《Death Lives》Chapter 4 - Searching for Death
Surprise chapter! There will be another chapter tomorrow as part of the regularly scheduled program, it'll be a continuation of what's been going on but from a different POV.
It's only had a quick edit by me but I have a very special person doing some editing for me. Thanks sis!
I've noticed I've been writing more and more words for each chapter too, this one is 1000 words longer than the last.
Like always feel free to ask any questions and I'll do my best to answer them as vaguely as possible to not give any spoilers.
Please enjoy and give any criticism or any spelling/grammatical errors in the comments!
Edit: The chapter is edited, hurrah! There are some pretty big changes in some paragraphs, punctuation, and the like but nothing story changing so you don't have to reread it unless you'd like to.
Ser Dannet hated travelling.
Nothing beat staying on the practice field and sparring against some soldiers or adventurers. Travelling was the worst part about being a soldier. It was hot, tiring, and made one sore; sex had the same characteristics but at least it was pleasurable he thought.
They had already travelled for two weeks from the capitol. Already at the borders of the Kingdom they were reaching the source of the earthshake.
They had been able to tell the direction from which it came from because of the reports from the villagers when it happened. It came towards the capital as a wave, not to mention the giant crack within the earth.
Like a giant scar on the earth the crack ended just near the capitol emanating from the direction of the earthshake, pointing the way to its source.
He looked back and his eyes gazed over the men and women that followed him as they rode. He was leading this company of soldiers to search for the source of the earthshake which had happened in the capitol.
His superior General Tebald had commanded him to pick nineteen of the best in his unit to search and report back any findings.
And picked the best he did. Though he didn’t have all of the best of the kingdom to pick from he had some of the best.
Ser Dannet was in command of one of the strangest units in the Kitesta Kingdom. Most units had several hundreds of soldiers, from pikemen to archers to regular infantry. Not Dannet though. His unit had only eighty-three under his command. They were used for special missions.
Those that he brought along were the best of the best. He knew the danger that might happen but he also knew that if it was a dragon they would at least be able to hold it off for a short while. Nobody in his command was as strong as the mythical Wyrm Slayer, but pick any two of those under his command and they together could have beat the beast.
With twenty under his command he could kill a drake, the lesser cousin of a dragon but still stronger than a Wyrm, with some difficulty and maybe some losses. With all eighty they had a chance against an unsuspecting young dragon, at least he believed so. The difference between wyrms and drakes was large, dragons even more so.
At least if his company did meet a dragon they wouldn’t all get wiped out, their own scouts would be able to get away, on the fastest horses, to warn the kingdom. There was always a chance for the rest of his unit to survive. Dragons were known to be very fickle. One dragon would wipe out an entire Kingdom while another could proclaim a different kingdom under their protection.
There were even stories of a dragon which made a man a king.
His entire company was mounted and were making good time, about 50 miles a day. The sky was already darkening and they would have to prepare to stop to camp for the night.
A rustle in the bushes ahead of them caused him to halt their advance. Weapons were drawn and bow strings pulled. Then to their relief their scout came out slowly to not startle them.
“Elyse what news?” asked Dannet to the scout.
She pulled off his dark hood, her short brown hair falling forward over her face. She pushed back her hair to reveal her amber eyes and tribal marks, three vertical blue bars, that claimed her as part of the slave caste. The scout was truly one of his best and she had an almost magical ability, perhaps due to her elven blood, to see through the darkest forest.
Once a slave of her clan she escaped and was rescued by Dannet from other elves which had caught her and were bringing her back from her escape.
That was over ten years ago. Elyse had grown into a young woman, having been rescued when she was still a child. Only twenty years old, she had become an accomplished scout and had grown into a beautiful woman, but her life was pledged to Dannet.
This was a rarity, as elves were not common in the Kitesta Kingdom. Most elven kingdoms were at antagonistic with the human race. Though they never were fully at war, it was constant skirmishing between the two.
“There’s a clearing up ahead and a stream just a short walk away captain,” she said softly.
Nodding Dannet motioned forwards to the camping place. Elyse had fought at his side through many battles, scouted difficult terrain and situations for him, and he trusted her word.
Following Elyse’s directions, they soon reached the clearing and set up camp for the night. There was the occasional crack in the earth showing that they were still going the right way.
