《Change My Heart, Change My World, Change Me》Chapter 21


I feel like I finally alive again when we finally outside of the Academy's border. I can't believe that pink thing was able to make this much impact on me. Not good one mind you. Keep bothering Kii like that! She even forcing Kii to admit something that is not true. She sure has no shame. I wonder what would her face looks like if she knows I was the reincarnated one. Not that I'm gonna tell her.

Kii and I rode our horses to leave as far as away from the kingdom. We decided to start our journey to the southeast region. They have many forests and mountains in their territory and we don't even need a permit to pass the border. We had a permit of course. It's real and not forged I tell you. In case you've forgotten, I'm a crown prince after all. I have the authority to make permits.

We've been moving around forests and mountains. We trained and fought beasts. Kii is really amazing. She still wore her cute long-sleeved shirt along with her knees length equally cute skirt complete with ribbons and heels. Yet she still can walk, run and fight easily both when we were in the mountains and forests. I think I've fallen more in love with her.

She did not complain even once. She loves everything she found. What pleased me most maybe the kiss that she always gave me everytime I show or bring her to new places that she loves.

Our love adventures are also amazing and I will say that it is also more daring?

I've made love to her in the lake as we bath together. In the forest ground after we fought a hundred goblins. Yes, there are goblins here. Ugly things they are. We did it against a huge tree once and that time when I did her on top of the rock in the waterfall. Ah... It sure was amazing.

I look at Kii who is in the middle of drying her hair with a towel. We were just finished bathing and cleaning ourselves after eating our dinner. She only had a towel wrapped around her. I was still inside of the water.

We found this hot springs hidden inside a cave. We've been bathing and soaking ourselves here all this time. We also found a little space that just enough for us to live in them. This place has become our hideout. This is our secret place. Ah, we could just live here forever. She and I just us in the world. It would be wonderful.

"Kii..." I call.

"Hmm," she said in response.

"I'm hard," I told her.

She looks at me in amusement but said nothing.

"kii~" I whine.

"I can't do anything if you stay there. I'll be burned by both of you and the spring if we do that there" she said in a sexy voice.

I hurriedly pull myself out of the Onsen and grab her body.

"Kii, I'm so horny right now. I don't think I will last long. Sorry in advance, Huh." I told her while kissing her neck and back shoulder.

I'm not exaggerating. I'm really horny right now. I fondle her breasts hard and play with her nipples. My teeth biting into her skin. She moaned in pleasure which awakens me more.

There is only us here. No one will walk on us. No one will disturb us. I threw her offending towel away. I want to see her fully. Her perfect body. I spread her legs more and rub her entrance with my finger. She moans again. I fondle her more and put my fingers deeper while rubbing myself on her back. I'm getting harder. I can't wait any longer I'm too horny to wait for more.


I pick her up and let her down slowly on me. She moaned loudly and arched her back as I'm finally inside her. I kiss her back and fondle her breasts lovingly as she started to move using her hands as supports. We moved in unison and moaned here and there.

"Ace-kun. Harder please!" she begged.

I turned her to face me in an answer and suck on to her breast in turn. She shouts out and moving up and down in frantic.

I love it when she was like this. I love her when she lost herself. Her hands massaging my hair. I put my hands on her bottom, squishing each cheek, I lost too. I went to her for a kiss and pick her body up with me. I sat ourselves down again and leaned her against the cave wall. Our kiss never breaking.

I spread her legs wider and set myself on my knees. I hold her hips then thrust into her like crazy. She arched her body again and shouted in pleasure, her head leaned out exposing her neck. I kiss them and suck. Decorating her body with my love marks.

She moves as frantically as me. Her hands intertwined behind my back to help herself move. I'm so close. I bit her neck so hard that it draws a little blood on it and come hard inside her.

I pull out of her and lay her down on her tummy. She looks confused for a second.

"Not yet, Kii. I'm not done yet" I told her as I get on top of her again.

I put myself inside of her again and continue to thrust into her. Somehow I just got hard again a few seconds after I just come. It's her fault. The face she made when she came was just too much for me. It makes my libido come back in an instant.

I moan and trail kisses on her back. Sometimes biting it to left my mark there too. I love it when I see my marks on her body. It makes me smug and proud that it was me that left them.

She then put herself on her knees and use her hands to balance her body.

"Damn!" I cursed.

It feels great. I put myself on my knees also and line body to hers to be able to play with her nipples. She cried again. I grunt as well.

"Ace-kun more! more! Please more. I need more!" Kii's begging voice make me forget all reason.

I feel like I just want to do everything she asks me to do.

"Fuck! Kii..." I grunt again as I move faster.

