《One Septendecillion Brass Doorknobs》chapter twenty
Dirk Gently had always known that he did not pay attention to things the same way that most people did.
He discovered this for the first time at the age of five, when he focused so intensely on a window crack, he somehow missed the moment both his parents (as well as all the other passengers, one by one) had left, leaving him and the driver the only people inside. He continued to be reminded of it again and again in the subsequent years.
At eight, he was successfully missing every single fact listed in every single one of his English history classes, yet memorizing by heart every song that played on the radio. At fourteen, Riggins would drive him insane with idiotic tasks he could not even properly understand, but could hear and distinguish the voices of other children, in other rooms, sobbing ever so quietly and asking for their mothers.
It was happening now as well. The hospital around was him chuck full of noise and people and details, all competing for his attention, yet that didn’t prevent Dirk from spending approximately eight minutes watching a can of coca-cola stuck inside of a vending machine do precisely nothing.
“It’s really very sad,” thought Dirk, examining the can from every side. Judging by the label, it had been stuck in the vending machine since 1995, and no one cared enough about it to reach into the twisted coil and get the can out. “All these years,” Dirk mused in his head, “and it stayed there, alone, watching all the other cans get picked one by one. Every other can, but not this one.”
He drove himself to quite deep levels of sadness through an extraordinary feat of imagination, attributing all kinds of feelings and experiences to the poor lonely and very expired can of soda. He would have never remembered that he came here to get a drink if it wasn’t for professor Daly.
“You alright there, son?” professor asked, and it took Dirk a few seconds to register the words, decipher them, and react to them.
“Hm?” was the reaction, accompanied by a slow turn of Dirk’s head. “Oh. Professor.”
“You’re not a fan of hospitals either then,” Roger smiled warmly, and Dirk gave him a single nod, deciding that it was an easier reason than a sudden bout of deep empathy for an inanimate object. “Me too. This one in particular. Yes. Quite.” He paused, and rubbed his wrinkled forehead. “Both of my parents died here,” he explained, “but that was long ago. More then twenty years. Almost thirty.”
“I’m sorry,” Dirk muttered.
“’S alright,” Roger assured him. “Oh, right, I was supposed to say that the doctor finally showed up. She’s talking to Todd and Farah now.”
“I should listen to that. Probably,” Dirk said, and followed Roger back to the ICU.
In the room where Kevin stayed, motionless and stiff, various tubes coming in and out of his body, the curtains were drawn and the floors smelled of flowers and strong alcohol, like a fanciful party cocktail. Farah and Todd stood by Kevin’s bed, and opposite them stood a young woman with an iPad in her hands. Dirk sneaked into the room almost on tiptoes and joined Todd and Farah, while Roger took a seat near the window to the side, not particularly invested in whatever was going on here.
“Like I was saying,” the woman continued after the interruption, “his condition is severe but stable. I’ve discussed his EEG results with Dr. Sierra, the neurologist, and he thinks this level of brain activity leaves at least some chance of partial or, potentially, even full regaining of consciousness.”
“But why…” Todd frowned, waving a hand above Kevin as if he was a hideously decorated cake at a baking competition, “why is he like this? I mean, ‘he’s in a coma’ is a consequence, not a cause, right?”
The doctor frowned right back at him, tapping the iPad screen nervously. “We aren’t completely sure,” she elaborated. “We have detected a fault in his pacemaker, so our best guess is that a mechanical fault occurred, and caused temporary heart failure, which cut out oxygen to his brain.”
“And you can recover from that?” Dirk asked incredulously.
“That rather depends on how prolonged was the oxygen deprivation,” the woman replied. “Without knowing how much time passed between the heart failure and you finding him, it’s…”
“Oh god,” Farah mumbled, then, quite suddenly for both herself and everyone else, covered half her face with her hand and rushed out of the room.
“I better go check up on her,” Todd muttered, running after Farah.
“Yes. Right.” The doctor shook her head, an expression of sympathy on her face.
“What I’m saying is, it’s impossible to say right now. Whether he will wake up or not. I’m sorry,” she added.
“Sorry?” Dirk repeated.
“You all look like you were quite close, and…”
“Oh, pff, no,” Dirk dismissed, “I’ve only met this bloke like yesterday! I was just thinking, “ he carried on, “a fault in his pacemaker… how does? No, wait, never mind. You have better things to do while my brain is configuring. Lives to save and so forth. Please go be awesome and I’ll get back to you.” Dirk beamed.
