《Binary Progression: Torrented Edition》So is their thing Hats or just emojis in general?
As ♛ typed-in the command which would teleport herself and XxFoxlyxX to the missing JohnWillStab, both of them disappeared from the regular world and instead found themselves seemingly nowhere.
Both ♛ and Foxly now floated in a black void.
Understanding where they were, ♛ called out into the endless abyss.
“♛: Hello? John?!” she called out.
“XxFoxlyxX: Where the f#*k are we?!” he demanded, the idea of this somehow being his character’s eternal fate terrified him.
“♛: We are in Glumington,” she clarified, looking at her coordinates.
“♛: Sort of…”
“XxFoxlyxX: What do you mean?!”
“♛: Dude! It’s complicated!”
That’s when another player spoke up.
“🎩: It’s a separate phase, like a fourth coordinate… It’s not that complicated.” she explained.
Her name was a top hat emoji.
♛ turned her camera around to see the figure of a person who to ♛’s knowledge hasn’t logged-in in years.
A white-haired undead, her hair was long, far exceeding her shoulders, her bangs covered her eyes completely.
She wore a baggy, grey-brown robe with bright-green accents.
“🎩: I would argue phasing is not a complicated topic… unless we’re talking about cross-phase interactions… even then…”
She squinted.
“🎩: Then again… maybe it’s more accurate that the subject is long and not complicated.”
“♛: You’re rambling again!” she exclaimed.
The distinctly top-hat-less figure turned to face ♛.
“🎩: Ah… you’re right… sorry…”
“XxFoxlyxX: Do you know each other?” he asked, feeling left out of the conversation.
“🎩: Hmm… know, I suppose… yes…”
“🎩: That said if you are using the level of friendliness carried by the word ‘know’ as an indicator of how well we ‘know’ each other, I would have to correct you…”
“🎩: Since we do in fact have a professional history spanning many years…”
She continued to talk for almost two minutes.
Foxly listened for the first two messages and then spaced out.
“♛: She thought me how to cheat! Ok? One sentence is enough!” she exclaimed.
🎩 shook her head.
“🎩: Yes, but then he could assume I have thought you in real life… which would be unrealistic given our similarity in age…”
“🎩: Besides… If I do not clarify what it is that I have thought you, your friend there might get the wrong idea and assume I thought you knitting or fishing techniques…” she clarified.
“♛: Oi, he’s not my friend! He’s more like… barely above the dirt that are the unwashed masses outside of my friends-list…”
“XxFoxlyxX: Gee thanks…”
🎩 nodded.
“🎩: I see… so you are friends with benefits…”
They both exclaimed in unison.
🎩 raised an eyebrow.
“🎩: Uh-huh… how is she paying you for your company, then?” questioned the slow-typing cheater.
♛ clenched her fists.
“♛: Pay?! My mere presence is payment enough!”
“XxFoxlyxX: She tried to enslave me and my friends…” he explained.
♛ turned to face Foxly with a look of betrayal, he only shrugged.
“🎩: I see… I never realised you were into that kind of thing, ♛…” she remarked uncertainly.
“♛: NO! IT’S NOT LIKE THAT!” she exclaimed.
“🎩: What do you mean? Why else would you need others to work for you? Can’t you spawn yourself whichever item you’d like?” she inquired.
♛’s face turned red as she took her time to reply.
“♛: I may have… forgotten… some details…” she replied sheepishly.
🎩 nodded.
With a simple command, the void instead became what looked like a frozen version of the city of Glumington from several years ago, many of the buildings looks older and less detailed.
From the darkness appeared homes, some were encased in massive cubes of ice, others were pierced by a million ice spikes as the eternal blizzard raged all around them.
A thick, carpet of snow masked the cobblestone roads below.
“🎩: Judging from the fact you teleported to his ID, I’m assuming you’re here for JohnWillStab?” she asked.
♛ nodded, she forgot her teacher knew how to read other people’s commands.
“♛: It’s a database key overflow, JohnWillStab isn’t the only one who got screwed over like this…” she explained.
