《Clashing Worlds (Hiatus)》(Resistance Arc) (Part 2)
Chapter name: Witnessing The First Magic Battle!
Sokyo, Shapan
Koshi and Kettei dash towards each other at the exact same moment, their clash causing a small crack on the ground beneath them.
"Hmm I'm impressed." Kettei said.
"Don't you dare mock me!" Koshi replied with a harsh tone.
Koshi used a magic attack spell.
Fire Magic: Contact Explosion!
Wait! Kettei thought.
An explosion happened which sent Koshi flying because Kettei's arm was still touching his.
Kettei recovered mid air.
"Darn it, I did not expect that!" He said.
"Stop talking!" Koshi shouted and used another attack spell.
Fire Magic: Fire Beam!
Koshi fired off a beam of fire with his left hand, heading straight towards Kettei as he managed to block it with a defensive spell.
Nova Magic: Shield!
Kettei stretched out his left hand where a red medium sized shield appeared, deflecting the incoming beam, which caused a small explosion in the distance.
"Resisting is futile against me, make it easier for the both of us and accept your fate." Kettei said, clearly implying something.
Zetsu slowly distanced himself from the battle, now watching it from a safe area.
*Tsk* I can barely move my body getting hit by that attack. Darn it these burns are preventing me from concentrating. How do I even create a portal in this state? But more importantly will I be able to do something like that as well?
"I won't accept anything else, but my ticket to the other dimension!" Koshi shouted.
He dashed at Kettei and furiously started to do rapid consecutive punches on him, but Kettei dodged them all.
Alright, an opening! Kettei thought.
Kettei countered with an attack spell.
Nova Magic: Nova Blast!
"Crap!" Koshi cursed as he was sent flying by a medium sized explosion. Koshi fell on the ground and said:
"Why are you treating me as I am… some weakling?!"
"Simple because sadly you are, I mean don't notice the clear difference in our power?" Kettei asked.
As Koshi slowly stood up he said:
"Back when those morons stole my Ultimate Scroll, I had already learned the spell within it. I guess I have no other choice but to use it here!"
"Darn it!" Kettei cursed.
He is accumulating all the magic in his body, but sensing his magic power, I can easily take it.
"Take this scum!" Koshi shouted.
Ultimate Fire Magic: Flame Shower of Hell!
A enormous orange magic circle appeared in the sky hovering over a small chunk of the city
"The hell is that?!" Zetsu reacted.
Suddenly multiple big beams of fire started to appear out of the magic circle, damaging the environment even more than it already was.
I need to get the hell out of here, but I can barely move!
Suddenly the big beams of fire fused together creating a sole massive beam.
"Oh Crap! It is coming towards me!' Zetsu cursed.
Now the man has no other choice, but to sacrifice himself for the boy and, since he can't move, I'll just take him with me and make me open a portal! Koshi thought.
Seeing all that is happening, Kettei dashed over to Zetsu.
"Don't worry, I got this!" Kettei reassured him.
"If you say so." Zetsu replied putting his trust in him.
Kettei turned around and faced the massive blast of fire.
"Seems like I have to go a bit more serious now." Kettei said.
Kettei used a magic attack.
Nova Magic: Mini Nova!
A giant red sphere was formed at the palm of Kettei's hand and was compressed to the size of a tennis ball.
As Kettei smirked, he aimed at the massive beam and fired off his Mini Nova.
The Mini Nova goes straight through the massive beam and destroys the orange magic circle, causing a grand explosion, as orange and red particles were soon formed in the sky.
"How beautiful!" Zetsu shouted as he looked up at the sky.
Darn it, how did he stop it so easily! And I don't have any mana left! The only thing I can do now is retreat and figure out a new strategy! Koshi thought as he tried to run away.
But Kettei almost instantly caught up and grabbed Koshi by his neck.
"Crap! Crap! Crap! Gah!" Koshi yelled as Koahi pinned him to the ground and continued.
"Bastard let me go!"
"You know I can't let you go, you simply know too much now. Sorry, but I am afraid you have to die, I can't have people knowing that we are hoppers." Kettei objected.
Darn it, I screwed up! Koshi thought as he tried to break free from Kettei's grip.
"Not so fast!" Kettei said.
He used a magic spell.
Nova Magic: Circle Restraint!
Red circles appeared around Koshi's body and tied him up completely, being unable to move.
'"Darn it, is this how my life ends? How lame!" Koshi said as he shed a single tear.
'Wait Kettei, are you really going to kill him?! You know that is a crime right?! Just hand him over to the police!" Zetsu said, trying his best to save Koshi.
"That would be stupid, if we let him go, he could tell that there are dimenction hoppers here!" Kettei explained.
"But still I have no idea what is bad about that!" Zetsu replied.
"I will explain to you later and don't worry I'll finish him off somewhere else, I don't want you to become traumatised."
"Are you out of your mind?!" Zetsu tried to move, but the pain increased.
“Listen Zetsu, it's either kill or be killed!” Kettei said with a serious tone.
"Now time to finish you off!" Kettei said as he took Koshi with him.
They moved behind a building where Zetsu was unable to see them.
