《Memories of the Gluttonous Sage》Day 3 (1)


The sky is lit up with a red hue as the sun slowly rises from the horizon. Two figures walk on the pathway to the three-storied Adventurer’s Guild, returning from buying supplies and checking their equipment. The shadows of the brick buildings, littered on the sides, retreat as the sunlight illuminates the pathway. On the right is the leader of the party, a tank layered in armor, named Jacob. His somewhat long black hair sways back and forth as his footsteps shake the ground beneath him softly. Despite his towering muscular build, he is known to be gentle, which earned him the nickname Big Teddy. Beside him is one of the top beauties within the capital, Catherine. She flicks her long brown hair back as she sighs heavily. “Ugh… when are the other three coming here. We’ve been waiting out in this heat forever!” Jacob adjusts his position continuously until his shadow looms over Catherine. Bystanders begin mumbling continuously in the background as they stop in front of the closed guild.

“She’s complaining about the heat, but that big guy isn’t even sweating despite wearing all that armor. She is so spoiled…” “Shh… Don’t you know who she is? She’s from the Tri’laze family, one of the most powerful families in Fawkers. If you offend her, forget about your life, even your neighbor’s and family’s lives won’t be guaranteed.” The bystanders stare at Catherine as she scowls back at them. They quickly scurry off in fear.

“Be patient, they’ll get here soon. The guild won’t open for another few minutes anyways.” Jacob tries his best to calm the annoyed Catherine. Despite being a 5th circle mage, she has trouble finding a party to help her promote to an A-rank adventurer due to her attitude. Unfortunately, when she asked us, Jared was enchanted by her beauty and said yes immediately… Let’s just hope this goes well… Jacob’s thoughts begin to spiral downwards as two out of the three slowly approach.

“Looks like Jacob is in the middle of one of his spirals again.” A pleasant-sounding voice greets the two B-rank adventurers waiting at the door. Jacob looks up to see Victoria’s golden hair reflecting the sunrise gently, erasing his worries. Catherine notices the reaction and scoffs while looking away in disgust. Just because she is a priestess and has somewhat good looks everyone treats her well. She’s only a D-rank healer, what’s so good about that?

Jared pops out of the shadows stealthily as he greets Catherine. “Good morning beautiful, what do you think about what I learned from the Assassin’s guild yesterday? Would you like to—” Jared is cut off abruptly as an elf jumps down from the top of the guild, swiftly bonking his head as her feet softly touch the ground. Her long, braided blonde hair rests behind her after she adjusts her quiver. “You should focus on becoming a B-rank adventurer instead of flirting so much, little thief.” Catherine looks off into the distance, annoyed that a fly buzzed in from the side. With no hesitation, Jared chirps sharply at the elf ranger.


“I only look little because Jacob is so tall!”

“Uh, huh… then why am I a head taller than you?” The elf mocks Jared as he stands on his toes, desperately trying to make up the height difference.

“They’re already at it so early in the morning…” Jacob let’s out a sigh that stirs a few dust clouds.

“Morning Ver. Why do you pick on Jared so much? I’m the shortest among all of us.” Victoria steps in between the two trying to stop their bickering.

The elf steps back while glaring at Jared. No words were needed to know what she was saying. Look at what you did! She degraded herself to stick up for you. Jared looks away, embarrassed and annoyed. “You’re our group’s little flower, Vicky, how could we pick on you.”

Before their conversation could continue, the door unlocks as magic circles covering the building appear and disappear swiftly. A receptionist with long brown hair and blue eyes peeks through the crack. She props the door open, letting in sunlight which reveals her maid uniform. Jared attempts to greet her but is stopped by Veronica. The receptionist tilts her head back slightly as she addresses Jacob. “Sorry about the delay, the dean woke up late and just turned off the security system. Come on in, you’re taking the A-rank quest to kill demon wolves in the forest, right?” The group slowly shuffles in after Jacob, his armor barely scraping the doorframe. The receptionist adjusts her glasses nervously. The dean really needs to approve funds to make this doorway bigger instead of drinking all day. Ever since the king and the pope visited him last week, he’s been like this.

