《Our Dear Introverted Hero》Intuition


The sleepless night left dark bags beneath my eyes. To quell my anxiety, I would return to the archives, determining what creatures inhabited the city would be my best chance at survival. I hoped the monsters were unable to mimic men, ultimately desiring my life to remain without turbulence. Lucky tugged at my leg, wanting to explore the backyard. I released him. I couldn't bring myself to leave him holed up inside while I would be away.

The door knocked as I began to depart. When I opened it, I beheld a young lady carrying flyers in her hand. She explained that the flyers were for her missing brother, there had been no contact from him in the last three days. Interrogations lead her here. Dothri, was last seen in this area, she informed. I questioned whether it was intelligent for her to notify of his disappearance. However, I also empathized. If my brother was missing I would unremittingly pursue his return.

"I have been up since dawn inquiring of his whereabouts, I'm parched. May I come in for a drink of water," she asked? Despite my intuition, I let her inside. I surveyed my mind for advice to help soothe her. "You must have been close to him," I asked? He was her best friend she responded. She became anxious, when he didn't arrive at dinner two nights in a row, her distress was palpable. "Do you have any siblings," she probed?

I began to say yes but remembered I was in Annette's body and advised no. "So no one would notice if you were to go missing," she replied. The question was off-putting, I backed away. "I think it is time for you to leave madam," I maintained, scolding myself for dismissing Lucky.



Smile-chan's horror movie don’ts:

Rule 1:

Do not split up from your allies. FAIL!

Rule 2

Do not let your guard down, EPIC FAIL!

Rule 3

Do not allow yourself to get cornered. TITANIC LEVEL FAILURE!


I should have trusted my gut, why would Dothri have been near here of all places.

She advanced menacingly. “What do you want from me,” I quivered. Sensing my unease, her smile contorted unnaturally. Silence permeated she would not disclose her intentions but the malice she possessed seemed tangible.

I surmised that she was the one who kidnapped Dothri, she had most likely pretended to be his sister goading him into an elaborate facade. She began to transform. Grotesque sounds, emanated as the flesh ripped from her body. The skin now stretched beyond her limbs, detaching while squamous tentacle-like appendages protruded in their place.

I was not going to remain here, and get consumed by the creature. Amid the metamorphosis, I sprinted towards my bedroom, hoping that I could buy enough time to climb from my window.

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