《Gloria Infidelis -Glory Beyond the Madness-》Chapter 4 - Naked Witch Arc 4
As if being shocked by something, she suddenly woke up and jerked around her bed. Afraid of losing something, she quickly searched around her house.
[Vram…? Where are you…?]
She keeps searching here and there, but to no avail. All she ever recognizes are the dark surrounding and the silence that went on. If Vram was there the whole time, he would take no time to replied back to her. But he didn’t, no such answer came out from him.
[No… please don’t leave me alone….]
Although she still forgot to wear anything, at least she still brings a sheet of blanket from her bed. With her teary eyes and reddish cheek, she started to go outside of her tent to find Vram.
A sound of explosion can be heard from afar, as if it was anything but ordinary followed by a flash of light and smoke coming out.
Keep sensing such danger and bad feeling. Josephine started to run toward the source of lights as fast as possible.
[What is this…!?!?]
A pale face combined with their widened up eyes and gaped mouth, such is the expression of those whom have saw such terrible event that had happened right in front of their eyes.
A three-headed beast with yellow reddish hair around its head and giant fang on its mouth are charging onto the black-armored familiar whom also charged toward the beast. As the beast waving its hand right at Vram, Vram used his metal gloves to block its claw as he pushed his palm toward the beast’s stomach.
With force supported from below, Vram blown the chimera sky-high as he quickly turned his body toward his back. A slender scaled creature with its poison fang, added with some feet and claw quickly thrust its neck forward aiming at Vram’s neck. But Vram just quickly turned around its neck and whipped the neck with his right hand.
Many other familiars also charged onto him. A Flame-like beast with long canine and gums. A yellow-ish feather-winged creature with beak and fangs at its feet. A beast with also long canine and gums, but not with flame, only wings on its back. A 6-legged scaled creature with sharp eyes and poisoned fang. Many of these creatures keep charging up at Vram. But Vram just keep blowing them up or whipped them using his bare-hand equipped with his metallic black gauntlet only. This has been going on for a while, yet there are no sign of him getting tired even after getting flanked here and there.
The one whom have seemed to be their leader keep ordering her companion to attack Vram with magic. As many magic circle have appeared either from their hand, on the air, on the ground below Vram, or in the air around Vram, the witches finally chant the spell
Many kinds of spell continuously attacked Vram here and there, and only smoke could be seen from there. The girls can only looked smilingly worried as their leader puffed up her chest seemingly satisfied.
But what comes next completely froze them all up. As the smoke finally cleared up, a man, which they hope should’ve been grounded completely, stood there silently while not having that much damage even after that much magic had been shoot.
[Wh… what is he?] [He just keeps repelling our attacks!!] [No! Our magic had no effect at all from the very beginning!!!!] [It’s scary!!!]
The terrifying scene made the other girls frozen in place, afraid of what has becoming of Vram. As the girl looked terrified, the Familiar also had such pale expression on their face, but still trying to protect their master regardless.
{… Guess no matter what, they still ended up loyal toward their masters.}
And as if he already knows the obvious, all this time Vram never ever took the fight seriously since the beginning, and only guarding and blowing them up all the time. That what caused him to be still so composed regardless of how many those monsters tried to attack him. Also, it never crossed his mind whether to kill them or not.
[YOU ALL ARE SO USELESS!!!] [DO YOU REALLY NEED ME TO GO EVERY TIMES WE’RE DEFEATING HER FAMILIAR!!!] [Then you all shall see what I, Mariabelle, shall show you people again how to appropriately hunt this one!!]
As she flailed her hands upward and whip it back towards Vram, a creature appear all of a sudden behind Vram, surprising him.
Vram quickly jerked backward, trying to evade what was seemed to be a slashing attack towards him.
But Vram couldn’t completely evade it. No, Vram should’ve been completely evading it, at least he think he is. But the scratch in his torso is completely real. And it’s not just scratching; the smokes around it were quite thick. The attack comes completely deep that, if not for his absolute defensive ability, he would’ve been split in two.
{Air Blade? Wind Slash? Either way, what caught me off guard the most is its ability to completely hide its presence, despite its size.}
The creature, a primate with overall shape looked almost human-like, but much white fur covering its whole body together with its tail, and it’s slender yet tall featured body that about more than 2 meter. But what makes it more terrifying was that its whole body was covered in golden, glittering armor. Though not as thick as Vram’s armor, the gold things covering its whole body makes it as hard as his. Its claw also equipped in the same manner as its body. The tail was also equipped with something like a golden Axe. And lastly, its face mostly covered in gold, only had viewed its visor. And the other striking feature is its golden-clad wings, spread through the whole area.
