《Tales of Berseria The X: Beyond Calamity》Chapter XII: Assassins in the Night


Twenty-Two Years Ago, The Second Anniversary of the Birth of the Hyland Prince, Hyland Castle

The Hyland King and his Shepherd marched through the halls with haste. The arrival of their unexpected guests made the king feel terribly uneasy. A man of his stature, Hyland’s great ruler, had welcomed many guests from foreign lands.

Especially the unusual ones.

"They appeared near the gates?”, the King asked.

The Shepherd nodded, "Yes, your majesty. They moved in with the rest of the malakhim."

"Is the guest hall secured?"

"Yes. The Prince and his entourage are safe. We halted all affairs at the banquet. Your squire praetors have everything under control."

The King groaned silently, "Good. The sooner I get there, the better."

They soon reached the enormous doors leading to the protected guest hall—the sound of soldiers slamming their chest plates in salutations resonated throughout the gallery. The doors opened, and the King strode inside.

His presence was announced by one of the soldiers. Every attendee turned their heads at the entrance, bowing while clearing the way and stepping back for the King of Hyland. He could hear the sounds of his small boy’s laughter, and his concerns were put to rest, but not completely. He moved closer to his throne, and with the last person moving to the side, he finally saw the Prince and his two new guests.

The little Prince was playing with a flying rappig creature, and a very short, elderly man with white hair who was smiling favorably at the prince. The bodyguard squire slowly nodded to the King, ensuring him of the safety of the situation.

The King calmly breathed a sigh of relief. One of the entourages announced his presence once more. The old man slowly turned to him, smoking his pipe in indifference.

"This is an interesting place. A human castle with humans and malakhims living together. This is a scene that would make many people I knew long ago proud and happy.", said the old man.

"And you are some very interesting guests. This castle hasn't had such visitors for a long time.", the King answered, moving calmly to their side.

"It seems everyone here can see us without a problem.", the old man wondered.

"We have the means, artifacts, and knowledge to boost domains and resonance of our squires to ensure that no small detail escapes our attention—daemons and, in your case, malakhim.

The old man blew his pipe, staying silent. The King moved towards the Prince, interrupting his interaction with the flying malakhim. He smiled at the boy, and he beamed in joy. The king put his hand behind the prince's head and slowly guided him toward his throne. He sat there with the kid standing beside him.

"What brings you here, malakhim?", the King asked.

The old man heaved a breath, "The boy. We've come here to bring him home."

Then, there were muffled voices among the crowd, tones brimming with worry.

“We know who he truly is, and he must come with us to face his true destiny.”, the female rapping said.

The King chuckled amusingly, and the other people’s voices stopped, sinking the hall in utter silence.

"I think you are mistaken, malakhim. He is my son.”, he waved his hand dismissively, “I suggest you resume your search elsewhere.”

"He is not your son.", the old man suddenly spoke in a confident tone, even louder than the king. “We know you are continuing the tradition of the Shepherd in these lands, but it is not enough. As a pact keeper, he must be returned to Midgand. The Empyreans need him.”


Anger bubbled behind the King’s eyes, not only because of the insult, but the threat of taking the Prince away alarmed him greatly, "Do you think that I'm not aware of who and what he is?! His kind have ruled the high court for millennia! Hyland has been ignored for a century, but I will not give him away!"

The old man was unfazed and unaffected by the king's tantrum. “He is going to be the last, true pact keeper.”

The King rested his hand under his chin. "All the more reason that he should stay here, where it is safer and not entangled by the dreams of ‘Claudin Asgard’."

"I have watched your people. They are suffering while you're busy with… what, exactly? Affairs that you do not understand? Guess you're too wrapped up in some futile attempts to tempt fate than to be there for your people and be the King they need."

The last gentle gesture faded from the King as his entourage began to whisper in fear. "So you know how to rule, do you? You do not understand the sacrifices I make. You speak of good Kings and absent rulers, old malak, so you must know these things. My every action is in the service of my people and the future that benefits them. You do not know me or the things I do. Do not dare to presume. You have not earned the right, servant!"

The rapping malak intervened worryingly, "You do not understand his nature. This boy needs proper guidance. The sense of duty and sacrifice is in his blood. He will always do that. He will keep giving and sacrificing until nothing is left of him, not even his soul. Then you will have to deal with the consequences without his presence."

The King slammed his fist on the armrest. "Then, he will sacrifice only for the people of Hyland!"

The female rapping flew forward, "Be reasonable. He is a pure and perfect vessel! He exists to purify malevolence and guide people away from it, not kill and wage war! He is a pact holder! You must let him return with us. The Empyreans are going to slumber if he is not there when the time comes, and the malevolence will-"

The King sneered mockingly, "The people of Midgand failed their gods. He will stay here and he will lead Hyland and its people to glory.”, the King heaved a heavy breath, trying to calm himself down, “We’ve exchanged everything with your Shepherd, Claudin Asgard, and he respected our tradition. You, on the other hand, appeared on our doorstep and responded to my hospitality with insults and accusations…" He looked at the young Prince and noticed uneasiness and sadness waving behind his eyes. The King lowered his voice, and his raging expression ceased to exist. "Today is his birthday. I will not ruin my son's happiness over some pointless argument."

He waved his hand slowly at the two malakhim, "Get out of my sight."

The praetors moved protectively in front of the King and the Prince. The old man gazed into the little boy's pale green eyes for the last time as the guards blocked their view. They left the hall for the castle doors as the praetors trailed behind them.

