《The OverGod》Chapter 5 – Escaping (2)


Chapter 5 – Escaping (2)

*Dr. Rivera POV*

Looking at the Black screen and remembering the last words the boy said before shooting the cameras, I picked up the radio near one of the desks and started to give orders, strangely a scared voice came out of my mouth.

“E-Every soldier in this installation, take your positions on floor 3-C, hallway 3-A, Elevator 9-B….and IMMEADIATELY STOP THAT ELEVATOR!!!”

After giving the orders I could her footsteps outside the door as the soldier hurried to the place I ordered.

‘I need to evacuate, we can’t stop that monster…not with the resources we have here, and I need to take the research materials with me’

I should have killed him. Without much time to think I started to run towards the researching room, I need to hand this research to the Twelve Lords…this research will change everything.


*Number 7 POV*

At this moment I am climbing the steel cables of the elevator, they stopped the elevator when I was arriving…shit

‘This is boring’

I have been climbing it for three minutes and I can finally see the light, but I can feel several people up there…and is arriving more and more people..

‘That woman should have sent them here…what a useless action, she should know that I can kill all of them easily’

When I was few meters away, I held the cables with one hand and put the two legs on the cable, putting strength in the legs I suddenly jumped and landed outside of the elevator shaft. Looking around I could see hundreds of soldiers pointing their guns at me.

“Ho…This is interesting”

They didn’t wait for me to finish and fired, thousands of bullets came rushing towards me, cold smiling I pulled out the knife that I took from the Guard and ran towards the bullets, particles concentrated in my eyes and the bullets seemed to be in slow motion, seeing this I started to swung the knife at the bullets that were coming straight to me, the bullets were being cut in half.


Seeing me getting near them, the soldiers started to walk backwards in their faces awe and fear, one of the soldiers stumbled and fell on the ground, noting this I dashed towards him, lifting the knife I aimed at his neck and swung it, blood squirted through the hallway, painting my face, the ground and the white walls with red.

The soldier were horrified, some started to fire while others ran for their life…seeing this the smile in my face grew wider, and without nothing I started to loudly laugh.

‘This is really funny’

My laugh echoed through the hallways scaring even more the soldiers, some of them gave up fighting and started to kneel down asking forgiveness, as if I would accept….when I was asking for forgiveness no one stood for me…

Proceeding with the slaughter, the soldiers fell one by one, I killed those who keep firing the cruelest way possible, some of them lost their hands, fingers, eyes, tongues, and heads before being killed, so in the end they all stop shooting and started to run, but

I wouldn’t let them run, I will kill everyone in this installation.

After some minutes the massacre finally ended with just one of the soldiers alive, the walls, ground and even the ceiling were painted with dark red. I could feel the metallic smell that permeated the air and the warm provided by the blood that covered me.

Looking at the scared soldier who stood kneeled down in a corner of the room, I coldly smiled and walked towards him.

“So did you see where the fat old woman went?”

“W-WH-WHO?” – Scared Soldier

“That hag with a scar in her eyes”

“O-OH…but if I tell you, will you let me go?” – Scared Soldier

I put a sincere smile on my face and answered.


“Of course”

The scared soldier relieved sighed.

“She went to the research room” – Scared Soldier

“Thank You”

I thanked him and pierced him in the heart, looking at his eye that seemed want to know why, I slowly replied.

“But you wanted me to let you go…no? So I just let you go to the other plane of existence”

The lifeless body of the man slowly fell on the ground

“The research room huh…lucky I know where it is, but first I need another knife”

The knife I was using has lost its sharpness, so I needed another knife, after roaming through the bodies I finally found another knife; this knife was a bit longer like a machete. Asserting my position I ran towards the direction of the research room

“Just you wait old hag…I am coming and when I get you we are going to have so much fun, I need to show you what I learned from you”

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