《Gloria Infidelis -Glory Beyond the Madness-》Chapter 12 - Unlucky Human Arc 3
Josephine was sulking inside her own room, or to be exact, was throwing a tantrum, while Vram can only looked at the sidelines, seeing how childish she could be.
Though it was his own master, Vram could only express his disbelief of how selfish his master could get.
[Aren’t there more pressing situations at hands, Master?]
[What is?!] [What kind of situation that would let us being home-arrested like this?!?!]
[Were you even listening to what they have said…?]
As the group just went back from their expedition, Josephine and Vram split themselves from Hilda and her team. Hilda was going to the circle in order to submit their quota as well towards the facility where they need to restore their familiar into full health. As it turns out, on the way back to their own home in order to clean up their own mess, a girl, or many girls, was pointing out towards Vram, and accusing him for something.
Seeing this, Josephine panicked and trying to calmed and ascertain the situation.
[Wawawawawah! Wait a moment!] [What’s happening?]
[Don’t act stupid!] [We’ve been watching you!] [There’s only 1 person in here that looked like a human yet having such tremendous speed to be able to get past our barrier and stole every food we’ve been grown this whole times!]
The girls, whom have been accusing Vram of many things, comes from the “Relief Unit”, mainly in charges of trading and/or consumable stock such as food, clothing, medicine, and many others. As such, the girls themselves were protesting of someone keeps stealing their food stocks.
[Wait! We haven’t done anything!] [In fact, we’ve just returning from our expedition outside the village!]
[HA?!] [We’ve never heard of such things, even from the circle!!]
Vram and Josephine, oblivious to this, were quite in a shock hearing what they’ve saying. Thus, the girls and Josephine were having quite a debate, or to be exact, a war of words, insults, and many more. The ruckus caused one of the members of the circles to step inside, and having a words with Josephine and Vram.
[And you wouldn’t accept the fact that you’re the one who stole their commodity?]
[I’ve already said it before!] [We’re innocent!] [Vram didn’t do anything, even stealing!!] [How did it come to this I don’t even know!!]
[Then where are you when all of this is happening?]
[We’re on an expedition!] [With senior Hilda, Chris, and Rosa!!] [Yohana’s also heard about it herself!!]
[We haven’t heard of such reports regarding you went on an expedition.] [Could you please don’t make such an obvious lie?] [In fact, where’s the proof that you all went on such expedition.]
[I already gave you the proof, right!?!] [The Cocoon from the Vasp’s Cave!!!]
[It’s already deprived of its life, so it could be that you’ve bought them from another person, thus using it for your alibi.]
Though Josephine had said it over and over again, the others still wouldn’t even believe what Josephine had to say. Josephine is no liar, and almost everyone knew that. But somehow the circles keep trying to shift the blames back at her.
[If I may have a word….] As finally Vram decided to interfere with their talks.
[I was the one you’ve suspected as a thief, right?] [Then, should we do this?] [I shall remain in one spot, where you guys could easily observed me, and then we’ll see whether the stealing still happened.] [That way, it’ll be easier to prove whether we’re lying or not.]
[Humh!] [Are you trying to reduce your punishment by doing something confusing like this?]
[I just dislike the way you address my masters, even if you’re a woman.] As Vram unleashing his deadly aura, full of killing intent towards one of the circle.
[Gh…!!] As the woman intimidated by Vram’s killing intent, she took a step backward, but quickly regained her own feet as if trying to disregard it.
[Alright then!] [With the rights of the circle gave me, both of you shall undergo a house arrest until the matter is resolved!]
[So?] [Which of the point are you trying to say, Vram?]
[As far as I’ve concerned, there are three things that’s quite bothering me for a while.] [First, about how the circles and the elder operate.] [I don’t accuse them for being a liar or something, but it seems that a miscommunication was happening inside their own circles.]
[Umm…] [Why is that, I wonder…?]
Josephine can only express a dumb face on her face, unable to grasp the situation that Vram had expressed this whole time.
[… *sigh*… I guess I’ll ask either Yohana or Hilda about that, who’ll be coming here eventually.] [Then, onto the 2nd case.] [Though I’ve already had a hunch from the very beginning, it seems that there are many of those people whom dislike your existence here, Master.] [Maria’s case was quite bad, but the others seem to share the common cause.]
Reminiscing of what had happened to Vram times ago, Josephine put quite a sour expression on her faces. Unable to hide it, she just went ahead and hugged Vram.
[That… cannot be helped, right?] [I never wanted to go against them, but….]
[I do understand.] [I just wondering how do these kind of things happens.] As Vram stroked Josephine’s hair softly, trying to calm her down.
