couch.
After an hour of waiting, the crowd of the hosts had risen to over 100.
'Was there really this many clubs in the city?' Yuuto wounded to himself.
During that time he had met a host he knew from the host club Hardwood run by that Succubus, and also met many other rude or indifferent hosts.
A loud megaphone bullhorn rang out in the room getting everyone's attention. A middle-aged female was standing up on a chair with an electric megaphone and began speaking.
“We would like to welcome everyone to our studio and thank you all for coming to participate in this contest!” she and other studio members behind her clapped for a few seconds then she began her speech again.
“You're here early so that we can show you around the studio where the broadcasting will be done and explain each of the three stages so that you can prepare and be ready for them when it's broadcasted live. After the tour and explanation, we will allow you to come back here, rest and have food and refreshments while you wait for the contest to start. So if you would all follow us through these doors we can begin the tour and explanations.” she said over the loud megaphone.
For a short half hour, they walked around the large building, seeing the different rooms that they used for everyday news shows and even some used by popular game shows.
The three stages of the game seemed a little too simple compared to what Yuuto had thought. He was dreading something more challenging or other dreadful things.
They returned to the waiting room and continued their conversations from before until the time came for the show to begin soon.
They were led to another room and told that the show would start in ten minutes.
Yuuto shook his arms and slapped his cheeks to try and calm down his nerves. This was his first time being on TV.
The timer shown ticked down slowly to 0:00 and a red light above it switched to green indicating the show was now life and broadcasting.
There were multiple cameras in the room filming everything from multiple angles but most were centered on the female host that was holding a microphone and welcoming the audience that was watching.
“As we said in the commercials there will be three stages that the hosts will be having to pass in order to win the contest. That's not all, you the audience, will be able to vote at the last stage for the host you want to win by sending a text to the number x-xxx-xxx-xxxx. Now let’s introduce all the hosts with their name and which host club they work for!” said the giddy female contest host announcer.
The cameras all moved while filming all the hosts and focusing on the host as one by one, they introduced themselves from alphabetical order of the club name.
Yuuto was almost the last person to introduce himself where he stuttered on the club's name and had to repeat it. Causing him a huge amount of embarrassment and tinting his face red.
“Now onto the first stage! What could it be? It's....a Pop Quiz!” shouted the announcer.
There were many shouts of ''What?'' ''Huh?''
'That's not what you said was going to be the first stage' thought Yuuto.
“It seems that the contestants are confused but don't worry it's an easy test and those who are able to answer all three questions will be able to pass to the second round!” said the female announcer.
A male announcer walked onto the large stage next to her with a microphone of his own.
“That's right Kumi, the way this one works is the question will be asked and the contestants will have two minutes to decide between the two answers offered. There are two large boxes drawn on the stage. Each will represent one of the answers. The host will have to go stand in the one that they think is the correct answer. A wrong answer will mean you failed the contest and will be ejected. Now, how about you give the first question Kumi.” said the male announcer.
“How many earthquakes a year does Japan have 1:100-500 2:1000-1500,” She asked.
“The left box will be answer 1 and the right will be for answer 2,” said the male announcer.
Yuuto looked around at everyone who was all deep in thought trying to decide which answer to pick. Some people moved early and there was an even spread between the answers.
Yuuto had no clue which one to pick the time was getting close so he just walked over to answer 2.
A loud sound effect sounded and the host spoke up again.
“Well look at that a nearly even split! Well there can only be one correct answer so Kumi what is the correct answer!?” asked the energetic host.
“Its...Answer 2!” She shouted into her microphone.
“Tough luck for the 50 that picked the first choice. This leaves sixty hosts left,” said the male announcer who seemed to be having too much fun over a large number of people being failed.
The next questions were given and Yuuto didn't know either so just picked one and was able to pass through to the 2nd round.
There were many loud shouts from the host disqualified complaining about the unfair changes or outright lies that the TV station had given them about the stages events.
“Well the first round was more about brains and if you don't have any then I guess you could say it was about luck. Both of which I am told a host needs.” said the female announcer.
“That's right. Now the host has been filtered down to thirty it's amazing at the large amount that failed. The second round will have the hosts show off their muscles by doing a few races!” said the male announcer.
“That's not all, this isn't a regular race. They will be wearing speedos and will be required to run with a balloon between their legs and not drop it if they do they have to go back to the start line and start over. If it is popped while running, they will automatically be disqualified. When they reach the finish line, they have to go to one of the ten posts near the finish line. Each post has a pin that they will have to use to pop the balloon.” explained the female announcer.
“With that, we will take a break to let the contestants get changed. See you after the break.” said the male announcer.
The tv crew rushed the thirty hosts to a changing room which had speedos laid out for each person with their names taped on the front and back of the speedo.
They were urged by the producer to hurry up so they quickly changed walked back onto the stage before the commercials finished.
