《Quiet life, The Cycle Book 1》Unwanted company part 7


Remembering some formalities from before, I saluted my enemies then stood straight, arms clasped behind my back, waiting for him to make the first move. Brightstone didn't bother with any courtesy and charged at me, sword raised over his head. This is... disappointing, to say the least. I really hoped to learn something from my first duel. But this boy wasn't even circulating his qi. Not that he had much to circulate anyway, I would put him around the same strength as Meera as far as cultivation goes. Around the third stage of forging energy. Honestly, if not for his size and experience, I would have put money on Meera winning against this boy. Well, that and the fact this boy would definitely fight dirty if his pride was on the line.

All these thoughts went through my mind while Brightstone sprinted toward me. The disappointment must have been obvious on my face because he became enraged. He screamed as he got ready to bring his weapon down on my arm with the sole purpose of chopping it off. I grunted, sidestepping as his sword came down. I pressed the center of his forehead with a single finger, causing him to stumble back several steps.

"Why arent are you infusing your sword with qi?" I asked him curiously. He didn't answer as he swung at me over and over while I continued to sidestep his haphazard swings.

Finally, he stepped back, breathing hard. "Everyone knows you cant infuse qi into an object until you break into the congealing channel stage."

I frowned, then flicked his forehead again. "Then don't think of your weapon as an object think of it as an extension of your body." I pulled out a wooden spoon from my pocket. And demonstrated what I meant by allowing my qi to become visible for the boy who watched raptly. It took him a few tries while I walked him through the process. When he was successful, a bright smile lit his face that showed his handsome features far better than his usual scowl. I chuckled then got back in position. "Alright, this time, don't just swing that sword like a trained monkey. Please work with your weapon instead of forcing it to do what you want." I watched his eyes. Instead of the malicious child wanting to stomp a bug into a paste, I saw a teenage boy enjoying learning a subject he loves.

We sparred for a time, the referee smiling on the side, nodding every once in a while until Brightstone stopped sweat pouring from his face in rivers. "Did you really beat up the imperial Prince and insult the army?"

Understanding dawned on me this boy. No young man was being used by Sergeant stupid. I looked him in the eye and answered. "I did teach the arrogant Prince a lesson, and no, I did not insult the army. That sorry excuse of an officer." I pointed at Sergeant Brightstone. "Nearly killed a child when his pride was hurt." I waved toward Meera, who played some game with Lily that involved clapping their hands together in a set rhythm. I guess our fight was rather boring. Almost no one was watching anymore, except a few in the pavilion and the veiled girl.


Brightstone looked between me, Meera, and his angry relative. "So that's why the army kicked him out I did think his excuse was rather far-fetched. Why would the army kick him out for letting a prince get hurt when there was no way someone as weak as my uncle could have stopped it." Then he turned to me, bowing deeply. "I'm sorry for calling you a coward and a cripple."

I waved it off. "Don't apologize to me go say that to May and Meera." I turned around and felt the young man follow me. I smiled at the referee as we stepped off the stage. He nodded to me then told everyone the regular matches would begin shortly. I watched as he bowed and apologized to both girls. I guess he isn't such a bad kid after all.

The referee suddenly raised his voice, "because all the contestants have withdrawn from the competition." I suddenly had a bad premonition as I looked to May, who had narrowed eyes. "The winner is Liu Zhang-Wei." Well, shit, I turned to Felix, letting him know how betrayed I felt, but he only shrugged.

Rachel whispered, "he lost in the first round."

I bent down, picking up Meera, then whispered into an irate May's ear. "If we hurry, we can get out of town before the reward ceremony begins." May thought about it then nodded. I guess she doesn't want me to get engaged any more than I want to get engaged to a stranger. We quickly wrapped our traveling cloaks around ourselves and began making our way through the crowd. Good thing neither of us is tall, I thought, as we easily blended into the crowd. Even carrying a muddy child didn't draw attention since there were quite a few children in that mud pit.

Once we left the square, we both breathed a sigh of relief. No one we ran into from here should know what happened yet. We made it to the south gate as the sounds coming from the square began to get louder. We nodded to the bored guards as we passed and made our way through the orchards before leaving the road to make our way through the woods so if anyone came looking, we would have time to take cover.

It was nearing nightfall when we stopped. Meera hadn't spoken since we left, and I was getting worried. "Hey, sweety, what's the matter?"

Tears began to fall from Meera's eyes. "I didn't get to say bye-bye to Lily and the hairpins I chose for May and me Are still in Lily's room." I pulled her into a hug, finally noticing how dirty she still is.