And taking the opportunity, the woman walked out of the room at once, feeling like she was unexpectedly forced into an advanced version of a “talking to family members” exam, which she failed.
Farah stood outside the hospital, somewhere among the cars on a half-empty parking lot, clutching a road sign and breathing at rates she didn’t know human lungs were capable of. She didn’t hear Todd approach, but she still knew he was approaching. When he stopped behind her and put a hand on her shoulder, she turned around and pulled him into a hug.
“I am so damn stupid,” she mumbled into his shoulder, still feeling like her lungs were filling up with liquid fire. “All day he was panicking, all day, and I thought he was annoying and paranoid and specifically trying to make me mad and now I feel like I’m about to have heart failure too…”
“Hey,” Todd said, “it’s fine, it’s an anxiety attack. You’ll be fine. Do this, okay, take a deep breath, then hold it for four seconds.” She did. “Now breathe out, but slowly, on count of five. Yes. Right, and do that again, a few times over. Always helps me after an attack.”
Farah had a lot of questions to her own nervous system, particularly about reasons and timing, but decided to shelf them for a bit and focus on her breathing. They stood together for a while until she could breathe normally and speak normally again, after which she let go of her dead strong grip on Todd’s shoulder, to the relief of that definitely bruised shoulder.
“It’s all my fault,” Farah continued, a bit calmer but still high on emotion, “I am stupid! I am so stupid and useless and I let people down. Always! Always, Todd,” she couldn’t even look at him, “I did this with Patric and with Lydia and so many of the people on our cases. I can’t protect anyone. What’s the point of me even?!” She produced a single forced laugh and shook her head. “I’m not a person, I’m not a professional, I’m just some thing, some thing without any decent skills who can’t get anything right. No wonder no one wants me!”
“Farah, listen,” Todd interrupted, “you’re being way, way too hard on yourself. You didn’t fail cause he wasn’t killed. He’s not dead, remember? He just had a heart attack, which, come on, he had a heart condition already! He panicked himself half to death.”
“Oh really,” Farah scoffed, “you really think something as normal as a heart attack is going to happen in a case. And this is a case, and Dirk is feeling it, I’ve seen it on him. I always know. He can tell when it is a case and I can tell when he knows. And anyway,” she dismissed her own logic, “even if it was a normal heart attack, I still let him down.
Cause I should have realized goddamn it!” She laughed nervously again. “He’s been so anxious and he actually said he felt like he was having a heart attack at some point and I dismissed it! I thought that he was exaggerating and…”
“Wait,” Todd said, feeling a thought creep up on him and attack him out of the dark like a carnivorous hamster. “I remember when he said that. He said that when this guy… oh fuck!” Todd exclaimed, suddenly rotating two times on the spot. “That’s the… oh shit!”
“What?” Farah’s eyes were wide, trying hard to understand what the hell was going on in Todd’s head.
“The other guy in the ICU!” Todd yelled. “When they just let us in to see Kevin, I saw that other guy and I told you, I told you he looked familiar and oh this is definitely a case!”
And he ran back towards the hospital before Farah could ask any further questions.
While all of this was happening, Dirk sat by Kevin’s bed, looking thoughtfully through the words printed in his chart and trying to pretend like he understood highly specific medical terms such as “EEG waveform amplitude” and “platelet aggregation activity”. Roger respected his thought process, quietly going through the crossword in today’s paper, and the other patients in the room did not add anything to the discussion either, mostly due to being in a coma. Then the ICU sliding door opened and yet another person came in.
It wasn’t Todd, or Farah, or one of the physicians. It was a thirty-something woman, wearing a long white dress and with hair so long it almost reached her waist. And upon entering, she went right for Kevin’s bed.
“Hello,” Dirk greeted, quickly putting the chart back in its place.
“Oh, uhm, hi,” the woman said, not even looking at Dirk. “Damn you, Kev…” she mumbled, grabbing a chair that Dirk occupied just a few seconds ago and taking a seat near the bed. “The hell happened…”
“He’s in a coma,” Dirk explained. “They aren’t giving much more details. I’ve been trying to deduce some but I’m afraid I’m not ready to share that information just yet - with myself or anyone else.”
“Uhm,” the woman replied.
“And you are?”
“Alexandra. Alexandra Martinez,” she introduced. “I, well… I’m his ex-girlfriend.”
“Huh,” Dirk said, frowning slightly. “A bit unusual then.”
“Oh it’s not like that,” she explained quickly.
“You were planning on getting together again?”