“Welcome back to the race will start soon, there will be four races in total. The first two races will have fifteen each. The first ten to be able to run to the finish line and pop their balloon on the post will be able to participate in the next race. After ten people have been disqualified, there will be two more races each with ten people. And the first five to pop their balloons will move ahead to the 3rd round leaving only the top ten hosts,” said the female announcer.”
Yuuto was able to barely win in the two races he participated in.
It was extremely embarrassing to try and run in a speedo with a balloon between his legs.
What was more embarrassing was it looked like they were humping the post when they were trying to pop the balloon.
The cameras were filming it all letting thousands, if not millions watch it.
“Well that was exciting!” said the female announcer a little flustered.
“Calm down... well with that we have our top ten hosts who have moved on to the 3rd stage. This is the final stage to see who is the best. This stage is where you will be able to see them show off their skill at being a host. Unknown to the contestants, we had their clubs call some of the host’s regular clients and asked if they would like to help out their host they normal visit on live television. After the commercial, we will introduce the one female client for each of the hosts that have accepted to participate. We would like to say that the names have been changed to protect their identity and they will be wearing a face mask,” said the male announcer.
Yuuto was deep in thought wondering who it could be that accepted to come on the show. He hoped it was one of the more tame clients.
The 10 females were called out onto the stage one by one and introduced. Then they were told to stand by their host. Yuuto was the last to have his client to enter onto the stage.
His face showed off its horror as he saw who it was. He quickly changed his expression to a blank one.
Just from her voice, he was able to know that it was the Succubus that came to stand next to him. Wrapping one arm around his shoulder.
'Of all the people, why does she keep showing up to torment me' Yuuto screamed inside his head.
“Well, now the ten tables are set out with food and drink for each host and client. They will be showing off their skill and what makes them a host worthy of the top ten spot at their club.” said the female announcer.
There were ten cameras filming each host which was being shown all at once on the screen with ten boxes on the screen.
Yuuto took the succubus's hand and led her to the table. He made sure to pull out a chair, allowing her to sit down and then pushed the chair in..
He gave her a bow and went back to his chair on the other side of the table. Where he picked up the wine bottle and presented it to her and then when she nodded he uncorked it and poured two glasses one for her and one for him.
He handed her the glass and offered a toast.
He looked nervously around the room at the other host. 'So far so good.' thought Yuuto who was scared to death that the Succubus might go wild on even on TV.
“Don't worry about them,” said the Succubus as she noticed his glances around the room.
She stood up and dragged her chair over right next to him and sat down next to him putting her right arm around his shoulder. She leaned in and quietly whisper into his ear.
“Let's give them a show why don't we?”
“W...Well, I'm not an exhibitionist. So I would like to just normally show off my hosting skills,” said a red-faced stuttering Yuuto.
“My... I'm beginning to wonder who it is that has the dirty mind between the two of us,” she teased as she shoved some of the food into his mouth.
“Well table ten seems to be getting really cozy with each other, table ten’s client has moved to sit next to him and they are talking quite intimately,” shouted the overexcited female announcer her face turning a light shade of red.
“Jeez calm down Kumi, you and all the other single ladies watching can enjoy such treatment if you like by going to the club Winter Night which he works at,” commented the male announcer.
'Don't tell them that!' Shouted Yuuto in his head angrily at the male announcer.
“During this time you can vote for the host you like to win. Send the text to x-xxx-xxx-xxxx,” said the female announcer.
For the next ten minutes, the female announcer excitedly gave a play by plays of everything that happened between the hosts' and their clients. While the male announcer had to keep calming her down.
“We will go to commercials, let the last votes come in and when we come back, we will tally the votes and announce the winner and runner-ups!” said the male announcer.
Yuuto and the succubus stood up and lined up with the other host as the tables and chairs were removed from the room.
“Welcome back! The results are in. Quite fast I know but we will now announce the winners,” the female announcer said energetically.
“First we will announce the host who received the good luck at being a host award for coming in the absolute dead last place,” male announcer.
“That person is Yaichiro of club Limp Noodle!” said the female announcer.
The muscular host Yuuto had seen earlier in the day stepped forward with a face that was constantly changing from a smile to a glare that wanted to pound someone into the ground.
The male announcer winced as he shook his hand and handed him over the certificate saying, “Congratulations on being dead last good luck at being a host!”
“Okay, we will now announce the winners now, starting from the first place! 1st Masanori from club Harpy. 2nd Kakuzo from club Cougar. And lastly coming in 3rd is Yasuo from club Winter night!”
The announcers walked to the winners and handed out the gold, silver and bronze medals.
“We want to thank all of the contestants for participating and the audience for voting on the hosts. This is Kiyoshi from the tv station xx69 wishing you a good night! We will see you again on the next major contest we broadcast live.”
Yuuto was stunned at winning 3rd place it was beyond anything he had expected. This was a wild ride for his first experience on TV.
At least he earned a large amount of money that he could use to further pay off his debt.
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