《The Witch of Langle Field》Chapter 8 - They Call Me Auntie!


"Excuse me! Please, excuse me! Coming through!"

The city streets were jampacked with people doing their daily things. I carefully maneuvered my way through the crowd, while at the same time minding the hem of my dress, keeping it away from the dirty leather shoes that surround me.

Yes, I'm wearing a white dress. Those that are fancy enough for people to stare at you a lot in a public place, which was happening right now.

As to why I am wearing one, it was because I'm on my way to attend an exquisite event.

More specifically, Gala and Werd's wedding.

Five years ago, we were celebrated across the Human Empire as heroes, having returned from our conquest. Everyone was celebrating on the streets and wherever they are, and for a whole week, the king declared a nationwide holiday to commemorate the event.

We were also awarded prizes for our successful journey, making us one of the richest people in the land. Virtually every human donated a portion of their money to us as thanks, so my poor wallet couldn't take all the amount of coins that flooded it. So I decided to putting it in the bank instead.

The issue of my immortality was brought to the king. At first, he was shocked upon learning this information, but with a calm and composed mind, he ordered that it would be kept a secret as much as possible, between the six of us.

After much talking and debate, we all eventually agreed to two conditions:

The first was that at some point in the future I was to leave the palace, fearing that the maids and workers there would start getting ideas about how I didn't seem to age as time went by.

The second was that the secret was to be kept between us six, but could be mentioned to our offsprings in case they eventually find out about it. Basically, it was going to be a family secret.

It was easy enough to follow.

The king thought of all of these for us, so we all just nodded and agreed to it.

In the end, only me, the king, Gala, Alene, Dralk, and Werd know about this. Not even the king's most trusted advisors were given information on this secret.

A few years after the celebration (a couple of months ago to be precise), Gala proposed to Werd.

Now, the very phrase wherein a girl proposes to a boy is supposed to be vice-versa according to the norms in society, but I can guarantee you that the sequence of events that led up to it was far more bizarre.

But that's a story for another time.

Or rather, I didn't have time to tell it right now.

You may be wondering why in the world am I dressed in a white dress currently running around town?

I'm late.

Because I woke up late.

Despite the wedding being announced months ago, I spent all that time looking for the perfect dress.

This was the first wedding that I'll be attending in this new body after all, so I wanted to look as fabulous as much as possible.

The only wedding I attended back in Japan was my uncle's, taking the role of ring bearer. Sure, I had a dress that time too, but I couldn't show it off that much because I was basically glued to my stupid wheelchair.

Now that I don't have that wheely idiot anymore, I can purely flex my body's supreme beauty as much as I want!


With this, I devised a list of everything that I want my dress to look like on a piece of paper.


Hisami's fabulous eye-catching wedding dress requirements:

1) Must be white

2) Must fit me perfectly

3) Comfortable to wear

4) Skirt length must reach the floor, almost touching my feet

5) Fabric must be white, light, and smooth

6) Skirt must be frivolous

7) Tight around the waist (MUST EMPHASIZE CURVE)

8) Emphasized and expose a part of the chest area

9) Exposed my shoulder blades

10) Emphasized the roundness of my bum

11) Must have the "X" pattern on my chest, similar to a bandolier

12) Must have a ribbon tied to the back of my neck for easy removal

...And many more descriptions too minuscule that if I were to tell you all of it, it becomes the cure to insomnia.


It was hard for me to find a specific tailor that could sew me this dress. A part of the reason why is probably because this dress was super-specific.

I searched around the capital, and eventually scoured the whole Empire for months, going from cities to villages just to ask around a tailor that could sew my dress.

...Yes, my dress is that important to me, so shut up.

I was about to give up and opt for a cheaper one in the end, about to give in to my pride, until I finally found one at last, in a town so far from the capital that it was near the area where it was largely unexplored yet. I had to squint real hard on my map to even see the dot on it.

I think the tailor's name started with a C, but I can't remember her exact name. Sorry.

Nonetheless, she was definitely skilled, and in three days, the dress was finally ready.

It was perfect. It fit every requirement on my list.

I genuinely thanked her and giving the money with a ton of tips added to it. I was rich now, after all, so I gave more just to show my appreciation for her hard work.

Eager to try it out, I rushed back to Elcor and into my room.

Luckily I only arrived last night, but as I tried it on, the sight of me wearing the dress was too beautiful for me to handle, so I went out and bought six mirrors (three full-body ones, two normal ones, and a handheld mirror) just to properly admire the view.

Long story short, I spent the whole time until daybreak doing poses and admiring the view that was reflected on my mirrors.

It was funny how back then I was super insecure about my frail body, but there I was, posing around like a deviant. If I'm not careful, my seductive poses might end up as a figurine.



Forget I said anything.

Back to the story.

Having finished my session and retiring at six in the morning, I woke up at ten.

My ride to the wedding left at eight and the ceremony starts at twelve.

This was why I am currently running around town, looking for a coach to ride, ignoring the stares of men (and women) on me.

I mean, I couldn't blame them.

I was too pretty on this dress that once you laid your eyes on them it feels like your whole life was meant just for that gaze.

And I wholeheartedly agree.

I am hot.


Please, forget that remark as well.

"Take me to Hafalix Chapel, pronto," I told to the driver of the cab I spotted.

