《The Witch of Langle Field》Chapter 21 - Me, a Maid for a Day?!


It is currently around four in the morning.

The night sky, with all its shining stars, was still visible outside. The cool air was making me shiver a bit, even though I was still in my nightgown.

After a quick wash-down in the bathroom, I slowly crept down the hall barefoot, careful not to make a sound. My cover would be blown if I lighted a lamp, so moving along the walls was my best option. It also helped how the moon's faint light illuminated my path. The floor was made of wooden planks, so I was honestly scared that a plank or two might creak and blow away my cover.

Thankfully, it did not happen.

I arrived in front of the designated door undetected.

Phase One is complete.

Now onto Phase Two, the hard part.

I took the keys from my pocket and inserted them into the doorknob. Careful to make the least sound as possible, the door unlocked with a light chink.

The door made a faint creaking sound as I slowly opened it.

It was a normal bedroom in the Enatsu Mansion. A bed next to the window, a bookshelf, a table, and a closet decorated the room. The room barely has any decoration, but I guess it's normal considering the inhabitant only arrived here a few days ago.

On the bed was my maid, Nolamel Render. She was fast asleep and didn't have the slightest idea that I was in her room right now.

I quietly made my way to the middle of the room. Her closed eyes, gentle breathing, and nightgown made her look like a sleeping beauty.

She was currently unconscious, so this was my opportunity.

I took a few steps.




And then -

I opened her closet.

The treasure trove.

Behold, the divine garments!

I quickly took one hanging from one of the hangers and stealthily made my way back to the door.

I was afraid that Nola would suddenly wake up while my back is turned, so I walked backward, facing her. It was a miracle how I didn't trip.

But it didn't matter.

I was outside.

Quietly closing the door, I ran down the hallway (on tiptoe) and quickly retreated to my room.

"Yes! The operation was a success!" I stupidly blurted out loud. If I hadn't covered my mouth immediately, Nola might have woken up (maybe).

Quickly taking off my clothes, I dressed the legendary piece of clothing I have acquired.

I cast fire magic on the candle on top of the table, which provided minimal lighting, and brought it near the full-body mirror.


Staring back at me was a silver-haired immortal teenage girl dressed in Nolamel Render's work clothes. The long-sleeved, dark blue frilly dress was a perfect fit; the skirt reached down to my ankles, a large apron was hanging from my neck, and a big ribbon was holding everything at the back.


A Super Rare pull!


Hisami Enatsu in a maid outfit!

The epitome of moe!

I'd never thought the day would come where I would see myself wearing something like this, even in my past life.

I did a few twists and twirls and a few poses, with an occasional "How may I serve you today, master?" thrown in there every once in a while.

I was having way too much fun with myself, so time passed quickly.

By the time I've said the word "master" for the 451,456,235th time (a rough estimation), the sun was already starting to appear on the horizon.


Back to business.

I didn't (steal) acquire this dress just for me to flaunt over it in front of the mirror, so I went outside and made my way downstairs to the kitchen.


Surprisingly, the ground floor was silent.

Nola still isn't awake.

Well, considering the events of yesterday, it was perfectly justifiable. She would need all the rest she can get.

Today, I will be the one serving her.

"Alright! Let's start!" I said to myself, clapping both of my hands together. "Onwards to the kitchen!"

First, I'll make breakfast.

It's pretty ironic how I hired a maid to specifically do this job for me because I suck at it, but for Nola's sake, I'll go along with it and do my best.

I opened the pantry and was immediately struck with a problem.

We don't have any food left.

There was zero time to go on groceries the past few days, so it was understandable the pantry was empty.

"Hmm, food food food..."

I wracked my brain around for a possible solution, but I couldn't come up with anything. There was no known magic to create food, so I can't use my mana.

So much for being a powerful witch.

But I do have a lot of money on me...

Wait, no.

Ordering food outside would be counted as cheating. It would be a grave insult to all the maids in this world.

Hmph, fine.

"Guess I have no choice but to scour the house for food!" is what I said, but in reality, I only checked all the cupboards in the kitchen.

Luckily, I found a can of pork and beans hidden in the corner.

It hadn't expired, so it'll have to do.

The only thing left to do is to cook it.

I placed a pan on top of the stove and cast fire magic once again. If I recall correctly, cooking oil is needed to heat the pan or something so that the food wouldn't stick to it.

"But we ran out of cooking oil yesterday... Maybe I can use a substitute?"

Maybe Gaquian Oil could do?

Although mostly used for skin treatments, it was also edible. Plus, it had oil in its name.

Cooking is all about alternatives. If you don't have chicken, you can put pork instead.

I think that's how it works.


I took a bottle from my stash and poured it on the pan.