🎩 nodded again, before walking in the direction of what was typically a busy inn located in the poorer part of the town.
“🎩: It looks like the integration of the two databases was partially successful… after all, there are more NPCs than players and most players didn’t get their stats scrambled…”
Foxly just listened to their tech-talk like a child quietly listening to their parents ordering pizza over the phone.
🎩 turned to face Foxly, her blank, cold stare made his heart speed up.
“🎩: It doesn’t look like this one’s a cheater…” she remarked.
♛ nodded.
“♛: Yeah, he’s not nearly smart enough to be a cheater…” she remarked not bothering to look at Foxly.
“🎩: I’m sorry about my apprentice, she doesn’t have many friends, not to mention the kind you don’t pay…”
“♛: HEY! STOP MAKING ME SOUND SO F#*KING SAD!” she cried, grabbing the cheater by the robe and shaking her violently.
♛ didn’t dare look at Foxly for fear of seeing the smug smile he was most likely wearing.
When she eventually spun around, she was met not with a smug smile but a look of pity.
Her face turned red.
He squinted.
“XxFoxlyxX: It’s not pity… I’m just very sad when I look at you…” he remarked.
🎩 nodded.
“🎩: While pity and sadness are not the same thing, it is very possible to feel both, for example because the first item spawned in by ♛ was a-”
Before Foxly could finish reading the message, ♛ deleted it.
Foxly clicked his tongue.
“What did she spawn in!?” he thought.
The curiosity was killing him, not because he was interested in what she spawned, but because he saw that he could bully ♛ with whatever it was.
That’s when Foxly realized he didn’t have to know what it was to bully her.
His character smiled from ear to ear.
“XxFoxlyxX: That’s hilarious!” he exclaimed, playing the “/laugh” emote.
🎩 nodded.
“🎩: Yes, it was very funny and very cute.” She said matter-of-factly.
Foxly furrowed his brows.
“Damn… Now I actually kind of want to know what it was…” he thought.
“♛: COULD WE FOCUS ON FIXING THE EDGELORD’S STATS?!” she pleaded desperately.
“XxFoxlyxX: How caring,” he remarked.
“🎩: Mm, yes.” She nodded.
♛ spun around to face the two players amidst the frozen hellscape.
The wind howled as Foxly looked around the familiar layout of the city.
“XxFoxlyxX: By the way… where are we?” he asked.
“🎩: Like I said, Glumington; specifically we’re on a layer responsible for temperature tests,” she explained.
“XxFoxlyxX: Hold on, so is the rest of the world outside frozen too?” he asked.
🎩 nodded.
“🎩: There are many layers… or perhaps alternate versions…of this world, the temperature and climate simulation test is only one of them… though these worlds are not stable…” she explained, making a turn to the left and opening a wooden door.
They stepped inside, practically feeling the warmth of the large fireplace and fur rugs, JohnWillStab sat at one of the couches with Arachnophobia on his lap.
He turned around upon hearing the sound of the door opening.
“🎩: Looks like your prediction was correct, JohnWillStab. They have arrived.”
“JohnWillStab: What is good, my boys,” he said wide-eyed.
JohnWillStab was still under the influence of a lot of energy drinks.
♛ charged in with her staff, ready to split John’s skull in two for all the trouble she had to go through.
“JohnWillStab: WOAH!”
Before John’s head had the chance to experience the joys of multiplication through division, ♛’s staff was blocked by an invisible forcefield which surrounded him.
“🎩: That makes two predictions…” she remarked.
♛ clicked her tongue.
“XxFoxlyxX: At least you’re still in one piece…” he remarked.
Foxly breathed a sigh.
The group of four sat in the warm room, drinking tea with a side of spawned-in biscuits.
“JohnWillStab: And then I won the rights to most of the city, that’s when I was approached by top hat…” he explained, taking a sip of his tea.
🎩’s gaze was shifted from John to the two newcomers.