"We were too late. The humans are doomed, Zenrus. We were wrong in thinking that these people were different from those in Midgand.", the rapping malak said.

Zenrus smoked his pipe wordlessly, but suddenly, a woman softly spoke from the shadows.


“You don’t need to worry. I will protect him.”

Zenrus turned to her, another malak, looking as a red-haired woman in her mid-30s. She smiled gently at them.

Zenrus sighed. He seemed to know her. “Malak Rosa… So you stayed behind.”

The woman nodded, “Yes. It was my decision to protect his child. I couldn’t leave him alone in these lands.”

“Do you know that he passed away?”, Zenrus said.

The smile dried on Rosa's face, “I see…”

She looked down for a moment before returning her glance to Zenrus, “Then I will see that his son is safely brought up.”

Zenrus put his pipe away and locked his arms behind his back, looking to the faraway horizon. “For all of our sakes, I hope you are successful in your endeavors.”

Present Day, Baskerville's Inn

Avernus jerked awake, his whole body aching from pain and anguish.


His hazed sight fell on Velvet as she bandaged his chest. Avernus noticed two faded black lines stretching from her eyes down to her cheeks, slightly messing up her black eyeliner.

“Was Velvet… crying?”

Velvet noticed him waking up and suddenly curled her fingers over his neck and pulled him off the ground with one strong hand. His back burned in agony as his torn muscles stretched and bled even more into his bandages.

Velvet frowned, and her eyes mercilessly pinned him with fury. “Now listen to me, you idiot! If you try pulling something crazy like that again, I will leave you behind. Understood?!”

Velvet clenched her teeth for a moment. “D-Don’t ever… do that again! You hear me?!”

She released her hold as Avernus fell on his back. Avernus felt knives pierced his body, bones screaming. He moaned in pain and winced to his side before using his healing arte. He didn’t want Tia to be alarmed, but he had no other choice. He raised his head once again to see Velvet storming out of the room.

“What does she mean?…” He hissed in pain, “Well… at least she got her strength back…”

Avernus sensed Tia’s domain rushing back to him. He sighed, “Oh, boy…”

The feeling of energy flowing turned into loud footsteps, and Tia appeared near the door frame. Her worried gaze fell on him as he laid down on the floor on one side, eyes scanning the bandages over his chest. “What happened to you?!”

Tia didn’t wait for him to answer and groaned, marching toward him in mild anger. She opened her arms and jumped on top of him. Avernus was startled by her sudden movement, but she floated and merged with his body.

“Did Velvet do this to you?”, Tia asked.

Her significant healing power washed away his body, and his wounds began to heal in a soothing melody. Feeling his stamina restoring, Avernus rose on his feet. “No. I did it to myself.”

“What? Don’t jest! Those marks on your back are… wolf bites!”, Tia barked in his mind, “Why? Did she attack you, or was this some new weird fetish she developed out of nowhere… Wait a moment… She even bit your neck too? What the hell did you two do together?!”

Avernus reached his hand to pick up his shirt in silence, but his strength was nearly non-existence.

“Have you seen yourself in the mirror?”, Tia asked.

Avernus limped to the nightstand beside the bed and leaned on it weakly to check his face. Wordlessly, he stared at his reflection; Black circles under his eyes and his emeralds sunk deep into his eye sockets. He brushed a finger over his grayed skin and on emptied cheeks that their skin was nearly fused to the bone.

“You look like a zombie. Velvet nearly drained and devoured you whole, like a tasty meal.”

Tia concentrated her power and sent a restoration pulse through his body. His dimmed eyes and greyed skin glistened, recovering slowly to their normal state.

Avernus picked up his clothes, putting them on over his bandages. He massaged the bruised mark on his neck that he received from Velvet’s bite. It took even more time for Tia to heal that injury.

“Velvet was hungry. It was the only way. I thought a little nibble wouldn’t hurt…”

“By sucking the veins in your neck and digging her fangs into your flesh? She nearly devoured you whole, you dumbass! I’m gone for just a few hours, and you nearly committed suicide!”, Tia scolded and complained. Avernus could feel her anger rippling through his body.

Velvet’s bite mark on his neck healed as Avernus was watching the process. “Well, since you put it that way, I do feel kind of violated…”

“What did you expect from someone so filled with malevolence and is controlled only by her primal urges?”, Tia groaned in anger, pausing for a few moments before cooling down, “I saw your accomplices gathering outside. I suggest you join them before they get suspicious.”

“Most of them have probably figured out that I have a malak tethered to me. But they won’t act on that since I’m useful to them.”, Avernus said and exited the room and stepped into the corridor. Then another voice called to him abruptly.

"Not so fast, mister."

Avernus turned and saw Magilou leaning against the wall, grinning.

Avernus let out an exasperated sigh and rubbed his forehead as if he was warding off a headache, "What do you want now, witch?"

Magilou instantly stepped in front of him, gazing over him from top to bottom intensively. "Hmm, let's see… It would be bad, I mean, very bad if anyone discovered your little secret."

Avernus sneered, "No, it wouldn't. Because, in this group, no one's a saint. And no one would even care that the collateral damage I’m causing is ruining other people's lives… as long as it gets the job done. On the other hand… You are, or were, an exorcist. Probably a praetor or even a legate."

Magilou suddenly burst into laughter, "Oh no, my darling. But that’s a good speculation.”

Avernus leveled an all-knowing gaze at Magilou’s facial features, "I know the symptoms of an enhancement ritual when I see one: Your eyes, your ears. You were under so much pressure and experimental artes that I feel only pity for you.”

