《Quiet life, The Cycle Book 1》Winter exploration part 3


The following morning our groups parted ways. May even traded all the snake parts for a detailed map of the western kingdom. I have no idea how much the snake parts are worth, but I agree with May that the map is far more helpful. A week went by as we made our slow way south when from a rise in elevation, I could see a massive wall of clouds looming on the horizon. Judging by the frigid air moving in its wake, we thought it would be a good idea to find cover. That's when Meera spotted a cave tucked away at the end of a small hill nearby.

With no better ideas, I agreed to check it out. Inside was a short tunnel that split into a Y. On one side, I found a small bear with fur the color of fire. The bear's small alcove was emanating intense heat that permeated the entire cave. It was snoring quietly, oblivious to my intrusion. Deciding I might as well be thorough. I went down the other tunnel that ended in a large dome-shaped cavern with a circle of stones in the center, probably left by another traveler at some point in the past.

Exiting the cave, I explained my findings to the others. Meera seemed intrigued while Snow looked worried. May only shrugged while walking inside, wanting to get out of the increasingly colder wind. We followed; May looked in on the bear before making her way into the empty cavern. As soon as we entered, the sound of the ever louder wind nearly ceased. Meera immediately went to explore the shadowy corners while May and I began setting up the campsite. Snow, who was taking to the cold weather the worst of us, crawled into the coach, and we heard light snoring almost immediately.

I frowned as I turned to May, asking if she thought Snow was alright. May sighed then reminded me that Snow is a year younger than we are, and this is her first extended time away from her family. Even if she hated how controlling they were, they were still her parents, and she missed them. I nodded. Ok, that makes sense. By the way, while we're stuck waiting on the storm, this would be a good time for you to finish compacting your qi and forming your qi pool.

May noded "I will since we will be here for a while, but I want you to stay nearby if something happens. My fire element is not as gentle as your air and earth. It might also be an excellent time to have Meera and Snow begin the first compaction. Both of their bodies are well and truly saturated, thanks to the high-grade qi in their meals."


Putting a frying pan over the small fire somehow conjured by May without even using any fuel, I wondered whether the bear would take offense at us cooking and making a small racket in its home. A few minutes later, the smell of frying snake meat seasoned with various herbs I have either bought or found wafted throughout the cave, drawing the attention of both child and bear.

The red bear that barely stood at three feet shuffled into the cavern, sleepily looking around. When it spotted the fire, It had a confused look before sniffing the air. It made a chuffing sound and sauntered over to the fire where it promptly flopped down on its belly, watching the meat in the pan with interest. Chuckling, I took out a few more pieces. The bear didn't seem interested in the raw cuts. It seems this bear prefers cooked food now that is strange.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of Meera standing frozen in place. I turned to her, noticing the excited glimmer in her eyes as she stared at the red bear. The bear seemed to see her stare as well because it turned to examine Meera too. It stood slowly then walked up to her when it sat down while sniffing her head to toe. I watched nervously for several seconds. Then the bear licked Meera's face eliciting a squeal that was also half giggle.

May didn't even glance up as the bear moved, which confused me, so I asked if she knew what kind of beastie's home we crashed. She smiled then turned to the red bear. "They are called red-flame bears by almost everyone. They are considered nearly sentient and are protected by the beast tribes. Quite a few rural villages have one or two that live in them, and they are regarded as good luck by the superstitious types. Hunting them is against the law, and I have never heard of poachers bothering them. Probably because if you are caught with one of their furs, it's a ten thousand gold fine."

I thought about the bear as it moved into the cavern and recalled the brilliant light in its eyes as it looked around at its trespassers. "I take it these fluffy teddies love children?" I asked as the bear let Meera rub its belly while a rumbling purr vibrated the cavern. I could only see one problem the cavern's temperature was skyrocketing the longer the bear stayed inside. The sound of someone shifting around in the coach made me grin. Snow had a habit of stripping in her sleep when it started to get warm.


Something must have shown on my face because a small flame leaped from the edge of the pan scalding my arm as I flipped a piece of snake meat. I scowled at May, who pretended not to notice as she cut up some edible roots I scrounged up the day before. We finished our preparations and began handing them out. I placed a larger share in front of the bear. As soon as it finished, it wandered back to its alcove and fell asleep. Meera wanted to follow, but May stopped her and had her start her evening meditation While I was asked (Ordered) to dig a hollow big enough for a bath. I had a feeling I would be getting the water, too, after I finished.

I found a good spot and stood stumped at how I was going to dig the hole. While my earth qi seemed to help plants grow, I had never used it to manipulate the ground itself, much less stone. I know May could control fire, and Snow could water like it was second nature to them, but I honestly have no idea how to start manipulating stone. While I was lost in thought, I never noticed May coming up behind me until familiar icy fingers made their way up from underneath my shirt, causing me to flinch. "Why are your hands always so cold when you have that fire burning in your chest?"

May shrugged. "I don't know, like my mom. My skin is always cold, no matter how warm it is. Now, what has you all lost in your little world instead of doing as your beloved wife has asked of you?"

I grunted as I wrapped my arms around May. "I am contemplating how to do this task. I have never tried to manipulate the earth before, only plants that I seem to know by instinct how to shape." We sat in silence. I enjoyed the feel of May's cool skin since the bear had left the cavern relatively warm.

I was starting to get a bit handsy, but May jumped to her feet, stepping back. "Uh, uh, It is Snow's turn tonight, and I expect you to spend the entire night with her. She needs it. Let her know she isn't a third wheel in this relationship." Then she walked away, heading toward Meera, sitting beside her in her preferred meditative posture.

I thought about ignoring May since Snow tends to be needier and likes to take her time. But I didn't; instead, I entered the coach finding Snow watching me. When I closed the door behind me, she gave me a smile lifting the blanket, revealing her naked body that seemed to glow in the small light from the fire that seeped in through the curtained windows.

I smiled back before whispering. We have to be quiet. Meera is right outside. Her response was to press a formation on a box set into the front of the coach. A flash of light enveloped the inside, and she grinned even more prominent. "Now we can be as loud as we want." Like May wanted, I kept Snow company for the remainder of the night. We spent much of that time in vigorous exercise, but we also talked, and she told me what May already knew. Snow thought she was an unwanted third wheel. I explained that at first, that was true, but we all consider her a part of the family now.

It was almost morning as we cuddled when she said. "I missed my cycle two weeks ago." I froze for a long moment, and when I was going to ask if she was sure, I heard soft snoring. I didn't fall asleep, so I carefully disentangled myself. I exited the coach finding May sitting nearby watching a sleeping Meera.

I sat down next to May, and we each watched Meera for several minutes before May asked. "So did you find out what has been bothering Snow?" I could only nod, still stunned by the revelation and what it might mean. May watched my face closely, then she nodded, a warm smile spreading on her face. "That's what I thought."

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