《The legend of kai uchiha》Chunin exams #3


" why would I hate those who are weaker than myself

All I feel for them is pity "

- lord Escanor


After waiting five days when Sasuke and his team had arrived in the nick of time we had to wait another day before anything happened

on the sixth day, the hokage gave a speech about the will of fire and what it means to be a ninja when it finally ended and he was about to announce what was happening next he got interrupted

" Excuse me sir hokage but would you please let me explain, " he said with an excessive amount of coughing between his words, kind of like the old Suzemi but Suzemi didn't cough between his words he was only really shy

( I changed Hokage-sama = sir Hokage because I really hate those suffix things )

" Go ahead, Gekko, " he said now keeping


" Thank you, Ok so as you might or might not know we hold preliminaries if there are too many people who pass the first two rounds so that at least there will be a minimum of half of you left because it will be one on one matches just since this year is the same we shall start the preliminaries soon, if you think that you can't hold up or fight anymore then raise your and one more thing if you do choose to give up now then unlike the last two rounds this will not affect your team in anyway " Gekko said not stopping with the coughing

I looked around to see who was giving up and quite a few people gave including Kabuto. when everyone who had given up left Gekko continued

" Well now there seems to be an uneven amount of people left guess one of you guys get to go to the third round for free " Ok now his coughing was getting annoying it took far too long to say that

He looked in a direction and we followed suit, what came in sight was a Tv screen with a name written on it



What does that mean?

" Kankuro you get to skip out on the preliminaries and go directly to the final round, " Gekko said and Kankuro simply smirked

" ok, the first round is... " once again he looked at the screen

Sasuke Uchiha vs Yoroi Akado

" The people displayed on the screen please stay here and if you aren't please head to the next floor, " Gekko said

well this shouldn't take long

Sasuke Uchiha vs yoroi

in the end, sasuke won but with far too much energy used up he was almost knocked out himself and for some seemed much weaker than normal

Shino aburame vs Zaku abumi

a match which had turned out to be boring as hell not only that but the blond kid and bushy brow hadn't stopped fighting, well they had during the fight, otherwise, they are on a completely different level of annoyance

Kai Uchiha vs Misumi tsurugi

oh thank God finally

I jumped down and waited for my opponent as soon as he arrived he started talking

" I'll say this now, once I do my technique give up as soon as possible, " he said

" unlike yoroi, I don't let my guard down on children, " he continued then getting into position

" I don't see a reason to care, " I said not moving an inch

after looking at both of us Gekko began the match

as he started running towards me I did nothing at all besides folding my arms

when he got to me I disappeared and reappeared at the wall of the arena still with folded arms. He looked at me before rushing once more, seeing this without even waiting for him to come to me I body flickered right behind him kicking him in the back and flickering in front of him punching him

instead of flying back he held my arm

" And what will that accomplish, " I said raising my other hand which already had an extended kartas in hand one I started keeping in my sleeve


" DIE, " I said keeping my voice the same while swinging the blade

suddenly his arm and legs started growing and wrapping themselves around me

" My technique is located every joint in your body, " He said with his arms still growing

feeling the cracks in my bones I yelled in agony while dropping my kartas

" ahhhhhhhhh!!! " without wasting any time I used my free hand to make a blood clone

with a fireball coming towards us, he let go of me and jumped back but instead of the fireball burning me it got absorbed by me.

with surprise still on his face, the blood clone used the blood dragon jutsu nearly completely killing him, I also heard the system ding, with the blood clone keeping the opponent busy I looked at it

( With a Special Circumstance met you have been given a choice of new perk )

( would you like it )

yes, of course

( you have a choice to be given any commandment of choice )

( piety )

( love )

( selflessness )

( truth )

( patience )

( repose )

( pacifism )

( retencince )

( purity )

( faith )

( piety: those that abandon you shall become your slave. once chosen you shall have armor )

( love: those who have near hatred in their heart shall lose the ability to harm others. ones chosen hair shall turn white )

( selflessness: those who show selfishness causes lose their memories, feelings, and entire sense of self. once chosen shall grow a beard )

( truth: those who lie to you shall turn to stone. once chosen shall gain an unending lust for battle )

( patience??????.???????? )

( repose?????.??????? )

( pacifism: those who kill in your presence shall have their own time stolen from them, they will rapidly age until death. once chosen shall gain armor )

( retencince?????.?????? )

( purity????????.??????? )

( faith: those who lose faith shall have their eyes set ablaze. once chosen shall gain armor )

( Please note the curses shall also affect the user )

after reading it all, one thing I know is that pacifism is out because it also affects me and so are the unknown ones since they could be very crappy, I don't think my luck is that good

which leaves truth, piety, selflessness, and love. If I'm being honest with myself only truth and love truly fit me well not love but it's a close second

looking at the match I could see that the blood clone was having a bit of trouble which means that my opponents level should around high twenty. I should choose quickly

love or truth

thinking this much I simply chose love and like that my hair started turning white. Hearing the gasps I nearly fainted

' Goddammit, I forgot I am in public ' thinking that I ran up to my enemy and chopped his arm off.

" ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! " finishing his screaming lesson he tried to stand up only to fall back on the ground

As I walked up to him with an extended kartas in hand, I was suddenly stopped by kunai which were surrounding me and people holding them with kenshiki-sensei as one of them

" Who are you? " he said squinting his eyes

' I have to think of something before he gets more suspicious ' then out of nowhere I had flashes in my head which got me to think of something then I started

" I am Kai Uchiha a member of a clan which stands at the pinnacle of this world and the one granted the commandment of benevolence by God himself, " I said

" so whoever bears any hatred towards me shall lose the ability to even stand " I continued

" just like him "

" That is the commandment of love " I finished

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