“Well, no, not really, I mean, I was the one who broke up with him, but…” she paused, taking Kevin’s hand and brushing her fingers over it tenderly, “that doesn’t mean I don’t care about him?”
“Perfectly reasonable, dear,” Roger assured her.
She didn’t know who he was, but thanked him silently with a nod.
“Kev’s a complicated man,” she smiled, almost through tears. “A bit pig-headed. Can be quite annoying sometimes. His opinions… I mean, his thoughts on medieval realism are just,” she chuckled for a moment, “…yeah. As a boyfriend, we just, it just didn’t work like that. But he was my best friend and I thought, if I let myself be angry for all the stupid bullshit he has done, he’ll understand what I’m mad about, and learn from his mistakes, finally, and then we can be best friends again, but, oh god, if the last things I told him…” and she stopped again, about to break into a sob.
Dirk wanted to comfort her, and a thousand possible versions of how that could have been achieved were flashing through his mind at the same time. He was about to attempt a gentle pat on the back when through the ICU doors rushed in Todd - eyes wide, hair tousled - and lurched for the other bed, not even noticing Alexandra.
“Hell yeah it’s him!” Todd yelled with an almost maniacal expression of his face. “Dirk!” he exclaimed, pointing at the man in the bed, excited like a labrador retriever who was sent after a duck and returned with a whole deer. “It’s him!”
“Whom?” Dirk, who was about as puzzled as everyone else in the room, got up and approached Todd cautiously, as if afraid that Todd was about to bite him in his excitement.
“The guy!” Todd beamed. “This,” he glanced at the chart hanging off the bed, “Orson Delaware, whatever. When we came in I looked at this guy and thought hey, he looks familiar, where have I seen him, and I did! He came to our apartment like two days ago. I made him tea!”
“That’s… fascinating, Todd,” Dirk said, “but I’m not sure what that has to do with anything.”
“Don’t you see?” for Todd, this was painfully obvious, so he couldn’t even grasp how it wasn’t obvious to Dirk. “This guy came to the apartment two days before and he’s been in a coma here since then. And now Kevin is in a coma too. In the same ICU! He must have, I don’t know,” he mumbled, “ he must have infected him with coma!”
“Who the hell are you two?” Alexandra demanded, and for the first time Todd realized there was another person in the room.
“We shall discuss this outside,” Dirk smiled politely, dragging Todd out by the sleeve. “I have another issue. Like a toothpick in my brain.”
“That sounds serious,” Todd nodded.
“The pacemaker,” Dirk explained. “The doctor said they think it malfunctioned, but this guy’s a billionaire. As stupid as it is, shouldn’t he have the best of the best? The kind of pacemakers that never fail?”
“Do you think,” Todd continued in a conspiratorial voice, “that the other coma guy put like, a curse, on Kevin’s pacemaker?”
“And then it backfired on him,” Dirk picked up, “and he, well, he… we’re both idiots.” He proclaimed. “We have to ask the doctor who’s treating him.”
Luckily for them and unluckily for the poor overworked woman, they found Kevin’s doctor in the corridor next over, trying to stuff a whole snickers bar into herself in her one five minute break since two in the afternoon.
“Hello again doctor, uh, Schlechter,” Dirk read off her badge, “could I just bother you with one teeny-tiny question?”
The woman considered for a while, then decided it was far easier and quicker to just answer, and continued to listen while still trying to swallow a whole quarter of a chocolate bar in one go.
“You said Mr. McDougall’s pacemaker developed a fault,” Dirk said, “and thing is, we’re private detectives, and Mr. McDougall is our client, so it would really rather help if you could share exactly what that fault is?”
“We have reasons to believe he could have been harmed,” Todd added.
“Share it even if it seems strange to you,” Dirk advised. “We’re quite used to that. Being private detectives and all.”
“Fine,” the woman gave up. “The pacemaker didn’t develop a fault. The battery did.”
“And is that strange?” Todd asked.
“It is,” she nodded, still chewing, “considering that we didn’t find it. The battery I mean. Every detail is quite visible on X-ray, including parts that get displaced cause that can actually happen, but that’s the thing. The pacemaker doesn’t have a battery anymore and it’s not anywhere else in his body. It’s gone.”
“Right,” Dirk said, already walking away with Todd following, “thank you doctor, that was very useful!” he yelled over his shoulder.
“What is it then?” Todd asked, excited once again.
“Very simple,” Dirk smirked at him. “Simple, because we can immediately discard all the improbable and go straight to the impossible.”
