《Night's fury》36) Identity revealed
_ The 5 strongest demons! They are even feared by their own race since the gap of strength between them and the other demon is just immeasurable. The strongest one is for sure Mazoku, the god of demons. Actually, the one who has the second ranking is unknown. Even the archives that are in the ruins of the cursed kingdom don't offer a single informatopn about him. Kammaitachi coming in the third place, Warhammer the forth. And finally, Magyar. Just like Warhammer, Magyar used to have an army and slaughter everyone that crosses his path, just for fun. Eevn though he has the lowest ranking between the top 5, Magyar was quite the mess. He even slaughtered his OWN army, just for fun. With no specific element. However, he has the highest stock of demonic energy, the greatest ability to shape it as he wants to and his sacred weapon, the skullsplitter, has many shapes as well. Looks like Ash is really a deal as well! He went berserk against those guards and knocked all of them off. After a while, Ash returns to his senses._
-Ash while holding his head: My head hurts! What's going on here?
-Ash: Those guys, they are half-cold! Wait a sec, I remember now!
-Ash: That's right, I lost control just now! It appears that I'm the one who defeated them! Maaaaaan, my power just leveled up all of sudden! Can't get upset about that though 😁.
-Ash: I have to go and help--------
_Out of nowhere, a hand bursts out of the wall and gives Ash a pretty good beating! After that, another demon joins the show!_
-???: Even though you're Magyar, you still didn't reach even 50% of your full power!
-Ash: Demon form enhancement: Hunger!
_Ash dashes towards this thing and tries to slice him. Our boy didn't even reach him, and the demon punches the air! That's why Ash took a hit because of that air force that was left behind by that punch!_
-Ash: Who-Who the hell are you?
-???: The great Magyar is asking about my name? What an honor!
-Tengu: I'm Tengu! You're friends did piss me off last time! You're going to PAY THE BILL!!!!
-Ash: (I know this name! It's the demon that Nobu and Shinso defeated while they were in the fortress. How did he----)
_Ash creates a small barrier using his demonic energy to take cover from Tengu's second punch._
-Tengu: I think you're wondering why I'm still alive! It's a curse! However, this is my last chance in life!!
_Ash slices a little of Tengu's body and he's returning to his former energetic self._
-Ash: Well, Tengu. It appears that your last life will be wasted by a teenager you know!
_Then there is Nobu and his surrounding. After using that void puch, all the guards are knocked off just like that which made Yuu get even more mad! Yuu takes one of the spears and throws it at Nobu and our boy stops it with a void push as well._
-Yuuki: Father stop it!!!!!
-Yuu: What do you mean by saying that!!!!! You want to team up with the greatest threat against our kind! HE IS KAMMAITACHI! The demon that our entire race teamed up against you know!
-Yuuki while being shocked: K-K-Kammaitachi! But, how are you alive!
-Nobu: Your father told you earlier! I'm his vessel! So as long as I don't use his powers here, I'll stay alive! Now then, Yuu. You promised Ash that you'll give me the dandelion, keep that promise will ya?
-Yuu: Like hell I'll keep such a thing!!!
_Yuu takes one of the soldier's sword and starts trying to slice Nobu. However, Nobu breaks the sword with his bare hands, using All-For-One for sure and that's why Yuu was pushed away._
-Nobu: Yuu, right? Listen to me, I'm not going to kill anyone from your kingdom, I promise you that. There's no need for me to do so. So show me the location of the freaking dandelion before other kingdoms come to the pursuit as well!
-Yuuki: Father, please show him the way!
-Yuu: You're teaming-up with him??
-Yuuki: It's not like that. Nobu and Ash helped our kingdom to keep it safe from intruders, remember? It's about pay back and you have to believe that he's not going to harm us.
-Yuu: How can you say so?
-Nobu: Check all of these soldiers. none of them is dead!
_Yuu starts getting pissed off beause he's in such an embarrassing position. He takes his daughter and points a dagger at her neck. After seeing that Nobu starts bursting into an insane rage!_
-Yuuki: Father?
-Yuu: If you don't get out of my kingdom, I'll take her life and that Ash boy as well! So, what is it you're going to do? Kammaitachi?
