《The Wandering Swordsman》Chapter 7 - Tales of the past - Part 2
« Chapter 06
Focus. That was the key to successfully maintain the skill. The fact that you had to constantly renew the shape of the skill and control its movement required a concentration strong enough to execute four different actions at the same time.
The skill was based on the principle of air resistance. Infusing a thin layer of air around you with water mana allowed you to move it at will. Objectively, removing the air in a direction would reduce the resistance and allow a faster movement. The theory is simple, but all stages of the movement must be taken into account so the layer can be shaped and moved properly. If the air was moved too slow, or too fast, it would just be wasted mana.mana
Kvothe could have just activated it like any other player, but the gains from the skill were reduced that way. His tests indicated that the efficiency was reduced to at least half without manual control and also had a high chance of failing. Without that extra efficiency he had no chances of winning the race.
‘Hell! I don’t think I can win using that.’
Jurgen had years of experience with the skill. That and the fact that he was an NPC weren’t points in Kvothe’s favor.
Reducing the resistance on his left, Kvothe dodged the person that stood in his way. On his right, Jurgen easily jumped two meters high, ran on a wall and got back on the street with a, totally unnecessary, front flip.
“Show off!” Kvothe screamed at the master.
The ease in the swordmaster’s movements made it seem so simple, yet Kvothe was struggling to keep up with him. He had no doubts the master was taking it easy against him. Why would he bother calling Kvothe for a race if he would leave the boy eating dust?
Kvothe’s desire to win increased. He disliked being looked down upon, especially when he was clearly in a lower level.
‘It is time!’
He disliked cheating and avoided it at all costs, especially if any prize was due. This race however, was just a friendly competition, and in a friendly competition there is no cheating, just… taking advantage.
The judgement day arrived, but despite the anxiousness everyone felt, all went well. The boy was freed from his charges and released from his prison. His shock was visible. Being lost in the forest, chased by monsters, rescued and imprisoned by elves had a huge effect on him. When he saw the human trio he was so relieved he cried for a whole day.
The following day, as soon as the boy recovered from the shock of his traumatic experience, they decided to travel. The sound of crying persisted, but it came from another source.
“I promise I’ll return to visit you, Ella.” Jurgen reassured her.
“B-But I-I want to g-go with y-you! Wahhhh!” She pleaded at him between sobs.
Jurgen, who was crouching to be at Ella’s height, looked at the other two grown ups, begging for help. His experience handling kids was almost null and the last time he had to handle a crying kid, he was the kid himself.
Cain kept laughing at him, but Yoshi approached and kneeled on his side.
“You know you can’t leave the forest before completing your training.” He remembered Ella.
“But… *sniff* But…. *sniff* But...” She tried to reply, but couldn’t find a retort.
“Don’t worry.” Yoshi reassured her with a smile, “When you finish your training, we’ll return to take you with us. Right, Jurgen?”
Jurgen looked at him, trying to read the old man’s intention. He could not see any hints of that being a lie or just something to make the girl quiet. Yoshi was being serious.
“Of course!” He agreed with conviction, “Even if I have to come alone. How long is that going to take?”
“Let me count.” Ella began counting on her fingers, “Six more years.”
Jurgen’s brows came together in a pensive expression.
“That’s a long time...” He said and Ella threatened to start crying again, “I’ll have to make some visits in the meantime.”
Ella hug-tackled him, attaching herself to his neck, the cry turning into a smile. Jurgen and Yoshi laughed at the sudden change of spirits of the girl. She let go of Jurgen and gave Yoshi an unexpected hug and a kiss to the cheek.
“You take care of Jur!” Ella whispered in his ear, her voice dead serious, “If he gets hurt I won’t forgive you.”
Jurgen’s focus wavered and he lost his jumping boost. His feet hit the barrel he was trying to jump over, making him fall face first on the floor and slide for a few meters.
Kvothe had expected some kind of reaction, but that had topped all his expectations. As he run past the master, he made a visual check to see if Jurgen was alright. Instead of a hurt master, he found a deadly aura that scared him. Instead of stopping to give assistance he ran with all his might.