Magilou snorted, but his confident gaze was not to mess with.

"Did I hit the spot, Magilou? Are we good to go? Can we leave now?”, Avernus said and left her side. Magilou sneered before following him.

The group was waiting outside. The night was upon the city. As Avernus and Magilou rejoined, he could see Laphicet hiding behind the Rokurou in fear of Velvet. Rokurou saw their approach.

"You two took your time.", Rokurou said.

Velvet glanced at Avernus from the corner of her eyes. She was expecting to see a dead man walking coming out of the inn, but Avernus’ body was restored as if nothing ever happened. She fully turned to him and narrowed her eyes skeptically.

Avernus shrugged and moved to Laphicet’s side, tapping his shoulder in assurance. "Everything's alright, Laphicet. You don't need to worry about it anymore."

"Hah! Good thing I showed up in time, Velvet.", said Magilou.

Velvet rolled her eyes, scowling. "Oh, no. Don't tell me you're coming too."

"If I travel with you, that exorcist holding that traitor, Bienfu, is sure to show herself!", Magilou clenched her fist and giggled to herself.

"Did you just tell your own fortune?", Rokurou asked.

"Yes! And there it shall be! I have been in the villa before, you know. Oh, I can also see what you people will say in the future. For example: “How useful to have Magilou along.”."

Avernus coughed in his coiled fist, “*Cough* Knew you were *Cough* an exorcist.”

Magilou raised a hand in question. “Um… guys? Anything to add?”

Avernus crossed his arms. “We heard you. We just think this is frickin’ stupid.”

Velvet frowned at Magilou. "If you get in my way, I’m throwing you out."

“Better than getting devoured…”, Magilou said and glanced at Avernus from the corner of her eye.

Eizen scanned the dark corners around the street with caution. "We need to be careful. They probably have eyes all over the place."

"There are shadows, and they're surely hiding in them. Let's look for someone with a red scarf.", Velvet ordered, and they began their search for their contact.

Avernus saw someone with a red scarf and went to them, but checking from up close, he was a worker and not a guard. The man huffed annoyingly at him and went to his house.

“That wasn’t him…”

Avernus noticed that the group was already two streets away from him.

"Tsk. We are behind. We need to…"


Someone disastrously sneezed behind him, but before he could react, a strong gust of wind washed over him like an offensive arte and hurled him towards a stack of empty wooden crates. He crashed and smashed into them. Avernus just sat there, motionless, in the middle of all the broken timber and plaques. Looking in confusion with widened eyes, he saw the girl who was the cause of it all.

Avernus saw a familiar girl with very long brown hair in a long white coat and white shorts, glancing innocently at him with her deep dark blue eyes. She was the same malak from Tabatha’s tavern.

"What kind of wind arte was that?!", Avernus asked. She shook her head, nervously.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to…"

As Avernus struggled to stand up, a window close to them was forcefully opened by one of the neighbors as he leaned out. "What the hell is wrong with you people?! Some of us are trying to sleep!"

Avernus dusted off his clothes before raising his head to meet the angry guy. "We're sorry! We didn't mean to wake you up!"

"Silence! Young people like you always think it's the best time to…"

Annoyed, Avernus suddenly closed his fist, sending a magic wave to shut the wooden window in his face. It slammed into his nose, and the man was thrown back in his house, falling unconscious.

"Then get some sleep, asshole…", Avernus mumbled.

But the wind malak girl disappeared. After a brief walk, Avernus rejoined the group. They were already done talking with a city guard wearing a red scarf.

Rokurou raised a brow at his somewhat dirty appearance. "What's wrong with you today?"

"It’s nothing…"

Magilou grinned widely, "Who knows? What else would a lonely, exotic man do in a foreign land besides find a woman’s bosom to leap and cry into?"

Avernus glared at Magilou, "Don’t make me do something I regret…"

Velvet clicked her tongue, "Stop with this pointless blabbering, and let's get to work."

Magilou flashed her brow triumphantly before turning away, breaking their glance.

"What did you find?" Avernus asked.

Eizen pointed to a nearby sewer hatch, "According to our contacts, there’s a tunnel that leads to the castle."

"You mean the villa? I was there before, but I didn't use an underground entrance."

"We’re a pretty big group, Avernus. Sneaking into the castle via any top side entry point is sure to be noticed by the guards.", Rokurou advised.

Avernus trailed off before shaking his head, "Oh, yes. You're right. My bad."

Eizen leveled a skeptical gaze at him, "You're acting awfully strange tonight.”

"It's nothing, really. I'm fine."

Velvet quickly opened the hatch before the others had time to interrogate him any further. The underground waterway was vast and immense. Laphicet was checking out the area, but he missed a step and stumbled forward above the water. Fortunately, Velvet was near and snatched him before he could fall into it. He gazed back to her eyes, nodding, "Thank you…" Velvet hummed and marched further.

Magilou, scheming as always, placed her hands over his shoulders, "Watch your step, Laphicet. There are giant crocodiles in these waters."

Laphicet swallowed and shivered, "C-Crocodiles?!"

Rokurou rolled his eyes. "Oh, boy, here we go again…"

Eizen slid to Magilou’s side and leaned near her ear. "A croc's favorite food is a useless witch."

Avernus moved to her side and bent over. "Yes. Especially if void artes tenderize the flesh. The more they scream, the tastier they’ll become."