[Then, about this last case.] [If the ones who stole the commodities looked like a human, then….]
[It was most likely that a human, or a monster that looked like a humans, have invaded our territory.] As someone suddenly intruding toward Josephine’s home, a white, thick hair flowing out here and there. Someone they knew so well, yet surprisingly appeared in front of them, letting them of their guard.
{Elder Endrossa?}
[Were you expecting someone else?] [Like Yohana, perhaps?]
[Umm… yes?]
[Unfortunately, she’s in the middle of another assignment.] [An assignment that linked quite much with your current situation.]
[Is it about the thief?]
[Though looked much like humans at the first sight, his speeds are of no jokes.] [Even Yohana’s familiar, whom were known for her speed, are having quite a hard time chasing off the thief.] [And knowing full well that you both will get involved, she decided to tried her best to capture it as soon as possible.] [… Though it is already quite too late.]
As Endrossa explain things, she slowly bowed down her heads a little bit lower toward both Vram and Josephine.
[E… Elder?!?!?]
[I can only offer you with nothing but apologies.] [Because of the way I’ve done things, you both have experienced such things.]
Though the way she talks still in a monotone, cold voice as if not caring of anything in the world, her action somehow letting them understood Endrossa’s intention.
[Then, Elder Endrossa….] [May I ask you of one things?]
[Go ahead, Josephine’s Familiar.]
[From what I’ve heard myself from Yohana and Hilda, we were being appointed by Elder for going on an expedition to help Hilda achieving her quota.] [But somehow, the circles didn’t know, or from what I’ve inferred, refuses to accept the fact that Josephine went on an expedition.] [This left me confused as in how do the circles, and Elder, do things in this village.]
As Vram expressed his question, Endrossa took a deep breath while closing her eyes, then releases them as if she’s trying to calm herself down.
[The main rules of this village, was that the circle is the one who’ll took care about almost everything that happens in this village.] [The commodities, security, segregation, expedition, education, development.] [All these had to be planned, compromised, and executed mostly by the Circles.] [And my position, as an Elder, was meant to decide the program itselfs.]
After talking for a while, Endrossa took another deep breath, then continued to talk.
[But then, after “that” incidents, the circles started to question my authority regarding the development of this village for the case in the future.]
[Are you talking about the “Familiar Killing”?]
Endrossa just silently nods while Josephine could only be taken aback by the surprise of what their action had led into.
[As it is, the Circles suggesting a change regarding the authorities and the decision-making of this village.] [With the way it is, the circles decided to hold onto their own authorities regarding the things they do.]
[Umm… so?] As Josephine having a hard time to keep up with what Endrossa had saying the whole time.
[… Does it mean that you’ve lost your authority regarding everything?]
[No.] [I still have some leisure of choosing persons for my own programs.] [But the consensus of the program could only be reported once every week.]
[Ah… that means….]
[Yes.] [Because it took you less than a week to fulfill the quota, hence, this happens.] [Though I did apologies for the trouble, do you have anything to say, Josephine?]
[I beg of you apologies for everything I’ve done, Elder.] As Josephine understood that she was at fault for everything that went awry, she started to prostate in front of the Elder.
[*sigh*….] [Though I must be thankful for your resourceful familiar, for being able to keep up at what was happening.]
[I’m grateful for your compliment.] [By the way, Elder Endrossa….]
[I was wondering… could you fill in the detail which area that was attacked by the thief?]
Endrossa went silent for a bit, and then started to look straight into Vram.
[Even if I told you, what then?] [It’s not like you could went outside for now.]
[For now, that is.]
Endrossa stays silent until finally she gets up and already went outside.
[Then again, I don’t know much about the detail itself.] [Ask Yohana if you’re interested.]
As it is, Endrossa finally went out from Josephine’s house. The situation becomes quite awkward as both of them seeing each others.
[By the way, how are you going to eat, Master?]
[Oh, the guard outside says that she’ll bring me some food when I asked them, so everything’s fine.] [We just have to wait for a bit here.]
[... Aren’t you somehow become calmer than usual?]
[I guess… because I was told off that this is also because of me.] [I guess being to hasty isn’t good no matter what, eh?]
[*chuckle* You were right, Master.]
The next morning, a sudden invasion from Hilda and Yohana, barging in and walking up toward Josephine’s room, surprised both Vram and Josephine, whom are sleeping next to each other.
[Get up, naked idiot.]
[No but. You need to get dressed and come out of here, real quick.]
