《The Realm》Prologue part 2


Two men could barely be seen hiding in a dense foliage of the jungle.

A man of Asian descent with traces of age covering his brown skin advised. “Zed as this is your graduation test I won't intervene no matter what danger you get in.”

“I understand mentor Khafan.”

“Call me master or master Khafan”



“Anyway you will have to face the King of the jungle with nothing but your Katars, you should be aware that the region up ahead is his territory.”

“Now take off your clothes I was serious when I said only your Katars”

“You can’t be serious you want me to travel through this jungle and hunt him down naked!”

“Yes it’s an old tradition to do this if one once to become a Tlahuicole Warrior and it’s not like a freak like you couldn’t do it.”

“Stop calling me a freak!”

“Why would I, you recover easily two times as fast may it be your Health, Stamina or mind compared to a regular person.”

“Fine whatever I’m going then.”

A man over 2 meters in height with the body of a bull was running through a dense foliage of the jungle. His black hair reaching his back as it has been never cut before.

‘Can’t believe the old man is making me run through the jungle all naked.’

Zed kept running through the dense jungle flowing deep paw print on the dirt.

As he got closer he made sure his weapons are strapped on correctly.

A beautiful 75-centimeter long blade reinforced for extra strength, totaling weight to 3.4 kilograms, A bit too heavy for a normal blade, But does wonders with the strength he posses.

A small stream soon greeted him and the tracks led upstream. Following them, for well over an hour zed came upon a damp cave next to a small lake.


‘This must be his layer.’

Based on its habits it should be sleeping now.

‘No tricks or trickery this time just pure hand to hand combat, sigh this is going to be a pain in the ass.”

“Come out you beautiful bastard!”

From the darkness of the damp cave, bright yellow slits could be seen. A huge paw stepped out, soon showing a body covered in glossy red fur with black stripes giving it an awe-inspiring presence. Being easily 5 meters in length and well over 400 kilograms in weight.

Both of us knew that this will be a fight between 2 predators. It felt like hours passed as we faced each other, but it could not have been more than a couple of seconds.

The first move was made by the beast as it started to circle around me looking for an opportunity.

This was his territory, this was his jungle how does this furless monkey dare to challenge me.

The tiger was enraged as the man seemed to ignore its presence. How dare he!

With a mighty pounce that showed his well-defined muscles, he strikes.

But sadly only a splash of water and mud was tossed in the air.

‘I need to get out of this water.’

The chase ensured as the Tiger chased zed.

20 minutes later the tiger was almost all out of energy. Moving that huge body takes a lot of energy and doing such taxing movements in this heat with that fur is basically suicidal. Know that he can’t continue he wisely retreated.

“It’s time to switch our roles!” Even with a nasty claw wound on his back, he had a grin on his face.

Chasing the tiger was really challenging as soon as I got too close it turned around attacking with its mighty paws.


But facing those blades they got more ruined with every clash.

Now exhausted and limping, it was time to deal the finishing blow.

As its speed was a mere shadow of its past it attacks where slow easily avoidable and as the opportunity struck my blade priced its head ending its mighty life.

‘Hue almost worked up a sweat.’

2 hours later there was a big fire cooking a tasty looking piece of meat with a faint herb sent.

‘ah my luck sure is good I manage to find some nice herbs for the meat after I cleaned my wounds.’

Humans where once hunters that chased there pray for days back when our mastery of tool was just developing.

“Mentor Khafan come out and help me smoke rest of the meat.

“Congratulations on becoming a Tlahuicole Warrior, But it sure took long for a freak like you.”

“Give me back my clothes then and that tiger itself was a freak as well, old man tigers shouldn’t grow that big.”

For a brief moment, he went back in the treehouse “ Here take them.”

“Come to think of it aren’t you turning 16 tomorrow.”

“I guess, you know I never cared much about that stuff.”

“Remember to have your fathers gift close to you.”

Looking at the old book it's still the same nothing but gibberish, hell I can't even remember how many languages I have checked just to find some clues about it, The closest was that plant book but it’s still untranslated.

His fist clenched and a look of hate flashed in his eyes as he thought about the past.

‘I better get some sleep.’

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