“🎩: Right, I noticed the key overflow ever since game-switching crisis, I had to take a break from my research to figure out who these people with extra stats are…” she explained.
♛ sat with folded arms and a fearsome frown.
“♛: Why didn’t you just stop gambling when people got suspicious?!” she demanded.
John shrugged.
“JohnWillStab: You know how it is, you’re rich, the centre of attention and about two cartons of energy drinks over what you should be able to survive,” he explained.
“JohnWillStab: Then an ancient Aztec god calls you from outside your window and challenges you to a game over your computer because they didn’t have those in Aztec times…”
He laughed.
“JohnWillStab: Now that I think about it… I think that was my neighbour… I just started screaming ‘ROLL ONE MILLION’ at him!”
He laughed again.
He smiled to himself as he glanced outside his window to see his neighbour rolling on the floor, visibly out of breath.
“JohnWillStab: He’s not even half way there…” he muttered to himself.
Nobody said anything for a few seconds as they processed what John was saying.
“♛: John… How many energy drinks did you have?”
“JohnWillStab: It’s not… important…”
Foxly clasped his hands.
“XxFoxlyxX: Ok, ok, we need a game plan…”
John raised his hand.
“XxFoxlyxX: Yes, John.”
“JohnWillStab: Blue.” Announced confidently.
Foxly nodded.
“XxFoxlyxX: Ok, good to see the energy drinks are still in effect!” he remarked, clicking his tongue.
“🎩: I’m surprised he stayed lucid this long, he was speaking in tongues earlier…” she explained.
♛ squinted, she was starting to feel actual concern for John.
“♛: Is he actually going to be ok?”
“XxFoxlyxX: Dunno, don’t care, let’s focus on what’s important! Virtual John!” he exclaimed.
🎩 Nodded.
“♛: You are both terrible people.”
They shrugged.
John nodded.
“♛: John, go the f#*k to sleep! Before you die!”
John shook his head.
“JohnWillStab: I’m not tired…”
“♛: Yeah, I’m not f#*king surprised! You have no right to be alive! So, cherish the fact that you are!”
He nodded.
“JohnWillStab: Anyway, I’ll be right back… I gotta take a piss…”
JohnWillStab stood up from his desk and shambled into his bathroom, around his room were thirty-three empty cans of energy drink.
In his energised state, John found the only thoughts he was capable of were: “I am zoom…”
As John sat on the toilet with his head hanging low, he heard the door creak open.
“Hi, you may know who I am.” Said the elderly-looking black man wearing a fancy suit, his hair was short and grey.
His voice was deep and crisp.
John looked up and gasped.
“Oh my god, Morgon Freeman!” he exclaimed, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone to take a selfie.
The man nodded; his hands were clasped together as he turned around and closed the door to John’s bathroom.
“John, your brain is currently melting, you need to get your life together, man.” He said, getting down to eye-level with him.
John nodded along, not paying attention to his own hallucination.
“Morgon… what’s the meaning of life?” he asked, cocking his head and looking up and the bearded man.
The hallucination looked at him blankly for a few seconds.
“Eh… John… Were you paying attention to what I said? You personified the idea of common sense into Morgon Freeman… That’s me…”
John nodded.
“Where’s… eh… that thing… about life and death… the documentary film…” John asked, his speech was getting more slurred.
Morgon shook his head.
“John… what are you saying? I can’t understand you! And I AM you!” he pleaded.
JohnWillStab nodded understandingly.
He looked up to the man.
“Look man… do you think you could leave? I kind of wanted to use the toilet…” he replied.
Morgon pushed his upper and lower lips together.
“John, you’ve been using it this through this whole time…” he said.
John nodded, sniffling a little.
“Yeah… thanks mister freeman…” he said.
Morgon nodded.
He placed a hand on John’s shoulder.
“Sure.” He smiled wryly.
John smiled and looked up to the man.
“Is everything going to be ok now, mister freeman?”
Morgon shook his head.
“No, I give up.” he said with a nod, turning towards the door and leaving.