“Unless we are willing to entertain the notion that Kevin has been walking around with a non-functional pacemaker for years,” he began as the annoying toothpick in his brain was removed at last, “and no one - not a single doctor - had noticed, we have to come to the impossible and yet the only remaining conclusion,” Dirk said, and took a pause for dramatic effect, unable to help himself, “which is that someone, quite probably the same someone who is after my very client professor Daly, someone has attacked Mr McDougall today… and stole the battery right out of his steadily beating heart.”
- In Serial73 Chapters
The Book of Mors: Summoned
Around two thousand years ago, The world of Acoria suffered what is known as The Great Calamity, turning the continent of Teknish into a smouldering wasteland, irradiated by chaotic mana and ravaged by savage energy storms, causing the surviving sentient races to flee to the much smaller and resource deficient continent of Malthasia. The year is now 2101 AGC (After Great Cataclysm) and the intense competition for space and resources has left humanity with only three surviving kingdoms, protected by the nearly impassable mountains of the Antaeth basin. Standing on the verge of collapse, the human kingdom of Vonai is forced to perform a summoning ritual, ripping souls from another dimension and implanting them into magically created bodies. Little do they know that by doing so, they have changed the fate of the world and everyone in it, for, in the infinite dimensions of the mortal realm, there are some existences you do not want to provoke. BOM:Summoned: 2-3 releases per week Evolution tree dynamics Limited stats/Game style mechanics Mature language/Graphic Violence Varying paces between action/adventure and information based chapters Special Thanks To: Solfyr - Contributor and inspirational genius
8 165 - In Serial90 Chapters
Story Ideas and Beginnings
I just write some of my story Ideas here, so you are free to take them and make something out of it. I would be happy to read your own version or story. (Also on Webnovel)
8 188 - In Serial21 Chapters
A Generic Dungeon Core Story
When one falls… what happens? Do they just disappear into an endless abyss? Do they got to a final resting place to lay forever? Do they get to look down proudly upon the world from the clouds or look up in regret as they are burned and tortured? One man… person found out the hard way as he fell into a dark abyss after having surely died only to found himself awake again with most of his memories and knowledge blocked of as he was reincarnated into a 10ft cube as a small glowing sky blue orb…. This is my first actual foray to the world of webnovels as I’ve never wrote any stories before… *cough cough * edgy horny filled teenage fanfics do not count whatsoever *cough cough*. I am very new to the world of novels and I am not a native English speaker so expect a lot of grammar mistakes. The story will update on weekends on Saturday or whenever I feel like uploading as I do not have much free time and this is only a novel I write to improve my writing skills. What can you expect from the story? - Dungeons? Of course, this is the main theme of the story. - Multiple leads? Yes, there will be multiple perspectives from many different characters with at least 4 main characters. - Gamelit? The world is ruled by a system… that does absolutely nothing other than a way to view your stats and progression. - Murder hole? No, the lead character has a challenging yet fair view on how dungeons should operate, don’t get me wrong as he will still kill people if they are evil, careless or overestimate their abilities but don’t expect too much death as I feel that most adventurers would be smart enough to know their abilities especially when they have to do it themselves instead on relying on skills or the system. - Cultivation? No, the ability to gain power from sitting still and breathing never made any sense to me and it will be completely broken if the MC gets their hands on it so… no. - Non-human MC? Yes, they are a dungeon after all and yes, dungeons do get avatars but it is a specialized procedure that many choose not to do. Also, if the dungeon gets an avatar, no he will not be some wish giving demigod or whatever. - Magic? Yes, but it is very limited and down to the ground... from my notes... which means nothing - Art? Yes, I’m a hobbyist-artists so expect some art sketches here and there… I am poor so I do not have line art pens or tablets or adobe photoshop… also no scanners so… pictures of pencil-sketches it is, no coloring though since I am terrible at coloring. - Comedy? Yes, if you can call my bad attempts at humor comedy. - Likeable characters? Hopefully… especially since I accidentally made like... 60 characters … how I made 6 originals into 60?… I have no idea whatsoever… - Adventurers/invaders/delvers/etc…? Yes! My favorite part about dungeon core novels are when delvers delve into the dungeon and reading how they react, I will definitely flesh out the delvers and show how they operate more than usual hopefully. Hopefully you like the story, I will not have a patreon or paypal or whatever mostly because I’m under 18, thanks for at least reading this far and I hope that my writing is at least passable and you enjoy the story… if not then at least I got some writing practice in English.
