《Quiet life, The Cycle Book 1》New beginning part 8


Instead of taking the key, I waved Miss Ling to follow, having already retrieved Gramps key before she had returned from the woods. As she fell in beside me, I could tell I had ruined her good mood somehow. Internally shrugging it off, I led the way to a ring of stones with a small column sticking up on one side. "This is a communication stone it's used." But I was cut off as she held up a hand, telling me she knew what it was since the sect has one that's accessible to inner disciples. Yep, she is pissed about something, or possibly she is just tired after all. She did most of the work this evening. "Yes, well, this key I took from Gramps pack connects to his direct superior in whatever Gramp's called his department. Sorry, I already forgot... Or did Gramps ever tell me? Anyway, unless I am mistaken, the key in your hands probably belongs to whomever they work for." I said while waving my arms toward the group. Then thinking better changed my wording. "Whoever he works for, something tells me those guys in collars probably don't get paid very much."

I was about to place the key in the small inset on the top when it struck me that a bureaucrat from the capital would not bother listening to two peasants. In fact, he will probably send someone to arrest us immediately for robbing one of his men. Turning back to a confused Miss Ling. "You might want to put your sect robe on for this. We look like a couple of peasants. Whoever this connects with might think of us as the bandits instead."

Miss Ling nodded though I could see she was uncomfortable putting the robe back on. Probably afraid she will get caught impersonating herself. "Relax, nobody in the capital knows who you are." She turned an annoyed gaze my way and told me that she is, in fact, well known in the capital, unlike me. "Ah, I should have made it more clear nobody in the Imperial Capital knows or cares who we are." As soon as I finished, I saw her face flushed, and I had to grin. While she tied her robe closed with a familiar-looking rope belt, she suddenly looked up at me, asking what I planned to change into. I rolled my eyes before handing the key to her. "This lowly one-armed peasant with no cultivation will stay by the fire while you deal with those of higher station than this servent."

I moved to walk past her, smirking at the thought that I would get out of dealing with annoying uppity people by the mere fact that I look like a worthless peasant. (Of course, at the time, I didn't realize how special my gifts made me.) Miss Ling grabbed my arm as I did. When I looked at her face, I could see a myriad of emotions clouding her features. She began to speak several times but always cut her words short. Eventually, I had to wrap my arm around her as she had begun crying, still making little sense. Though I was pretty sure I understood anyway, regardless of how I felt at the time, I didn't miss the horror on her face when that other disciple lopped off my arm. I kept silent as she wept into my shoulder, unsure what to say. After a couple of minutes, she straightened herself, doing her best to regain control. When she did, she started to apologize, but I stopped her. "You don't need to say it. I knew the moment I recognized you when you were kneeling in front of me. I do not trust you fully yet, but my gut tells me you're a good person, plus Meera really wants me to talk you into staying with us. Don't tell her I told you though I am curious how she will make us reconcile. Now, you have to call some government stooge while I do my best impression of a good servant to my mistress." I shoved her toward the column and, just for fun, swatted her butt as she moved away. Ah, that's better. Look how red her face is when embarrassed. I wonder how severe her revenge will be?


When I arrived at the fire, I scowled when I noticed my pot of boiling leaves had turned into a congealed mess. Well, since I don't have bandages, maybe I could slather this on a wound for a similar effect. After stirring the concoction a few times, I was about to ask Miss Ling her opinion, but she was busy talking to the projection of a grumpy-looking man in what I assume is his pajamas. As I watched, his face began to darken then turn to fury. I assume he gave Miss Ling some instructions because I saw her nod then speak a moment longer before the projection vanished. As soon as she walked back to the fire, she sat down with a tired sigh. "Well, What did he say?"

Miss Ling Leaned back, staring at the night sky for several moments before answering. "At first, he was really pissed about being woke up in the middle of the night, but he was furious after I explained what happened. I think he and Mr. Jin were good friends. Anyway, he said he would head out immediately to get things in order, and we should expect them around first light... It's strange. I didn't think the mortal kingdoms had access to things like teleportation formations; or communication crystals, for that matter." She said that last part while fiddling around with the key's taken from the caged man and Gramps. Grunting, she flopped sideways, laying her head on my lap. Surprising me from my contemplation of Gramp's real name.

In the process, making me freeze and making my hand slip into the pot of congealed healing herb. Shrugging, I wiped off most on the inside of the pot and, grinning, wiped some on a nasty cut on her arm I had only now noticed. Surprisingly she didn't get mad or immediately wipe it off; instead, she raised her arm to scrutinize the stuff, eyes widening with every passing moment. Then she sat bolt upright, making a cloth appear in her hands that she used to wipe off the paste revealing unblemished skin beneath. I sighed in relief. "Well, I suppose that means it works this way too." Actually, it might be even better. When I first discovered this plant's uses back during my trek through the woods, I boiled scraps of cloth made from the sleeves of my shirt. Then soaked them in a watered-down version of this paste before wrapping it around my blistered feet... "By the way, since you were in the clearing too, do you know what happened to my sandals?"