"yes! Like that. Just like that. Deeper Ace-kun deeper! more... More..." Kii said between gasp and breath.

Fuck. Can she be more seducing? I'm going crazy. It's too good. Too good. I'm losing it. I hold her hips and thrust her harder and harder. My nails digging into her hips to help me goes deeper into her.

"Ace-kun!" she screamed loudly as she comes.

I pull her body into me. My hand fondling and twisting her nipples and my mouth kissing her neck busily. I thrust into her faster and come harder than just now.

Damn! Kii is just too amazing...

I look at Kii who is sleeping curled around me. I really love this girl, I thought.

I'm glad Aoi gave permission to take her out. Aoi agrees with me because he thinks it is better for Kii to be as far as away from the pink thing right now. Aoi eyes were distant when he told me that. I'm sure he remembering the past that time.


I'm convinced that Aoi is the one that has reset time and I'm sure by now Aoi has known that I'm not Arzen, at least not the same one as last time. We just never confront each other. He seems scared to confirm that.

With his attitude sometimes I forget that Aoi is just a young boy. A young boy who should have a carefree life and not burdened with the past.

It's not just Kii that had a miserable life last time. Aoi was also had it bad. I kinda want to protect him too. I told him to read Kii's diary when he got home. I knew it was not my secret to tell and Kii had promised the Duchess not to tell Aoi about it so she would never tell him till the end. Beside Kii is having this delusional fiction about Aoi being happy and loved by the Duchess. She has this illusion that Aoi needs to be in the family to be happy when what Aoi really needs is only her being happy.

This twin is really a handful. They love each other too much. So I just had to find a loophole in her promise. I tell her that I won't tell Aoi so I didn't tell him. I just give him a hint. What he will do with the hint, it's up to him. Kii mentioned she used to write a diary so I just told Aoi that. In my opinion, Aoi is also deserving to know who his real mother is.

Lexy found out that The Minister is actually loved their mother and he still looking for the cause of their mother's death. He also knew about the origin of Midori.

At first, he let his first wife adopt Midori because he felt guilty about marrying the Princess. He thought because he also fell in love with the Princess he would let his first wife off that time. He doesn't want her first wife to keep cheating on him so he let Midori come to their house.

Then he found out that the wife was still in contact with her lover after all and decided to divorce her but the princess died before that happened. Strangely so was her wife's lover. It was an accident he been told but he still doesn't believe it.

He busied himself in works and quest to find out about that until now. He doesn't realize that the wife has poisoned all the maids' mind to hate Kii. The wife only ever talked about how Midori feels left out in the house. He had the impression that his other children are alright and get along well. That is before Aoi's outburst that time.

His duties force him to betray his beloved wife then that said the beloved wife was cheating on him. He fell in love with his second wife, the Princess who is more caring towards him than his beloved but when he felt happy with her and decide to let go his cheating wife, his second wife is dead. No wonder he turns to be a cold father.

He still failed as a father though. You think so too right?

Being out here in the wild with her make me feel free and happy. I kinda want to stay here and not go back to that stuff place. I think Kii agrees.

We promised to wait until coronation though so we still need to go back later. Sigh.

Let just take a rest now.

Our peaceful day is disrupted by a fight someday. There was this tiny bunny eared boy chased by a pack of huge wolves. He fought bravely but he was outmatched, luckily we were hunting around the area so we were able to save him. He passed out in exhausted soon after though.

Then this old tiger beastman comes from nowhere and attacked us all the way to curse about human and their disgusting act.

He is strong. He even matching me in every strength. He is agile and his speed is wonderful. I was only able to win because I distract him with my Mera Mera, Er no, with my fire magic I mean.

I can't do my deathly move from my previous life yet. I'm still working on it. Someday, I will be able to shoot that big fireball again. I promised myself. But I can still summons fire on my body. It's good for distraction and the combination of my fist-sized fireball is big enough to destroy a tree or two or bunch of them I add mentally as I saw the trees behind the beastman burst on fire.

I probably should tune it down. I don't want to accidentally kill this man after all.

This man is an amazing fighter. He keeps getting back up again even after I beat him up over and over. The fight only over after Kii stopped his attack. Somehow he looks at Kii as if he had seen a ghost. Kii carefully explains to him that it was not us that attacked the boy but the wolves. We just trying to help him after he exhausted himself.

Only after hearing that then he looks around and noticed the wolves that had been roasted here and there.

"You should have told me earlier!" the man said pointing at me.

Eh, I didn't tell him? Well, I've been itching to have a good fight and he is strong so...

"I forgot..." I told him.

"forgot? You forgot! We would be able to avoid that unnecessary fight if you told me!" he said again.

