《A Kingdom of Power, of Courage, and of Wisdom》Kyou's War - Alliance
-Majora's Mountain, Western Qin-
Zelda awoke early. She was a light sleeper by nature, and she was expected to have meetings or lessons at first light. She had lost some of her cautions while staying in the Fae's grove, but since then she has felt her instincts return.
She looked up from her corner to find Link was as clueless to the world as ever. He was the picture of a buffoon: scratching himself, drooling, sprawled out, and wide open. Zelda could only sigh inside. Why did it have to be him that followed her this far? Why was it him that had to have been given the hand mark? Why couldn't it have been someone else?
She immediately thought of Matsubi, and she blinked in surprise at it. She shook her head and banished the thought away.
Zelda sat by the window and looked out over the Majora's city. She could leave, but it would be more polite to wait to be summoned when Ganondorf Dragmire was ready to resume their talk. She did not have to wait long before the summons came. A Majoran entered.
The Majoran lead them back to the assembly hall. There Ganondorf Dragmire sat at his usual place and the elderly woman on both sides. This time the assembly hall was full to the brim with Majoran as they ate breakfast. Along with them were a large number of wolves mixed in. From what Zelda could see, the younger Majoran's had younger dogs and wolves while the other's had more scarred ones or even entire packs.
'Seems the bond between beast and man is strong here.' Zelda considered. She stared for a moment, amazed at the sight, and more than a little uncomfortable. She did not spend time among animals, and what she remembered of dogs in her youth was little more than rivalry for scraps.
Zelda stood in the middle with Link. A hall full of roaring laughter and barking and general behavior lacking any social etiquette quieted the moment she entered the premises. The food before Ganondorf was left untouched, as though he prompted to keep his mask on the entire time.
"King of Qin." Ganondorf said in a voice loud enough for all to hear. "You stand once more before me, in further judgment."
"And for what shall I be judged?" Zelda inquired.
"I have considered your words from yesterday, and perhaps there is truth to it. Discrimination, racism, cycles of hatred, are things that cannot be removed so easily; however, I still find your answer to be too simplistic. You think it enough to erase all borders? You think it enough to unite the kingdoms? Even if you do so, what is there to unite people whose cultures and ways of thinking are inherently different? Already you have failed to provide this answer the moment you walked in."
"How so?"
"Do you deny entering this assembly, seeing how we are, and being put off by it? I saw the look of disgust on your face."
Zelda blinked in surprise. She wanted to respond, but she had no answer. She flushed in embracement.
"You are right, I am uncomfortable with crowds and animals. Qin is not like this, our assemblies have a different form of social etiquette with unspoken rules. However, I find this test... lacking. I find no evil in the differences between you and me from a mere meal. What you ask is what would bind people in a unified system despite their differences... Yes?"
Ganondorf nodded.
"That answer is one I lack," Zelda admitted. "As you see, I am young and still have much to learn. I simply do not have an answer that can satisfy the question, but I do promise that I will seek that answer out. It is one I desperately wish to know myself."
Ganondorf tapped the table silently. Zelda cleared her throat. Link glanced between them, having no idea really of the depth of their conversation.
"I can accept that." The King of Majora stopped tapping. "For now. But I expect you will one day provide a proper answer to the question before one is forced on you."
Zelda turned her head on its side. She felt relief. Ganondorf spoke in the long-term, as though they would be continuing to have relations in the future. That bode well. At least for her survival, if not for her plans and ambition.
"Then I have one last test for you," Ganondorf said. He stood, and now that Zelda wasn't clouded with the oppressive thought of doom, she realized he was astoundingly tall. He was a fair distance away and he towered over her, and his hair was a rich red. His red eyes bore into hers through the mask. She felt like she was in the presence of a volcano, tall and powerful. Zelda clenched her shaking fists.
"We Majora are a violent people." He said. "If we take back your throne, it will be extremely bloody. Your halls will be filled with death. Is that acceptable to you?"
"Hey, hey! Who said anything about invading!" Link burst out.
Ganondorf turned his mask on him. "How else did you think she was going to reclaim her throne from her brother? Asking for it?"
"Well... no. But..." Link whispered, uncomfortable all of a sudden with what he had involved himself in. He wanted revenge, sure, but that was on one man. Was he okay with killing more?
The palace would be filled with supporters of the prince, so anyone who actively supported the civil war was one thing, but the innocent? Was there even anyone innocent in the palace? Link felt the questions and answers were now much deeper than his simple ways expected.
Link gulped. He would avenge Midna, but he would do it his way, regardless of what those around him did. He wouldn't kill anyone who didn't try to kill him first.
Ganondorf ignored the young man and returned his attention to the high princess. "What is your answer?"
