《Circumventing Fate》Chapter 7 - Send-Off


They arrived back home in the late afternoon, when they walked through the entrance, Ah Jin was there waiting for Lei Xing, "Miss, Everything was done as you instructed."

Lei Xing sent her questioning glance, and Ah Jin continued, "...the slaves you bought."

"Ah, yes..."

...hahaha I forgot…

“...Let’s go to my room first then we’ll go see them”

The three bounded off to her room, when they got there, Lei Xing walked into a corner room, grabbed a cloth from the side and knelt in front of the huge trunk by the wall in a corner and looked at it for a while. Xiao Ting and Ah Jin were standing behind her, wondering what she was doing. Lei Xing seemed to be deep in thought.

...how much would be enough? There’s 27 of them...I don’t want to go broke...not that it’s my money anyway, well technically it now is...hmm…

Lei Xing opened the trunk which was filled with silver ingots, she sighed and then looked at it some more. Lei Xing had found this trunk of silver a few days ago and had asked Ah Jin about them, who told her that apparently ‘she’ had been saving up her monthly allowance for a while now, saying that her future self would be grateful to have it.

...well, I’m certainly grateful...although, probably for a different reason from the original Lei Xing, who was probably saving up in preparation to “charm” her way into people’s hearts in the palace…

...I had counted all the silver, it’s a habit... and they amounted to 510, apparently, she hadn’t been spending her money at all for a while, no wonder Xiao Ting had mentioned she liked window shopping, it’s because she was being a scrooge …

Lei Xing packed a bunch of silver into the cloth she had picked up, making sure to count them as she put them in.

“Jiejie, what are you doing?” Xiao Ting was confused looking at her sister packing up the money she had been guarding so preciously for almost two years.

“Accumulating some good luck.” Lei Xing finished her packing, tied the back and stood up. Then walked to the table in the outer room and sat down, “Where are their contracts?” Ah Jin stepped up and handed over the bundle of papers.

Lei Xing took them and looked it over and asked, “How do you release someone from the contract?”

“The owner needs to write out a statement of release and stamp it and give it to them along with their original slave contract.” Ah Jin responded.

“Ah? Jiejie you want to release them?” Xiao Ting asked confused.

“Yes.” Lei Xing responded, as Ah Jin put a stack of paper in front of her, as well as the family emblem stamp, which looked to be a set of wings and knelt beside her to grind the ink.


“...I don’t need them.”

“Then why did you buy them?”

Lei Xing shrugged, took the first contract and started writing up the release contracts, “The best way to help someone is to give them their freedom.”

Xiao Ting scrunched her eyebrows, then smiled and said, “Jiejie, you are very kind.”

“I’m not kind...it’s just if you are going to help someone, you should help them towards a better future... there’s no point in helping if all you do is stall their suffering and in a situation like that if we had done it your way even though you momentarily spared them, your actions of reprimanding the slave owner would most likely make their suffering worse later on.”


...the one that is kind is you, if you hadn’t wanted to rush out, I probably wouldn’t have even paid the scene any attention...I would have gone about my life like usual, passing by, at most glancing at the scene, but not stopping as it would have been, as it always has, none of my business….

...I am not a kind person, and frankly do not want to be seen as such, as kind people tend to get the short end of the stick, I have witnessed and had enough first-hand experience to have discovered this...there will always be people suffering in the world...I don't cause harm to people but I also don't go out of my way to save them either, if the situation presents and I feel the urge to help and I am in a position to help then I do...like today...but I am definitely not someone to go seek power to start a revolution to save the world...I'm not saying I wouldn't try to help people if power fell in my hands, but honestly I'd rather stay away from the intrigues and scheming of politics...I leave that to those who have the passion for change, unfortunately, they don't seem to be the ones who tend to end up in power, either that or that passion falls off somewhere along the way up...Anyway, not my problem to fix -_-)...

After Lei Xing finished writing up the release contracts, the three of them left the room and headed to where they were being kept. They were being held at the back of the house, near the back entrance in the yard and were being flanked every couple steps with guards who were intently watching the group with their hands on the hilt of their swords, there about ten guards circling around them. Lei Xing stared at the scene a bit dumbfounded as they got closer, she glanced at Ah Jin who was stoic as usual.

...um, I know I said to watch them...but they’re not criminals...

When they finally reached the group. Lei Xing saw that there was a doctor amongst them who was currently wrapping up the torso of a young man who seemed to be dazed with the sturdiest looking man of the group holding him up, as well as several others in the group who seemed to have bandages on them as well. Lei Xing looked at Ah Jin who quickly explained, “When we arrived, some of them collapsed and it seemed their condition was not good so we went for a doctor to look them over.”

“Mm, good job.”

