《The Witch of Langle Field》Chapter 26 - The Truth Comes Out


In the end, the girl was arrested and taken into custody, while all my grocery belongings were once again safe in my posession. Me and Lohre cleaned up the mess that we left during the chase, which included apologizing to the restaurant owner earlier. He didn't seem to mind at all and was content that the thief was caught.

I am never doing something like this again.

Chasing a thief, while thrilling, is also very tiring.

I figured that was enough action for one afternoon, so I made my way back up Langle Field. Based on the position of the sun, it seemed like there was still time to cook lunch.

During the carriage ride home, I couldn't help but think about the identity of the mysterious girl I chased.

Why did an experienced adventurer like her turn to the world of crime?

With those skills, she can easily clear quests that are well paid. She can also join an adventurer's party as well, earning the rights to do party-exclusive quests that usually have high rewards.

Based on the water shield spell she casted, her mana quality wasn't on par with an average mage. Sure, it might have fully nullified my stun spell, but that was thanks to the effect water has on electricity and the spell I casted was only level one. If I went for a higher level, the shield might have exploded.

Which meant that she was well-fitted for a support role, wherein speed and a good reaction time is necessary. She seemed to cover all of those.



Something happened to her for her to end up this way?

Perhaps it was due to some circumstance that she had to resort to stealing?

Well, whatever.

Thinking about it will get me nowhere.

There was no way for me to know, other than asking her. She's now in the hands of the local authorities, so it seems unlikely that I'll be meeting her anytime soon.

Plus, I don't want to ponder too much on other people's private life.

What's more important for me, though, is that time I stopped for a second while chasing her in the streets.

That feeling of deja vu.

It happened when her hood fell off for a moment and I got a glimpse of her face.

"...Seriously, where in the world have I seen her before?"

It might be an overstatement, but despite me being immortal, I have a good memory.

I mean, I can still remember the animes that I've frequently watched back in Japan.


If I can still vividly recall the faces of my favorite characters in a different world 700 years ago, then why can't I recall where I've seen her face before?


Out of my centuries alive, do I know of any other red-haired girls?

Of course, I've met probably a few hundred dozen at this point, but so far none of them are clicking. And most of them are dead at this point (unfortunately), so I can only remember a handful of red-haired girls that I've interacted with these past years.



No, I definitely didn't meet her before.

But somehow, her face is, in a sense...



All this remembering business is hurting my brain. I guess I'm still a bit tired from earlier.

I'll get a quick nap after lunch, then maybe ponder things properly tonight.

"What is the meaning of this? I demand an explanation!"

"I apologize!"

When I opened the door, a surreal sight unfolded before me.

Nola was on the ground, her head touching the floor, prostrating profusely in front of Kaena. The demi-human had her hands crossed and was standing over the maid, looking down on her like a king angrily looking down on a peasant. No, this is not an overstatement of reality, nor is it an exaggeration, she was literally expressing her fuming outrage by striking the dominant pose that you normally see from statues guarding a temple gate.

"Umm... I'm home?"

The gaze of the enraged demi-human turned to me.

"You," she said, pointing towards me, in a voice so cold it sent shivers down my spine. "Who are you?"


Abandoning the maid on the floor, she walked towards me like a parent about to thoroughly discipline a child. Despite me being in far dangerous situations compared to this, the sight of Kaena slowly approaching me unconsciously made me take a step back in fear. "I came here to inquire of a witch named Hisami Enatsu, but that girl over there is clearly an impostor. It turns out she was a maid named Nolamel Render. So I ask again: Who are you?"

"...U-Uh... Um... I... I c-can explain - "

Sheesh, those eyes!

It was like she was staring deep into my soul!

How can someone with a cute face make such a terrifying expression? I can't even get the words I wanted to say out of my mouth properly.


In the end, it took us around half an hour to clear things up. She had an expression of mild disgust as I went into the details of what exactly we did.

"I'm sorry for my actions earlier. I thought you girls were impersonating the Great Witch herself, which riled me up a bit. I hope you'll forgive me," Kaena said, bowing her head.

"No, it's okay. It's our fault. We should've told you what was going on from the get-go."

"Still... Roleplaying? Seriously?" Kaena looked at me with a disappointed face.


Mind your own business.

Nola was back in her maid clothes, cooking lunch in the kitchen. After a quick shower, I changed to a more comfortable T-shirt and shorts.

Earlier, upon seeing the tattered maid uniform, Nola's expression darkened.

"The chest area seemed to loosen a bit..."

"Hmm? Did you say anything, Nola?"

"No, Lady Hisami. It is nothing."


Might just by imagination.

Dang, I really need to sleep.


Me and Kaena were idly chatting with each other as we wait for the food to get ready. Nola was now in a better mood. Probably because of the groceries I bought.

"Aren't you uncomfortable in those clothes, Kaena? You can change in your room while you wait for now." Her jacket was tied around her waist, revealing that she was wearing a jumper dress inside.

That's too many layers of clothes, I randomly thought.

Won't she get hot in them?

Well, she did take off her jacket.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I'll just change after I take a shower."

"Ahh, alright then. The bathroom is pretty big, so do make yourself at home."

"Speaking of, this is your mansion, right? And you've been living here for 700 years?"


"Mmm... To think a mansion like this existed for decades, but the interior and exterior design somehow looks... How do I put it... It's oddly modern. Like, the layout and everything seemed too advanced, even today."


"Who was the architect of this mansion? I want to get to know them. The designs look beautiful, but at the same time very minimalistic, a style I want to emulate in my future works." Her eyes were sparkling as she said this. To think those same eyes were full of malice awhile ago...

Such a quick change of mood.


"That would be me, but unfortuantely I don't have any architectural skills," I told her. "I just based it on the dream house I drew as a kid."

"You designed this as a kid?! But they're so good! Out of this world, even!"

That last statement might not be too far off the mark.

I did base this design from existing mansions back in the modern world.

I'll admit, even I find it a starking contrast.

A modern mansion right in the middle of a medieval world.

"Teach me, Master Hisami. Teach me!"

"Hey! Let go of my hands!"

Her grip was surprisingly strong. It took me a few shakes to get her hands off.

"I'm not an expert on it. It was drawn on a whim, although I am thankful to the other architects that helped me bring my dreams to life.

"But those architects are already dead."


"Then that mean's I'll have to study every single nook and cranny of this house!" Kaena said with conviction. "Hmm, where should I start... The pool area seems like a good place. I mean, who's ever thought of having a personal indoor swimming pool in the first place? That's revolutionary!"

"You know, you can borrow some of the blueprints of this house. The papers is still surprisingly sturdy, but please take care as to not tear it."

"For reals?!"

"But the thing is, I can't swim. So the pool has no use for me at the moment."

It got so bad actual moss grew from it.

I didn't even know that was possible.

"Hmm... How about I teach you then? I'm not professional level, but I do know the basics on how to float and all."

"Really? You can teach me?!" Now it was my turn for my eyes to light up. "Please do! I've been wanting to swim for years!"

"When an immortal like you puts it that way, it almost sounds depressing..."

Who knows how many years you could be referring to, she added.

"Sure. I'm willing to teach you how to swim. In exchange, however," she looked at me with a serious face. "There is one thing I would ask from you in return."

"What is it?"

"I want you to accompany me to the mountains tomorrow."

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