《The Evil God is forced to become a Sidekick?》Chapter 12 -Violence always comes to me... I don't know why though?-


}-------Chapter 12: Violence always comes to me... I don't know why though?-------{


Befriend someone...? Me...? The great Fauros? Is this human stupid?

Everyone that had tried to befriend me has perished, after all, none of them were pleasing enough to befriend them. At most, I could ally with them, but that was it. If they tried anything funny, they would be gone from existence...

I already proved that in the all-out war of me against all the words in existence. Besides the millions of fools that decided to oppose me, there were also the pussies that got scared of me becoming omnipotent and decided to betray me, even if we were allies beforehand.

I was already used to betrayals. I mean, in a billion years of existence, it was obvious that I would experience quite a bunch of betrayals on my own... -sigh- ... But who can blame them? It's majestic and superior beings like me who are always feared the most, and thus, betrayed the most.

Yet... Even with all that... This human dared to ask me to be his friend?

What a dumbass...

[You aren't a god anymore though ( ͡°з ͡°)]

You shut up, this isn't a matter where a pussy like you can say something.

Now, where was I? Yes, what a dumbass... However, if it's about playing to be friends with him... Then that I can do... It can help me to constantly make sure that the blessing does not activate, and if I do well, then I will also recover a fraction of my power faster than before!

Heh, rejoice little bitch, as from now on, I will become your """friend""".

[You're too evil... At least treat his friendship with sincerity ☜(`o´)]

You sound like those gods that preached about the power of love and friendship... It was something like... For the power of Love! or maybe For the sake of everyone I love, I will strike you down!

Then I would kill all of them with a flick of my hand... -*Sigh*- Now look in what I have become... Even those assholes could be able to kill me now... Good thing I killed almost every one of them.

[... You are truly evil Fauros-san...]

You knew that from the very moment you picked me up for this job, right? Now face the consequences head-on and don't be a bitch.

With that, I decided to play along and act as his friend for the time being, after all... What could go wrong with simply being this human """Friend"""?

"Sure... I will be your ""Friend"", huma- I mean, my friend Keitaro"

Ignoring my small slip of the tongue, the human simply smiled and nodded happily with a bright expression on his face. He was rather a strange human... as far as remembered from the memories of the previous owner of this body, my personality wasn't something that people tended to like... Well, he was a pussy anyways, so his opinion wasn't exactly something I could rely on...

Well, whatever. My objective was already accomplished, so I had no complaints...

[Good job Fauros-san!]

Well, I had one complaint... But it's not like I could do something about it...




After the final game ended, everyone went home. Keitaro lived quite far away from Kuta's house, so they separated as soon as the game ended.


Currently, Kuta was studying the multiple changes in his body with the utmost attention. He wanted to calculate how much time exactly would it take for him to reach the maximum potential of this body with the newly acquired regeneration.

He had used some pretty taxing movement techniques from when he was still a human, furthermore, they all required a highly trained body coupled with a magical enhancement on top of it for them to not wear you out in just a few moments. However, not only has he the body of a wimp who has never trained in his life, but he also had no trace of magical energy in his body, so, it was unnecessary to say that he was feeling like collapsing on his actual spot right now.

However, being the Evil god he was, Kuta would not allow himself to fall in the middle of the street... at least, not until his legs reached their limit and stopped moving... Which should happen in a few minutes more.

Yet, not everything was bad for Kuta when using this technique, as he could feel clearly how the tissues and muscles on his legs continued being repaired rapidly thanks to the rapid regeneration granted by the guy who brought him here.

Using this technique in a body like his would usually take at least several weeks to be able to use the legs again, as it was like receiving several impacts all over them continuously without rest. However, thanks to his rapid healing, he was sure that at most it could take one and a half-day to properly recover, mostly because the damage was continuously being repaired even while using the technique, so the final damage was lessened greatly by his enhanced healing abilities as well.

[Maybe I exaggerated with granting you such a powerful ability from the get-go...]

"Shut up, with this I will be able to become powerful enough to fight against small armies at least... You should be grateful that I won't die that easily you fuck..."

[I know, but still... Hmm? Oh, never mind, you are right]

"What's with you agreeing with me so easily?"

Suddenly, as Kuta felt weirded out by the voice's response, a voice came from behind him and called out to him.


Kuta immediately felt a vein bulge out of anger when he heard the person's authoritative tone, if there was something that annoyed him, was the guys that thought they were above him.

When he turned around to look at the bastard that was treating him with such disrespect, he saw five guys looking at him with scary expressions on their faces. All of them seemed to be around 17-18 years old, being 1 year older than Kuta, and thus, a lot more imposing than the middle-sized Kuta.

All of them were wearing the uniforms of a nearby school that wasn't that of Kuta, so he was curious as to why would they call out to him so suddenly, so he decided to wait for the time being, even if he wanted to punch the guy at the front right away.