Magilou glanced back and forth from Eizen to Avernus as the two tall men surrounded her. “Fine!”, she retreated. Eizen and Avernus gave each other a favorable nod.

Velvet sighed audibly in annoyance, "Some assassins’ crew we are."

“Have some fun, Velvet.” Avernus winked. Velvet frowned, but a pink shade covered her cheeks for a moment before resuming her walking, getting more distance from him.

“Velvet is giving off a strange vibe.”, Tia said in his thoughts.

“Like what?”

“Irritation mixed with… interest?”, Tia expressed, letting out a low distinctive and continued murmur as she tried to come up with an explanation.

“Interest?”, Avernus sneered, “Sure. Interest in killing me is more like it.”

Laphicet wandered to his side, "Do you know anything about the Bloodwings? I mean, you worked with them before, right?"

Rokurou joined Laphicet, "Yeah. I always wondered that too. The old lady treated you way better than her assistants do. It’s like you’re getting special treatment."

“To tell you the truth, I don’t know much about them. Other than killing some Code Red daemons, I didn’t do much.”

"…But I know a lot of detail!", Magilou said.

"What?", Laphicet asked.

Magilou snickered, "They always make sure their dead won't ever go to waste."

"D-Dead people?!"

"Oh, that's right! A long time ago, one of their operatives sneaked into the villa. When the guards discovered him, he tried to escape via this very tunnel. He jumped into the water to escape but then… Crunch! A large crocodile ate him in one big bite! Only one of his arms remained, floating to the surface."

Laphicet cupped his hands over his ears. "I don’t think I want to hear any more!"

"But I haven't told you the best part! They learned that they could serve crocodile meat in the tavern. Crocodile meat, coated with human blood, becomes delicate and yummy. Perfect for dishes like mabo curry."

Laphicet nearly fainted, "T-Then I ate…!"

Velvet lowered her walking speed until she reached Magilou’s side, "I’ll have to try it then. I want it to be coated with the blood of a lying witch."

“Why not make one now? We can toss her into the water to see if any crocodiles would munch on that skinny body.”

"Oh, the kid’s a wreck! It was just a joke to help calm him down.", Magilou said.

Laphicet released his arms, “A joke?”

"Totally. I made up that last part. Mabo curry is actually made from man-eating catfish who…"

Before Magilou could continue with her nonsense, Avernus and Velvet's eyes met each other in mutual contact. Avernus gave her a signal. Velvet nodded and quickly blindsided Magilou into the water stream. Her body hurled with a great force and sank beneath the cold water of the sewer.

Eizen and Rokurou chuckled, and the group resumed their search.

"See? There is only peace when Magilou isn't around.", Rokurou said.

"True. The best part is our combat performance is still unaffected.", Eizen added.

Magilou crept out of the water, soaking wet and coughing hard, “Ugh… You are all insufferable!”

They passed a few more tunnels and corridors. Suddenly, Avernus sensed a new flow of malevolence and raised an alarming arm, ordering the group to stop. "Living Armors…"

Magilou pursed her lips and shook her head. "So much for a group that wants to protect everyone from daemons. They have daemons right under their noses."

Rokurou’s fingers grazed the hilt of his short swords, ready to attack. "Then what was the point of building those huge walls around the capital if daemons can still slip through somehow?"

"If there was a daemon outbreak inside the walls, those defences will make it near impossible for everyone to escape.", Eizen said.

Avernus pulled out his staff and leaned against the wall, trying to glimpse the dark hallway in front. "Keep your eyes open and try your best to avoid any fighting.”

He recognized the roaming armors, patrolling the area in a loose formation. Everybody crouched down and slowly moved among the shadows to avoid the daemons’ attention.

After passing the second hallway, Avernus pointed out a large wooden switch at the end of the room, guarded by more daemons.

"We need to flip that switch, but there are a total of five Living Armors guarding around it. Stealth is no longer an option.", Avernus said.

Velvet unsheathed her wrist blade and dashed like a war wolf, eager to fight, "Then we will fight them head-on!"

The rest stormed the daemons. Avernus raised a brow at their uncoordinated assault. "Velvet, wait! Oh… God dammit!”

Magic surged in Eizen’s arms, "Blades of the wind slice them! Air Thrust! Wind Lance!"

Eizen fired his wind artes. The sharpened artes impacted the daemon’s armor to no effect.

"Heavy armor, huh? Then eat this! Stone Lance!" Eizen launched his second set of his artes, woven in crystallized mana, but the daemons deflected them effortlessly.

Velvet and Rokurou struggled in their attempt to hurt the monsters. Their blades were not effective in putting a dent in their supernatural plated armor.

Avernus rushed instantly towards the nearest daemon, passing Velvet and Rokurou and engaging it in one on one staff and spear combat.

They both swing at each other without blocking, pure flurries of long weapons swings hitting one another. A few more clashes, Avernus managed to lock the daemon's spear with his staff and then pushed it down on the ground. He put his right foot on the pike and with a hefty shove, broke it. The daemon lost control and Avernus kicked it and it bowled over the ground.

Avernus jumped on its chest plate and grabbed the large purple glowing eye with his left arm. He forcefully tore it off from the head with a strong pull, crushing it under his boot.

Avernus whipped his head over to his companions, "Go for the eyes, everyone! GO FOR THE EYES!"

"Alright!" Rokurou eagerly attacked another daemon. Like Avernus, he locked the spear between his swords as soon as the daemon attacked and threw it upward, denying the daemons its weapon. Rokurou jumped on the Living Armor's shoulder and stabbed its head, gouging out the eye.