Zelda on her part did something that surprised everyone:
She chuckled.
Zelda said, "It was taken from me in blood. Hundreds of innocents are killed. Villages have been burned. An entire kingdom faces civil war and invites weakness. What in the nine realms makes you think I would hesitate to repay the favor?" For the first time in a long time, a true emotion showed and what lied within the eyes made even Ganondorf pause. There was a secret side to her just beneath the skin. There was a darkness, a purely unsympathetic wide-eyed madness within.
Ganondorf glanced around the assembly. The group he had gathered for this meal was the head of every house and their heirs. Some knew the language of Qin, but most did not. Ganon knew that Zelda's words had struck a chord in them, but he could not say if it was enough to appease them. The hatred went deep. It may be that nothing could fix it.
Hatred was something he understood well. Anger, hatred, leadership, power... these were his birthright. Fury was the weapon of the Majora. Wrath was his tool. The Majora claimed the flatlands were evil for holding them back but weren't the Majora just holding themselves back?
Ganondorf wanted to be free. The mountains, the burden of the dead he never asked for, the stagnant hatred his parents held to... What was a power that was trapped? It was little more than a burden. Ganondorf wanted to spread his wings as wide as they would go, even beyond the horizon.
His people would not agree, but they made him chief. He was a selfish man. Screw it all, he'd do what he damned well, please.
Ganondorf reached up and removed the mask over his face. Zelda and Link were both surprised at how young he was. In truth, he was twenty while they were thirteen and twelve. His parents demanded to know what he was doing, but he ignored them.
He breathed in free air, and said loudly in the words of his people, "Spread the word to every house! The Majora will help the High Princess reclaim the throne! Gather your horses! Gather your wolves! Don the mask, Majora! We ride tonight!"
Zelda did not understand the words, but she did understand the sudden roar from everyone. Even Elder, who stood to the far side all this time, let loose a roar that made the ground shake. Even Link was not unmoved by the cry and saw visions of blood and battle as his blood burned to clash.
Zelda smiled in relief. She was alive. It had worked. It may not last, but for now, the plan she had come up with herself had come to fruition.
The assembly rushed out of the hall in a pure mob sense, nearly crushing Zelda in the process. She grunted to herself and patted herself down. She didn't like being touched, and a mob rushing around her evoked too many triggers. Ganondorf and the older woman alone stayed with them. Elder trotted down to her and showed a bright smile, "Well done, Daughter of Naryu! You have obtained their help."
"Thank you, Elder." Zelda bowed. "I must thank you and the monkey for your assistance. Were it not for your intervention, I would most likely be dead now."
"You are welcome." "Hey! I have a name you know." Elder and Link said at once.
"I am surprised though, that you were able to get through to him so easily. Do you two have a history?" From what Zelda had garnered from the brief exchange between Fae and Majoran, they seemed to have had history and friendship.
"We do." The Fae said. "We aided them in their escape from Qin. My grove has always aided those in need." His eyes looked to Ganondorf, who was having a heated argument with the elderly women. It was getting to the point of outright yelling. "The Dragmire is one such example. He was a babe in the exodus and were it not for my intervention, the Dragmire as a clan would now be extinct. We believe him to be the last."
"I see..." Zelda whispered.
She sympathized with the man. The burden he carried was not one to scoff at, but it only made Zelda wonder. Why did he go for the alliance? His people follow him to battle without hesitation, but it seems the elders are against him. Zelda did not know the beliefs and feelings of the Majora people, but if the impression given to her was that they felt hurt by Qin's betrayal, then why did he join her? She was pleased by it, but it struck her as unusual.
Especially since that would have been not that many years ago.
King Shorlin held a strong friendship with them, but he died. The following king only lived for twelve years on the throne, and the king to follow, her father, only lasted seven years on the throne. So it would have been only twenty years ago, at most, that the betrayal would have occurred. Almost all of these people would have been there to witness it.
Zelda was well acquainted with grudges for past sins. Zhao held a grudge for Chouhei. The pain the Majora endured had to be similar... so why?
Was Ganondorf acting on the wishes of his people or going his own way? And to what end?
Zelda narrowed her eyes at the back of the red-haired man. She could not understand his intentions. So while she would go forward with this, she couldn't afford to be caught off guard if this was just a ploy. Once she knew what he hoped to gain from this could she judge whether this made him truly a friend or foe.
The yelling match ended between them, and Ganondorf stepped forward. It struck Zelda how noble he looked despite being a tribesman. He was also much... lankier than she thought. He was muscled, but not as herculean as she thought. Rather his muscles were densely packed. His presence emitted power and strength in every way, from his gaze to his body and fire-like features, to his confidence, to something hidden deeper within.
Elder Fae chuckled, "Sounds like you have angered your parents there, chief Dragmire."