John heard his front door slam shut.
“Man… what an asshole…”
While JohnWillStab was going through some sort of toilet-bound crisis, 🎩 explained how John and her met.
“🎩: I think JohnWillStab’s explanation was somewhat lacking, as such, I will explain.”
“XxFoxlyxX: That would be great…” he replied.
♛ nodded.
“🎩: Yesterday night, JohnWillStab was chased out of his gambling local, specifically by a player saying they were going to ban him.” She explained.
♛ raised an eyebrow.
“♛: Another admin account?” she asked.
🎩 shook her head.
“🎩: After what happened, I checked the database for any active accounts with unusual access values, everything seems in order,” she replied.
“🎩: It is more probable that they wished to soft-ban JohnWillStab, perhaps they aim to delete his physical character with some exploit…”
♛ folded her arms.
“♛: Now that I think about it, how did you find John? I didn’t realize you were still playing this game!” she exclaimed.
🎩 nodded.
“🎩: I have been exploring the inner works of this game for two years already, I have been collecting data and charting more phases, skills and all sorts of curiosities…” she explained.
“🎩: It was sheer luck that I just so happened to mis-click and enter the global chat by accident, there I saw dozens of players demanding JohnWillStab’s head.” she clarified.
Foxly smiled.
“XxFoxlyxX: He did have a load of luck after all…” he remarked.
♛ shrugged.
“🎩: JohnWillStab’s stats have been fixed, however there are still several players left with broken ones,”
“🎩: I think it would be in our collective best interest to find and fix those players, before somebody else chooses to do it themselves…” she explained.
“🎩: Like how JohnWillStab was almost banned by a vigilante bug-fixer…” she explained.
♛ nodded.
“♛: So you want me to find these people?” she asked, the request from a far more experienced cheater was almost like a complement to ♛.
🎩: Yes.” She nodded before turning to Foxly.
Foxly breathed a sigh, everyone turned to face him now.
“XxFoxlyxX: Look, I appreciate you fixing John up, but wouldn’t you be better equipped to deal with this kind of thing? Just scan the players for high stats and fix them!” he suggested.
At first, 🎩 didn’t say anything.
♛ turned to face Foxly, she knew they weren’t obligated to help, especially Foxly, but his refusal to hear 🎩 out looked more like laziness.
“🎩: I can’t.” she finally replied.
♛ and Foxly’s expressions shifted.
“XxFoxlyxX: Can’t?” he questioned.
In his eyes, if a god-like cheater, capable of popping in and out of worlds like taking a stroll in to the shop and back – if that kind of person couldn’t do it, there was no way for a group of mere players to do it.
She nodded.
“🎩: To know the code… to see what lies below the surface of the game is to surrender your right to interfere with its flow,” she explained, unbeknownst to ♛ and Foxly, she was quoting someone.
“🎩: Even helping JohnWillStab might have been too much…” she remarked looking down to her feet.
“🎩: I didn’t realize how deep this issue went…” her expression grew worried.
Finally, ♛ turned to face Foxly.
“♛: You’re the one who got John into this, and she fixed him! Don’t you feel obligated to help the others out?!” she demanded.
“XxFoxlyxX: Nope, I felt responsible for helping John. Besides, no deal was made which would require me to repay the favour of his stats being repaired.”
“♛: Fine, I’ll do it myself! Not that I was planning to ask you for help!” she huffed.
Foxly raised an eyebrow.
“XxFoxlyxX: Then I take it you have an efficient way of realistically finding these players?” he asked.
♛ didn’t reply, searching every player one at a time was a possibility, but while only five-hundred players were online – there were thousands of player accounts to dig through.
“XxFoxlyxX: And I take it you have a way to fix the stats of everyone we find,”
While ♛ would have a hard time changing a regular player’s stats, she had no idea how to approach fixing the new database-merged accounts.
🎩 was capable of doing all that with minimal effort, but she knew that, even at the peak of her cheating ability, ♛ would be unable to do it.
These were simply areas ♛ never learned about.