Fighting to maintain his focus - and his laughs - Kvothe made a left turn entering an alley. A loud crack came from the wall behind him and he turned his head to look. A chisel was stuck handle deep in the wall, a crack that reached from the top to the bottom spreading from it. At a distance, Jurgen was already up and his pose as that of someone that just threw something.
A cold, almost freezing shiver ran down Kvothe’s spine and he picked up the pace even more. Running to the limit of his abilities would describe it better, though. A look over his shoulder and he saw a blur approaching at an incredible speed.
“TELL ME IT WAS A LIE!” Jurgen screamed at the top of his lungs.
Another turn to the right and the finish line became visible a couple hundred meters ahead. The Count’s manor was a sight to behold with its breathtaking beauty, a jewel encrusted in the heart of Rhodium. Kvothe did not waste a split second looking at it.
Jurgen still screamed, his voice was closer at each step.
Ignoring everything else, Kvothe concentrated on his skill. His mana pool was almost depleted, so he split the time left along the distance. He activated it for five seconds and then deactivated. The difference in movement speed and and ease of movement between active and inactive was clear. He activated for a bit longer, the mansion almost within reach. It was so close now he was sure Jurgen would not be catching up.
Once again he peeked over his shoulder to see how far Jurgen was, just to see a hand about to grab his collar. He activated the skill once more, using it for rolling faster out of the hand’s way. The roll was a big longer than he anticipated and he hit the mansion’s gate while trying to complete the cartwell. As he stood, a wooden sword came down on his direction, aiming to cut him in half.
Instinctively he activated the skill, rotating his body along the vertical axis at a speed he should not have been able to. He widened his stance, positioning his left foot close to the attacker’s right knee, and tried locking the sword arm using his own. Before he could enclose the arm, the attacker pulled it from the closing arm, showing a swordless hand.
“Jurgen...” Kvothe tried to say.
Without stopping a millisecond, Jurgen rotated around Kvothe and grabbed the falling sword in the pupil’s back. Predicting the next move, Kvothe slammed his body into the master, hoping to interfere with his attack. Despite that, the rising wooden sword scraped his head taking a few strands of his hair as a memento.
Backstepping the fastest and furthest he could, Kvothe created a gap between him and Jurgen. He didn’t want to take his sword out, but he had no chance to survive the attack from his master without it. Jurgen came at him at the speed of sound ready to cut him in two pieces. Kvothe drew the whistling sword using the motion to block the attack.
The swords barely touched before Jurgen slid his leg and attacked from the other direction, his mastery in the skill he taught Kvothe playing a huge part on the sudden direction change. Kvothe had no mana to activate the skill himself, so all he had was his own ability to back him up. He dodged the following attack by swaying back and instantly stepped in Jurgen’s direction. Jurgen tried attacking again, but Kvothe reached him first and used his left forearm to stop the attack by clashing it against the swordmaster’s hand.
Had Kvothe been intent on hitting Jurgen, that would have been the perfect moment. The master was completely open and his blade was in attacking position. Jurgen’s eyes widened with the incoming blade. It would probably have the same effect of an ant bite to him if it hit, but the image was enough to snap him out of his frenzy. Kvothe stopped the blade before it hit Jurgen.
“Kvothe! Jur!” An angry feminine voice came from the distance, “What the hell are you doing?!”
“Were you serious about that?” Jurgen asked in a voice so low it should be called a whisper.
The noise however, was enough to startle the other three humans that had been walking the last few hours through the forest in silence. They had been retracing their steps back to the boy’s village and, despite the successful rescue, a heavy atmosphere emanated from Jurgen and engulfed the others, silencing everyone.
Yoshi turned his head with a puzzled look on his face. His eyes analysing the man that had broken the stillness that had been their walk so far, peering into his very soul. Their eyes met and a smile appeared on Yoshi’s face. He broke eye contact and looked up checking the sky for the time.
“Its about time we stop to eat.”