He sliced the eye in half and kicked the hollowed body as it crumbled into useless armor plates.

"That's two!", Rokurou shouted in victory.

Avernus abruptly heard Magilou screaming for help. He looked back and saw her dodging a fatal stab.

Avernus sighed and switched Dreamshadow to his left arm. He opened his right hand and coiled his fingers over something invisible and pulled a flaming spear out of the air.

"Blazing Javelin.", Avernus calmly whispered. He moved his hand and found the spear’s balance point and gripped it tightly. He closed his left eye and narrowed his right one, aiming the conjured weapon.

"Stop moving so much…"

As Magilou tripped and fell, the monster caught up and prepared to thrust its spear into her chest. Magilou closed her eyes, waiting for the end.

"Got it!"

He moved backward and threw the Blazing Javelin with full force. The fiery spear flew fast towards the daemon's head, illuminating the low light corridor along the way. The Javelin pierced the eye, and the living armor's head tilted backward, its body ceasing to function.

The witch opened her eyes and touched her chest, looking for a nasty wound, "I'm alive!"

"You're welcome." Avernus scanned the room and saw Velvet and Rokurou double-teaming one of the Living Armors.

Her eyes were bulging with anger and blood lust. The monster was struggling to defend against her relentless attacks. It soon lost its balance and gave Velvet a window of opportunity to drag the beast to the ground. She then grabbed its head with her demonic arm and crushed the eye between its metallic skull together.

"Such power…", Avernus mumbled.

“True. Velvet is a formidable beast.”, Tia said.

“A beast?”, Avernus asked.

“Yes. Don’t let that pretty face and voluptuous body fool you. Velvet is nothing more than a restless killing machine…”

“That’s enough out of you, Tia. I am very well aware of what she is… You don’t need to keep reminding me.”

"Void Mire!", Laphicet shouted his arte and pinned the last remaining daemon in a void-filled hole that yawned on the ground, keeping it in place. Eizen dashed and gave it an uppercut to the helmet, sending it skyward. Laphicet waved his arms and used a levitation arte to hold the monster inverted in mid-air, giving Eizen enough time to use his Air Thrust wind rings to pierce its vulnerable eye. The red orb dropped to the ground. Eizen placed his boots on top of the leaking eye and smashed it beneath his boot.

Avernus turned to Velvet as her eyes reverted, and her expression softened, "Good fight, Velvet."

"You too.", she said.

Laphicet raised a clenched fist triumphantly over the remains of the daemons, "You don't want to make me angry!"

"Laphicet, apologize for losing your temper!", Rokurou suddenly scolded the boy.

The reliance faded from Laphicet’s face, and he bowed apologetically. "Oh! I'm sorry!"

"Come on, let the boy try to act tough.", Eizen suggested.

Avernus moved to Laphicet’s side, smiling at the young malak, "Anger is not your enemy, Laphicet. It is your partner.” He raised his fist enthusiastically, “When the two of you work together, your foes will burn in the fires of victory!"

Magilou rolled her eyes and sighed. "Oh, here we go! Another marvelous lesson from the almighty sorcerer, Sir Avernus himself."

Velvet raised a brow and turned to Avernus, shaking her head. "Why did you save her life?"

"A mistake that I’m already starting to regret…”

Amidst their banter, Laphicet gazed horrifyingly at the ceiling. He swallowed.

"Um… Guys?…"

Everyone followed Laphicet’s gaze and saw a large number of Slimes hanging from the ceiling, gazing coldly at them from above.

Magilou suddenly screamed in terror and broke into a sprint. She hid behind Avernus and hugged his waist.

"Eww! Slimes! OK, I'm sorry! I was joking! You’re the greatest, most elegant, graceful, and loveable hero ever! Just don't let them touch me!"

As Magilou squeezed him tightly, Velvet intuitively smacked her hip into Magilou, throwing her off balance as she stumbled to the side, letting go of Avernus’ waist.

"Hey! What was that for?!", Magilou shouted.

Velvet moved protectively to Avernus. She suddenly sobered up and understood what she did and blushed when Avernus glanced at her in wonder.

Tia giggled at Velvet’s reaction. Only a woman could see the blossoming emotions rising in another woman. “Now, I see… conflicting emotions.”

Velvet quickly stepped back and pinned Avernus under a heavy scowl. It was enough to force him to break the eye contact, saving herself from revealing more than she wanted him to know.

Eizen pushed down the switch in a hurry. "Let's go! Don't just stand there staring at them."

The group followed Eizen into the newly opened area as the jelly monsters all dropped behind them.

They navigated through some large stone debris that blocked the corridor. In the meantime, Magilou noticed Velvet’s gloominess, "What’s the matter, Velvet? The thought of killing a man weighing heavy even on a daemon's consciousness like yourself?"

Velvet glanced at her from the corner of her eye uncaringly. "No. But I'm wondering why you're so bold and perky about it."

"Hey, don’t get the wrong idea. I'm not here to murder anyone. I'm just tagging along to find my traitor."

Avernus helped Laphicet climb down a few rocks. "Nobody will touch the priest. He’s mine.”

"Do we have to kill him? Can't we just do something to make him stop his Nectar business?", Laphicet wondered.

"He won't listen to us. He’s too shady to leave unsupervised. When I was at the tavern, I overheard some people talking about him. He was the one who led the church and the people three years ago through the crisis. And when Artorius came about, he used his power to silence any competitors for the rank of High Priest, and a nasty cleaning operation swept through them. Leaving only him to get promoted.", Rokurou explained.