Dannet removed his helmet, his red, curly hair was tied back in a ponytail somewhat worse for the hours of ride. His blue eyes turned over the campsite, watching his people going about their tasks. Some set to handing out rations, others took to the edge of the camp to guard. Each had their own duties and Dannet reminded himself he could relax. But his face hadn’t remained unmarked by scar or blemish from taking any situation casually. He was young to command but even in his mid thirties he knew that vigilance was necessary.
Ser Dannet was a well liked knight and commander, famous in the capitol. He was slightly crass and was always willing to make a good joke but when the chips were on the table he was always honorable and would risk his life for any of his men. And many women had fallen prey to his roguish features and well chiseled body.
The camp was set and they had set a night watch in groups of four to protect all direction.
Luckily there were a decent amount of them to split up the watch this way to ensure everybody got enough sleep. In the forest there was a high chance for a monster to stumble upon your camp.
The camp was dark because they wouldn’t light a fire. Most monsters would stay away because of the light of a fire, but that would just invite the more reckless monsters and perhaps other beings whom they didn’t want to attract.
The night passed without incident, aside from a shadowtiger who had stumbled into one of the sets of guards. Dispatched quickly, those roused by the sound of battle quickly returned to sleep after the initial roars died with the creature.
Dannet took his turn on watch just before the light of day. He always preferred it as his routine. It was easier to get up and stay up than going back to sleep he found.
Listening to the forest at the edge of the camp he heard a twig snap. It was a light snap but it rang within the forest. Whatever had snapped the twig was far away but obviously not used to being stealthy.
His mind raced with ideas as to what it could be: An owlbear? Perhaps a hagraven or dread howler.
He signalled his fellow watch to keep an eye out at his position as he was going to check it out.
He moved towards the sound, sticking close to the trees to keep his cover, not making a sound. He was lucky it wasn’t autumn, the sound of crushed leaves giving him away. He didn’t need the sound either as whatever was coming towards him was nearly barreling through the bush he thought, and it was coming right at him.
Seeing a small clearing ahead he moved to the side and waited just within the edge of it to hide behind a small bush and a growth of trees as he waited to get an eye on what was coming. Something so brazen in the forest just before dawn was no joke he decided.
Drawing a throwing dagger he waited to see what was coming. He would use the dagger to distract the beast and run back to the camp if need be.
A minute later he was stunned and nearly gave himself away but covered his mouth to muffle a gasp.
A beautiful woman walked by him. Her hair was long, straight, and midnight-black, blending itself into the dark of the forest looking nearly invisible. Her eyes which were lit up looked like the mirror image of the night sky.
Her lips were luscious and blood red. Her complexion was fair and was nearly glowing as if it was absorbing any light from the moon and stars that managed to break through the leaves of the trees. Her skin was impeccable and unblemished, with no scars to mar her body.
Dannet was nearly stunned senseless. Who was this beauty that was coming through the forest. Was she an illusion? A spell placed upon him by a wizard or witch? Or perhaps some succubus. He refused to move, his eyes stuck on her even as his skin prickled with danger.
She walked past the treeline and finally stopped in the centre of the clearing. In the silence of the near-dawn forest, her movement was as loud as a horse on a cobble road.
She stood in the centre of the clearing, looking towards the sky. Then she slowly moved her head towards him and looked at him. He could tell she was looking right into his eyes.
Startled he jumped out. How did she know that he was there? He knew that he hadn’t made a sound, he had been waiting for her long before she arrived.
“Y’trah senathu valheru delenbar ashen lstharah,” she said in sing song voice in a language unknown to him. He had no understanding of the words but the intent of them was quite clear.
Leaving the safety of the treeline he walked out towards her. Even now he was still quite embarrassed at her naked visage, he couldn’t help but stare. She was beautiful there was no doubt, but her intent was unknown. She was too beautiful to be just a human woman.
He watched her movements intently as he went closer to her. “What are you doing out here lady? Where are your clothes?” He asked.
She broke into a smile. Her bewitching lips enticing him to take her for himself, danger nearly forgotten. Getting closer to her he noticed that she had an aura around her that he was familiar with.
Many in his unit had the ability though few could use it and even fewer were masters of it. She had magical talent.