Without missing a heartbeat, Cain began preparations to make lunch. He gathered a few twigs to start a fire while taking out some pans and utensils from his backpack. To feel less of a leecher Jurgen went gathering wood, leaving Yoshi and the boy behind. When he returned with a bunch of firewood, Yoshi and the boy were playing while Cain cut some vegetables and meat.
“You can leave it here, thanks.” Cain pointed to a nearby pile of wood.
“Don’t mention.” Jurgen answered in a low voice, “I just realized how I’ve been getting stuff from you, doing nothing in return this whole time.” he avoided meeting the younger man’s eyes, “Thank you… for everything.”
Cain raised an eyebrow at the assassin. The corners of his mouth going up in a smirk. “Man, what the hell happened to you?!” He asked in a mocking tone, “I never thought I’d hear that many words of thanks from you… Especially after all the beating I gave you.”
Sensing the malice in the younger man’s words, Jurgen decided to enter the game. He put on his most crazy maniac smile and slowly tapped his sword hilt while leaving.
“That was for the food, I still have to thank you for the beatings.”
The smirk died and concern covered Cain’s face. He wondered if Jurgen was being serious or not while watching the man leave to where Yoshi stood with the kid.
“I can’t believe you two! Fighting in the middle of the street! What if you hurt someone?! What if you got hurt yourselves!”
The figure screaming at the two was a dark skinned woman with height comparable to Kvothe’s. Her dark hair reaching the middle back fit perfectly her slender figure and complimented her thin face. She looked she was late teens or early twenties at most, but age is always tricky when dealing with elves.
“I’m sorry, Ella...” Jurgen apologized, “...its just that-”
“It was my fault, actually.” Kvothe intervened, “I’m sorry, Ella. I said something I shouldn’t.”
Ella’s dark cheeks were colored by a red tint when Kvothe talked to her, thing that Jurgen did not fail to notice. A cold ran down Kvothe’s spine and he became paralyzed by Jurgen’s killing intent. He knew from the intensity that his master was about to jump on his neck once again.
“JUR!” Ella screamed, “STOP THAT!”
The pressure immediately subsided and Kvothe could move once more.
“Thank you.” Kvothe nodded at Ella, relieved.
“Now explain yourself!” She turned her angry face to Kvothe, “What did you do to Jur that he got so angry at you?”
“We were having a friendly dispute that I wanted to win. For that, I needed him to lose his calm...” Kvothe said nonchalantly, “So I said we were having a date this sunday.”
Kvothe gave the elven girl a boyish smile proud of his feat. Instead of laughing as Kvothe expected, Ella blushed an even deeper red than before and her clear green eyes avoided his at all costs.
‘Damn title…’
Jurgen approached the duo that played with sticks as if they were swords. The small boy made a thrust, piercing through Yoshi’s defenses, poking the old man on the chest. Yoshi made an exaggerated acting of being seriously injured and fell on the floor, closing his eyes and sticking his limp tongue out. The boy defiantly poked the old man who stood there unresponsive.
Opening his eyes to peek at the boy, Yoshi saw the apprehensive look on Jurgen’s face and got up.
“Do you mind giving us a minute?” He asked the small boy, who replied affirmatively and went running after some bugs that were flying around.
“I need to talk to you.” Jurgen said without wasting time.
“I know.” Yoshi answered with a small smile, “I’ve been waiting it for a while now. Come, sit.”
Both men sat on rocks and faced each other for a few moments. Jurgen trying to formulate his questions in a way that he would not look like so desperate.
“Were you being serious?” He finally asked.
“About what?”
Jurgen looked at the old man trying to read his intentions but despite having spent the last few months together, he could not read Yoshi at all.
“Are you really coming back here with me to get Ella?” He asked bluntly.
Jurgen stood there, waiting for a follow up that did not come. Yoshi simply looked at him, as if expecting him to ask something else. Giving up on trying to understand the old man, Jurgen decided to ask.
“Why not?”
Both stood in silence again, looking at each other without moving a single muscle. The gears inside Jurgen’s head spun like crazy trying to understand the old man’s reasoning but failing to reach any conclusion.
“You don’t really have a reason, do you?” Jurgen asked after much thinking.