“Any last words?” Kettei asked.
“I hope you rot away in hell you imbecile!” Koshi answered.
Kettei moved back a bit and used another magic attack.
Nova Magic: Compressed Annihilation!
All I ever wanted was a better life where I didn’t have to suffer anymore.
Kettei created a red magical barrier around Koshi, made a small pea sized ball within the barrier and detonated it, causing an explosion within the barrier, making it disappear afterwards.
Koshi’s body was nowhere to be seen and only a small crater was left on the ground.
“If only you left without saying anything, then you might have been closer to what you wanted”
Kettei walked back to Zetsu who immediately started to ask something:
“Was it really necessary to kill Koshi! Couldn’t we have changed his mind or even become friends?! I am sure he had his reasons for doing whatever he was doing!” Zetsu argued.
“What are you Zetsu? Naive? Would you have liked to be a guinea pig, being forced to bring criminals over to the other side or even worse die!” Kettei countered.
“Huh?” Zetsu reacted.
“Besides, the man was a scavenger! The only way you can end up like that is either an ordinary fortune seeker, lazy to actually contribute anything to society or just a damn criminal!” Kettei lectured.
Zetsu wasn’t able to say anything and suddenly remembered something. He reached for his pocket and it seems despide a few cracks on the screen of it, his phone is still working. Zetsu checked the time on it.
“4:15 PM! I have to return to the other dimension!” He shouted.
“What in that state? You can barely move and your clothes are all shredded.” Kettei pointed out.
“Uh you really must be mad at me and I know that I am only a bother, so please I’ll manage it on my own.” Zetsu replied while looking on the ground.
“Zetsu?” Kettei called.
Zetsu looked at him.
“Please understand that I am not mad at you, it's not your fault that you do not fully understand how this world works yet, I mean you're a kid after all. Sorry for lashing out at you.” Kettei apologised.
“Apology accepted, but what are we going to do now? I mean have you looked around?” Zetsu questioned.
“This city might be in ruins, but there are still a few strongholds around.” Kettei explained.
“Oh” Zetsu reacted.
“Yeah, they can heal you up and fix your clothes.” Kettei said as he wrapped Zetsu’ arm around his shoulder.
“But how do we even get there?” Zetsu asked.
“By running of course.”
“Running?!” Zetsu shouted.
Kettei proceeded to lift Zetsu up and held him in a princess carry position.
“Hey, put me down! I am not into this kind of stuff!” Zetsu yelled.
“Don’t complain, or do you have any better ideas?” Kettei waited for an answer.
“I hate to say, but no.” Zetsu responded with an annoyed face.
“Then shut it!” Kettei replied.
Kettei suddenly started to run at a rapid speed as Zetsu was screeching like a pig, after 10 minutes of traveling they finally reached a stronghold. Kettei then disables his All Round Enhancement. They stood before a massive grey door with high walls running around the entire complex, when 2 guards who were standing there approached them.
“What are you doing here and what do you want?” The 1st guard asked.
Kettei put Zetsu down and answered with:
“You see, my friend over here got injured and I need someone to heal him.”
“Can you tell us what happened?” The 2nd guard questioned.
“We got attacked by a scavenger and I managed to scare him away, but as you can see my companion got hurt.” Kettei explained.
“How do we know you're not an enemy ready to infiltrate? Because the Tower of Discovery is here as well.” The 1st guard said with suspicion.
“Show us your ID.” The 2nd guard immediately asked after.
They have an ID here too? Strange.
“Sure, I won’t make the same mistake I did back then haha*” Kettei said.
The 2nd guard received the ID and signaled the other guard to come over, they exchanged some surprised looks and gave the ID back to Kettei.
“Gatekeeper!” The 1st guard shouted.
The 2nd guard signaled a person standing on top of the massive door.
Fortifying Magic: Undo!
The massive door opened.
“Well, go on ahead!” The 2nd guard said.
“Thanks.” Kettei replied as he put Zetsu’s arm around his shoulder and went inside the stronghold.
“Woah!” Zetsu reacted.
There were a few facilities on the left side and a living area consisting of 5 floor apartments on the right side, at the center of the stronghold stands a huge tower, which was made out of glowing bricks, blue and white in colour.
“Hey Kettei.” Zetsu called.
“What is that huge tower?” Zetsu asked while pointing his finger at it.
“Oh that is the Tower of Discovery. You see, when you're at least 12 years old and have a mana core, you can awaken the true magic that is within oneself. My magic is Nova. I am able to create supernovas if I put my full strength into it, but sadly I can't destroy solar systems haha.” Kettei explained.
"Anyways let’s just get you fixed up.” Kettei added.
“Right!” Zetsu replied.
They headed towards one of the facilities that had a green cross behind the window.
This must be it. Kettei thought.
Both of them entered the facility and they didn’t see anyone sitting behind the reception.
“Uh? I need some help?” Kettei said, confused.
“Why do you sound as if you have never asked for help before?” Zetsu questioned.
“Do I look like a person who needs help?” Kettei asked back.
Zetsu rolled his eyes.
A door on the left side behind the reception opened, a woman walked out.