Avernus walked past the group and even Velvet, marching up to a nearby ladder. "I don't care who he is. I'm the one who’ll be taking his life. Understood?"

They followed Avernus to the top. He quietly opened the hatch and snuck into a nearby room on the other side of the dimly lit hall. They followed him inside, and he closed the hatch, searching the area for any signs of guards.

“It’s a library!”, Laphicet said. Avernus turned to see the large bookshelves placed across the room.

"Wow, there are so many books! And these are some rare collections of special tomes! These rich royal folks have so much money to burn.", Magilou said.

Laphicet eyes widened in excitement, leering the bookshelves in excitement. Velvet noticed his enthusiasm, and suddenly, she remembered something familiar; He and Laphi are so much alike.

Suddenly, one of the bookshelves began to slide to the side, revealing another rack hiding behind it. Avernus glanced at Magilou and watched her placing a book back into the moving shelf. “Did you open it?”

Magilou held up her arm in the air, "I didn't do anything."

“Liar… She knows this place too well.”, Avernus mumbled, giving her a frowned skeptical glare.

Laphicet scrambled to the newly revealed bookshelf, "Ah! These books are all written in the ancient tongue!"

Avernus joined him, taking a closer look, “Interesting…”

Turning to the shelves, Avernus ran his fingers over the gilded spines, occasionally pulling books down to leaf through them.

"These books have nothing to do with our job.", Velvet complained.

Magilou slapped Laphicet on the back. “Careful what you stick your nose in. I’d bet at least half the books in here are cursed.”


Avernus turned his angry gaze at Magilou. “Will you cut that out?! None of these books are cursed.”

Sighing, Avernus looked around the vaulted room. His eyes fell on a thick, leather-bound tome that stood out from the rest, “This looks good.”

Avernus pulled the book from its place, but he noticed Laphicet eyeing it as well. Suddenly, Velvet snatched the book from his hand and gave it to the boy.

"If you want it, just take it. Don't pretend to be noble.”, Velvet said.

Rokurou facepalmed, "Good grief, Velvet. What is wrong with you? Can't you just relax for a moment?"

"Relax?! Did you forget that we came here to kill someone?", Velvet said and bustled off to the door.

“Velvet cares for the boy… Hmm…”, Tia said, “An interesting conflict of character…”

Velvet opened the door and peeked through the crack. "So, which way to the worship hall?"

"Which way… Which way indeed?", Magilou murmured.

Velvet turned toward Magilou, her patience running low, "I asked you a question, witch."

"What? I told you that I’ve been here before. I never said I knew the whole castle’s layout.", Magilou said.

Velvet clenched her fist. "And I said we'd kick you out if you started to annoy me."

"Kick me out?”, Magilou snickered, “Then you’ll need to find the exit door first."

Avernus pushed the rest of the door open cautiously. "Don't try to hold a conversation with her, Velvet. It’s a good way to go mad."

"Yep, that's it! Light up and the way will show itself!", said Magilou.

Avernus gestured to the right corridor, "Let's check that way."

The group moved between the hallways cautiously. There were a few guards on the lookout, but Avernus and Eizen took care of them silently as they stepped through the shadows.

Laphicet sighed and Magilou caught the wind of his depression once again, "Feeling nervous, kiddo?"

"A bit…"

"Don't worry. I can teach you a spell." Magilou said.

Laphicet scratched his head."Like that "Eeny, teeny, spiny, crow" thing?"

Avernus narrowed his eyes at Magilou, twisting his face. "What the hell is that spell?"

"That was a fortune-telling method to remove the veil of fate. This one will improve your chances of gaining fortune in your life. Here’s what you have to say: MAGIKAZAM!"

Avernus and Laphicet glanced back in each other, waiting for something to happen.

Magilou opened her arms, "See? It worked!"

"I don't get it… What did it do?", Laphicet asked.

"It was a useless charm to dispel a pointless worry.", Magilou sneered.

Avernus rolled his eyes and left to scout ahead.

Magilou stepped beside Laphicet and grabbed his shoulder. "Because we are all burdened by some pointless things, unknowingly even. So, kiddo, repeat after me."

Laphicet nodded, "Okay…"

"Magikazam! C'mon say it!"

"Magikazam…", Laphicet mumbled in uncertainty.

Magilou placed an open hand near her ear, tipped her head to the side. "I just can't hear you. Say it one more time! With feeling! MAGIKAZAMAZAM!"

Laphicet’s chest heaved, "MAGIKAZAMAZAMAZAM!"

Magilou abruptly raised a scolding finger, "Shh! What the hell are you doing? We're trying to sneak in, and you're shouting?"

"But I…"

Eizen sneaked behind Magilou and slapped her in the back of the head, "Shut up!"

Magilou clenched her head. "Ow! That hurt! I was just trying to cheer the boy up."

“You deserved it.”, Avernus said, “Next time, it’s my turn.”

They soon reached the worship hall. Velvet shoved open the doors and saw a lone figure on the other side of the room, praying to an altar.

"Hey, are you Gideon?", Velvet asked.

The old man groaned and turned uncaringly to them, "I'm praying. Who are you?"

Velvet jerked her chin at him, "I asked you first, priest."

"Such improper behavior. But what else would I expect from a daemon and her cronies?", the priest sneered.

Then, as they sensed an ambush, a shadow jumped from behind the altar and landed protectively between the priest and Velvet’s team.

"Stop right there!"

