《The Elven World: After the Flood》Start Here! Act 2 Prelude - The Story So Far


Arilee listened to the rafters of the boat creak in the winds as she sat at a desk with a quill in her hand. She stared down at the scroll in front of her. She was nervous to write anything even though she knew no one would ever read it. Arilee addressed it to her old guardian Faenor. He wasn't alive anymore, but she felt it was best to write about the events she just went through but didn't know how else to go about it.

Dear Faenor,

Life has changed so much since I left the Light Woods. Sometimes I wish I could go back to the simpleness we enjoyed there. But I've met an amazing group of friends who survived the most amazing adventure with me. I was on the way to the Capitol City when a Level 50 Sea Monster attacked our boat. When I woke up, they said I was on the Isle of Goblins and they needed my help! Can you believe that? Me. Level 1 Arilee.

They matched me with three other ship wreck survivors, Leela a High Elf Priestess, Chip a human wizard in training, and Slicks a Lizardperson. It was a little rocky at first but we seem to get along now. Scout Marshall Bodwin (he's was our trainer and in charge of our little squad on the island) says that battle is the best friendship maker.

After we helped the military defeat the Goblins, we recieved a new quest to go to the Capitol City. The Dark Elf army is coming back and we need to tell the Overlord. The Healer on the island also mentioned your old friend Geleb Cuthsbane. I am currently on a boat and we arrive at the City tomorrow.

I'm level 6 now and I've learned to enchant my arrows with fire and ice. It feels so good to improve. I've gotten pretty handy with my daggers s well.

I miss you, but I am doing my best. I hope all your old friends were there to greet you at Death's Gate.


Arilee rolled up the scroll and put it into her pouch. She heard shouts from the deck above.

Did someone shout Pirates?

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