《Quiet life, The Cycle Book 1》Winter exploration part 5


We each got a good look then backed off a couple of dozen feet to make our decision. May and Snow looked to me while Meera began finger painting on the floor with the glow goop. "Well, my dears, do either of you have an issue with breaking into what is most likely an old tomb?"

They both shook their heads. May gave a dirty look toward the door before speaking her mind. "If they bury all their belongings with them rather, then leave them for the next generation. Then they deserve to get robbed, in my opinion." Snow nodded along before unslinging her bow and stretching her string into place.

I placed my hand on Snow's shoulder. "I want you to hang back with Meera if something happens to May or me; she will need someone to take care of her. Plus, our little one growing inside you shouldn't be put in too much danger." May agreed with me while Meera looked up in confusion, asking what was growing inside Snow and how it got there. There is a conversation that I will happily leave to one of the ladies.

Snow thought about it for a minute before she nodded her head, but she kept her bowstrung as she began pulling Meera further back. She was whispering into her ears that she would explain some of it later.

May and I looked into each other's eyes before we both grinned. I bent forward, planting a hard kiss on her lips, then charged in. May veering off to try and flank the iron puppet. As soon as I crossed a certain unseen threshold, the iron began to creak and grind as it began to move. With a single swipe of its blade on the door behind it, the rust fell from the sword showing clean solid steel. Then the puppet waved me forward with its freehand. If it had lips, it would have been smiling, I am sure.

I removed my steel rod from its sheath in my walking staff and brought it down in an overhead chop as I ran. The puppet moved a little sluggishly but still managed to get its sword up in time to block the attack. I felt like I hit a wall. My blow only drove the puppet back a single step before it swung its weapon at my midsection. I took my staff, placing it in the path of the blade. I was nearly knocked off my feet as I retreated half a dozen steps, hand and arm numb from the blow.

A grin still on my face, I charged in again my staff against his greatsword. Our weapons clashed over and over. I got knocked back almost every time, but I could tell I was getting faster, and the puppet wasn't able to stop all of my attacks. Several dents had appeared on its head, torso, and legs. And its massive sword now had several notches on its blade. May would occasionally dart in with a quick chop at the back of its knees, but the puppet must have decided her saber wasn't a threat because it never turned away from me.


I was beginning to think we would be finished soon when I heard a click inside its waist. The puppet held its weapon out straight in both hands, and its upper body began to spin too fast for either May or me to see anything but a blur. I wasn't fast enough to get away when it suddenly sprinted at me, and its sword struck my staff shoving it into my side with enough strength to send me flying. I crashed into the wall with enough force to send several stone chips flying from the impact. My vision darkened as I slumped to the floor. As I stumbled to my feet, I yelled to May. "Okay, it's time to stop playing around."

I pushed a ton of earth qi out through my skin, forming armor while sending a stream of air qi through my staff until it developed a point of swirling energy. I turned to the now still puppet. "Alright, my metal friend, let's play." Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted May getting to her feet and red energy coating her saber as her hair turned a flaming red. Woah, does my hair change when I use my qi? Or, more importantly, is the change a full-body thing?

Shaking dirty thoughts from my head, I charged once more into the fight, this time stabbing forward at its left leg that already had some deep cuts in it from May. The puppet tried to swipe my attack away, but May's glowing saber caught its sword. The ensuing clash ended with the puppet's massive sword being nearly cut in half. The puppet stopped moving as it stared without eyes at the gouge in its weapon. It was giving my strike time to burrow deep into its knee. Its leg was buckling out from under its considerable weight.

As soon as it hit the floor, the hole in its leg closed, and its weapon repaired itself. May and I froze a second before we began to take a step back, ready to forgo any further battle. But the puppet hung the weapon on its back and bowed to each of us before taking several steps to stand off to the side of the door, where it became immobile.

We both walked up to the puppet warily, weapons ready for a surprise attack, but the puppet might have been a statue. If not for the battle we had just gone through. May sheathed her sword, but before she could go to get the others, I stopped her, a mischievous grin on my face. "Hang on a second. I want to check something." Then I started to untie her belt and pull at her trousers. Her face went beat red as she tried to push me away.


Moments later, while May kept looking over my shoulder to see if Meera was coming, I got my answer. "I guess it is a match after all." I looked up, winking at her, then turned to shout at Snow and Meera while May scrambled to fix her clothes. Her glare promised heavy retaliation later. I laughed at her expression. "We can continue our investigation later," then walked to the door to ponder its probably essential drawings.

As the other two arrived, I held a hand to silence them all while pressing my ear to the door. I could hear the sound of metal grinding from their other side or possibly inside the massive door. I waved Meera over since she has the best hearing. She said she thinks it is inside the wall and getting faster. That was good enough for me, and I had everyone move back. Not a minute later, a hiss of air being released after who knows how many years could be heard from under the door.

The unmistakable smell of water wafted out stronger than ever. I grinned, looking at May. I told you I could smell water down here. She only rolled her eyes, then her face turned red again, clearly remembering what happened, and her glare returned. Snow was intrigued by Mays red hair and kept running her hands through it, commenting on how soft and silky smooth it felt. I agreed and suggested she try and keep it that way, making her blush deepen. Snow, for some reason, took it the wrong way and immediately asked if she was hurt somewhere.

Meera laid flat on the ground, trying to look under the slowly rising door. Her cute nose was twitching as she sniffed the air inside. I smell lots of plants and some animals inside too. She said as she started to crawl closer, only for me to grab the back of her clothes, dragging her back beside me as I sat to meditate while waiting. She pouted for a second before making her glowing gloop appear. She once again began drawing on the floor in her artistic method of marking our trail.

I have no idea how long I slept, but when I came out of my meditation, all three girls were asleep around me, snuggled up inside their bedrolls, and a plate of rice and vegetables sat under a pot lid in front of me. The door was now fully open, and the puppet statue still stood in place with no sign that it could come alive at any moment.

Standing up, I began stretching, noticing someone had sheathed my steel rod. I grabbed up my walking stick and wandered toward the door, trying to peer into the gloom, but a mist crept along with the interior of the cavern, blocking my sight. I wanted to go further inside but didn't feel like sitting through a lecture from May. Besides, what if the door closes the moment I walk inside?

Instead, I took a jar of the glowing goop and began drawing mustaches on each of the girl's faces as any nearly full-grown young man would do to his wives and daughter. After that, I decided our metal doorman could use a face and began doodling on on him, as well. I had nearly finished drawing its hair when May came up from behind me, asking what I was doing. Knowing what would come next, I darted away just as her freezing fingers touched the skin of my back. Unfortunately, she is still faster and more agile than I, and she managed to cling onto my back before I could escape.

After a bit of wrestling, I got her around to my front though she still had her legs locked around my waist and arms around my neck. I was staring at her glowing mustache, doing my best to keep from laughing. She noticed but thought I was looking at her lips, so she leaned forward, pressing her soft lips to mine. Things began to heat up, and our hands were roaming over each other's bodies when Meera's giggling came to our ears, and we quickly broke apart. Unfortunately, our passion ruined May's mustache smearing it all over her mouth, nose, and jaw. I suppose that means mine looks no better. May was staring at it confused before she understood and pulled a small mirror from her ring.

Once again, I got her favorite glare promising retribution shortly. Before she took out a cloth and began cleaning her face, I held out my hand for the rag when she finished, but she turned and walked away toward a giggling Meera and laughing Snow. Well, at least those two can take a joke.

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