She had long blond hair with pitch orange eyes and was wearing a lab coat.
“How may I help you?” She asked.
“I need you to heal my friend over here.” Kettei explained.
The woman walked over to Zetsu.
“I see, you are in pretty bad shape, but don’t worry I will help you. My name is Hana, I am the healer of this stronghold, and you are?” She asked.
“I am Zetsu and he is Kettei.” Zetsu answered.
“Nice to meet the both of you, now please follow me.” Hana said.
They followed Hana into the room. It had a massage bed at the right side of the entrance, along with a desk and a chair behind it. On the desk were some papers and a small box which held pens.
“Zetsu can you please sit on the bed?” Hana asked.
“Sure.” He said heading over to the bed while Kettei stood by the entrance, looking at the both of them.
Hana went over to fetch her chair, put it in front of Zetsu and sat down.
“Please give me your hands.” Hana said.
“Okay.” Zetsu said following her command.
Hana proceeded to hold Zetsu’s hands as she used a healing spell.
Healing Magic: Soothing Recovery.
A green aura appeared around Zetsu that healed him completely.
“Wow! The burns and the pain are completely gone, I feel reborn!” Zetsu shouted in excitement as he was about to stand up.
“Hey, I am not done yet.” Hana told him.
“Huh?” Zetsu reacted.
“Time to fix your clothes.” Hana answered to Zetsu’s confusion.
She let go of Zetsu’s hands and now touched his uniform as she used another spell.
Restauration Magic: Previous State.
Zetsu’s close return to the state they were in, before the ambush of Koshi.
“Holy crap this is cool!” Zetsu said as he stood up and walked over to Kettei.
Kettei asked a sudden question.
“Hey Hana, you are a dual mage aren't you?”
“Dual Mage?” Zetsu wondered.
“Some magic types have sub classes or elements, my main magic is healing, but I also unlocked restoration magic, during intense study and training.” Hana explained.
“I see, hmm I should check it again.” Zetsu was about to reach for his pocket when Kettei grabbed his arm.
“Hey what is that for!” Zetsu yelled.
“I’ll explain later.” Kettei replied with scary eyes.
Hana looked confused at the both of them.
“Is there anything wrong?” She questioned.
“No, Zetsu was just about to do something stupid.” Kettei answered.
“Oh okay…” Hana replied.
“Now we have to go now, thanks for your help” Kettei thanked.
“No problem! If you ever need some healing come by again?!” Hana said with a smell.
“Sure.” Kettei responded.
“Oh and by the way, this time the costs were on the house, but next time you have to pay the 10.000 Jen fee.” Hana added.
“10.000!” Kettei said while being shocked.
“Uh yeah, economy still exists, both me and the stronghold need funds to keep going.” Hana said with sass.
“Okay I’ll be sure to take that into account.” Kettei sighed.
They left the healing facility and Kettei stopped walking and said:
"When you're in this world don't show that phone, okay? We communicate by using Mana Link, but you will learn it later." Kettei instructed.
"But why can't I use it here?" Zetsu wondered.
"Because phones here don't exist, if people saw that thing they would know that you are not from here or worse they suspect that you're a dimension hopper. Be glad your uniform looks somewhat the same as our normal middle schools, because we don't need any suspicion." Kettei answered.
"Now follow me, I need to tell you something." Kettei instructed.
Zetsu and Kettei left the stronghold and walked for about 10 minutes before they came to a stop.
"Alright, here is far enough. I am going to explain to you something about dimension hopping real quick because it must be getting late for you." Kettei said.
"Okay." Zetsu replied.
"First up, you are able to hop to places where you have been before, but you can't teleport to those places if you are in the same dimension as the location where you want to go, since you only have the ability to travel through the 2 dimensions." Kettei explained.
"Well that is a bummer, but good to know." Zetsu commented.
"You know how to make a portal already, so that part is done. Now you just have to imagine a place where you have been before, and it will make you teleport there without anyone noticing you. People with no magic nor cameras can see the portal, which is pretty convenient." Kettei finished explaining.
"Oh?" Zetsu reacted while pulling out his phone to check the time.
"4:45 PM?! I have to go!"
"Well, have a safe trip!" Kettei waved.
"But before I will, can I ask a question?" Zetsu added.
"Of course you can." Kettei answered.
"Why was Koshi so desperate? I mean if he wanted to leave so badly, why didn't he just search for another dimension hopper? I mean there must be a lot of them right?" Zetsu asked.
Oh that.... There are only 30 of us in total, 15 in our world and 15 in your world, but now there are 16 in your world. Meaning that you are the 31st Dimension hopper.
"What?! That small?!" Zetsu reacted.
We as dimension hoppers could either save or destroy both worlds. That is why it is important where you stand. Meet me tomorrow at the destroyed skyscraper. I will show you how to get a mana core.
"Same time before the ambush right?" Zetsu asked.
"Yes, see you tomorrow." Kettei said goodbye.
Zetsu made an oval shaped purple portal.
I want to go home. He thought as he entered it.
Zetsu appeared in the living room at his dad's apartment as the portal closed behind him.
A lot has happened today, maybe for once I can be of some use instead of a failure.
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