He surveyed me for a bit, then said, "Well, normally it would cost around 20 gold coins from here to there since it is located in a different county, but considering the long route we have to take and factoring the amount of time it would take to travel there, the price would rise to around 60 - "


He was clearly taking advantage of me, thinking I was some rich girl or something (probably because of my dress), but I didn't have time for this.

I shoved a bag full of 200 coins to his chest.

"Shut up and drive," I said, making my way inside before fixing my ruffled hair.

With my hand mirror, of course.

"Oh, Hisami! Thank goodness you made it! You're late!"

I hurriedly made my way to the reception desk, where Gala was already waiting for me.

"Yeah, sorry. I had some trouble with my sleeping schedule and the cab ride here took me an hour."

"Never mind that! The event will start soon, and you're sweating! Come with me, I'll patch you up."

She took me by the hand and led me to a room, where they fixed my appearance.

Speaking of appearances.

Gala was 28 years old now. Basically, an adult. Her voice sounded more mature and her attitude more prime and relaxed, a contrast to the Gala I knew ten years ago.

Although, even if she was older now, her trademark fiery eyes still retained. Her blazing red hair was cut into a bob.



Even if she was more grown-up than me now, it looks like I still win in the chest size department.



Moving on.

Since I was the "best woman" at her wedding, I had front-row access to the action, aka the vows. After the priest granted their kiss, we all celebrated the newlywed couple with a shower of flowers, and for the rest of the day, I spent it doing best woman stuff.

Everyone we knew attended: Dralk and Alene(Who are also scheduled to get married next month, with a baby on the way!), Renel, Jole, the King, and more.

At the evening party, all five of us sat down at the same table, chatting away merrily as we used to do.

But there was a major difference.

All of them were... grown up now.

Dralk's facial features became more handsome, Alene becoming softer and more ladylike, while Werd was taller and more well-built than before. I was still stuck in my young, unaging body, not even growing an inch since I came here.

The side effects of immorality.

It was as if I was looking at a group of young parents, chatting more about more grown-up stuff like child care, taxes, and the sort.

I was starting to feel a bit left out.

Nonetheless, we continued to enjoy the rest of the evening together.

Over time, as everyone grew older, their priorities shifted from adventuring to family life. Their bodies started to grow weaker by the year, so both couples now dedicated most of their time and energy to taking care of the kids.

And thus, after much discussion, the hero's party was finally disbanded.

Gala and Werd soon moved out and eventually settled on a small cottage in the small town of Iscove, which was out there in the countryside. Dralk and Alene, being the family of the Hero, continued to stay in the Royal Palace.

The day came where I finally had to leave the Palace, to honor the agreement I made with the already deceased former king.

I at first had no idea as to where I will be staying, but as soon as I heard that the owner of Langle Field was selling the whole field for a reasonable price, I immediately bought it and purchased a mansion (by my own design) to be built there.

It took two years to build it.

When it was finished, I packed up my belongings and prepared to leave the palace.

"It's so sad to see you go, Hisami," Alene said, tears in her eyes as she stood by the door. "Will we ever see you again?"

"You can always visit me there, you know. While I look for work in the neighboring towns, I'll have a lot of free time, so you can visit me anytime you like."

Just make sure to tell me in advance first so that I can prepare, I added.

"After my son finishes his training semester, we'll visit you! I'll even bring Gala and Werd with us! Haha!" Dralk said, his voice even deeper than before.

"You better promise, since I'll be super lonely without you guys!"

"Of course! We promise!"

I hugged both of them tightly, wishing that our goodbyes won't be the last.


The newly built mansion was a large house, complete with a terrace, lots of windows, and sixteen rooms, including a pool and a spacious living room, complete with a fireplace. There was so much space around the house that it could easily hold a huge party.

Just the way I like it.

It was my dream mansion, the same one I had envisioned during my sick days back on Earth.

It was a dream come true.

And for this, I named it the old me named my mansion as she was designing it.

The Enatsu Mansion.

I planted a sign at the side of the entrance door, for all my visitors to see.

Dralk and Alene came a few months later with Gala and Werd, as promised. They also brought their kids with them, so the reunion was a blast.

All eight kids were especially curious about me, probably because their parents told them about my immortal situation and our adventures, so I entertained them with a few magic tricks. It was a joy to see their reactions to it, and they grew to like me really quick, calling me "Auntie Hisami".

"Auntie Hisami, Auntie Hisami! Do it again! Do it again!"

"Well, alright! If you insist!"

"Wow! So cool! How do you do that?"

"How? How?"

"I'll teach you, kids, when you start to behave and continue to obey your mommy and daddy!"

"If we do, will you teach us?"

"That's a promise!"

"Okay! We'll do our best, Auntie Hisami!"

"Good kids!"

"Auntie Hisami! Carry me!"

"Me too, me too!"

"Can I sit on your lap later, Auntie Hisami?"

"Wow, your cookies are delicious, Auntie Hisami!"

I bought those. I didn't bake them, sorry.

Managing the kids was absolute chaos, which explains the fatigue on the faces of my comrades.

"They sure love you, Hisami," Gala said, sighing. She was watching her four kids playing around my couch. "If only we could drop them off here every once in a while."

"You know, that's not exactly a bad idea," I said.

After much talking, we agreed to have a yearly family reunion here in my place, so that all of us can come together and spend time with each other again. I also let them visit as much as they wanted to, mostly because the kids always pressured their parents on visiting me.

And so, The Enatsu Mansion was once in a while filled with laughter for the many months to come.

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