The figure raised her spear, revealing herself to be Eleanor Hume, the same praetor who fought them before at Port Zekson. Now, she was accompanied by a new pair of malakhims and covered by two exorcists as they stormed the hall.

Magilou punched in the air and jumped up and down, "Called it!"

Rokurou pulled and brandished his swords at them, tipping his head at Eizen, "Is this ambush a part of your Reaper's Curse? Or do you think Tabatha sold us out?"

Velvet clung into Eleanor’s gaze, "So, you figured out that he's the source of the Nectar operation."

"Of course. I followed the trail of destruction you caused, and all of the evidence pointed at the high priest Gideon.", Eleanor said.

Velvet glanced surprisingly at Eleanor, "After knowing all this, you still defend him?"

Eleanor heaved a calm breath, "The trials and retribution he deserves is for the Abbey to oversee."

The priest seemed to have been played for a fool. He strode panicky to Eleanor's side. "What?! After all I have done for the good of the Abbey? You want to put me through trials?"

Magilou slowly stepped away from the scene as a battle was about to brew. "Oh, it is going to be wonderful seeing you guys fight.”, she giggled, “Make them desperate!"

Avernus narrowed a challenging glare at Eleanor and twirled his staff. "Let's do it, then!"

Velvet’s group stormed at the exorcists. Velvet broke off and charged at Eleanor. She slashed her blade and met Eleanor’s spear in a loud clunk. "Stand aside, exorcist, and I’ll end this right here, right now!", Velvet yelled.

Eleanor stood firm, holding her ground against Velvet’s attack. "I cannot let you do that! The laws of the abbey are clear!"

Light magic surged to Eleanor’s arms, and her spear shined, forcing Velvet to step back before Eleanor attacked. Suddenly, Avernus joined the fight and threw a massive swing of his bladed staff at Eleanor. She dodged the attack and retreated, her face twisted in anger.

“Leave her to me!”, Avernus said and turned to Velvet, tipping his head at the malakhim. “There are some good feisty meals ready for you to eat.”

Velvet glanced over the two malakhim, and her sense of hunger took over, dashing at them.

Avernus switched his attention back to Eleanor, and he noticed her hesitation. Eleanor remembered that instead of harming her in their previous fight, Avernus healed her wounds without his friends knowing. Her guts screamed that he was no threat, but it felt so wrong to her. His emerald eyes told a different story.

Eleanor raised her spear at Avernus, "You! Why are you consorting with daemons?! Have you no conscience?! Have you no shame?!"

“There are things that you do not understand, Ms Hume. You should leave before you get hurt.”, Avernus said, leaving his guard open as if Eleanor was no threat to him.

Eleanor clenched her teeth. She dashed to thrust her spear. But Avernus effortlessly stepped to the side as the tip of her weapon missed his chest. Eleanor gasped, eyes widening in shock. Avernus swung his staff and hooked Eleanor’s ankle, sweeping her legs from under her. Eleanor tumbled to the ground and landed on her back.

Eleanor shut her eyes and cried in pain. Then she felt the chilling sensation of metal under her chin.

“Cease your actions and leave this place.”, Avernus warned, raising her chin with his staff.

Suddenly, her body glowed. Avernus jumped back and brandished his staff. An orb of light shot from her chest and transformed into a wicked-looking Normin. Avernus recognized that it was Bienfu. "I will stop you! Leave madam Eleanor alone, you brute!"

Having devoured the malakhim, Velvet dashed and batted Bienfu out of the air, tossing him to the back.

As Bienfu struggled to his feet, Magilou crept up behind him, grinning widely. "I finally found you, Bienfu! Did you think you can run away from me forever?!"

"M-Miss Magilou?!", Bienfu shivered as he turned, watching Magilou’s wicked smile stretching across her face.

"I’m putting you back where you belong!” Magilou grabbed him by his large hat and pulled him off the ground. “You, descendant of the Seventh Grove, see our vows renewed. May our prayers of discontent vanish infinitesimal into the void! Remember this true name I bestowed unto you… Fuschie Cass!"

Her incantation summoned a pact sigil that washed over both of them. Bienfu groaned in despair, and his body sank into Magilou as their pact was completed.

She heaved a satisfying breath, and her eyes flared up with magic. "Now It is on!"

Eleanor felt the tether to Bienfu torn away from her and watched Magilou smirking in victory. “Are you an exorcist?!”

"Wrong, praetor!” Magilou declared, she dramatically opened her arms. “I'm a witch. This insignificant world is a plaything to me, and the fates of all men hold no merit. But you can call me Miss Magilou!"

The exorcist reinforcements rushed into the hall. Now having a malak to power her artes, Magilou charged up a ball of lightning in her cupped hands and hurled it at the small army surrounding them.

The energy ball ate through their ranks, electrocuting them all as they winced and wiggled from the intense electrical powers, slumping to the ground unconsciously.

Velvet joined Magilou, glaring at her. "You owe us."

"I'm nothing like Rokurou or Avernus. I forget my debts so fast!", Magilou snickered.

Velvet whipped out her therion arm. "Then, repay us here!"

"You always invest poorly, children.”, Magilou giggled, charging up her magic, “Okay, onward!"

As the rest of the group were engaged in combat with the reinforcements, Avernus attacked the two new malakhim that supported Eleanor. Tia’s power boosted his core, giving him superspeed as his body flew over the malakhim. He slammed his staff into the closest one’s chest, smashing their body into the nearby pews and taking them out of battle.

