《Sir Skelliton》Answering the Call


Isha the N/A would like to establish a Minion Contract.

Do you accept? Y/N

You do not hesitate.

You accept.

The ethereal string comes back into existence.

It is red.

Answer the call, Oh Loyal Servant.

You slam into the walls of your cage, struggling to release yourself from your bindings. All you manage to do is tip the cage over. Apparently, this thing is tougher than you initially thought. No further efforts do much other than scratch the metal and dent a couple of bars.


Eliminate whatever obstacles lay before you.

Look I’m trying. This isn’t particularly easy. Some progress was made, sure, but by the time you manage to break out, it may be too late.

May no disability halt your eternal service.

You’re not really broken. Hells, if you were broken this might be-

The metaphorical candle went off in your head.


You begin to squeeze your skull with enough force to crack it. You continue to crush it further. Soon enough, your skull is crumbled into the shape of a noodle. With careful use of Mana Eyes, as your regular vision was already destroyed a while ago, you finagle your head through one of the gaps.

With a quick pop, your head is now free as it hits the floor.

Ha! Undeath is king baby! Now, just need to get the rest of yourself out of the damn thing. Nothing a few missing ribs or shattered pelvis can handle. Thank the God’s you don’t experience real pain otherwise this would be torture.

Some broken bones and ludicrous pints of your regenerative blood later. You are free and ready to serve.

Time to go save the Master.

You can help but smile at the thought. An odd feeling you’ll admit, what with the lack of lips. Not that it matters. All that matters is the Master.


You run, a casual pace unfit for the current situation. At least that is what you can infer from all the death around you. Many of the minds at the edge of your Detect Sentience just stop existing randomly. Can’t tell if their friend or foe, you just know there are a lot of people going route.

And unfortunately for the Master, it appears Master Locator is leading you in the same direction

You come across a couple of hellspawn, who appear to be running away from the frontlines. You pay them no mind, maneuvering around and past them. A couple, due to blind confusion or justifiable fear, retaliate. None of them do much harm, thankfully.

Still, it is rather irritating to be stalled even a bit by these nameless mooks. While you’d enjoy retaliating, more important things are on your mind.

Eventually, you exit out of a large doorway into a balcony. What you see laid before you is enough to give you pause. You’ve seen much, from what little you can remember. But you are rather positive you have never seen anything like this before.

A literal horde of tentacles was assailing the castle walls. The violet organic mass writhes as the hellspawn tries in vain to fight back. To the uninitiated, the cultists should have the advantage of what with having more numbers. Especially since they have the castle wall to protect them.

But then you look closer and you see the problem. The cultists are fighting the Mind Thieves and themselves. You watch as two men are fighting off a group of Mind Thieves trying to climb up the walls. Suddenly, one of the men is assaulted by a mass of dark purple energy. He struggles for a second but manages to shrug it off. Or it would have seemed, as immediately the man turns and backstabs his companion. He falls over the wall and disappears into the ocean of bodies.


Such a situation is happening in numerous places. It's not much of a guess to expect the hellspawn to lose the castle soon enough.

What a shame. Your Master is losing out on such juicy XP. Oh well. There’s always more fish in the sea.

Now, where exactly is your Master? Everyone looks the same from up here. The string isn’t any help since its too small and blends into all the blood spilled into the ground. Really, you’d give anything for a simple call out. Would make things so much easier.

“Help! Somebody! Anybody! Please! I don’t want to die!”

You obey.

With a running start, you jump from the balcony into the throng of bodies without a second thought.

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