8 189 - In Serial6 Chapters
[C]Seksa seorang isteri ✔ •Park Jimin•
Cerita ini mengisahkan seorang perempuan yang bernama Min Yoorin yang sudah menjadi isteri kepada seorang lelaki yang menjadi pasangan hidupnya iaitu Park Jimin.Perasaan benci dan dendam Jimin pada Yoorin tak pernah terpadam sejak Yoorin menjadi anak angkat keluarganya sejak mereka menemui Yoorin yang terbaring lemah di tengah jalan raya ketika waktu hujan pada waktu tengah malam.Jimin menyimpan perasan benci terhadap Yoorin kerana Yoorin adalah punca kematian ayahnya.Yoorin:Kenapa awak benci sangat dengan saya?Apa salah saya?Beritahu saya apa kesalahan yang telah saya buat sehingga menyebabkan awak terlalu bencikan saya?Jimin:Aku benci kau sebab KAULAH PUNCA AYAH AKU MATI!!!!DISEBABKAN KAU,AYAH AKU SANGGUP DERMA JANTUNG DIA KAT KAU HANYA GARA GARA KAU!!!DAN SEJAK KAU HADIR DALAM HIDUP KELUARGA KAMI,KELUARGA AKU TAK PERNAH LAYAN AKU MACAM ANAK DIAORANG SENDIRI!!!APA YANG KAU NAK,SEMUA KAU DAPAT.TAPI KALAU AKU MINTA,AKU TAK DAPAT.BILA AKU TANYA OMMA DAN APPA KENAPA OMMA DAN APPA TIDAK PEDULIKAN AKU,DIA CAKAP KAU PERLUKAN KASIH SAYANG SEBAB KAU TRAUMA DENGAN KISAH SILAM KAU!!!!!KAU HANYA PEMBAWA BALA DALAM KELUARGA AKU!!!!Namun lama kelamaan,Jimin sedar bahawa hatinya sudah terpaut kepada Yoorin.Jimin:BODOH!BODOH!BODOH!!!!KAU BODOH JIMIN!!!KAU BODOH!!!!!!ASAL PERASAAN BODOH NI HADIR DALAM HATI AKU!AKU BENCI PERASAAN NI!AKU BENCI KAU YOORINN!!!AKU BENCI DENGAN PERASAAN AKU NI!!!Yoorin:Selamat tinggal,Jimin.Semoga kau bertemu dengan jodoh awak.Mungkin sampai sini sahaja hubungan kita.Awak berhak Dapat isteri yang lebih baik dari saya.Halalkan makan dan minum saya dan ampuni dosa saya sepanjang hidup sayaMampukah Jimin dan Yoorin mempertahankan cinta mereka? sehingga akhir hayat mereka?Start:6/12/2019Finish:16/06/2020
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Look at What You Made Me(BNHA x Bullied Ghoul
You were a student at UA, however you were quirkless so you were bullied often. During the attack on the USJ you were captured but everyone thought you were dead. However in reality you were being tortured and experimented on. In the end you succumbed to the pain and became insane and bloodthirsty. Now you are back for revenge
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The Fight For Love | Original Version ✓
#1 in Teen Fiction, Action, & New Adult ❤︎❝Sometimes falling for the enemy is inevitable❞This is the original version of "The Fight For Love" with over 27 Million Reads.❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎When Anastasia Stone gets betrayed by her best guy friend, also known as her crush, she leaves town with a broken heart. Now two years later, she's back in the chaotic town that once destroyed her. Although, she is no longer the same as before.She's a fighter and it's time for her to return to the school that caused so many problems, but the worst part is... Nobody is going to know the real her because now, she's going to have to disguise herself as the girl she used to be.What happens when she crosses paths with the deadliest street fighter in town, Ryder Gonzalez. Who also happens to be her fathers worst enemy and leader of the second strongest gang while Anastasia's dad is the first.Anastasia's life isn't easy, especially since there's someone who wants her.The infamous Ryan Slade, ex-member of Anastasia's dad's gang and now, leader of the third strongest in the state. He's always wanted Anastasia all to himself and he's willing to do anything to have her, even if that means drugging her into believing she's his.Will her secret be revealed? Will there be love between enemies?Follow Anastasia on her journey to fight for love...❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎Sequel, "THE FIGHT FOR REDEMPTION" is COMPLETE and available to read now on INKITT for free!The Fiction Awards 2016 Winner6/25/16 ✓Rewritten Version of "The Fight For Love" is available to read now! It's currently ONGOING!!
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