《ReProject- Sealed Memories》Volume one- The Return Of the Ancient God C9



I am kicked out from the dream space, as it collapses because the casters already did his purpose. I woke up and saw Philia was looking at me with a worried face, she was holding my hand and said. 'Gabriel, I have to tell you something.'

'What is it?' I ask. Well, I already knew and didn't say it because it was entertaining this way. I want to hide my abilities to stay here and furthermore, I don't want to miss this role playing as a hero. Images began to form as I imagine leading a whole bunch of soldiers while having beauties in both arms. Ehe, I am drooling due to my wild fantasy.

Philia seems worried as she noticed that I was in a daze. 'The fact is, the light in the rooftop was a summoning magic, we are summoned to the other world.'

'What did you say!' I made a shock expression.

'We are in the world of Sword and Magic.'

'What! So we got magic power now?' I said, and pretend that I am excited.

'Yeah, but.' Philia was hesitating when she saw me excited.

'You did not receive magic power.'

'What do you mean?' I said in despair.

'You didn't receive any abilities they also didn't found a mana within you, calm down. I believed that you will do something amazing other than magic.' Philia said in concern. Fufu, looking at her cute face I almost laugh inside. Of course, they will not find anything. It was a divine mana after all, how can a mere mortal scanned a divine mana that engraved in the soul of a God!.

Well, the thing is, my mana pool is empty right now! So I can't use magic for a while, I will use gluttony later to fill and expand my mana pool. My mana was different than before after my divinity and divine power merge to my soul. I can now store an infinite mana that no ordinary being can do. Besides, I don't only have mana, but has the Ki as well!


My strength is 300 times stronger of the average human. Well, the thing I was practicing is heaven defying, after all, I called it Gods Yang and Yin Ki scripture.

This scripture used the Yin ki to improve the recovery and strengthens the body. While the Yang Ki boosts the effect of Yin Ki. I develop the scripture while I was in the world of Wuxia as this world practice the way of immortality. I didn't teach this scripture to anyone because it will cause chaos and destruction. You could even kill a giant with one finger if you succeed in practicing my scripture. Image how strong I am when I add the divine power to my strength? I am sad that I died in that world because I didn't reach my peak. The immortals decided to kill me to end the disaster I will cast upon them.

But now that my divinity and divine power back, I can now find a way to travel in the universe. I will search you all damn old fogies! Fufu, I am excited that I got my Godhood back, I can now use magic for a perverted purpose, Ehe.



'I am fine Philia, don't worry, I can read the book in the library. I want to learn this world history so that I can help you all.'

My ears twitch, I turned my head to the door and saw a woman, she has a blonde hair, a pair of blue eyes, and Big Oppai! What a matured woman, I am drooling when I saw those meats that bounce on her every step. I sense a deadly crisis, so I turned and saw Philia has a dangerous aura surround her body. Due to the power of my childhood friend I retract my eyes to those bouncing meats in a disappointed manner.


'Philia-sama, can you spare some of your time?'

Ehe, look how worried she is. She doesn't even want to leave my side. 'I am fine, go.'


Watching Philia's back with the Big Breasted onee-chan,'What a pair of hot chicks!' I thought. When they disappeared, I turned to face the girl I met on the earth. I noticed her gaze didn't leave me, so I decided to converse with her. 'Hello, I am Gabriel, we met again.'

Sweat appeared on my body, I don't know why, but this girl is giving me goosebumps. Is this a deja vu?

I felt that this girl was not simple, she was also familiar at the same time not familiar. In the past, I met a woman psycho who enjoyed the bloody carnage, and I got stuck with her for a reason. She said our smell is the same, do I look someone who enjoyed blood that attracted a psycho like this? I thought. It's fine that a beauty chase after me. But every town and city were full of carnage! Provoke her then prepared for a massacre! Oh God please spare me for this one.

Oh, wait, I am also a God! How could those Gods do something when I can't even do a single thing! 'Hey, doesn't your friend know that you are a martial artist?'

I am perplexed. Sure, I help you before, but do you have to jump into conclusion that I was a martial artist!? Can't you think that it was only coincidence that the stone I threw stop your opponent?

'What are you talking about?'

'Don't act in front of me, I smell it. You are the same as me.'

Figured it. Oh damn.

'You like fighting, right? You have the urge to kill, but the earth was holding us back.'

I am speechless, you sure are troublesome aren't you? I need to think of an escape route, dammit Gabriel you are a God so thinks of a way.

'Fight me, let me know how strong you are.'

As I thought, this girl is full of trouble.

'Huh!? Don't fuck around, I am only an ordinary citizen of Japan!'

'Fine, you leave me no other choice.'

This girl, what is she planning to do? While I am deep in thought, she took her clothes off and wa.... 'Wait! What are you doing, dammit!' I shouted, It's fine if you stand naked in front of me, but I already heard someone coming to our room so please spare. I had the urge to cry, what is this scenario.

You are more irritating that Lance dammit!

'Choice! Do you want me to shout or fight me?'

Damn fate. I want to cry, but no tears spilled out, dammit!

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