"You are Tanaka Kuta, right? Sorry about this, nothing personal. We just got a few orders from my boss to beat you up..."


[And here it comes... again... Why is it that there's always violence around you?]

'Why the heck are you asking me such a stupid question? It's violence that always comes to me, but I don't know why though... After all, I'm such a benevolent and caring evil god, there's no reason for me to be targeted in such way...'


"You and those five?" Seeing the whole group surround him, Kuta glanced around and raised an eyebrow as he tightened his fists ready to hit any of these guys right away. His legs were trembling a bit due to the exhaustion from the technique from before, but they still managed to maintain themselves straight and not make Kuta fall.

"Yeah, what about it?" Seeing the fearless tone on Kuta's voice, the guy raised an eyebrow and walked up right in front of him before he then started looking straight into his eyes, seemingly wanting to intimidate our protagonist.

"Well, I'm not exactly alone" Grinning at the guy in front of him, Kuta pointed towards behind the group with his finger while showing an arrogant expression.

The guy and his group rapidly turned to look behind them as they had heard that Natsuki was also involved in all this, and fighting her was a completely different matter than just fighting Kuta. However, soon they noticed that there was no one behind them and rapidly turned to look back at Kuta.

Unfortunately, the one who seemed to be the leader was a tad too late to react, and soon, a heavy kick landed on his jewels without mercy, making him fall on his knees while biting his lips in pain.



However, Kuta did not end the matter there, as he soon grabbed the back of the head of his opponent, and slammed it with all his strength against his knee. He felt something crack when he did it, but paid no heed to such a thing and then took out a pencil from his pocket and pointed it exactly towards the jugular of the knocked-out guy.

His group was too late to react, and before they knew it, Kuta was already restraining the body of their leader with a pretty sharp pencil towards his jugular.

"What's with that? Do you think we are scared of something like that? I bet you don't even have the guts to do it!"

With those words, Kuta soon moved rapidly the pencil and slashed the throat of the guy on his arms. His group obviously panicked when they saw this. However, they soon noticed that the pencil had simply left a small wound and not a mortal wound as they feared. It was, after all, a pencil.

However, that did not make it any less dangerous, as right now he had only slashed the guy's throat when in reality the real danger behind the pencil was only when it was used to stab.

The guys soon noticed that Kuta wasn't at gutless as they thought. They might be accustomed to fighting or getting beaten up, but dealing with murder was just another thing for them...

Soon, as they saw that their leader seemed to be in the hands of a potential killer, they decided to not rush and try to negotiate with him.

[Even with your legs almost giving up you are as dangerous as ever...]

'Hmph, of course. Even when I was dying I managed to kill a few million gods with the last remains of my killing intent. Having some problems in my legs is just like having a small cut on my finger, besides, there are like a million ways to kill weak mortals like these. Unlike gods, normal humans can die from almost anything, not using such a thing to my favor could be something only a dickhead like you could do...'

[What's the need of attacking me personally every time I say something ( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)?]

"So, you have two options now. Either you get the fuck out of here, and I will leave this cunt here after I leave this place, or two, you try and attack me together and you say goodbye to your leader here. I personally don't mind if you choose the second one, though, there's the small chance that one more of you might actually be added to the eternal sleeping"

Sounding as calm as ever, Kuta pressed even tightly on the guy's throat, something that made the group panic, and soon they accepted his proposal and decided to leave. They weren't in the position of negotiating anymore.

However, before they could leave, suddenly Kuta called out to them one more time.

"By the way, before you leave... Who is the boss that asked you to beat me up?"

Unsure on what to answer, the group looked at each other dubiously, but soon, one of them stepped ahead and answered Kuta. "It was Sato. The leader of the Red gang! If you know what suits you better, then you will offer your apologies to him and he might forgive you"

"I see, now get the fuck out of my sight, or I will stick pencil on your *** next!"

Hearing what he said, the group rapidly walked away and tried moving as far as possible so that Kuta could leave their leader alone.

Seeing that the group had left, he turned to look at the guy below him and grinned sadistically.

"And remember well little shit, the next time I see you, I don't want to hear about you trying to mess with me, or else, the next time will be fat worse than before..." Suddenly, Kuta laid the guy on his back and pointed the pencil directly towards his little brother down there. "If you know what I mean..."

The guy simply nodded rapidly while gulping nervously with a pale face.

What kind of psychopath were they ordered to mess with?! This is the first time they had seen such a vicious guy!

Soon, Kuta left the poor guy there and walked towards his house at a hurried pace. His legs were about to collapse at any minute, and he knew that sleeping on the street wasn't such a good idea.

"Hmm... Sato, the leader from the Red Gang, huh?..."

[Do you know who that is? (゚Д゚ ?)]

"No idea"


}---------------End of the Chapter---------------{

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