He wasn’t sure about her power, it was strong enough for him to note it within her but all humans who had strong magical ability could feel it within others.
She started to walk towards him but Dannet was careful, he backed up instantly knowing the danger that she possessed. What her magical affinity he knew not, but it was not normal for anyone to walk in the forest alone and unclothed.
“What do you want?” He asked her roughly as he continued to back up till she stopped. He heard rustling behind him signifying other had heard her.
“Want.” She said back at him. “Want clothes.”
He was slightly startled. Did she know his language? She obviously spoke a different one than he had ever heard before. It was not the language of far kingdoms or elves, nor was it the language of dwarves or the magical arts. It was completely foreign but now she was speaking to him and somehow connected what she needed.
He motioned towards one of the watch that had come to him, “Get her some extra clothes so we might question her further, it isn’t good to leave a child like her naked.” He commanded.
The answer to the command was only the rustle of the bushes and the light feet of one of the two who were on watch with him that they followed his command.
“Who is she Captain?” Asked Beneger. One of Dannet’s best archers he could shoot a bug while riding a horse at full gallop a hundred yards away he was so accurate.
“I don’t know.” He replied. “She was walking towards us, loud as a drunken fool, when I heard her so I hid myself to see what it was. She looked right at me when I was hiding, she must have some sort of magical ability. I can feel it within her though I’m not sure how strong.”
“I can send for Jourdain, Captain.” Beneger said.
“No need.” He declined. “We’ll bring her to the camp and he can test her ability there. She hasn’t done anything dangerous this entire time.” he continued.
She just continued to smile at him. He wondered how she wasn’t shivering nor red from embarrassment. No lady in the capitol would allow herself to be seen naked by so many men.
They stood there while waiting then finally more rustling came from behind. It was obvious several others had come, perhaps to ensure the captains safety and more likely to see the beauty that the watch had reported.
“Ya ain’t kiddin Reignolde she’s a beaut.” Remarked Ansger, the least decent fellow of the group. More crass than a sailor he was. There were five of them now along with the captain keeping an eye on the girl. Any danger she possessed was little but should she sneak an attack on any of them it could possibly be too late.
Reignolde brought a robe and passed it to Dannet. Dannet moved to give it to the girl but he did so cautiously, still wary of the fact she was more than she seemed. The others noticed their captains wariness and they too tensed up a bit, except for Ansger who was more of a brute than anything.
As he gathered closer her lips moved slightly, raised with amusement. He handed the robe to her and just as he was pulling back her finger lightly touched his and he felt a bit of a jolt. It was more of a shock than anything, there was no pain.
The others noticed his jump and pulled their weapons, “Wait!” He commanded with his arms out signalling them to stand down. “It’s nothing I’m fine.”
They lowered their weapons slowly, even Ansger’s weapon was in his hands, a large battleaxe easily his height.
She laughed as she put the robe on which didn’t endear her to any of them, insulting their reaction to a possibly dangerous situation.
“What are we to do with her captain? We have a job to do but we can’t just leave her to wander in the woods.” Asked Beneger.
“Bring her along.” Said Ansger. “Maybe she’ll bring us some fun, heavens know the rest of those prudes won’t.” He laughed.
“You mean she’s not likely to cut your jewels off should you try.” Laughed another which Ansger grinned at.
“Enough of that, she may not understand us but I’ll not tolerate any of that talk, we’re not a company of brutes,” said Dannet harshly to which they nodded.
“I think it would be best to bring her along, we can at least keep her safe as long as there’s no dragons. We can find where she came from. It’s not safe for her to be alone in the middle of the forest.” Dannet decided.
She looked at him with the same smirk she had the entire time but he couldn’t help but feel like she understood him more and more.
“Beneger take her to the camp, we’ll be there shortly,” said Dannet.
Beneger nodded and spoke to her slowly, “Follow me lady, we’ll get you some food and water and ensure you have no wounds.”
Dannet held the rest back and waited a few moments until they were far enough away, “I want everyone to keep an eye on her, different shifts now. We always have an eye on her no matter what. Jourdain has skill with tongues, we’ll have him see if he knows her language and if not we’ll have him test her anyways.
They nodded and moved towards the camp following the two.
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