....Oh, that’s good, I thought there was a riot or something…

Lei Xing told the guards to move and looked at the group sitting on the floor, then turned to Ah Jin and quietly said.

“Give them their documents and the silver, 3 each and let them go.” Lei Xing said quietly.

“Take this silver and your freedom and go live your lives, if you have a family waiting go back to them, if not then...either way, go carve out a future for yourselves." Lei Xing finished and turned to leave when most of the group bowed in gratitude and like a synchronized choir said in unison, "Thank you Miss, we will remember this debt and repay you with our lives!"

...did they practice this?...

"I don't need your lives...and you don't need to repay me...if anything, it is this family you need to that you owe. If you really feel the need to repay me...then how about this, if you see me or this girl, my sister..." Lei Xing said pulling Xiao Ting to the front and continued, "...or anyone from this Lei family in need of help in the future, you can return the favor then if you can."


"Yes, we definitely will!"

...it seems ancient people really have this synchronization skill...

"That's good then." Lei Xing gave a smile, looking at their grateful faces, and some even in tears made her feel somewhat happy and but at the same time feel an odd sense of melancholy for their plight and the plight of many others like them who are not as lucky.

...can't save everyone...

She turned to leave and Xiao Ting followed after her. While Ah Jin held the contracts and the silver and started to read out the names, and one after the other, they came up took their contracts and the money bowed and went out the doors.

"Miss! Miss! Please wait!" Lei Xing and Xiao Ting turned back when they heard the frantic hurried voice behind them, they saw one of the young girls from the group running towards them with some of the guards restraining her

It was the girl who was being beaten by the slave trader before. Looking at her now without tears and anguish all over her face, she was quite a beauty if you can ignore the blaring red swollen cheek on her face, but even that will die down eventually. She had fox-like eyes the kind one would call seductive.

"Let her go." Lei Xing said, the guards let her go and she fell to her knees. Lei Xing scrutinized the girl and asked, "What is it?"

"Miss! I have nowhere to go...please let me serve you." As she said this bent over and bowed with her head and hands on the ground.

After a moment of a stretch of silence, Lei Xing said, "Raise your head." The girl did and then Lei Xing continued and asked, "Why?"

The girl seemed to be taken aback and there was a trace of confusion shown on her face before it was quickly replaced by a sorrowful expression, "I have no family to go home to, I have lived on the streets all my life and do not even remember my parents, I have been begging on the street since young, I have no skills and no hope for the future...Miss is my benefactor, so it is only right that I serve you to repay the debt." She said bowing her head slightly when she finished, she raised her head slightly and peeked at Lei Xing, who was looking at her with a blank expression.

"I see, that is tragic..." Lei Xing said, "In that case..."

As the girl listened, one side her mouth peaked a little in a small smirk, Lei Xing noticed this and narrowed her eyes.

...Well, that's interestingly suspicious...but not interested...

Lei Xing grabbed the money purse Xiao Ting was holding, opened it and there were about 2 silver ingots left in it with some coins, she closed and held it out in front of the girl, "...here." The girl took and said her thanks with a gleam in her eyes.

"There is some more money...this should be enough to last you for at least 6 months if you manage it well, I don't need anyone to serve me and as I said you don't need to repay me...so take this, work hard and look for a job, I am sure there are many places that will be willing to hire if you are willing to work hard...you should also consider joining an acting troupe, I am sure you will be very popular..." The girl looked up at Lei Xing with wide eyes as she spoke.

"I wish you good luck in your endeavors." Lei Xing finished turned and left, pulling Xiao Ting with her. The girl watched them leaving and clutched the purse in her hand tightly.

After they were out of the area, Xiao Ting asked, "Jiejie, why didn't you just keep her? It won't matter if there's one more maid in the house."

"I don't need her, so why should I keep her here?"

"...but it's so sad..." Xiao Ting mumbled.

"and so I gave her more money to help her. That money is enough to last her a couple of months, as long as she's not being lavish."

"but it won't have mattered if she stayed...you should have..."

"...Xiao Ting just because you help someone, does not mean they then become your responsibility to care for. Everyone is individually responsible for their own lives...and I assure you, since she grew up on the street, she is a lot smarter than you and can carve a path to ensure her survival in the future...everything is not always as it seems...people are not as simple as they present, you don't want to invite unnecessary trouble into your life..." Lei Xing explained.

...even though I could be wrong, which I doubt...but either way, I am not obligated to keep her at my side simply because I saved her...


That night the family gathered together to have a farewell dinner for Lei Xing, even though Lei Xing had been trying to avoid the family the short time she has been with them, she did not have the heart to turn down this gathering, understanding their heart as parents.

This is the first time she is seeing all the family members gathered together outside her bedroom since after her time bedridden with the illness following her transmigration. Her father and brother were often busy and came home late quite a lot, sometimes Lei Yong stayed at the barracks and more importantly, Lei Xing had been keeping her distance.

