《Azura the Slayer》Chapter 11: Imperial University



A head dropped from its position and rolled to a person’s foot. Gabriel looked down and grabbed the border soldier’s head and stuck it onto a pike. “Next.” Gabriel said to the soldier holding another border soldier.

The Tyran army of five thousand had overrun the small border garrison of three hundred easily. They had set fire to it and started executing everyone there.


Head after head fell from peoples bodies. “Sir, we have executed everyone.” Gabriel nodded towards the soldier. “Cremate the bodies and leave the heads on the pikes. We move towards Aurahill in the morning.”


“.. Lord Kaspiar was the Duke of Sige for over two hundred years, he lived that long due to his magic and his physique which no person could match, ever since he died three hundred years ago, no one has been born that could match him. Lord Kaspiar named his ability Physikinesis, the same as Telekinesis except instead of needing a strong mind to move things, he used his body’s raw power to fuel his mind. So, instead of getting mentally tired, you get physically tired. It’s said it can be compared to having run a marathon through a desert/ ” Mrs.Tern kept explained the origin of the strange “Physikinesis”.

Azura listened intently, she needed more knowledge of this world. Even if she was an Archmage in her world and knew almost every spell that existed, this is another world, new magic and new abilities appeared that she had never heard of, for example this “Physikinesis”.

For the past week that she had been there, she made a new friend. The girl who had accidently casted a Fireball in her direction, Amelia Xerporian. She also gained more knowledge than she could hope for in this world.


‘Sadly this world has not yet expanded to other worlds like my previous world had. It also only has a mere three billion people. Though the book did mention that the whole world has not been explored and the three billion they know of only exists in the two Europe-sized continents that they do know of. Another strange thing is that, they do not call magic, Magical Energy, but Mana. What a strange world this is…’ Azura was perplexed by this strange world, which was not totally different but had big differences. Thankfully it seemed that mages were respected and feared here more than the government.

*Ring Ring Ring Ring*

“Ok class, the bell rang so you are all free to go.” The teacher put down her book and went to sit on her chair.

“Azura~~. Let’s go~” Amelia grabbed Azura’s small hand and pulled her towards the cafeteria. The smell of good food immediately hit her nose as she looked at the cooks giving out delicious food. As this was an Imperial University, and the students were mostly nobles, the food was the best. After getting the food Amelia pointed to a table in the corner. “Let's sit over there!”

As soon as they sat down Amelia started digging into her food, not at all like a noble would eat. “Haa.. This is much better food than yesterday!” Although she said this, it was the same food everyday. Azura looked at her food and started eating.

“Wow Azura, look, you’re very well liked. Lots of boys are looking at you. Look, look! See that boy over there? His name is Richard, he’s going to inherit a dukedom soon! Oh, oh! See him? That’s Daniel, even though he’s only a Count’s son he’s still very handsome!” As if by routine Amelia kept pointing out boys. She did this everyday and Azura could not understand why at all!



“Warning. Warning. Enemies are approaching the city. Students, please evacuate to the underground bunker. Teachers, take up arms! Requests for support have been sent to all garrisons nearby, please standby.” As the robotic voice spoke the students stood up calmly, as if this happened everyday, though if you looked into their eyes you could only see fear and panic.

“Oh no.. Azura.. We need to go, don’t just sit there!” Amelia whispered to her. Azura nodded and stood up. After seeing her stand up Amelia started following the crowd.

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