I proportioned the amount of oil with the amount that was in the can. Maybe filling up halfway would suffice.

While waiting for the oil to heat up (it was forming bubbles for some reason), I made tea. It was my only field of expertise, so I didn't need any experimenting here.


Does Nola drink tea?

Maybe she was a coffee drinker instead?

"I'll prepare both instead. In case she drinks tea, I'll drink the coffee, and vise versa."

I have some Jarve coffee beans lying around, so I placed them in a pot and boiled them in water.


I think this is how you make coffee.

I'm not really a coffee drinker, so I don't even know.

Why do I have a coffee bean jar when I don't even drink coffee?

It was a gift brought to me by a villager, and I never bothered to drink it. Let's leave aside how I never even touched it for 6 straight months after.

The breakfast cooking was going surprisingly well. I poured the pork and beans into the pan, mixing both oil and sauce. The coffee pot was already boiling, so I poured it onto a cup and poured the tea on the other.

The blend of aromas coming from the kitchen made me feel like an actual maid cooking breakfast.

Maybe I actually have a knack for this thing.

Just then, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Oh, I woke up so late, and I haven't prepared breakfast yet... Master's going to be so mad at me - !"

She rushed towards the kitchen but stopped when she saw me.

"Ah, Nola! Good morning!" I greeted her with the brightest smile I can give. "Did you have a good night's sleep?"

"Ehh... Umm... I, uhh... H-Huh?" Nola truly was taken aback. "Master, what are you doing?"

"Nola. Remember what we talked about yesterday?" I asked her, pouting. "We're family now! You don't have to call me master!"

"But I'm still your maid. How will I refer to you from now on, if not master?"

"You can call me Hisami!"

"Uhh... Maybe that's a step too far... Will Lady Hisami do for now?"

"Well, sure. But don't forget, you don't have to be so formal to me from now on!"


Nola gave a bright smile.

I'm glad Nola is back to normal. It's not as if we were immediately close the next day, but through spending time together, we can continue to grow this familial relationship that we've both longed for.

Lady Hisami is a start.

"So, Lady Hisami... What are you doing with my clothes?"

"Ahh.... Well... You see..." I explained my plan.

Long story short, I wanted to try being a maid for a day and serve Nola. I figured it would be a nice change of pace, but mostly it was because I wanted to roleplay. I kept the latter to myself.

"I understand. So you are now preparing breakfast?" Nola asked, looking over my shoulders.

"Yes! Please, take a seat!" I gestured towards the table. "The food will be ready in a few more minutes, master."

I cheekily smiled at the last word, and Nola did the same.

"If you insist, Hisami."

We could barely contain our laughter.

"Here you go!" I placed the hot, bubbling meal on the table. "Pork and Beans: The Hisami Enatsu recipe!"


Nola opened her mouth, but she was not drooling.

"Umm... Lady Hisami..." Her voice was shaking. "How much oil did you put into this?"

"Oh, I filled half of the pan with it. We also ran out of cooking oil, so I had to substitute it with Gaquian Oil."

"Gaquian Oil?!" Nola took a bite but instantly choked when I mentioned it. Her face immediately turned into dissatisfaction.

"My stomach doesn't feel so good..." She said in a weak voice, holding her stomach.

"Ahh, Nola! Don't barf there! Hang on. I'll get a bucket!"

"I can feel it crawling up my throat - mph!"

"H-Here! A bucket! Quick, do it here!"

Luckily, we managed to save the wooden floor from being covered in... Disgusting liquids.

The coffee wasn't any better. If anything, it tasted more like bitter water.

In the end, we had to settle for delivery for breakfast.

"Nolaaaaaaaa... I'm so sorryyyyyyyyy..."

"Everyone makes mistakes on their first try. You will get better at it, Lady Hisami."

Nola was cheering me up as I washed the dishes. After a quick crash course, I was starting to get the hang of it, and for once dishwashing seemed pretty fun.

"Nola, I've finished. Let's do something today - "

I turned around, but this time she caught me off guard.

This time, Nola was wearing my clothes.

Cloak, dress, vest, shoes, everything.

This really surprised me.

A surprise pull!

Nolamel Render in my work clothes!

My gacha luck today is off the roofs!

"Since we will be switching roles for today, why not go all the way?" Nola said. "I'll be The Witch of Langle Field, while you'll be the Legendary Roaming S-Tier Maid. How does that sound?"

"...Heheh. I like how you think. It was a good idea to hire you as a maid."

Probably the best decision of my life, honestly.

Nola was seated on the couch, so I plan to show off my epic cleaning skills in front of her. Not that there was anything left to clean in the living room, but I did it anyway.

However, just as we were about to start our epic roleplaying.

There was a knock on our door.

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