-Nobu while running towards Yuu: IDIOOOOT!!!
_Bursting straight next to them, Nobu takes his scyth and slices right away! Yuu gets quite surprised, he wasn't even able to see Nobu coming through. After that, an unknown dude steps back to take cover from Nobu's attack!_
-Nobu: Were you trying the one who knows where the dandelion is located?
-???: It doesn't matter to me! After all, I only need the dandelion. So, what I don't need is an obstacle for me!
-Yuu: You weren't after me? Even though I was threatening you by my DAUGHTER'S life?
-Nobu: Oh, you mean Yuuki? No you weren't going to kill her! I can sense that!
-Nobu: However, you're still trying to end me and you can't deny it old man!
_The new guy creates two swords and bursts to Nobu, exchanging some attacks with him! Nobu breaks both of the swords with a strong blow from his scythe and then he kicks the guy away!_
-Nobu with those purple eyes: Who the hell are you?
-???:You don't know me? That's making me saaaad! I know you pretty well, Nobu
-Rumei: I'm Rumei! From the water kingdom!
_Rumei generates chains all over the place and targets Nobu, Yuu and Yuuki at once! Nobu finds himself in a disatvantage since he doesn't want the others dying on him. He stratches the Death-Tear and tries to catch Rumei! However, this guy blocks the attack with a shield that came out of his shoulder!_
-Nobu: Dman it! I don't have time for this! What do you want?
-Rumei: Duuh! The flower thing just like you!
-Nobu: We came first so we'll be taking it!
-Rumei while laughing: Is that some kind of a law!
_Rumei runs towards Nobu while launching multiple kunais at the same time. Nobu creates a strong void push that pushed Rumei and those knives as well!_
-Rumei: Damn it! That's the thousand soldiers for ya!
-Nobu: Who's that guy as well?
-Rumei: Wha? You don't know your own title?
-Rumei while making such a dirty smile: Anyways, I discovered something!
_Rumei creates an other sword and runs straight to Yuuki! It appears that he's trying to stab her. Our boy covers the girl and gets his left hand stabbed!_
-Rumei while laughing: That's the hero I've heard of!
-Nobu: Yuuki, are you alright??
-Rumei: You'll try to save anyone, even if it costs you seeing your OWN BLOOD!!!
_Nobu holds Rumei's arm tight, so tightly until he was able to make him lose the sword. He takes ths sword off of his arm and throws it away. After that, he raises his scythe and says._
-Nobu: Is there another one with you?
-Rumei: Of course there is! Actually, he's having Ash you know!
-Nobu while smiling: He doesn't have Ash! Ash has him!
_Nobu switches in front of Rumei and lands a blow on him! Even though Rumei covered the location with a shield, that' wasn't enought to absord the whole blow and it did hurt him pretty bad!_
-Nobu: Let's settle things as well then.
-Rumei: What? No that's not going to happen! I'm well aware that I don't stand a chance against you! Even without Kammaitachi's power, I won't be able to land a hit on you unless I play dirty and that won't last so long for sure!
-Rumei: However.......
_Rumei takes Yuu and runs somewhere else. Then there's Nobu who stood there without moving an inch._
-Yuu: Please don't do anything to my kingdom!
-Rumei while running: There are 4 portals that lead to the blasted lands right? The fire kingdom has one! And the other 3 are under our control I'll give you that! Me and the other dude used one which leaves 2 portals still usable!
-Rumei: Pops let me tell you something! If you don't work with us, I'll tell the forces to get inside your cute village and delete it from EXISTANCE!!!!!!!
-Yuu: What do you want?
-Rumei: Release the spirit.
_Yuuki gets closer to Nobu and starts healing his wound right away. Poor girl starts sheding tears as well. Nobu looks at Yuuki then he flicks her head with his finger!_
-Nobu: Why are you crying? Are you alright?
-Yuuki: I really can't stand you! You got stabbed because of ME! And father is trying to kill you as well. Without forgetting the entrance of another kingdom and that'll make your goal even harder. I don't even know the short-cut that can lead you to the dandelion. And you're acting like you owe me your life and it's actually the opposite!