"How about we get you cleaned up then I will give you a present ok?" I was taking her hand when the unmistakable sound of horses heading our way caught our attention. A moment later, two horses came into view. Seated on one was the young Conrad Brightstone. On the other a pretty girl in traveling clothes. I almost didn't recognize her until I met her eyes, and I let out a groan. I knew we got away too easily.

With a huge grin, Conrad Brightstone turned to the girl. "I told you they went this way." Then he whistled, and two familiar white horses came into view. I cringed. We forgot our horses in our hurry. While laughing, Conrad turned his horse around and galloped off at breakneck speed. I could only gape. Did he leave this girl here? A second later, Conrad returned with a smug smile. He waved at the girl then turned to me. "I present your betrothed Miss Luo Xuefeng. Everyone calls her Fengfeng though" he spurred his horse and vanished again, his laughter getting further away.


Fengfeng slid from the horse and curtsied, then, with a red face, turned to May. They both began a discussion. I decided I wanted nothing to do with whatever they talked about, so I sent Meera to get some soap. She hadn't gotten halfway when I had to remind her to get us both some clean clothes and towels. May barely glanced at Meera as she shoved the mound of cloth and soap into her waiting arms. I chuckled while watching Meera return, carefully balancing her load while trying to watch her step. I grabbed the stack along with her and walked to the small stream. "This is going to be cold."

When I began my life as a homeless traveler, it had been the end of summer. Now It is the middle of fall. I tried my best to recall any memories from this body's past if there was snowfall in these parts, but I can't recall anything, and Meera didn't know either because she and her mother had been traveling for a long time.

While washing Meera's hair, I decided. "Well. Sweety, I guess you will get to see Lily soon, and you can ask for your hairpins then. In the morning, we will take Miss. Xue home and explain to her family that I already have a woman I like. And the cutest daughter in the whole wide world." I pinched her cheeks, making her pout and give me a dirty look that was ruined by the giggles a moment later.

I had noticed Meera's ears had been pointed toward May and Xue, and I wondered if she could hear what was going on. I asked out of curiosity, and Meera grinned at me. "I don't think you will get rid of the pretty big sister so easily. She said her father already spoke to the Liu clan leader, and they have already agreed to everything."

Wait, how can some random Mayor in a small town casually get in touch with the Liu clan? Something seems fishy here. Anyway, how can a man I don't even know make decisions in my life?

I was absentmindedly watching Meera try to skip stones while lost in my thoughts when I notice May and Miss. Xue approaching wrapped in towels. I frowned, already not liking where this was going. Xue seemed embarrassed while May looked nervous. When they sat down on the edge of the stream, I talked. "We will take you back to your family first thing in the morning, and I will explain to them that I didn't mean to enter the tournament."

I saw Xue's face and shoulders slump, but surprisingly it was May that responded. "No, we won't. Our parents have already agreed to this and besides Xue is a good girl she will make you a good wife." I started to object, but she cut me off. "I won't let you destroy her family. You have no idea what it means to be betrothed to the Liu clan and not just anyone in the Liu clan but the third young master. If word got out that you refused this arranged marriage, it would ruin the Xue family forever."

Glaring, I asked, "what about us? You know how Meera feels about you." Without giving her time to answer, I continued. "And why should I care what a family I don't know wants of me? If you remember, the last time I was involved with one of them I lost an arm."

This time I saw real anger in her eyes as she retorted. "I remember that day very well, probably better than you. And just so you know, the Liu clan is massive with thousands of members. You can't judge them all based on one or two. I have tried to explain this to you many times, but you always cut me off if I bring up your past. As for Meera, what does she have to do with this? It's not like you being engaged to Fengfeng canceled out our own engagement? I made sure to ask Fegfeng that already. Her father is well aware that she will take the position of the second wife in the future."

Flabbergasted, I stuttered out. "When did we get engaged?"

This time she looked embarrassed as well as pissed. "I told you over a month ago that our parents agreed to this. Once again, you chose to tune out anything to do with your family. I bet you don't even care how worried your Mother has been. She fell ill when she heard about your arm, you know. I found out about that last night. Miss Rachel let me use her communication Piller, and I had Mother help put me in touch with yours." I tried to say something, but she held up a hand to stop me. She stood and began pacing, looking nervous. "There is another reason I want you to consider this. I can't bear children. I have an old injury that cannot be healed. I know we have Meera, but I want to have more kids around, and I know Meera would love to have siblings."

I turned to look at Meera, finding her showing off a round stone to Miss. Xue. I sighed. "We can talk about this more it's not like we don't have time. But if she is going to travel with us, she needs to defend herself, so from now on, she joins Meera in her training." I turned back to May in time to catch her as she threw herself at me with a huge grin. Normally this would excite me, but I was not in the mood. I set her down and got up. "I will start dinner."

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