However, Miss Ling took no notice of me or my question. She stared in amazement at the pot of congealing paste. Then to my astonishment, she grabbed it, dragging it closer before removing her pants. Before I could turn away, I noticed a nasty-looking rash spread from her calves up into her undergarments. I winced and was about to get up to leave when Miss Ling asked in a pleading voice very unlike her for my help. I turned, doing my best to keep my eyes from traveling down, and met her eyes for the first time. I saw how much strain she had been hiding throughout the night. Needless to say, I felt like shit, considering I let her do all the fighting and didn't even bother to offer my help. When she saw she had my attention, she turned around, lifting her shirt off, showing me the rash only stopped at her neck. I didn't hesitate and took a large dollop and began spreading it over her back. Trying hard to keep my eyes from wandering. This was not easy as Miss Ling had a very nice body. I won't lie and say that I have not thought back to that night more than once. Even after we married, the night left a rather large impression on me. Not really surprising since I had barely a month worth of memories at that point.


When I finished, and she had made a blanket appear from nowhere and wrapped herself in it. She probably didn't want the paste getting all over her clothes, and I can't say I blame her. I wonder if she stopped to think how uncomfortable that would make me knowing that a naked young woman sat so close to me. After getting myself to calm down, I asked in as much of a normal tone as I could manage how she ended up like that. She explained that the night before, they stopped at another rest area, and she went to bathe in the stream and apparently hung her towel on something poisonous that's why she had slept all day after miss Jacynth gave her something to help. "I wish you would have said something I could have done more during the attack." She waved me off while sliding closer, making my heart beat a bit faster, and I could feel my face beginning to burn.

Miss Ling had a wry grin on her face as she watched me. When she moved again, her blanket slipped, showing off more of her leg, then the blanket slid slightly down her shoulder. I gulped audibly and started to stand so I could move to another log, but Miss Ling scooted right against my side, the grin getting bigger as she did. She craned her head around, cutely putting her face inches from my own before she spoke. "Would you have come to my rescue like a prince riding in on a majestic white stallion?" She leaned a little closer, the blanket shifting further, giving me a nice view of the tops of her pert breasts. Then she laughed and shot to her feet, darting off toward the coach before saying over her shoulder in an amused voice. "That's what you get for slapping my butt. Just think how 'hard' it will be to sleep now." I guess I deserved that.

After Miss Ling closed the coach door, I stood and adjusted my pants slightly before grabbing what remained of the healing paste. Yes, I am calling it healing paste. I walked among the still sitting, I guess slaves, considering they each had a collar that felt unpleasant to the touch, almost like the land around me didn't want me in contact with it. Well, that fine with me. I don't want to touch them anyway. I was on my way back from the fire when the coach door swung open, and Miss Ling ran toward me, giving me a rather nice view that I didn't even bother to turn away from. When she stopped in front of me, she handed me a wax paper seal for the pot so we could save it and bring it with us. I thanked her, and she suddenly leaned forward, planting a kiss on my lips. While I froze again, she held that position for several seconds before she backed off and looked down. "Thank you. I really didn't expect you to forgive me. In fact, I planned to do anything you asked me in repayment for what I did."

I placed my hand on her cheek, forcing her to look at me. "I don't blame you; besides, Meera already explained how the Liu clan tricked you. That child is surprisingly observant. If it hadn't happened the way it did, who knows what that Liu brat would have done to me instead. There is a fairly good chance that what you inadvertently did saved my life. Instead of either thinking we owe the other, let's be friends, I could also use the help taking care of Meera. I promised what's her name that I would look after her. Oh, and before I forget again, what's your name?"

Miss Ling gave me a bright smile then punched me in my arm. "The woman's name was Miss Jacynth, or at least that's how she introduced herself. As for my name, It is Chen Mei-Ling. What about you? I know you from the Liu clan, but that's all I know."

I grinned happily. "That's a pretty name. It fits you, and if anyone ever tells you otherwise they're blind. My name, or should I say I have chosen the name, Walter Liu. Both are important to me except I can't actually remember why, but the feeling is still there. As for the Liu clan, I would ask that you try not to hold that against me. It's like the saying goes, you can choose friends, but blood is something you're born with."

She smiled again before kissing me once more, but this time I returned it. "Thank you, Walter, and yes, I will help you look after Meera, although I would have done so even if you didn't ask."

I smiled back before replying. "Thank you, May. Now get back to the coach. It wouldn't be good if Meera woke alone after the week she has had." Then I spun May around and swatted her butt again before retreating toward the fire dodging her return swat with a chuckle.

As I sat down near the fire to keep watch on our prisoners, I heard May's voice in my ear. I smiled, recognizing the same trick I used to warn her earlier in the evening. "What is your plan from here out?"

I sent back a simple, "Easy to find a place to call home and lead a quiet life." Now, how long before she figures it out, I never had time to hold a conversation with Meera about why she followed me. I wonder if she will confront me on the lie or let it go since it made a nice way for her to get out of explaining her actual purpose for following me for a while longer.

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