《The Elven World: After the Flood》The Inn of Wandering Mists - Intruders


A few moments later there was a banging on the door. Everyone in the inn jumped and stared at the door.

There was another banging.

“I’ll open it.” said Helga.

She slowly opened the door, and the Scout Marshall fell inwards, covered in blood.

“Oh no Tilly!” said Helga at the same time the group cried “Scout Marshall!”.

“They’re coming. They’re just behind me.”

“ Leela, take him behind the bar and cast some healing on him.” Helga said, picking up the Scout Marshall’s axe and readying it in her hands. “We’ll take of this.”

“No need,” said the Bard. “This can be handled peacefully. Helga, just talk to them. Tell them no one is here. They will leave.”

“I don’t know but I trust ya, Idril.”

Leela turned to Arilee, “Did you hear that? His name is Idril. That’s the bard we’re looking for!”

“I heard. I guess we will have to trust him for now.”

Idril began tuning his strings and whispering to them in elvish. A small blue and yellow glow began to emanate from the strings.

The stomping of boots on cobblestone signaled people were coming. Three men, dressed in black and red military uniform appeared in the doorway.

Arilee studied the men. Level 15s, higher than her and her friends. The one in the middle, the leader, was tall with a large, crooked nose and dark hair. She noticed his uniform was haggard. It didn’t seem to fit right. The man to his left also had an ill-fitting uniform. Her eyes were drawn to a dagger-size hole in its side surrounded by blood stains. Arilee realized these men stole these uniforms.

“Excuse us, we are looking for an escaped prisoner. A barbarian,” said the leader.


“I’m a barbarian, but are you lots looking for me?” said Helga, tauntingly

“We’re on official Overlord business. The prisoner is a male barbarian. Long red hair. We followed him into this alley.”

“I sure do wish a handsome man like that came in here, but no. The crowd just left for the night and all that is left are these few finishing their rounds.”

Idril’s music slowly began to fill the room. A simple, soft tune. Arilee felt herself again being pulled into the music like from before. She found herself believing every word Helga said, even though she knew it wasn’t true.

“Songmagic,” whispered Leela again.

Helga continued, “No one is here, the tavern has cleared out for the night and the inn guests are asleep. You best be on your way if you want to catch that prisoner.”

“Sorry for the troubles,” apologized the leader. He elbowed the man to his right and nodded for him to follow outside. In a daze, his men turned and left with him.

Arilee tried to calm her breath. Her friends were all still standing. No one seemed injured. The plan worked. She waited for the men to fully leave before speaking.

“We need to get out of here.” Arilee said.

“Hold on now, let’s take a second.” said Helga.

“No,” said Arilee, “we need to go now.”

Idril slung his lute over his shoulder. “I agree with Arilee. They will be back again, soon.”

Helga sighed. “Alright, you all get out of here. I’ll stay here with my brother. I can’t leave my business.”

Idril turned to Arilee, “I’m not sure why you are being hunted, but I will help in what ways I can. There is an Elven caravan camped just outside the city. I was going to join them on their journey East, you are welcome to come with us. “


The group agreed to follow the Bard and followed him outside. They kept low and kept to the shadows as they walked down the street.

“What about Helga?” asked Chip.

“She will be alright. She has a few tricks up her sleeve.”

A dark mist crept in from the night and shrouded the inn in darkness. As it settled, the inn changed. The lamps were darkened, covered in cobwebs. The windows were shattered and broken. The door hinges rusted close.

“Wow,” whispered Chip.

“Let’s get off this side street and into public. Follow me.” said the Bard.

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