[Hum hum hum!] [Looks like you’re quite surprised.] [This is my familiar, Hanna, nurtured from having killed too many of her familiar.] [And you’re also going to be a part of it~!]
The familiar, named Hanna, letting out quite terrifying screams, incompatible with its cute name. Its gum can be seen from behind its helmet that uncovered the moment it let out such screams.
[KILL IT!!!!]
Hanna quickly jumped towards Vram while waving its right hand, slashing right at him. As Vram clicked his tongue, he jumped toward the monsters and moved his right hand at Hanna’s arm.
Vram linked his arm with Hanna’s arm, completely blocking Hanna’s air claw.
Furious after seeing its move cancelled like that, Hanna furiously whipped both of its hand toward Vram, as Vram just continuously blocked each and every hit Hanna lets out. More furious, Hanna just keeps screaming like a mad primate all over as it keeps attacking Vram relentlessly.
As if being pulled by something, Hanna suddenly stopped moving and jumped back, responding to Mariabelle’s order. Before Vram could even realize it, a flash of light suddenly went right at Vram’s head.
It was Mariabelle. As she ordered Hanna to pull back, she quickly shot out a giant ball of light straight onto Vram. It was quite an explosion, with a range Vram wouldn’t be able to dodge with those size as well as the timing combined with the sudden attack. It’s not an exaggeration that it’s already over the moment such magic hits him.
But as usual, Vram just standing there without even flinching, though surprised a little bit. The girls around just shivering seeing such magnificent stand.
[I see.] [It was magic resistance ability.] [It may have been the usual business, but to be able to summon such a things as a familiar, I wouldn’t say it’s as expected from her….] [… That b**ch really gets on my nerves…!!!]
Just when the smoke almost cleared, whip-like things suddenly went toward Vram’s head. Surprised, Vram quickly rolled sideway to evade it. It was Hanna’s tail, the golden-axed one. The sharpness of those axe were a class on its own, to be able to unleash another air blade cutting through the tree behind him.
[But somehow you still looked weaker compared to what she’s been summoning all this time~!]
Hanna just keeps charging at Vram with both of his claw, combined with its tail-axe, whipping and slashing through Vram. Though Vram was able to fend most of its attack, the attack was too fierce that Vram’s having a hard time blocking and blowing most of its attack.
As Mariabelle laughing madly seeing Vram struggled against Hanna’s attack, Hanna just keeps increasing its speed, cornered Vram at its feet.
It stopped. It suddenly stopped. The barrage of attack that had been released by Hanna abruptly stop. The mad laughing also stopped, or at the very least, it changed into something of awe. The surrounding witches whom have seeing this, though not laughing, are changing their expression from scared, into surprise.
A shield. A black, silverfish shield was raised in Vram’s left hand. It repelled both the tail axe and the claw, and at the same time, Vram’s right hand had been facing forward the whole time, while clenching his fist hard. It can be seen that Hanna’s already thrown off far away from Vram, and in its torso, a fist-shaped mark had been carved onto Hanna’s armor.
Mariabelle screamed unconsciously. No matter who she is, it seems that every witch will always care for their own familiar no matter what. But the same case also available for the familiar.
Though having its body blown away, and being punched, penetrated the armor, Hanna tried to stand. And once again it prepares its claw and tail, trying to outmatch Vram again. Vram just readied its shield in front of him and take his stance.
As Hanna takes its step towards Vram and almost clashed on….
{Vram…} {Vram…!} {Vram…!!!}
As if being possessed, Josephine frantically runs through the forest with her bare legs. It can be seen of such scratch and blood coming out from her feet. But she couldn’t care less, in her mind, she could only think of her new family member that disappear all of a sudden right in front of her again.
The explosion is near. The impact can be felt through the wind force. She already reached the place where she intended to be. As the worries keep increasing, she keeps increasing her running speed.
The moment she got out of the wood, she saw a figure. A figure seems human enough, appeared in front of her. With his body covered in full-clad armor, black. With its white hair tailing around the back of its helmet, a shoulder pad with an insignia of some country from far away yet drowned in blue color. It was a figure she’s been dying to see, hoped to see, and wished to see.
Hearing her voice, the figure looked back. What he saw was also a figure, a person whom has been dying to see, hoped to see, and wished to see her.
But he couldn’t spoke the words, as it was banned by his master herself. But all of it doesn’t matter, as Josephine jumped out and start to hug Vram tightly.
[Idiot!!] [Why are you leaving me all alone by yourself!!] [You’re my family, so please, stay by my side!!!!!]
Angry, yet happy tears are flowing after having to hold it off for so long while searching for Vram. But as she didn’t even care of her attire currently, she paid no mind to what had happened to her body, her feet, or even her face.
