《World of Telduria》Chapter 2


Tiinra looked down at the woman. Normally she didn't care much about those that didn't follow her faith. At least not paid them much mind. Not that she disliked anyone or didn't want good health and life on them. More like they were background noise rather than a person she held the conversation with. It wasn't like mortals were beneath her notice, she did bless quite a few people. Priests and priestesses of her faith, good people that got her notice. Her husband is quite selective in comparison. He normally only blesses those who dispenses justice and keeps the order, no matter if they're his followers or not. Even his own followers don't always get his blessing. More merit than devotion.

"Lets help this mortal out a little shall we? Gift of life from me and justice for her summoning. No?"

Building core room. Error, mobile dungeon core. Creating path to surface from core. Error, mobile dungeon. Rebooting initialization program. Please hold.

Kim stared at the blue screen in front of her. This was getting absurd. More absurd than the situation she already found herself in. Like; what the heck!? She groaned loudly and clasped her head only to prick her finger on the obsidian shard sticking out from her head. How was she even alive with this thing sticking out from her head? She closed her eyes and focused on herself. On her head and the shard. What she saw made her open her eyes wide in shock and horror before throwing up. The bloody thing was poking her brain! The question of how she even was alive came back up again in full force. She had thought that it was just protruding from her skull like the horns. But no, it was receiving and sending signals directly to and from her brain.

System rebooted. Restarting dungeon placement with new parameters. Now needs to select a room as throne room rather than a core room. Corridor to assist has been granted. New rules written for mobile core. Restrictions lifted.

Kim was sitting on the ground clutching her head, rocking back and forth as her breathing started going out of control. Her heart pounding like a jackhammer as she stared into space. This crap could not be real. This situation was already messed up. She frantically stared around her for anything that could potentially bump into her and thus send the shard rocketing into her brain. Her hazy mind didn't realize that she had felt no pain touching the shard. Nether had it budged a single millimeter when touched. All she could think about was how to get the bloody shard out of her head without killing her.

Suddenly she felt a calming aura descending on her mind. Like if this was nothing to worry about. A voice called out from inside herself that if it was so dangerous then she would be dead already. That she would have died in her sleep due to her rolling nature. That she would have died when she touched it before. It was like someone spoke to her from within, with a calm and collected voice. She could 'feel' that it was herself speaking to her, her other self. The character that she had become. Her logical and cold mind was spilling into Kim's own. While it terrified Kim, of what that might mean in the future, for now at least it was helping her.


Slowly she looked at the number of screens that she had missed while in her panicked state.

Basic dungeon starter kit has been granted. Hallway placed inwards from entrance. You can now summon basic traps. You can now summon basic treasures. You can now summon basic plants. You can now summon basic minerals. You can now summon basic assorted critters. Blessing of the goddess of love and life. Blessing of the god of justice and order. Access to expanded starter race list. All things in your dungeon grows faster and stronger. (Tiinra) Notification of malicious intent upon entering your dungeon. (Nicarious)

Kim blinked several times until she caught up with what had happened. Two Gods of this world had blessed her? Why? What was their game? What did they stand to gain from giving her their blessing? Not only that, Gods existed. Sure it was all magical and fantasy here, but it's kinda nice, and scary, to have it confirmed. But still. Why? She could not figure it out. Perhaps they were just bored and hoped that she would do something interesting? She had read enough novels that it might be a real possibility in this world. And she didn't think that they would explain themselves anytime soon anyway. OK, time to get started with that starter race selection. She thought about the subject and another window popped up.

