《ReProject- Sealed Memories》Volume one- The Return Of the Ancient God C17


Chapter 17- Dammit, What with that damage!

"Janet, I will help you to find your brother so smile and don't make a sad face anymore."

Janet looks at him with a smile and said. "Yes, Gabriel-sama."

She told Gabriel that she was not born on this continent as she came from the beast continent. On the Beast continent, she lives in the forest with brother. His brother told her that their parents died in the war.

She was not sad because her brother was with her. When she reached the age of 8, a powerful man attacks her brother. His brother took her as they escape out of the forest, but the man still chased them until they got to this kind of place.

Her brother realizes that he cannot shake off the man. Looking at his tired sister, he made up his mind and left his sister in front of the castle. Janet was asleep when her brother left her, so when she woke up, she found herself lying in the comfortable bed.

She looks around and saw a beautiful woman smiling at her. Her hair was silver and has a pair of blue eyes when the silver-haired woman heard her story. She asked Janet if she wants to work here for the meantime, as she didn't have a place to go. That's the reason she was working here in the castle.

Gabriel looks at Janet, who was leading her to Claudia's office. When he saw her in front of him humming with joy, a warm spread into his heart as he made his mind to help this little girl.

When they reach the office, Janet turned to look at Gabriel.

"Gabriel-sama, we arrive."

When he was about to open the door, he heard Janet. "Thank you so much Gabriel-sama."

Then she turned and left Gabriel, who has a beautiful smile on his face. When he opened the door, he saw Claudia, Claire, and the four heroes were in dazed as they look at him.

Confused, Gabriel asked. "What is it, is there a flower on my face?"

When they heard his voice, they woke up and said.

"Bastard, you did lewd things again?" Claire asked.

'Hell! Do you treat me as a beast!?' Gabriel complained inside.


"No, I was happy because the day was beautiful today."

"You should always smile, as you look handsome that way. " Claudia said.

"Well, let put things aside. The reason I gathered you all here was to explain the situation on the war. Well, the thing is we are now in a desperate position, the demons already march to our kingdom.

First, I will tell you the reasons why the demons hated us. We treated them as an evil existence. Because of their appearance, we started to hate and despise them. I don't know who planted this seed hatred, causing us hate each other."

'Well, those old fogies planted those seeds, they always did thing out of your expectation.' Gabriel thought.

"At first, I planned to talk with the demon king to make a peace treaty, but the demon king refused my proposal. I also thought that It was impossible, the demons despise us so much that they treated us as an inferior being. I want you to kill the demon king because I want to see a world where demon and human living in harmony.

We are beings who have a different perspective. The demons see us as an inferior being they can ignore. While we humans hated them. I want to break the wall between us, so can you help us?"

Stunned, Claire and the four heroes didn't expect that she has a higher goal after killing the demon king. Furthermore, this is more difficult from their previous objectives. Philia liked her idea as she was kind from the start.

Hinata shook her head and thought that it was impossible, Brigitte didn't say anything.

While Jin thought that this is an exciting adventure, his dull life was becoming colorful. On Earth, he was a slave who works harder than on his peers. He wants to get others to recognize his hard work, and praise from the things he had done.

Gabriel looks at Jin and thought that he was naive, then turned his head to Hinata filled with excitement. 'As I thought, this woman was psycho.'

"But do we have to kill the demon king to achieve our goal?" Philia said.

"Don't be naive Philia-sama. If you hesitate, the one who will die was you." Claudia said.


'Oh, she is an amazing ruler, indeed.' Gabriel thought

Philia didn't say anything as she was deep in thought, the three nodded as they knew that strength is the ruled this world.

"If you understand, then let's move on another topic. Today onward, I will personally join on your training to instruct the proper use of your ability."

Gabriel was smiling as he thought. 'Hohoho, what a benevolence Queen-sama.'

Claudia turned her head to Gabriel. "Also, Gabriel-sama you will also join the training. While we are training to improve, you always disappeared as we don't know where to find you."

'The f**k, I am included too!?' Before I can respond for a reason to escape this boring training. Philia interjected the queen as she said.

"Your Majesty, he's a weakling when it comes to fighting, so can you please let him stay in the back as he uses his brain to help us?"

Gabriel was on the verge of tears. 'Philia you thought I am weak because I always got a beating by that monkey of yours, right!? Dammit, that monkey of yours is Sun Wukong! In the past, his cultivation was a layer higher than mine how can you expect me to win against him!'

'Please stop, I can't prevent myself from crying because of this humiliation.'

Claudia and Claire were surprised as they didn't expect, she will utter the word weakling in his presence. They look at Philia as they understood that she didn't know Gabriel strength! Claudia was about to explain when a voice interrupted her thought.

"I will come!"

Philia looks at him with a worried expression.

"I can't always hide behind your back, can I?"

Philia titled her head and said.

"Other than tactics, what can you do?"

'Hoy, that's rude.' Gabriel shouted.

'You are my childhood friend, and you think of me as a useless person dammit!'

"Ahem. I learned how to read their letters, so I have a certain knowledge related to this world. Tee Hee."

"Impossible, you already learned their letters in these five days of time how is this possible?" Jin shouted in disbelief as he also tried to understand the book that came from this world. He didn't believe that this man who didn't receive an ability can already read the letter of this world.

"What is that true!?" Claudia

"You only came here a week ago." Claire looks at him like he was some kind monster.

'Be amazed mortal, I the God of this world will show his might.'

'I came from this world from the start, so how could I not know the language of this world?' Gabriel puffs his chest as he thought of this.

"Even in the earth, he knows a lot of languages." Philia nodded.

"Even If he has the knowledge, how can he help us?"

"Stupid, he can give us information about the monsters, town and a lot of necessities. " Brigitte said.

'Kuh!.... Don't call me stupid. Hey, listen to me!"

Brigitte ignored Jin like he was non-existent.

'What a nasty person she has. Jin was quite cute, right? I don't want this opportunity to escape my hands, I will join their journey for amusement so don't force me, boy.' Gabriel thought.

"Well, he already said, that he will go, so let him be." The Queen turned her gaze towards Gabriel when he returned her gaze, Claudia avoided it as she turned her head.

'Hey, you don't have to avoid me like that, right?'



"Bastard, you dare to call her majesty's name without honorifics, do you have a death wish!?" Claire flared.

Claudia's face turned red when she heard him call her in an intimate tone. 'I only called her name, what's wrong with that, I wonder?' He thought, but in reality, he can't say those words aloud or else he will fight with this tigress he avoids so much.

'I certainly want to fight her so I can touch those boobs, but the thought of revealing my full strength to them is a waste. I want to play more so don't take over me Lucifer!'

"It's fine I don't like formalities anyway." She blushed when Gabriel look at her eyes.

'Dammit, what with that damage you almost took all of my HP!'

Gabriel regains his composure, as he said.

"Well, is not like I have a choice."

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