《Left Behind In Another World》Chapter 5: It's back again


I told Axilia. Everything. Even about the monster. We talked until the evening.

[I understand] (Axilia)

[Huh? You believe me?]

[Kind of. It’s not uncommon for people to be summoned from another world. I just don’t know why you didn’t have anyone tell you about this world. You’d usually land in the king’s castle. Also, there shouldn’t be any monster like that in this forest.] (Axilia)

[From what you’re saying, this happens a lot. If this happens a lot, why did they make a mistake with me?] (Yuki)

[You’re unlucky] (Axilia)

[Wow, thanks for the complement] (Yuki)

[You’re welc-] (Axilia)

She stopped talking and looked around with a serious face.

[What’s wrong?] (Yuki)

[I sense malice and...its thick] (Axilia)

[What do you--] (Yuki)

Suddenly there was a growl. It wasn’t loud enough that you’d hear it in a forest, but the thing is there was no other sound. Before, you could hear running water and insects, but now...nothing. Well, nothing but the growl. The growl then stopped and glowing eyes came into my vision. Glowing red eyes. Crap. I know what this is. It happened before. It happened yesterday.

[It seems you were right] (Axilia)

Axilia readied her swords with a sharp glint in her eye. The red eyes started coming closer then...they abruptly sped up. Soon, the monster from yesterday came into view.

[T-this is w-worse than I thought!] (Axilia)

Axilia was usually calm, at least from what I have seen. She wasn’t calm anymore, she looked scared.

The monster growled again, but this time louder. At that, Axilia ran towards the monster, ready to kill it. She chanted something under her breath and a bright light fell upon the monster. It didn’t work. The monster just took the attack then hit her like it was brushing off an insect.


I ran towards Axilia.

[A-are you okay?!] (Yuki)

[Do I look…. alright. . .to you?] (Axilia)

She was bleeding from her stomach. She looked like she was in pain. She was in pain. She looked like she could die any moment.

I got up and walked towards the monster. I was angry.

[W-what are you doing? You’re going to get yourself killed!] (Axilia)

[I know. And I barely even know you. But how can I be called I man if I just get killed without doing anything. I can’t even run away. I’ve tried. This thing is just too powerful. And do you remember I survived with all my limbs intact after getting attacked by this thing?] (Yuki)

[That was just the Gods saving you! If you get killed again, then you will not come back you know?!] (Axilia)

I just ignored her and walked towards the monster. It looked terrifying but like I said, I can’t be called a man if I do nothing.

I tried punching and kicking it but it just stood there and looked at me like it was toying with me. After a few rounds of punching and kicking, it finally moved and grabbed my leg. It tore it off. It tore my leg off again. The pain is too much. My consciousness starts to fade away. I can hear Axilia screaming my name. Then suddenly, loud and clear, I hear a voice.

[Would you like to use ‘Destruction’?] ???


Destruction? What is that? And that voice in my head. It spoke to me before.

{HEY! What is destruction?!] (Yuki)

I scream this in my mind.

[Destruction: Calamity magic. ATK 1500. Destroys anything and everything in its path. Uses 1000 MP. Do you want to use it?] (???)



[Axilia, can you use protection magic?] (Yuki)

[Y-yes but why… why do I need… to use it?] (Axilia)

[I want you to use it on *cough* yourself within the next ten seconds] (Yuki)

Damn. I’m coughing up blood now. I need to do this fast.

[B-but--] (Axilia)

[NOW!] (Yuki)

She activated it. I think now it’s safe.

[YES has been selected] (???)

As soon as the voice said that, the ground begins to shake and trees start to fall. A bright light comes out of nowhere and destroys everything in its path. The monster releases a hellish scream and dies.

[Arrgggh!] (Yuki)

Dammit. I got caught up. I knew this was going to happen, with my leg gone I can’t run so it was only natural.

I start coughing up blood. I also got hit on my stomach. Blood is everywhere. From the monster, Axilia and I. Everything is damaged. This one beautiful forest is now nowhere to be seen. I look over. Axilia is looking at me… crying. At least she is fine. Crap. I’m starting to lose consciousness.

[Yuuuki! Please! Don’t go to sleep! You’ll die if you do!] (Axilia)

She’s crawling over to me. Axilia is crawling over to me.

Damn. I lost consciousness again.

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