"Hey! You're the one that comes attacking us from nowhere! Besides you're strong! How can I stop fighting you? I've been dreaming to fight a strong person like you!" I shout back at me.

"yare, yare" Kii sighs and leaves us as she went to the boy again.

I was still arguing with the man when I noticed a folk of other beastmen approaching us.

"what happened here?" a muscular wolf beastman asked.

"ah, koze. You're here!" the Tigerman said

"we are worry because you took your time to find little Shafu. We thought you have found a hinder. We don't expect to find you quarreling with a little boy though, Rikki" the wolfman, Koze, said.

"I'm not little!" I told him.

"little Shafu is alright. The little lady helps him" Rikki said. Pointing to Kii's direction.

And sure he is. The little boy is sitting on Kii's lap. It seems that they were been watching us this time.

"I'm glad that you finally noticed us. Shafu-chan said he would like to go home" Kii said in a completely flat voice.

"we're sorry!" Rikki and I unconsciously bow at her.

Beastmen we found are fun. They knew how to fight and party. They welcomed us nicely into their village. It was fun to be among them. There are no differences between men and women here. All of them are strong. Kii and I learn a lot of things from them. We love it here.

They treat us wonderfully. Especially Kii. They love Kii. It was nice to see and find other people that can see and understand how wonderful, amazing, beautiful and perfect Kii is.

"you're smitten" Muroi-san tease me.

"I am," I said without glancing at her.

Manbagi-san who is her grandma and the elder of the village chuckle.

"you're an honest one, are you son?" she remarks.

"can you see her? How can I'm not smitten by that?" I shrugged.

Our conversation was cut short by Rikki-san demands of spars which I'm much obligated to agree. A spar with Rikki-san is always interesting after all.

Like usual. I won. But when I went to check on Rikki-san who was crashing into the tree at the force of my hiken, I feel the air suddenly changed and the back of my neck chill. I sense danger.

"Arzen..." I heard Nii-Sama cold, deadly and dangerously voice in my head.

Ah, the danger is so big I even hallucinate about Nii-Sama being here, I thought. But Rikki-san is looking to past me like someone or more like one people are behind me. I slowly take a peek behind me. Oh please, don't tell me Nii-Sama is really here.

But of course, luck isn't on my side. Not only my anger and worry Nii-Sama is here but also a bunch of others, most, unfortunately... Yeah, you guess right. That pink thing.

They say they come here as a representative of the kingdom, while Rhuifen comes as a guest, to make a connection with the beastmen tribes with the king from Ethervizh as mediator. Ethervizh is famous for having good relations with the tribes. Come to think about it, they said it is hard to get along with beastmen but we get along just fine with them. Maybe the rumors are false. I was also rumored to be in a civil war with Nii-Sama after all and it was wrong.

The king seems to pay too much attention to Kii and Aoi. Is he their mother relative, I wonder?

This one man even shred a tear when he looked at Kii for the first time. I'm such a fool. Of course, they're their relatives. Kii's mother was a princess from Ethervizh kingdom and here we have a royal family of Ethervizh. Of course, they're family.

I want Kii to taste a love of family as well so I ask her if she is okay if we come to Ethervizh earlier. Her tight hug is enough to make me understand that she knew who they were. Kii is a smart kid after all.

We told our plan and goodbye to the beastmen too. They made us promise to visit again soon which we agree. We love being here after all. We would love to be back here again.

Manbagi-san told us the fastest route to Ethervizh kingdom from here. Rikki-san escorted us to find a place to wait for the delegation of Ethervizh when they got back later.

We also ask Aoi if he would like to come along with us but Aoi refuses to say that he still has things to do at home while looking pointedly at me. I guess he wanted to find out about what was in kii's diary. Aoi must have been also noticed the glance and stare he received from the Ethervizh people and made a connection that the answer is on Kii's diary.

"we will meet again soon anyway. We're going there for vacation remember?" he told Kii when Kii didn't want to let her hug go.

"Uh-huh. But I want you to go now" Kii said pouting at him.

"don't give me that face! I still have important things to do home. Very important things. If you look at me like that I will forget that important thing. Do you want me to abandon such important thing, Kii? He said, repeating the word important many times to make his point.

"okay but please come as soon as you done your important thing, Aoi-nii," Kii said.

"I will" He promised before hug Kii one more time.

And so that's how we left for Ethervizh.

We are sitting in the tree, no kissing, sadly. We are waiting for the Ethervizh carriage to pass by. Kii is in high spirits. Chattering and wondering away about how Ethervizh might look. I look at her with a smile. I hope they don't mind us to come earlier as I notice their carriage getting closer.

We jump down and wait for them in the middle of the way, purposely blocking their path.

I can't wait to find out what kind of adventure we will find in Ethervizh.

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