Though Vram wanted to point out her attire, he wouldn’t. He already knows better than anyone else, which she’s been panicking, trying to search for him. Feeling guilty, Vram returns to hug her back, as Josephine’s just smiling and keep hugging him tightly.
[Now, would you care to explain what had been happened here, Maria?]
From the smoke, arise two figure that quite hard to distinct. But the voice can be clearly heard, it was a voice of someone whom are so important in the city. With her striking gradient green-blue hair, and a pair of framed two-transparent mirror on her face, combined with her gaudy appearance of green-white combination, appears. Yohana, facing towards Maria with Yohana, facing towards Maria, glared at her with her sharp eyes.
[What’s the meaning of this, Maria…?]
[Have I done something wrong at all?]
[Don’t play dumb with me.] [Every time Josephine’s familiar were involved, you’re always there first.] [What are you trying to pull all this time?]
[Hey, just because I always the first one at the scene, it doesn’t give you any right to judge me!] [Besides, look!] [The one whom are hurt badly are Hanna! Not hers!!!]
It was quite a sound judgment. Seeing most of the familiar around were somehow quivering in fear and the strongest familiar between them were Hanna, almost unconscious after being hit once by Vram.
[It was that GUY whom after me this whole time!] [You do realize it right?] [All of her summoned familiar, each and every one of them were quite a brutal ones!] [Not to mention, that thing were also looked a lot like humans!] [The ones whom drive us away to these dangerous continent!!!]
[But that doesn’t mean her familiar were all brutal!]
[Then can you give me some proof?!] [You can’t, can you~!?!?] [Unless her familiar could talk like us and understand what we’ve been saying all this time, then you don’t have any right to say that~!]
Although it was quite an accurate reasoning, Josephine twitched a little since there’s a flaw. Vram’s ability to communicate. If, by sheer of luck, Vram decided to speak and reveal everything to Yohana, then it’s checkmate. But from the very beginning, Vram decided to abide by his master’s words to a fault.
The same could be said for Josephine. She sensed that something’s wrong with her familiar and the other witches. But afraid of something irreplaceable would be happened, she decided to not talk about it.
[Then are you prepared for what happened next, Josephine?]
Suddenly another woman though looked as young as the other witches, her facial expression, as well as their gesture were that of an older woman, appear. With her white, thick hair flowing out here and there, her purple, deep eyes shine brightly together with the pale bright moon on the sky. Also donned a transparent white-purplish color covering her whole body, yet her figure can be seen through thanks to the piercing light of the moonlight.
{Does every witch here loves to show off their body figure?} Was what Vram had thought the moment he saw such figure appear before him.
[Elder Endrossa....]
{Oh yep, this sure one raunchy population here, Witches Village.} As Vram finally confirmed the situation.
The Elder, named Endrossa, just went closer toward Josephine, whom have been hugging Vram tightly all this time, and Vram, whom have just been standing there silently.
[Josephine, stay away.]
[… You’re as stubborn as ever….] [Then, bind him with your absolute obedience.] [If you do, I’ll try to decrease its punishment.]
[Wait!] [What has Vram done to be punished?!?!]
[You can see it for yourself, the damage he had inflicted to the other familiar….]
[N… no… Vram, you would never do something like that, aren’t you?]
Though reluctant to answer, Vram cannot deny that he’s the one whom have hurt the other familiar, so he just stays there silently.
[… Josephine, unleash the absolute obedience right now…!]
[… I….]
[I don’t think she could, Elder~…] Suddenly Maria interrupted as she tried to tell her something.
[What do you mean?]
[That man had a strong magic resistance on its body.] [My strongest magic couldn’t even do things to it.]
[… Is that true, Josephine…?]
[… Yes….]
[… Though it is regrettable, I decided that he’ll be kept inside the magic barrier and won’t be given any resources, food, or energy, starting right now.] [We need to at least weaken it before we’re able to control it.] [Yohana, escort it.]
[No… that’s….!!!!]
[It’s mainly your fault, both for summoning a familiar out of your league without cancelling it, and for unable to keep it under your supervision.]
Yohana started to come near Vram and asked her familiar, to escort Vram, a creature that had a very human-like face, with a feathered wing on its arms and some feather on her heads, with an exoskeleton legs and a claw equipped on its feet. As Yohana escorting Vram, she whispered to Vram.
[… I’m sorry….]
Josephine tried to follow Vram, but Endrossa forbid her from even getting near it. Josephine just screaming and shouting Vram’s name over and over again. A mad smile can be seen on Maria’s face, as Yohana keep sulking, unable to help her junior. And Vram just silently following Yohana’s trail as he was escorted onto the place he was not supposed to be.
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