Yoshi gave him a wry smile, the same a kid would show after his prank being discovered.
“Do I need one?”
Jurgen stared blankly at Yoshi while realization that the puzzle pieces he had been trying to put together would never fit. The puzzle he thought he had been trying to solve actually never existed. Only when Yoshi cocked his head Jurgen got out of his static state.
“That makes no sense!” He snapped, raising his voice while standing from his seat, “That is a deal you get nothing from! You should hate me for trying to kill you! You should have killed me on all the chances you had! There’s absolutely no logic in what you do!”
Breathing heavily, Jurgen waited for a response but Yoshi stood there, looking at him with a face that wondered how could Jurgen not see what was right in front of him.
“What if...” Jurgen began saying, “it’s not about what I gain, but what I can give?”
With much cost Kvothe was able to get rid of Jurgen and Ella without being killed and was about to meet the count.
Since the ball he had been visiting the count regularly to borrow books and hear stories about the kingdom and the count’s adventures. Charles told him stories that happened before the death of Rhodium’s monarch. Showed him books so old that they couldn’t be touched, instead copies were available for reading.
It was obvious Charles was fond of Kvothe however, after he received the “Hero of the artists” title, the count showed a newfound respect for him, displaying even more intimacy and offering assistance and trying to push him a high ranking position in the city’s army. Kvothe more than once used the offered assistance but respectfully rejected the position in the army.
“You may enter now, Mr. Kvothe.”
The employee that had asked him to wait had returned. He opened the double doors that lead into the library and motioned for Kvothe to get in.
The library was a breathtaking sight. Despite the fact that Kvothe had been there many times already it still amazed him. Stacks upon stacks of books that went from legends about the old kingdoms to advanced magic theory, filled the walls from floor until the ceiling that stood five stories high.
“Kvothe, my friend!” Charles came from behind one of the shelves, “I’m glad you could come visit me again.”
“Charles...” Kvothe returned the greeting, “Thanks for receiving me.”
“Please, sit.” Charles said motioning to one of the chairs around a small reading nest.
As soon as he sat down, Kvothe opened his inventory window and took a book out, handing it to the Count.
“You were right...” He said as Charles took it from his hands, “It was certainly an interesting reading.”
The count eyed him with a rather annoyed expression.
“It took me fifteen years to find all the pieces of this book.” he said caressing the book as one would caress a favorite pet, “You are the only one besides me who have laid eyes on it so, please, amuse me.”
Kvothe had been baiting the older man. His many questions about the book could not be possibly answered by the count, but seeing the importance that book had to Charles gave him hopes of reducing that amount.
The book contained detailed descriptions of various techniques, with mana flow and uses included. However, some of the skills the author only described the effects, saying that he had not been able to see the mana flow, despite the things done being impossible to achieve through sheer force. The author’s qualification could not be denied since many skills were high leveled, meaning those he was not able to identify were something different. Maybe it was something no one knew about.
“First of all...” Kvothe wanted to make sure of some details before asking the juicy questions, “Why are you so interested in the content of this book?”
Charles chuckled at the question.
“Can’t an old man have a hobby?”
That was not a valid answer. The book had sensitive information about a huge number of advanced techniques that could make its owner invincible. It was not the kind of book someone would search for hobby. It was something one would search in order to rule the world.
Seeing the wary look in Kvothe’s eyes, Charles sighed disappointed.
“You really saw the potential of this book...” The count said in a low tone, “This book was gathered at a friend’s request. A dying wish, if you will. Not that I’m not interested, but I don’t have any ruling ambition.”
Kvothe kept glaring at him, so he continued.
“I wasn’t born to lead and, to be honest, never wanted to. I’m still waiting for the day someone worth of being the new ruler of Rhodium appears. Until then, I’ll keep doing my best to not screw everything up.”
“Why share with me, then? I’m not someone suited rule either.” Kvothe’s suspicion disappeared and he was now intrigued, “Is this another attempt to make me join the army?”
The count’s face contorted into a scowl, showing the struggle that happened inside him mind. Kvothe wondered what dilemma was going through his head when the count reached a decision.