"Xing er' you have to be mindful when in the palace...you cannot speak or behave rashly." The father advised.

"Yes, you have to be cordial and don't keep malice with anyone...my daughter has to live within the palace walls, who knows when I will be able to see my daughter again." The mother lamented, with tear filled eyes.

"Don't worry mother, Jiejie will be ba-"

Lei Xing cut her off promptly while sending Xiao Ting eye signals to shut it. "I will behave well and be very mindful while in the palace, and mother we will still have a chance to meet in the near future, it's not like the palace is in a different country."

...I am not in the mood of explaining myself or receiving a lecture right now...

"Xing er' the emperor is a good man, he is worthy of entrusting yourself to..."Lei Yong, the brother said, smiling at Lei Xing as if to reassure her.

...who cares if he is a good man, I'm not interested in a professional philanderer...

Lei Yong continued, "...even though he is the emperor today, he has not had an easy life, so be more understanding in your actions."

...who in the palace has had an easy life...

After several rounds of advice and lamentation at the impending separation, the dinner ended on a happy note and they all went back to their rooms to go to sleep as they had to wake up early in the morning to spend some time with her before sending her off.

That night Lei Xing was having some trouble sleeping, she tossed and turned until she couldn't stand it anymore and got up, as she walked across the room she saw her reflection in the body length mirror by the wall and walked towards it and stood in front of the mirror. Since she transmigrated she has been avoiding looking at her own reflection and spared it no more than a glance. This night, she really looked at the person she now was, a vibrant and beautiful girl, she had a good height and with a great slim figure with smooth jade-like clear skin, a small oval shaped face with a small dainty nose, the only similarity Lei Xing could see between this face and her past face were the bright peach blossom shaped eyes...looking at her eyes, made Lei Xing feel comforted...there is a saying that the eyes are the window to the soul...seeing those familiar set of eyes, made Lei Xing feel that she was still herself.

...I don't know why I didn't want to look at you...maybe, deep inside I was trying to deny the reality of your death and my current strange existence...You are beautiful and I feel aggrieved on your behalf that your life ended at your peak moment...

...My situation is somewhat similar, even though I am here now, It is the reality that I had died, right at the peak of my life too, I had just graduated law school, was on my to success, I was going to buy a house when I finished the cruise, buy a house, get a job and finally start on my path to being a successful businesswoman...but for me to die in such a stupid way, by falling overboard, I feel so annoyed whenever I think about it...well, it's not like it was my fault, the ship jerked...so maybe, I should blame the crew or the captain...or maybe whatever caused the ship to jerk...whatever, it won't change anything anyway...

...Xiao Ting had mentioned that you wanted to enter the palace and had been studying so hard to ensure you get chosen, but I have no interest in the palace life...I apologize as I cannot live the life you wished for yourself...do not hate me too much for ruining your dream...

...but in place of you, I will take care of this body you have maintained so well...

...More importantly, I will do my utmost to take care of the loving family you have left behind, you have my word...

Lei Xing bowed her back, in a deep bow in front of the mirror, then straightened up and looked at her reflection for a while and then went back to bed and tried to get some sleep.

...Tomorrow is going to be an annoying day...


In a lavish study room somewhere else, a man dressed in black approached another man who was seated looking over a book, with an elbow on the table, with the hand supporting his head.

"Did you find her?" the seating man asked raising his head slightly to glance at the man who just came in and then went back to looking at the book in his other hand. It was the 'refined scholar' Lei Xing had met earlier

"Yes, she is the defense minister's eldest daughter Lei Xing."

"Minister Lei, huh? No wonder, she has the same annoying tendencies as her father."

...but at least, even her father knows to be cordial...this girl...

"What about him? being in the defense minister's manor complicates things...that old man is too stubborn."

"He's... not there anymore." the man standing hesitantly said, bowing his head and cold sweating.

"Oh? did he escape?"

"No...she released them."

"Hmm...so where is he now?"

The man standing went on his knees, "Forgive me, this servant was useless and lost him."

"Lost him?" He said in an ice-cold voice, it was evident he was restraining his anger. Then he stood up and slowly approached the kneeling man, "with your skills, how could you lose someone who was already heavily injured?"

The kneeling man kowtowed, hitting his head hard on the ground, "He had help! he wasn't alone...that man seemed to an expert and was able to sense my presence tailing them and created a scene by throwing silver on the ground and people scrambled to grab the money and fights broke out and...and they escaped during the chaos...I really could not expect it! I will be sure to find them! Please give me another chance..."

...what the hell is going on lately? first, some little girl chastises me and now this...Is the world really against me?...if that is the case, then no one should blame me for turning my back against the world later on...

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