《Azura the Slayer》Chapter 4: Trouble


-I am called Artemis. Great human what is your name may I ask?- It looked at Azura who so nonchalantly said she knows words of a different world, almost as if it was a daily occurance to her.

‘Artemis? It seems that names are the same, or at least closely resembling those in my universe.’ She looked at Artemis and wondered, how could names be so closely the same even when the distance between their universes could be compared to a person standing on one side of the world and another on the other side of the world.

-My name is Azura. Although I have many titles, they do not fit nor do they work in this world.- She looked at Artemis and started walking towards it. Although Artemis saw that she was coming it only stood still, not wanting to provoke this demon.

*Pat* *Pat*

Artemis suddenly stiffened. The demon is.. petting her? Azura meanwhile, felt as if she was in heaven. The smoothness and softness of the black fur was enough to send her straight to heaven. After about 10 minutes of nonstop petting and rubbing, she jumped onto Artemis and hugged its neck.

-Let’s chat while we move. I love your fur, how do you make it like that?- Azura asked with some interest.

-It.. It is a magic spell called Greater Removal, it removes any dirt and filth on your body and hair.- Artemis answered hesitantly, revealing spells is not something which magicians do, even if it’s a small spell like removing dirt. The race of unicorn that Artemis was born from is the same in that they do not like revealing spells once they have learned them.

‘Great Removal? It seems that magicians have enough free time to produce such useless spells.’ While Azura was insulting the magicians of this world she suddenly heard shouting and metal grinding against metal.


-Go towards that noise- Azura said leisurely. Artemis didn’t want to interfere with any beasts fighting, but it had no choice but to do as the girl wanted.


‘How unlucky am I to come across a magical spirit, even worse, a magical spirit that can manifest its physical form.’ Frederick felt extremely depressed. He had only wanted to gain some experience in the Forest of Time, although that was merely an excuse to get away from the palace and his older brother.


The ground beside Frederick is destroyed as he narrowly dodged an explosive fireball.

‘I can’t keep this up for much longer, my energy is about to run out’ Despite his haggard appearance, he has no injuries and the only problem he has is that his energy will run out soon.

“Wow, the people of this world are only this much it seems. Being beaten by a mere spirit? Truly weak it seems, what do you think little Artemis?” Frederick looked at the girl who had insulted him, and felt some embarrassment and anger.

“Y.. You, help me” Frederick demanded. Azura looked at him and released some killing intent.

“What did you just say to me?” She looked at him with eyes that pierced his soul. Only then did he notice her eyes, blood crimson, looking to devour the world. The same as his father’s, only, stronger.

“Miss, I apologize. Please, help me. I will reward you graciously. I am the second prince of the Tyran Empire, I have more money than you can imagine!” Frederick quickly said everything as he had to keep dodging the magical spirit’s attacks, unfortunately he can’t keep dodging forever. He quickly needed this miss’ help.

“Hmm. I know what I want. Let me live in your castle and provide me with everything I need. You are a prince are you not? Your life should be worth this much I believe.” Azura smirked at the prince who looked disheveled. His emerald eyes glared at her and quickly nodded.


“Good! Artemis take him and stand back” Suddenly a black unicorn appeared and grabbed Frederick. He was shocked, only the elite of the empire had unicorns, just who was this girl?

‘I should have enough energy to purify this spirit and send him straight to my lord.’ Azura closed her eyes and started chanting in the spirit language. A dense black mist surrounded the spirit, it started to wheeze and screech only to find it could not move, as if, a god was holding it.

The pure white magical spirit slowly turned pitch black and it started to descend into the earth. Azura opened her eyes and felt stronger due to the tribute she had given to her lord.

She looked back and saw both the Artemis and the prince looking at her in surprise and fear.

“Well then, let's get moving to my new home shall we?” Azura said with a small smile as she got onto Artemis. Frederick was just about to climb on when Azura kicked him down.

“You walk, don’t dirty my soft Artemis” She glared at him.

“You! I am a prince!” Azura just ignored him and took his sword, put it in its sheath and then put it on her back.

“Lead the way then, prince” She laughed at his title and started following the prince to the outer forest.

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