Jacob finally squeezes in as the receptionist walks over to a table littered with papers. “Yes, we would like to complete this quest.” The rest of the group shuffle around the table, Catherine is standing off to the side, looking at a wall of portraits. The receptionist gestures towards a massive bulletin board on her right, covered with many pieces of paper. “Are you sure? I’d recommend you choose from this board which contains requests up to B-rank.” Jacob nods hesitantly. Veronica glares at Jared once again. Normally adventurers only choose A-rank quests located on the second floor with a party of B-rank or A-rank adventurers. This is that little skirt chaser’s fault! I could’ve been training instead of risking my life for this unknown person. Veronica vents out her frustrations in her head as the receptionist pulls a stack of papers from a drawer. “Then please have everyone sign these documents which acknowledge that if you die, any debt will be transferred to family members and the guild is not at all responsible. If any family member attempts to get revenge on the guild, a fine of 100 gold will be enforced. Lastly, if anyone finds information about the movements of monsters within the forest, they will be rewarded anywhere from 1 to 10 gold depending on the quality of information. While you do this, I’ll go over some formalities.” The group shuffles around the papers as they pass around quills and ink. Oh right, the yearly invasion is supposed to happen in two weeks. Finally, some decent targets are about to show up. An enthusiastic Veronica rushes through the documents and hands them back. The receptionist clears her throat as she reads off a piece of parchment.


“The C-rank party, Horizon, consisting of one B-rank tank, a C-rank assassin and ranger, a D-rank healer, and a temporary B-rank mage, have decided to take an A-rank quest to subjugate demon wolves in Hellion Forest, knowing the risks associated with this quest. Jacob Ursa, Jared Whittle, Veronica Crestbreeze, Victoria Albania, and Catherine Tri’laze. Do you accept this quest?” The group mumbles in agreement as they hand in their papers. The receptionist sighs as she accepts the documents and files them away. I don’t blame them. It usually takes five B-rankers or 3-A rankers to complete an A-rank quest. Although Catherine is one of the top mages in the city, I hope they’ll be safe. The group checks their belongings before heading out the door with a solemn mood.

Veronica breaks the eerie silence as she cheerfully says, “After this mission let’s go to that famous tavern and have a feast!”

“Oh! I remember there’s some beautiful—” Jared gets bonked by Veronica before he can finish his statement. Jacob and Veronica imagine the delicious meat they serve.

The party walks outside and heads towards the blacksmith’s shop on the left. “Everyone, make sure your weapons and armor are fully repaired before we leave. We have to kill 30 wolves for this quest. Don’t forget to bring provisions that will last a few days.” Victoria’s voice rings throughout the morning air. Veronica stores her food and arrows in Jacob’s storage ring. Catherine glances over at the rustic antique while Jared and Victoria enter the shop. I’m surprised such a shoddy party has something that rare. Even though it only has a storage space of a small carriage, it’s pretty expensive. I’ll have to remember to snatch it before escaping if we get decimated. I doubt this party can even kill one wolf, heh. I wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for that stupid family tradition. Veronica walks up to Catherine, leaving Jacob on the right side of the entrance to sort out their belongings. The two lean against the outside wall as distinct clangs of metal can be heard in the background.

After a moment of silence, Veronica speaks up. “So… What type of spells can you cast?”

“Why should I tell an elf like you?” Catherine looks at the bakery across the road, ignoring the elf’s existence.

“Sheesh, just thought it would be better for our party if we knew what you could do.” Veronica begins to leave before stopping for a moment to listen to Catherine’s response.

“I can cast fire, air, lightning, and some combination spells.” Catherine replies in a disgusted tone. Veronica continues her advance inside the shop. She really is from one of the powerful families. Why is a spoiled bitch like her an adventurer though?

A few moments after heading inside, some light quarrelling can be heard. Jacob walks to a carriage rental building next to the bakery after sorting everything inside the ring. Veronica, Victoria, and Jared leave the blacksmith’s shop as Jacob drives a carriage in front of them. “Let’s go to the forest and get the quest done!” An oddly chipper Jacob encourages the group. Veronica leaps on top of the carriage moments before Victoria and Jared board through the back. Catherine pulls expensive blankets and cushions out from her storage ring as she gets on the carriage and lays them on the seat. She stares oddly at Jacob before speaking. “Why is he so happy?”

Victoria smiles as she replies. “He probably got a discount on the carriage. Every copper saved can be used to upgrade or repair our equipment.”

“Food ish bether though.” Veronica’s muffled voice passes through the canvas of carriage.

“When did you get that bread? If you keep that up, you’ll gain weight. No wonder you don’t have a boyfriend yet.” Without missing a beat, Jared uses this chance to get revenge for earlier.

“Shut up, skirt chaser.” Veronica replies sharply as the two members begin their bickering once again.

The party rides off down the road, greeted by each house slowly lighting up. The city begins to wake moments before Horizon exits its secure walls. The carriage is bustling with talk about what they are each going to do after they finish the quest. Catherine sits isolated and looks out the back. By now, they’ve almost entered the forest. Catherine stares at a weird mound, made of what appears to be roots. Is someone actually living out here? Hah! I hope I never have to see that country bumpkin. Wasn’t there a tree on that hill a few days ago?

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