《Sylph Resurgence》Book 2 Chapter 2: Convention of the Saints


When Kai arrived at the meeting place, he was surprised to see only Princess Nikki present with Adeline. Kai rubbed his head shyly, apologising, "I got held up by a personal matter earlier. Sorry for being late. Anyway, where's that goofy Saint?"

Princess Nikki replied, "Come on Kai. You've got to have more respect for your master. Anyway, today, I would supervise your training instead of Ray, as he's presently unavailable." Adeline asked inquisitively, "May I ask what's holding him up? I'm just curious."

Nikki answered matter-of-factly, "Well, it's a matter of grave importance, but since you 2 are his personal students who are close to him, I guess there's no harm letting you know. He's been activated to attend the Convention of the Saints."

Kai and Adeline were stunned. The Convention of the Saints was only called in times of great emergency. Was Nirvania facing a crisis? Kai pushed on, "What's happening? As a Princess, you got to know what's happening in this country right, Mistress Nikki?"

Nikki closed her eyes and shook her head, "Even as a Princess, I'm not privy to all classified information in the Kingdom. I'm equally as clueless as you guys with regard to what's happening to the kingdom. Ray would probably tell us when he's ready. Shall we get back to training?" Both Kai and Adeline nodded as they continued to practise their combination magic together under Nikki's instructions.

Ray pushed open the doors of the conference room, with Frost by his side. Ray remarked, "Wow, it's really been a long time since I've seen you guys. How've you all been?" In front of him currently sat 3 people and their respective entourage behind them.

The 3 people consisted of a young girl with blond hair dressed up as a sorceress, an older man wearing a simple combat attire and a young man with red hair dressed in an exquisite attire. They were the Child Saint, Sariel, the Martial Duke, Ken and the Sword Saint, Van Renard respectively.

Ken tilted his head to face Ray and chuckled, "You're as jovial as before, Ray. Glad to see you haven't lost that part of you. Makes meetings like this interesting."

Van toyed with his sword at his waist as he said nonchalantly, "Well, he has reason to be happy. After all, he got promoted from the lowest #10 rank to the #8 rank. At the expense of others though." He stole a glance at Sariel.

A woman, who was part of Sariel's entourage, shouted, "How dare you insult Mistress Sariel! I'll show you the true power of our guild, G.E.M.S!" Sariel quickly got up and tried to restrain her companion, speaking in a childish tone, "Come on Melissa, there's no need to get angry over such a comment. I'm fine, see?" Sariel tried to distract Melissa with her cute expression and puppy eyes.


Ken sighed, "Van…if only you were like your father, the previous Sword Saint. His humility could only be matched by his skill with the sword. Rank and other titles are insignificant compared to the weight of our duties."

Van snapped, "Don't mention my father in front of me! The reason why he retired was because I surpassed him! Even with his so-called skill with the sword, can he best me in a duel? The strongest swordsman would only be remembered for his victories, not his technique!" Ken shook his head and sighed.

Meanwhile, Ray took his seat leisurely and relaxed. Frost came closer to whisper in his ear, "Should we do something about this? I'm afraid it would grow into a full-blown fight." Ray replied, "Nah, relax! Sometimes, fools need to be taught the hard way. I never liked Van anyway."

Van turned around to face Sariel, "You know, I never liked you since I became a member of the 10 Saints, you're already over 50 and you still keep up that childish appearance and behaviour. No wonder you got demoted to #10, who needs a Saint who just prances around?"

Melissa got really furious this time and she broke free of Sariel's restraint. Her mana pressure started increasingly rapidly as she warned, "I'll show you…who's truly the weak one!" An older man stepped forward from Vincent's entourage, drawing his sword slightly from his waist. Sariel looked on helplessly while Van smirked, relaxing in his chair.

Just as the 2 were about to engage in battle, suddenly, the door swung open and the 2 became immobilised instantly, unable to control their bodies. At the entrance of the conference room was the Blood Baron, Marcus von Bluten and his entourage of 2 vampires.

Ray whistled as he commented, "[Haemic Control] can really be useful against unsuspecting opponents, and especially fatal if done quickly. After all, it's not easy to defend against an attack from the inside. As expected of #5."

Marcus quickly took his seat as he turned to face both Sariel and Van, speaking softly yet sternly, "Save your differences for later. We've much more urgent things to settle right now instead of your childish squabbles. Especially you, Van." He then released his grip on both Melissa and the swordsman, as both gasped for air upon release. Sariel started thanking Marcus profusely while Van kept quiet in shame.

Ray whispered to Frost, "Hahaha, you've got to enjoy Van's expression. Getting screwed by someone who ranks higher than him. Really got what he deserves." Frost nodded as the entire conference stood up upon the arrival of the King and General Hargreaves.