As it seems, the two girls were somehow shows quite a displeased face, or rather, they’re outrightfully angry. This scares Josephine out of her sleeps that she just quickly dressed whatever she could use to dressed up, thus using the very first clothes that Vram gave when they first met.
[[Come with us!]]
Josephine just nodded while being frightened as to what was going to become of her, though Vram was just calmly walking following Josephine from behind.
What awaits them outsides was Endrossa, the members of the Circles, and the other girls form the “Relief Units”, looking kinda disheartened, or even afraid.
[Eh?] [What’s wrong, everyone?] [Right in the morning when I was enjoying myself with Vram….]
[You should’ve learned to read the mood, Josephine.]
[So it happens again?] As Vram just asking straight to the point.
[You’re reading into it too much, Vram.] [And yes, it happened again, quite easily to tell the truth.] [We practically lost almost 10% of our commodities right now.]
[For real?] [Was that thief really good or what?]
[Nope, these stupid buffoons just went ahead and lowering their guard, thinking that just by house-arresting you, everything was solved.]
[I see….]
As Hilda, Endrossa, Yohana, and Vram discussing about the event that occurred recently, Josephine just blankly stares at them, unknown to what they’ve been talking about.
[So… What happened?]
And as usual, Josephine was hurt both sides by Yohana and Hilda, thus surprise Elder Endrossa.
[[Try to read in-between, will you!?!]]
[The theft, it’s happening again Master.]
[Eh?] [How is that possible?!]
[They’ve already explained everything.] [Anyways….] [How are you planning to take responsibility for this, ladies?]
Endrossa was now trying to pressure the member of the circles, now that troubles happen because of their reckless decision-making. The member of the circles just staring at each others unknown of what to do.
[Umm…] Josephine started to interrupt. [From what I’ve inferred, the thief was still not found yet, right?]
[Thought that was the most obvious question you’ve ever asked, yes.]
[Then should we start to patrol around this area yet?] [If the thief already went outside the barrier, it would take him a long time to reach this place again without help.] [That’s why, he must be still around here somewhere, or at the very least, still hiding behind the barrier.]
All of the people around there could only express their disbelief and quite shocked hearing Josephine’s idea. To think she could think of such feat on the spot.
[That’s still quite inefficient, Master.] [If we take consideration of the places he attacks, we could easily discern its pattern, its reason, and how he would do that.]
[I see, so that’s the reason why you were asking about that yesterday.]
[Lady Yohana, you’ve been on its trail all this time, so I guess you’re more knowledgeable about its pattern.]
[Uhm… sure!] [I’ll try find some spare map first, it’ll let us easily tracked that thief’s whereabouts.]
[Just don’t get too worked up.] [If he realized that we’ve been searching for him, he’ll try to go outside the barrier.] As Hilda gave her supports towards Vram, Yohana, and Josephine.
Suddenly one of the girls from the “Relief Units” was trying to say something toward the team, completely put in the awkward moods.
[Uh… I… we… we’re very sorry about this….] [Actually, we’re not even sure that Senior Josephine would do something like that, but….]
[It’s fine~❤! It’s fine~❤!] [It’s not like any harm was done to me and Vram, so everything was good~❤!] [But make sure you all protect the food know, m’kay~❤?]
As she said that, Josephine, along with Hilda, Yohana, and Vram, starting to left the scene in order to find out the truth regarding the thief. Yet, the Relief Units, the Circles, and Elder Endrossa, still standing there as if they have some unfinished business
[So…] [Trying to expel another person out of this village again, birdheads?] As somehow Endrossa went all-out with her insults toward the Circles.
[Can’t you even feel it!?] [She’s going to turn our village upside-down, just like what the “others” doing!!]
[If you’re not showing off such malice intention towards her, all of this would never ever happen.] [Is it really that hard to accept “them”? To accept her, at the very least?]
[She’s different than the rest of us!] [She’s a monster!!]
[And yet, the humans whom have been exiled us here also called us the same way.]
[So what?!] [Isn’t it normal to purge the abnormality before they took down our very own existence?!?]
[Are you saying that you’ll even went so far as to do what those humans do to us?! To become the same as them!?!?] Endrossa suddenly enraged at the very words the other member of the Circles had saying.
[Then how about you yourself, Elder?!?] [Always trying to force your own decision toward us with your own power!] [Isn’t that unfair by itself?!?!]
[You just don’t know when to quit, don’t you?] As Endrossa calmed her intimidation off, the others just put up a deep breath.
[We’ll talk about this later at the consensus.] [For now, re-organizing the current food stock is more important.]
Leaving the circles in doubt and the Relief Units confused, Endrossa leaving the scene.
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