《The Protection Details Choice - Protection Detail Series Book #1》Chapter 32


"Tina, how are we doing with the logistics for the World Summit?" Breanna asked while checking a few last-minute security details with David.

Tina took the clipboard from Valencia, returning to the assessment of the floor layout.

"Everything has a status of under control... have a look," Tina said, holding out the board, "If there is something we have missed, we'll see to it."

"It's amazing how we get to do the security for something like the World Summit," Iris said, working on a nearby computer, "who knew … from lab experiment to Tactical Team member."

Calla smiled at Iris from the station she worked. Today Iris was linked to Calla's ability to help her with her workload. They were working on the floor plans, and possible logistical nightmares were being processed and printed for Jarred.

Tina looked around the room. It had been less than twenty-four hours since Daisy had disappeared; it didn't feel as though she was complete. A heavy sigh slipped from all three women in unison. Everyone in her small group felt the loss of Daisy. Swallowing her sorrow, Tina turned to tasks requiring attention. Time was too short, but arrangements were quicker when Iris helped out.

David pointed to something on the list, "GPS buttons?"

"Yes, deployment of the buttons will happen as the targets enter the building," Tina said, "we can ensure their position from any computer."

"Who thought of that?" Breanna asked.

An uncomfortable silence filled the room. Tina looked at Rose, Calla and Iris before meeting Breanna's waiting gaze.

"What am I missing here?" she asked.

"It was Daisy who thought to keep track of the people Darcia wanted to dominate. Daisy came up with many ideas for the personal protection of the key players," Tina said softly.

"How? She isn't here," Breanna frowned.

"She left a list on her bed," Rose said quietly, "we found it when we came back today."

"Wow, some of this is a stroke of genius," Breanna said, her gaze softening, "anyone heard from her? Seen her? Picked up a thought, a brainwave and comment?"


"No," Tina swallowed hard, "not even Cara has picked her up."

"Sorry," David said softly, "if there was anything we could have done to stop what happened..."

"I know," Tina nodded, "it doesn't feel … complete without her."

"If she is anywhere near Darcia or the key players, I think she'll be on our side," Breanna said softly.

"What if she's already dead?" Tina asked, swallowing hard, the thought too much to bear, "what do we do then?"

"We move forward," Valencia said, stopping next to Tina and gently sliding an arm around her, "we make her sacrifice count. We defeat the next enemy. Save the next life. We choose life and goodness. It is probably something she would demand."

Emotion clogged Tina's throat as silent tears slid down her face, "Thank you," she whispered, wiping her wet cheeks, "let's move forward. We have a World Summit to attend and people to keep out of Darcia's clutches."

"There we go," David smiled, hugging Tina and brushing a kiss against her forehead.

"This is looking good," Breanna said, looking through the logistics laid out on the clipboard, "let's get everyone together, updated, kitted out and then roll out. Are Craig and his team in place?" Breanna asked David while watching the others move from task to task.

"In their mobile unit. Ready to execute the plan for tonight," David smiled a little, "who knew that when they joined us, they would be doing this kind of thing."

Breanna nodded, "Who thought any of us would be doing this."

David looked up at the running newscast; picking up the remote, he increased the volume. Breanna listened in growing dread as the news anchor reported the breaking news.

"They're moving the meet and greet for the World Summit," David said quietly, "why are they doing that?"

"Where are they moving it to?" Breanna asked, turning toward the logistics and information teams at the base console.

"Two doors down from the venue," Kyle frowned, "why weren't we told?"

"No one knew," Jeff said from where he worked next to Jarred, "Darcia made the change in a manner no one was any the wiser."


"Find out the differences between the buildings and why Darcia would choose that building," Breanna said, bringing out her phone and passing the information along to Michael.

"Why take them there?" Calla mused.

"Moving the Summit to that venue," Kyle muttered, looking up from his monitor, "is not good news."

Closing her phone, Breanna turned to the waiting team of defenders.

"What isn't done stays undone," she said, "transfer all information to the mobile units, get your gear. We move out. Now."

The group pulled on jackets, checked weapons, grabbed gear bags and moved to the waiting vehicles.

"What did Michael say?" David asked, pulling himself into the vehicle.

"He knew nothing about the change. A moment ago, he had received word a security team is already at the Summit venue."

"We're not there. We're not due for another hour," Clio said, "if it is not us, then who?"

"The one person who wants world domination," David said, "Darcia."

Craig looked at his small team of men, checking weapons, flexing muscles and generally getting ready to whoop-ass. A ding indicated a text coming through. It was from Michael.

"Address has been changed," Craig said to his silent team, "it's two buildings down from here."

"Why the sudden change?" Jonathan asked.

"No one knew about it," Craig muttered, "it gets worse. There is a security team already inside."

"If it's not us," Trevet frowned, "who?"

"Super Soldiers," Craig muttered, "Darcia's stamp of evil is all over this."

"Then I guess we will need to get in there and ensure they don't disrupt the World Summit," Simon grinned.

"Breanna is on the way," Craig grinned absently at the smack talk between the men, "she is bringing the mobile unit. Her ETA ... ten minutes. Michael has delayed the delegates with a gas line excuse."

"How long will that give us?" Jonathan asked.

"An hour," Craig met his team's serious expressions, "it's not long. We need to make that count."

Nods from the small group indicated their readiness to engage.

"Let's move the van," Craig said, "we don't need to draw unnecessary attention."

"Then it's smackdown time," Kelvin smirked.

"Don't get too cocky," Craig said, "remember to cover each other's backs. We also need to be careful that we don't take out innocents. Darcia is not past using experiments as cannon fodder …. make sure you have more than enough ammo with you."

Silent nods met his words as they moved the van in front of the new address. Rechecked their weapons and gear while waiting for the rest of the team.

Breanna, Craig and David gathered to one side, quickly discussing new tactics before entering the building.

"I don't like this," David muttered, "too many variables."

"We may not be used to variables, but we can work with and around them," Craig said, "Tania has memorised the new floor plan, and we have all hands on deck."

"The mobile unit is on auto security. Kyle has volunteered to stay with the girls while we are busy," Breanna said, "we have everything covered. Let's get in there and figure out what Darcia is doing before the delegates arrive. We have about forty-five minutes."

"We can try to leave a venue they can use," David stated.

"That is the goal," Breanna said, "but if we fail at keeping it spotless, Michael still has the original venue."

Nodding, the trio moved back to the team.

"Everyone ready?" Breanna asked, watching the various types of acknowledgement, "good. Tania has the building memorised; we take our direction from her. I need everyone alert, in top form and communicating. If something feels off or looks wrong, I want to know. Watch each other's backs, and let's all come home alive."

"Agreed … one order that is to be followed by everyone," Craig said, stopping next to Breanna grinning, "... don't die."

A ripple of a chuckle ran across the group.

"Let's do this," David said.

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