Once everyone settled down, General Hargreaves announced, "Let me confirm the attendance. As usual, the 4 Coloured Kings are not here, they are practically non-contactable and do as they wish. #9, Snow Witch Freya, is unable to attend due to…personal reasons. Other than them, everyone else is present so let's begin the meeting. If you'd please, Baron Marcus, provide us the overall situation so that the King may make his decision."


Frost's eyes wandered over to the empty seat where Freya should be seating…looks like he would have to pay his dear sister a visit to find out what's wrong with her.

Baron Marcus continued, "My scouts have reported a pincer attack attempt by both Miran on our western borders and the Sylph Kingdom from our northern borders." King Stormfury interjected, "Wait…did you say the Sylphs? We've left them alone to prosper in peace for decades after the 2nd Holy War, why attack now?"

The Baron replied stoically, "Unfortunately, my liege, I currently have no answer to your question as well. My scouts are doing their best to investigate the cause of the sudden change of stance of the Sylphs towards us but it has been getting more difficult to gather information recently in lieu of their preparations for war." The King massaged his left temple with his hand, troubled greatly by the current situation.

Van interrupted rudely, "Basically, the current situation is that we're getting outnumbered with 2 foes attacking us simultaneously right? Humph! All we've got to do is give them a reminder of the strength of the 10 Saints, that's got to intimidate them from taking further action!"

Ray remarked, "Don't forget that Miran has their 5 Pillars whom we know nothing about. Their strength may rival with that of the 4 Coloured Kings, the top 4 members of the 10 Saints."

Ken added, "Not to mention the Sylphs. With their Luminos abilities, I don't know what we might be up against." Sariel chipped in, "General, what's the plan for us? I believe that the 4 Coloured Kings are presumably out of the picture since they can't be reached?"

General Hargreaves said calmly, "After analysing our current situation, King Stormfury and I have come to a decision. We'll mobilise all the soldiers we have, both warriors and mages and split them into 6 core divisions. 5 of these divisions would be led by the 5 of you present today and the last division would be led by Arkad, City Guard Major and former Head of Nirvanian Black Ops.

While the 5 of you would be responsible for dealing with the external threats from Miran and the Sylph Kingdom, the 6th Division under Arkad would secure the capital and the inner cities. Your sectors of responsibility would be drawn out later, but right now, all I want you guys to know is that you're no longer individual war machines. You guys are now commanders of your respective divisions, responsible for the lives of thousands under you! Lead and protect them well, Saints."

King Stormfury added, "I know you guys are probably feeling uncomfortable over your new postings, but please understand it's for the best of this country. I entrust my soldiers and their lives to you all." Ray bowed and replied, "Anything you say, my liege. My loyalty lies with my home and its ruler."

The other Saints did likewise before General Hargreaves concluded, "I hereby conclude this meeting as over, you all are dismissed. Be ready to receive letters detailing the men under your charge and the area you are allocated to defend. Most importantly, be vigilant and don't let your supposed supremacy get into your heads."

Ray and Frost were the last to leave the conference room as they were actively discussing the situation on hand. Frost enquired, "You suspect that Night Wing and their clients are responsible for the Sylphs' entry into this war?"

Ray replied, "I wouldn't be surprised if they were. After all, from what my students told me, they were after [Catastrophe], that World Class weapon. They succeeded in absconding with the map though, according to the Headmaster. If only we knew the location of [Catastrophe], we could send people to intercept them."

Suddenly, they were interrupted by someone, "[Catastrophe]? You mean they got their hands onto the map leading to its location?" It was King Stormfury. Ray quickly knelt on one knee and said, "My liege! I apologise for my blunder in failing to secure our national sovereignty! Rest assured that I would atone for my mistake!"

King Stormfury chuckled, "What's done is done. Zilean already told me what happened, it's not your fault, my dear boy. I'm not too worried as I have someone extremely reliable who's defending that accursed weapon. Moreover, I cannot express my gratitude further for saving my beloved daughter, Nicolette, once again. I know she can really be a handful at times, but thanks for being by her side all these years, Ray."

Ray replied, "It's my honour and duty to protect the princess of this Kingdom." King Stormfury jested, "Well, I thought it was beyond honour and duty that you serve my daughter with such zest. Anyway, I wish you all the best for your current mission. May you continue to bask in fervent Nirvanian glory."

Ray acknowledged the King's blessings with a bow. Frost teased, "Looks like the King too is aware of your escapades with the princess." Ray ignored his teasing and replied, "Well, we have a mission right now. Let's go and get prepared, this time of peace won't last long given the situation." Frost nodded as they both left the room quickly.

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