The other malak twirled his sword, sending a magical whip to catch Avernus’ scepter. The light tendril spiraled around his weapon, and the malak yanked their sword, trying to disarm Avernus. However, Avernus cracked a pity smile and tugged with inhuman speed, pulling the malak off the ground and crushed them against the wall.

Gasping, Eleanor stepped back as fatigue and exhaustion caught up with her.

Avernus marched toward her calmly, “There’s no need for you to get yourself involved. Step aside and leave.”

"Never!", Eleanor screamed and gripped her spear with her hands defiantly. Avernus stopped an inch from the tip of Eleanor’s weapon. His calm posture boggled her mind. Amidst the confusion, Velvet used this distraction and Eleanor’s pause to sucker-punch her in the stomach. Eleanor’s face twisted in pain, and with a loud moan, she stumbled to the ground, falling unconscious.

Avernus, together with Velvet, advanced intensively toward the priest, eyes flashing with killing intent. Gideon backed off, "Wait! Everything I did was for the good of the Abbey! We needed the money to build the temple! I was trying to help the people as best as I could."

His appeals fell on deaf ears as Velvet unsheathed her wrist blade. Avernus yanked Velvet’s arm. "I don't like repeating myself; he is mine to kill."

Velvet paused. The anger in her eyes subsided as Avernus’ emeralds cooled her down. Avernus nodded, and his hand began to crackle with magical energy, ready to strike the priest.

The priest barked in terror, "Wait, who sent you?! Was it the sick folks? The doctors? Or… was it Artorius?! Damn him! After all I've done, he wants to see me dead?! That bastard!"

Suddenly, the priest's body generated a huge amount of malevolence. Avernus sensed the corruption’s thickness and took off instantly to kill him before the mutation took over. "Damn it!"

But the surge of malevolence was too high, and the high priest’s body pulsed a dense burst of malevolence, throwing Avernus and the rest to the ground.

Laphicet quickly scrambled to his feet and rushed at Velvet. The priest, now transformed into a lizard daemon, caught a glimpse of Laphicet. The daemon pounced at his defenseless prey and raked his claws at the boy. As Laphicet flinched, the priest fangs found another target instead: Velvet threw herself in front of Laphcet, taking the brunt of the attack. Velvet groaned in pain as she and Laphicet tumbled to the ground.

Avernus raised to his feet and threw crystallized mana in a quick move right at the priest before following his attack. The arte drilled into his leathery skin, and he hissed in agony, taking off and escaping to the back of the altar.

Velvet shook Laphicet’s shoulder, her voice booming with anger, "You can't die now! You think you can read books when you're dead?!"

Laphicet nodded and sent a healing pulse to Velvet’s body, curing her wound. "Don't you die either, Velvet…"

Velvet’s head whipped around to find a trace of either the priest or Avernus. "Where did they go?"

Magilou shuffled her guardian papers, putting them back in her pocket. "Priesty’s getting away, but Avernus went after him."

Velvet stood up, squaring her shoulder, "Avernus needs our help. Let’s go."

Rokurou shook his head, "I highly doubt that, but sure, let’s go."

Further down the stairway, Avernus was hot on the daemon’s tail.

The priest turned his head at Avernus, fizzling like a snake. "You won't get rid of me so easily!"

Boosted by Tia’s power, Avernus’ legs surged with energy, closing his distance between himself and the priest. “Poor choice of your last words, priest!”

Avernus clenched his fist as mana rushed over to his fingers.

"Eat this! Stoner Sunshine!”

He punched his fist and a blinding beam of light shot from his hand and scorched the priest’s back. The daemon screeched and tumbled down the long stairs, rolling in a blaze of fire.

“I’m not done!” Avernus pulled his staff. Scythed blades darted from the top. He sprang on his feet, ready to slice the priest in half. But as they flew down, a large beak snaked the daemon out of the air. Avernus quickly dodged and jumped back on the ground. His eyes widened. “What is that?”

A new monster, a griffin, had snatched the priest’s body. He extended his arm towards Avernus before the griffin’s pecker broke his spine, killing him instantly.

Velvet and the rest pounded down the stairs and joined him.

"What… the hell is that?!", Velvet asked.

"It’s a Griffin.", Avernus mumbled.

As they were shocked watching the monster munching on the daemon’s corpse, a dark cloud of malevolence was being drained out of the body, and it reverted to human form.

Another voice suddenly barked behind them, "The priest changed back into a human?"

They saw Eleanor limping down the stairs, watching the scene in utter disgust and horror.

The griffin appeared to be done with the body and opened its wings to fly, but its head hit an invisible barrier, and it fell right back to the ground, screeching in despair.

"I know that barrier well…” Velvet observed, remembering her cell that was protected by the same arte for three years.

"So what? The Abbey is holding this beast captive?!", Rokurou wondered.

“I think we’re done here. The priest is dead. We need to leave before more exorcists show up.”, Avernus advised.

Eleanor suddenly barred Velvet’s way. "What did you do to the high priest?! And what is that daemon?!"

Velvet shrugged her shoulders, ignoring her demand, "I don't know, and I don't care."

Eleanor raised her spear, pointing it at Velvet, "Do not mock me!"

Avernus stepped closer and placed a hand on her spear, pushing it down easily. "I think you’re the mockery. You can't do anything to any of us without your exorcist powers. What do you hope to achieve now?"

Helpless and powerless, Eleanor dropped to her knees and sobbed, dropping her spear to the ground. "Who are you? Who are you, people?!"

The assassins left her alone, disappearing like ghosts back into the night.

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