“Do you know who Yoshi Yukimura was?” Charles asked in a serious tone.
“Of course.” Kvothe answered promptly, “He was Cain’s master and creator of my sword style. He is also really famous and appears in a few of the books you lent me.”
Charles once again pondered a for a while before saying.
“He was the one that asked me to find that book.” Kvothe nodded asking for the count to continue, “He had a deep interest in Ver… in sword styles. Since he was a friend, I told about this book. The book was regarded as a legend, something that held the key to most of the skills in Versailles continent.”
“Why would he need that if he was as powerful as the stories say?” Kvothe interrupted, “I read tales of him facing hordes of powerful monsters alone and returning unscathed.”
“I can’t say I understood what went through Yoshi’s head.” Charles admitted, “All I know is; He was a curious man, especially when the subject was martial arts. Every city he visited, he tried to learn about their local fighting styles, their dance, their culture… Anything that could be translated into martial arts.”
“And how does that explain why you showed it to me?”
Charles took a deep breath.
“Yoshi’s disciples were wonderful people and powerful warriors. Despite that, none of them have what their master and you have in common. And I think Yoshi would say that was his most important treat.”
Anxious, Kvothe waited for an explanation.
“That something that makes you do something without a proper reason. That thing that defies logic and drives you to make something great.” Charles made a pause that Kvothe was certain was only for show, “What Yoshi and you have in common isn’t power, intelligence or looks. What you have in common is curiosity”
The group turned as one, startled by the sounds of rustling leaves. One would think that would be a common sound if inside a forest. However, wind never make into the heart of the forest, not one as dense as the one they were in.
Jurgen’s hand slowly moved to the hilt of his sword as a shadow rose from one of the nearby bushes. He was about to draw the sword when Yoshi touched his shoulder from behind.
“So you decided to accompany us.” Yoshi said at the human shaped shadow.
The figure stepped into the light, revealing to be one of the tall elves from the village. This one however, had a bulkier figure that showed he wasn’t as nimble as the other elves, but would never lose in a contest of strength, even if the opponent were dwarven.
“Yes.” The elf said in a low voice, “That is the path I chose. Even if my village exiles me, I’ll follow it.”
“They won’t exile you.” Yoshi said, his tone not totally serious but confident, “They shouldn’t, at least.”
The joke had the opposite effect, and the elf’s resolve seemed to falter as he looked the direction he came from. The village’s direction. Seeing that, Jurgen took his hand from the hilt of the sword and walked in the elf’s direction, extending his hand.
“Nice to meet you.” Jurgen said with what he thought was a friendly smile, “My name is Jurgen.”
With a face of disgust the elf backed away from Jurgen, who got annoyed by it. Jurgen was about to chase and beat the elf, but Yoshi moved faster and was on it’s side.
“Everyone, this is Arthur Lothbrook, blacksmith and now swordsman in training.” Yoshi said hurriedly, “Arthur, these are Jurgen, Cain and Resnun. Welcome to our little troupe.”
Kvothe looked at the man across the table, trying to put the few pieces of puzzle he had received in their places.
“The author was obviously accomplished in reading mana… But some abilities he couldn’t read because they were above his level?”
The count confirmed with a nod of his head, yet he was skeptical. He could somewhat read his master’s mana flow, and they were at least 200 levels above his. Was it because he was a player and the author an NPC? Or did the lack of evidence mean something? Kvothe was about to ask another question when he heard ping sound that came out of nowhere.
“Excuse me, Charles.” He said looking at the sender of the private message, “I have to take this one.”
“Do you need privacy?” The count asked, “We have a few reading rooms that you could use if that is the case.”
“You don’t need to worry.” Kvothe said with a smile, “Its about the matter you helped me with last week.”
Charles’ face became expectant, obviously eager to know the outcome of Kvothe’s crazy plans. He had helped him as payback for helping the city and was even able to get him a lower price than the current market. Kvothe swiftly handled the interface, writing a message back and confirming the payment with the bank when the count’s patience wore thin.
“So? Is it done?” Charles asked, his face smiling anxiously like a child’s.