Starting races. Choose two. Depending on your choice the sub-sections may vary drastically. More races will become available as you grow or absorb them. Goblinoid Goblins are creatures that have adapted to survive. This means that they can live anywhere and not just survive, but thrive. Breed like the plague and posses average intelligence, but are excellent at adapting things for their own use. Animals An Animal dungeon starts with various small animals from a list of choices. The easiest starter race to make a functioning ecosystem from. Various animals breed at different speeds. Animals are also the most versatile when it comes to evolution due to the sheer number of animal species. Plantoids Creatures made from various plants. From the smallest mushroom to the tallest tree. Anything growing from the soil can be turned into a creature in service of the dungeon. Starts out with evolved forms of the basic plants in the starter pack. Fae Fae (Commonly known as Fairies) are magical bug-like creatures that, despite their size and varied appearances, can converse in the common tongue. They possess Insect-like physical features and are often around ten centimeters tall. They are best known for their large wings and the colorful, often mesmerizing sparkles and lights that emit from their bodies. Fae also loves to play pranks on the unsuspecting. Undead Numerous theories exist concerning the nature of undeath, and though some hypotheses compete with or contradict one another, others reinforce or overlap each other. While these conjectures may not agree on the origins of unlife, most of them at least assert that this condition is generally visited upon the bodies of recently deceased creatures. From the simple zombie or skeleton to the mighty Lich lords. As long as there is a body, it can be turned to serve the master. Automatons Created not by a god, assisted by magic, or by pure science, an automaton is a construct designed to emulate life. Gears and cogs turn within their carapaces. Thinking, processing, learning. Depending on the creator, an automaton may have a very life-like face or a single curved surface with holes where the optical sensors reside. Automatons can be modeled after any of the races, usually human or elf is the standard choice. However, if the creator wants a strong servant, they may be modeled after an orc, or a half-orc. If they want a nimble spy, the automaton may be modeled after a gnome. Daemons Due to your nature as a fallen you can choose daemons as a starting race. Daemons come in all various forms. They are shaped by their desires and lineage. A daemon of wrath is most likely powerfully built and strong, while a daemon of gluttony is big and fat. Those without the strong desire look mostly like humans. But the daemon race have one trait that is universal, red, slightly glowing eyes. While stories of the other races tell of horns, fangs and tails, this is not true in most cases.


Daemons are as varied as any other race. But they all share the strength that is within their race. Depending on lineage and desire it can manifest in a multitude of ways. Some have magic, some are strong, others are good diplomats while others can move objects with their minds. You're not too likely to see two daemons looking the same. Angels Due to your nature you can choose angels as a starting race. Angels appear from the heavens in the shape of humans to watch over all life. Some are here to protect, some are here to destroy, and some to guide. They vary from innocent and peaceful to unyielding and wrathful in nature. Angels as guardian beings created from the divinity of good-aligned gods are loyal to their home and while their power in the material plane is limited to some extent even the weakest of their kin are strong enough to overpower most mortals. While the 'redacted' are rare creatures, angels, even minor ones, are practically unheard-of walking among mortals. However, sometimes gods create and send young and minor angels to the material plane with some sort of divine purpose. Humanoids Due to your nature you can summon humanoid creatures. Humanoids range from the simple human, to the sleek elf, to the powerful beastman. The stout dwarf to the tallest giant. The options are endless. However, you may only choose one species of humanoid as your starting race.

Now this was one mighty hard choice for Kim. While undead would be the perfect workforce, never tiring or needing repairs like Automatons probably would; would undead be accepted in this world? In most worlds and fictions she had read, undead were the bane of life and most would hunt them down when able. And since there was at least two Gods in this world there was no telling if there were more of them around. And perhaps a few of them or at least their servants really hated the undead. So while she really wanted to choose them, she probably would not. Perhaps she could learn some necromancy somewhere else later on.

Automatons though were a legit choice. Another workforce that did not tire. Something that could easily be adapted to suit her needs and wants. And if she got far enough down the tech-tree perhaps she could actually have some proper robots and AI running around. But on the other hand, simple Automatons should be easy to build with her skills and knowledge. Perhaps if she created one then she would just learn how to make and improve them later.

Angels and daemons, especially daemons suffer from the same problem as undead. Other people. When Kim had been summoned they had called her a daemon and attacked on sight. So perhaps it's not a good option. But it did mention in the option that daemons were extremely strong if their were focused right. Their wants and desires, was it? But angels were also powerful enough in their own right. And what was that about 'redacted'? Some hidden race or something that does not exist any longer?

Humanoids. Where to even start. It was more or less perfect. Unless she was in a really racist...oh who was she kidding, of course it would be racist as hell here. Probably a lot of slavery as well. She had only seen humans in that throne room after all, part from one servant looking person. So if nothing else they're elitist in this place. The fact that she didn't know if there was only one nation in the world, or if all non-humans were servants, or if it was just here made choosing a non-human precarious. She didn't think that she had flown so far away that it would turn into humans being servants in wherever she was currently residing.

"Fuck...they all have their own pros and cons. I can probably exclude animals, plants and goblins though. They should, hopefully, be easy enough to gather through other means. Even if my own creatures can not leave the dungeon, hopefully I'll be able to without any problems." She rubbed her chin and cheek in contemplation for a while. "Undead probably has to go due to the whole, 'everyone hates em', factor. Fae would be good scouts but it's not powerful enough for me when I can have other things scouting for me. Automatons I should be able to build, hopefully. At least machinery that my other races can operate would be good enough." Kim sighed deeply before choosing humans and angels as her starting races.

Suddenly two flashing lights appeared in front of her. They then split into four independent beams of light before disappearing and leaving behind four young children. Two males and two females. "Greeting mother, we have come to serve the dungeon!" They all said in unison.

"Ahh crap..."

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