"Parents?" Zelda asked.
"Those two hags were my mothers," Ganon explained offhandedly. "But that is beside the point. High Princess Zelda. If you will follow me, there is a place we can talk privately." He motioned to a door near the back. "The others may come as well; there are some things to discuss." Zelda nodded.
"My name is Link." Link replied with a hint of aggravation.
Ganondorf stared down at the boy and said, "Prove yourself as someone worth knowing and I might bother remembering that. Till then you are nothing to me."
Ganondorf guided them to the door where it led to a short hall with more rooms. Most lead to a kitchen of sorts or supply rooms. The next door took them out of the building entirely but also left them near the next building he took them to. The closely compact buildings gave Zelda a sense of claustrophobia. Before long they entered a small room where there was a table. On the wall was a map and several masks and weapons.
Elder walked on four legs to a corner and looped his arms together to watch. The second Fae flew around Zelda's head before resting on her scalp. Ganondorf shut the door after his wolf entered in. Link shivered at the sight of it.
"Something wrong with wolves?" Zelda wondered.
"More like animals in general." Link kept his distance from the animal. The wolf glanced back with a raised ear but otherwise ignored him with a huff. Link could even see it rolling its eyes in a very human gesture. The wolf laid down to the side on a rug.
"The 'animal' is named Kagami," Ganon said defensively. "And I would demand that you refer to him as such."
He retrieved the map from the wall and placing it before them. "Now. The capital is here, and we are here. There is a vast expanse of flatlands between, so it would be best if we move through the mountains until we reach the southern pass below your massive gate, from there we ride as swiftly as the wind can carry us and invade the capital."
"What about the walls?" Link asked.
Ganon glanced sideways, and downward, at him. "Should I answer the commoner's question?"
"Don't bother." Zelda sighed. "Monkey, the Majora live in mountains. I'm sure a wall is no problem for them. Not to mention we have the Fae, who can directly influence their environment."
"Oh yeah..." Link smiled and rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.
"A simplistic plan that suits your strengths, but unnecessary," Zelda said to Ganon. "We can enter in through the passage I escaped from, to begin with. It is a bit northern... here. The reach from the mountain edge will be short as well."
Ganon nodded. "This tunnel will lead where?"
"Inside the inner city. The capital is built from the ground up to be a fortress. There are ten guarded gates from all four directions before you reach the inner city. From there we have to pass three more gates. The final gate may be a bit difficult, but there is a side passage that bypasses it and allows entry to the palace for servants."
"Can you draw me a rough sketch of the inner city?"
"I can try."
"Then it will have to do." Ganon decided. He turned around and retrieved a pair of masks from the wall. "These are for you."
He passed one to Zelda and Link. Zelda picked it up and examined the front and back of it. The front had holes for eyes, but nothing else. Unlike the other masks, this had no painting on it at all. The back of it, though, had intricate lines painted in. Both masks were identical. Link simply stuck his on.
"Oh, it's so cool!" Link exclaimed.
"The masks are to be worn once we near the capital," Ganon explained. "They will disguise you so no one can tell the difference between yourself and us."
Link said. "So it makes me a Majora?"
"Why the painting on the back and not the front?" Zelda wondered.
"The Majora's art is that the mask is more than just a mask. It has power. Once applied anyone who looks at you will be distracted by something else. So you will be nothing more than one amongst many and would be unseen. In the chaos of battle... you would be little more than a ghost."
"So I'm a ghost!?" Link exclaimed. "Hey! Does this mean you can't see me? Hello? Oh, my Farore it's working already! Look at me, I'm a Majora ghost, I'm a dick! Ow!" Ganon slammed his fist down on top of his head.
"It has its limits..." Ganon struggled to be patient, but something about the youngster rubbed him the wrong way.
"I can see that. So no purposefully drawing attention to myself..." Zelda studied the mask a bit further before putting it back on the table for the moment. "Thank you for the mask, and your assistance."
"You are welcome, High Princess, but I assure you my services are not free," Ganon replied. "I don't know how it is in the flatlands, but I am straightforward about it."
Zelda nodded. It was a relief that he was bringing it up so early. Better to broker a deal early than to anticipate a favor being pulled when she would least expect it. "What is it you would like?"
"Land," Ganon said. "Not as a lesser vessel under Qin, but as an equal and separate nation."
"You know I cannot accept that. You would ask that Qin consider a nation so much smaller to be equal? You would ask that I let go of Qin land? You would ask that I create more borders when my very objective is to remove them?"
"You could not give me an answer before on how you would ensure stability in a world without them. So, yes. Until you have a system where Majora and Qin can live side by side that makes the current one obsolete, then this will have to do. We already share borders, High Princess of Qin. What I am ensuring is that the dream of my ancestors is brought to fruition."