Kvothe took his eyes of the screen and smiled at the older man, “Are you free tonight?
Kvothe knocked three times at the door and a familiar female voice answered.
“Who is it?” The voice asked from inside the house.
“It’s me.” Kvothe said and the door immediately opened.
The woman’s face smiled brightly, but her eyes were lifeless, as if her soul had been ripped from her.
“Kvothe!” Lorraine greeted him, “I fear Ca...”
“No time to waste.” Kvothe cut her off, shoving the package he brought with him in her face, “Put on these and come with me.”
She fumbled when getting the package but hurriedly went to the bedroom to change her clothes. In less than ten minutes she left the room. She was stunningly beautiful, leaving Kvothe even more proud of his work. The dress she wore was his best work so far. He had used legendary level materials obtained with so much difficulty… Yet he was sure it was worth it.
“It certainly fits you.” He said as he appreciated his own work.
“You’ve become a real tailor.” She complimented him with a smile, “I couldn’t do better myself.”
He knew that was just her modesty talking. Months, or even years, of training would be needed before he got close her level.
“Let’s go.” Kvothe said, abruptly turning and leaving the house.
“Wait! Kvothe!” Lorraine screamed as she tried to catch up with him.
Kvothe stopped as he reached the street and waited for her. She approached him and held the arm he offered.
“Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise.” He answered with a smile, “By the way, what do you think of my clothes?”
She eyed him suspiciously but answered the question, her voice with a hint of spite.
“You’ve done a good work.” She made a dramatic pause, “But you were sloppy when making the collar and the waist.”
“Who said I was the one who made this?” Kvothe challenged her.
“Pft...” She snorted, “I can recognize my style from miles.”
They’ve discussed and walked for a while. She was so into it she did not notice the big man waiting in the middle of the road. He wore black formal clothes with a coat of arms embroidered on the left of the chest. Two beautiful tigers and a sword composed with such quality they seemed real.
“Kvothe!” Cain said looking at him, “What is it? Why did you send that boy for me? And why am I wearing this clo...”
It was then that he saw Lorraine. He became mute and just stared at her. She looked back at him, the lifelessness of her eyes being replaced by a glimmer that you couldn’t help but smile when seeing. Kvothe took her by the hand and offered to Cain who took it, still gaping at her.
“Now we can go.” Kvothe said walking away.
“Go where?” Lorraine asked, “You never said where we were going.”
“You know...” He said passing by Rhodium’s fountain on the main square, “I never gave you two a wedding gift.”
The amount of people around the fountain seemed strangely small today. The square also seemed cleaner than usually. Kvothe went up a flight of stair of a nearby building and waited at the door for the two to approach. They slowly made their way to the top of the stairs.
“I hope you like it.” Kvothe said opening the double door.
A rain of applauses and cheers filled the air, making lots of curious heads turn to them. The applauses came from their friends who filled the inside of the building. It was a party. As soon as they entered music began playing and people came to the door to greet and congratulate the couple. Everyone was there. Charles, Jurgen, Ella, the old district shop owners, Lorraine’s clients...Even Arthur, who didn’t like to mingle with humans much was there and seemed happy.
Every guest handed them a gift that Kvothe promptly took to a table. Soon they piled into a mount that no man would be able to carry by himself. Kvothe returned to the couple and saw that they had just been greeted by the last of the guests.
“Wow!” He said amazed, “Never thought this would be so tiring.”
Cain approached and gave him a sudden hug.
“Thank you, boy.” That was the first time Kvothe was happy to be called boy by the master, “You have no idea what this means to us.”
“I never thought I’d have a wedding party as grand as this.” Lorraine said, tears forming on the corners of her eyes. “Thank you.”
A mischievous smile sprout on Kvothe lips.
“I think you’re mistaken.” He threw something at cain who caught it in the air, “This isn’t a wedding party. This is a inaugural party.”
Cain looked at the object he was holding and gaped. It was a silver key.
“Welcome to Lorraine’s.”
Spoiler : Sorry for the delay in releasing this chapter...
Lots of stuff happening, lots of updates to make to the site.
Hope you enjoy it
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