-Nobu: I got stabbed because of my actions. Your father is trying to kill me because he wants to protect his kingdom and get rid of the demon that threatens his race. I can take care of the water kingdom no prob that's for sure! As for the short-cut! It's not really necessary you know. Even if it means climbing to the moon to get that flower thing, I'll do it.
-Nobu: What's happening here is not your fault, Yuuki! It's the result of the path we chose! So stop blaming yourself 😊
-Yuuki: I'm sorry!
-Nobu There's no need to be sorry for!
-Nobu while standing up: Now then, I need to go after that Rumei thing and your dad!
-Yuuki: But I didn't finish healing your wound!
-Nobu: Do you really think that a scratch like this will slow me down ?
_Nobu leaves right away and tries to catch up to those two as soon as possible. Then there's Ash who's having a hard time now. He creates a demonic cord and hits Tengu with it. Ash was able to cut off his arm wich made him get a little happy. However, the demon regenerates it, runs towards Ash and punches him right away wich made Ash get stuck on the wall._
-Tengu: While holding his shoulder: Well, you're quite the thing! That's why I need to finish YOU OFF!
_Tengu dashes to Ash while generating a high amount of demonic energy on his fist._
-Ash: Demon power: Demonic shield!
_Ash covers himself with a sphere to take cover from that attack! The moment an impact happens between Tengu's fist and that cocoon, a strong wave of energy flows by and the cocoon breaks right away. Tengu, thinking that he got the upper hand, starts smashing what's in front of him right away. After a while, the demon stops since he noticed that Ash wasn't over there._
-Ash: I'm not that easy you know?
_Ash appears right behind Tengu and he slices him with his sword and then takes a few steps back! After regenerating, Tengu gives such a serious look to Ash then says!_
-Tengu: How the hell did you ascape from that attack you punk?
-Ash while switching to his hunger form: Well, why don't you give it a guess?
_And now, returning to Rumei and Yuu and it appears that they reached the desired destination. Right now, they are inside a huge empty room underground that only has something weird inside of it!_
-Rumei: Your race did a pretty good work! You took care of that thing for all these decades. Now it's time for it to have some fun don't you think?
-Yuu: Why the hell do you want it to get into action? What does the water kiingdom want by acheiving that?
-Rumei: Simple! The exact same thing that you want to do to Nobu!
-Rumei after throwing Yuu in front of that thing: Now do it already! Unless you want your nation to collapse!
-Yuu while sweating:( Is that really what I want? By using this thing, I can get rid of Nobu, right? That's what I was trying to do a moment ago. Then, why the hell am I hesitating! Nobu doesn't frighten us alone, but the other kingdoms as well! Rumei's actions are a proof afterall!)
_Yuu takes a weird stone out of his pocket and he starts getting it closer to that thing with his shaking hands. Rumei takes the stone, kicks Yuu then says._
-Rumei: I'll do it myself then!
_Rumei touches that body using that stone. The stones gets inside and a weird energy starts generating little by little. After that, Nobu makes his appearance!_
-Rumei: I don't know if I should say that you're late or you came right on time.
_The body starts growing bigger and bigger and it appears that all of it is made of stones! It's somekind of a huge golem with only one red eye. That thing made such a insane scream that may to destroy your eardrum._
-Yuu: The earth spirit!
_It's clear then! The demon race was holding such a strong weapon all this time. The spirit is fully awakened now! He looks down and finds Yuu crawling right beneath him. The spirit raises his gigantic handand gets ready to emplant Yuu on the floor!_
_Poor king can't even scream at such a condition! At that terrible moment, something even more terrible happened. Rumei starts holding his head and screaming all over the place! The spirit, somehow, starts shouting as well and starts freaking out. Yuu is safe, well kinda. As for Nobu, he starts holding his chest. His chest starts aching all of a sudden just like that time when he went to the fortress of death. Yuu noticed that the eye on Nobu's bracer opened up then closed for few seconds!_
-Yuu: He used Kammaitachi's power!
-Yuu: You unlocked one of the skills that pisses off the most!
-Yuu: FEAR!
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