Zelda considered it further. She was apprehensive, to say the least. She had no desire to give citizens to him, give land and wealth to him that should be hers, and giving the before mentioned to a foreign power that no one had ever heard of was nothing short of political suicide at best and treason at worst.
But if she was to realize her ambition, she would have to walk a path that wasn't afraid to step on toes and take risks. Technically there was only so much of Qin she owned herself, as most of it was handed out to ministers and chancellors who ran them in the name of Qin. With Ketsu's treason... the land Ketsu owned could be argued as being a rebel faction, and in his defeat, it would be forfeited to her. Owning too much land would topple the balance since she wasn't strong enough to govern and hold it all herself (hence handing out portions to others) so a portion of Ketsu's land could be forfeited as a reward or part of a deal without hurting her.
It wasn't that uncommon for land to be given as part of a deal or reward or political maneuver, so she could swing it if she played her cards right.
The problem then became was it worth it and what were the problems that could arise versus the benefits?
She couldn't grasp the answer to that. Not only because it was too complex of a question but because there was too much variable in what land could be given. She would need to have a meeting with her faction to catalog what she owned before she could look at what she could give.
However... some land could be given. If the risk was too great, then they could bargain for the land of less risk to Qin.
Lose a bit of land and regain all of Qin or see it all go to waste.
"We can come to a deal." Zelda decided. "However Qin will demand the right to have a say in what land we give, and there would be terms and conditions."
"Such as?"
"The right for Qin citizens to leave the land and return to central Qin if they choose, and how those that stay would be treated. Future relations between us such as trade, immigration, and the possibility of support in time of war."
Ganondorf scrunched up his nose in disgust. "Sounds boring."
Zelda smiled in agreement. "It is. But do we have an agreement?"
Ganondorf studied her briefly before nodding. He extended his hand. "The Majora can abide by that, but I warn you. Do not betray us. One more betrayal may ignite our hatred into something even I cannot control, and you will find your lands in a bloodbath."
Zelda looked at the hand presented. It was massive compared to her own and black. She took it. The sheer size of it enveloped her hand completely. A triangle on his hand lit up and her hand felt warm in his grasp. "I guess it is a good thing I do not plan to do so."
Elder leaned back and smiled at what he saw. He was perhaps the only one who recognized the significance of what he was seeing, and he looked forward to the future and the promises it gave.
(Edited 3/1/2020)
- In Serial85 Chapters
Please note: the Sexual Content tag is there due to a single brief plot-relevant scene, which has a warning at the beginning. For other details, read the full description below. Rating breakdown, since that should be public info: 5 x 5*, 2 x 4.5*, 1 x 0.5* During a blackout, a frail and ragged old woman stops to ask for a glass of water from a backyard barbecue party. Given a good supper instead, she looks around the group, and tells them, "Be who and what you truly are." Days later, seven of the people from the barbecue find themselves drawn into a trap laid by a pair of wizards and their accomplices, who kidnap them into a bubble reality. All seven, who have known each other all their lives, are informed that they are not in fact entirely human: they have active fae blood, due to a series of conditions culminating with the blessing of the elderly fae woman. The transformation into fae form comes as a shock: all seven, whether originally female or male, find themselves now unreasonably beautiful women. More urgent even than that, though, is their captivity. Getting back to the real world is a higher priority than this metamorphosis that rapidly begins to feel natural... but this is only the first step, as the diverse types of fae blood they carry begin to surface. With no resources except themselves, how can they escape this prison? If they succeed, how can they possibly reclaim their lives? Just how many other faelings have been kidnapped, anyway, and what happened to them? And is there a way to make sure that their captors never put anyone else through this? Back in the real world, Kayla, who learned long ago to trust her gut instincts, is absolutely certain that something is very wrong. The pattern in the list of missing friends is easy to spot, but makes no sense at all. Then a young woman turns up at the backyard gate who knows more than she should, and even though her explanation makes even less sense, every instinct tells Kayla that Riley is her only way to get them back. If they're not quite what they were, well, that's a bridge to cross later... Just a little note: I'm a big believer in endings that are upbeat but not candy-coated, and not a fan of grim-and-gritty or of glamorized violence. These are adults in a difficult situation. However, no one gets raped, and the physical violence is, all things considered, fairly minimal. There is some harassment, sexual and otherwise, and also some mild restraint and mild verbal abuse. Complicating factors are generally wizardly or fae in nature. If I need to warn you about gender in this being all over the map, some of it reality-based rather than fantasy-based, highly diverse sexuality, or that there is (especially later) some indirect fetish/BDSM imagery and honest character discussion, then you probably should just avoid everything I write. :-) Also available on Scribble Hub.
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