《Reincarnated Hero Kills The Summoner》Chapter 7 – Heaven – Slaughtering Sword


" I want to take this on Princess Charlotte, leave this to me, don't interfere," I said looking towards her.

She didn't look convinces and was worried.

" If I am in danger you can save me, but I wanna take this chance to level up, I have a theory I need to test," I said.

Still not very convinced, she reluctantly decided to give me a chance and took a step back.

The full brunt of that monsters aura fell on me and my heart started beating faster.

This is the hardest fight ever since I got here. I need to use everything to take this thing down and level up.

I took out the Nightwing Blade and took it my hand and rushed towards the Octopus-like monster.

Activate Destruction God's Intimidation


Red Kraken King's Level suppressed to Level: 22

As a tentacle came towards me, I poured my mana into the blade and slashed towards it. A black light came from the blade and it cut the tentacle halfway through before it got stuck and I was swung around by that monster and went crashing backward. I was stopped by the walls of one of the Adventure Guilds Halls, completely destroying it in the process.


Looks like my sword skill is not nearly as powerful as my magic. Its level went down by 3 due to my skill and though its level went down 3 levels it's still terrifying.

You have sustained heavy injuries,

Asclepius's Healing Magic Activated

Your body will recover completely in 1 minute

I slowly got up already feeling slightly better, having the body of a god is convenient. My mana is completely recovered.

Most of the surrounding people had run away but a few powerful ones had stayed behind at a distance and were watching the scene. One of them, Karen Aquilia thought, " How is he even alive after taking a direct hit from that Expert Monster? This isn't just being talented or showing off, this is straight-up defying the natural law" she said being completely shocked, the series of events today shook her so much she didn't know what to think anymore.

Most of the other people had similar reactions, the white-robed guy with a staff thought " Why is Princess Charlotte not doing anything, isn't that purple streaked hair guy her friend? Why isn't she helping him?"

The Karen appeared to be concentrating his mana into a small green orb of green light near its mouth and then released it into the air , I tried to move away but I had no magic that helped me with evasiveness, and my body was in a terrible state coupled with the monsters aura that was suppressing me and already made it difficult to move. The green poison like light fell like rain all over the place and on top of me too.



You have been poisoned

You mana is being drained at 100 per second, your rate of recovery is equal to that so you are currently fine

Fine my ass, I thought as I was crushed into the ground once more, doesn't this mean I have only my current mana to win this fight?

As I got up again the Kraken was nearly over me, as his huge tentacles came crashing down on me intending to crush me, I held my hands up weakly and with a thought activated Beam of Holy Destruction.

As the magic from my entire body rushed to the tip of my hands and was unleashed in just an instant, the force of the monsters aura instantly went away and there was a loud boom along with a lot of blood splattering all over me with broken pieces of red flesh of the Kraken monster spilling everywhere. The attack managed to chop off half of his tentacles and a chunk of body.

The monster screamed in agony and was even more enraged and as a result, his monster aura flared.

This was my chance, I used the remaining physical strength I had and jumped off, as I rose high into the air I equipped my Nightwing Blade again and poured my magic into it, as it hummed with black light I struck at one of the tentacles of the Octopus, this time my sword attack went straight through and cut the entire tentacle off.

As I crashed onto the ground below I heard the notification.


Hero's Luck

Nightwing Blade's Unique Ability: Blind - Successful

Red Kraken King is temporarily blinded

New Magic Attack created: Blade of Darkness - The attack decreases the visibility of the target by half and drains 500 of their mana | Mana cost - 1000

He is temporary blind, this is my chance, I need to do as much damage as possible, as I was directly below the Kraken with his huge tentacles all around me, my body was healed halfway through but I only had 5000 mana left and I was still under the effect of the mana drain poison.

The Kranen released another strong poison magic attack and it came towards me , if I use the Beam of Holy Destruction here the monster would be still alive even though I would counter his attack , I need to do something else, something that doesn't completely destroy his attack but manages to counter it somehow and consumes less mana.


I straightened my index finger and middle finger and concentrated my Holy Destruction Magic on just those two fingers, as I raised the fingers I could feel my heart skip a beat, something was calling me, I could the sound of clanking of a sword from my soul, and the same urge to destroy , but even more tyrannical and overbearing this time.

As the world around me went still, and Princess Charlotte who got ready to save me, I raised my hand, with my broken body and half remaining mana.

I imagined a sword made of pure destruction. As the magic in my hand responded with my will it started condensing into the form a long sword that looked illusory while at the same solid, the surrounding lights started flickering and the heaven and earth were shaking. I combined the limited knowledge I had of sword arts that I learned during this fight and everything I knew about destruction into this illusory sword strike.

The purple light of destruction on the illusory sword started flickering and turned into a blackish-red sword radiance, at that moment, the entire world trembled, the heavens and earth shook and the seven seas went into turmoil. At the moment I didn't realize it, after all, it wasn't anything that strong or terrifying in terms of pure power but I had given birth to something that was not terrifying in raw power at the moment but something with a concept went against the natural law, against the heavens, it was as if the universe recognized this and was terrified and tried to stop the birth of such a concept.

But it was too late, with just a swipe of my fingers , the illusory sword radiance burst forth and in a straight arc went straight towards the terrifying magical attack of the Kraken , as it touched the greenish-red attack of the Kraken it sliced it in half and the magical attack deflected and went towards my sides , but the blood-red sword radiance did not stop and went straight through and cut off the two tentacles of the Kraken that formed this magical attack clean in half.

The Kraken with only two remaining tentacles could not hold its weight and fell with a loud boom, the explosion blew me away.

As I caught my breath, after barely surviving that situation, I heard a notification.


You have created a new magical attack: Heaven - Slaughtering Sword | Mana cost - 2500 mana for every strike


In another unknown location, a purple-robed and purple-haired man was seated in a lotus position floating in the void, at this moment he suddenly opened his eyes.

"Haha, such a terrifying sword mind. As expected of my successor, this will make all those old gods come out of hiding, how long has it been since someone caused such an effect in the universe." the man said with a smile gazing in the distance.


Back to the Kraken,

What was that feeling, I thought as I stared at my hands, it felt like the entire universe was against me in that one moment. I shrugged off my thoughts and focused on the current situation.

This is it, I need to strike it now.

Princess Charlotte who was about to strike and save me just stood dazed, for the first time since I was here she seemed genuinely shocked. She stood back and watched me continue.

I got up and rushed towards the writhing Kraken, even though it was immobilized it was still terrifying and I could feel the huge undulations of its power, the effect of Destruction God's Intimidation was fading and he was gaining his levels back, I only have enough mana for one sword strike.

I jumped high into the air and straightened my index and middle finger unleashed the Heaven - Slaughtering Sword once again, as it went straight towards the head of the Kraken, it could do nothing but await its doom. With sharp shrill, the sword cut through space and sliced the Kraken's head in half, finally killing him.

As I fell down after that attack, I had no mana left and was about to crash when Princess Charlotte came underneath me and caught me in her hands as I fell down.

Though I was grateful for not crashing into the ground, being princess-carried by a Princess was a weird feeling.

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