“XxFoxlyxX: I’ll take your silence as a ‘no’.” he remarked with a mocking smile.
“♛: Then what the f#*k are you going to do?! What’s your plan?!” she demanded, visibly frustrated.
“♛: Are you really such a f#*king as$*ole that you can’t put a little effort into trying to help people?!”
“XxFoxlyxX: Don’t be such an idiot.” He said coldly.
♛ stared at Foxly wordlessly, of course, usually the crime of calling her an idiot would be punishable by defenestration, something seemed off about Foxly this time.
He stood up from his seat.
“XxFoxlyxX: Seriously, the cold, heartless, slave-driving ♛ is doing charity work for a friend because ‘it’s the right thing to do?’” he asked.
“XxFoxlyxX: You know, JohnWillStab is a lot of things, stupid, edgy, probably dead,” he began.
“XxFoxlyxX: But for every idiotic ‘Let’s do the good thing’ move he pulls, he can actually back it up.”
He held up a finger.
“XxFoxlyxX: When he said he’d beat me against all odds he didn’t dig rocks and hope for the best, he thought outside the box, and outsmarted my outsmarting!” he exclaimed.
He held up another finger.
“XxFoxlyxX: When he got arrested by the jGuardians, JohnWillStab mobilized a f#*king army and thought of strategies to infiltrate the base!”
Foxly turned to face ♛ with a wry look.
“XxFoxlyxX: You’re not confident, you don’t think we can do it, you think ‘We have to do it no matter the odds!’ – a naïve view.”
“XxFoxlyxX: If Bonifacius wanted to help those poor, innocent players he could have had a shot at it, with his op armour, connections and what not.”
He breathed a sigh.
♛ looked down to her feet.
She didn’t appreciate Foxly’s pseudo-psychologist bullshit.
Not wanting to get in the way of what she understood was their decision to make, 🎩 didn’t say anything, she only turned to look at ♛.
♛ didn’t know what to say, she couldn’t counter what Foxly was saying, and she wasn’t sure why he was saying it.
JohnWillStab’s character draped his arms over ♛’s character.
“JohnWillStab: It’s ok m’dude, I’ll help ya out…” he said with a thumbs up as his character slumped down to the ground.
♛’s rage turned to shock.
“JohnWillStab: we’ll get Bony in there, it’ll be f#*king great!”
♛ sighed.
“♛: John! Go to sleep already!” she commanded.
John shook his head.
“JohnWillStab: I can’t, there’s giraffes…!” he explained.
Foxly pinched the bridge of his nose.
“XxFoxlyxX: John! Don’t encourage her!” he scolded.
John patted ♛’s hooded head much to her annoyance.
“JohnWillStab: There, there, Foxly’s just mean because he’s an asshole…” he explained.
“♛: QUIT TREATING ME LIKE A F#*KING CHILD!” she demanded, mashing her staff into John’s skull, only for the weapon to be blocked by that same forcefield created by 🎩 earlier.
“JohnWillStab: If I’m so great… and Bony’s so great… then if we team up we probably have to succeed, that’s maths…” he remarked, pointing at Foxly aggressively.
“♛: Actually, that’s probability…” she remarked.
John nodded.
Foxly clicked his tongue.
“XxFoxlyxX: Still, ♛ physically can’t do it, your motivational chat is great, and hell, maybe we could find one or two players and maybe, by some miracle one or two got their stats fixed!”
“XxFoxlyxX: But let’s be real - ♛. Can’t. Do. This.”
“XxFoxlyxX: But…”
He spun around on his heel.
“XxFoxlyxX: If another cheater was to give ♛ a refresher on cheating in general, and that refresher just so happened to help her deal with stats and player tracking… that would be a decent start.” He offered, looking at 🎩.
He shook his head.
“XxFoxlyxX: And, regrettably, if ♛ got better at cheating, that’d be a big buff to our whole group, and by extension myself… so I and everyone present here would sadly be obligated to repay the favour to 🎩.” He explained.
♛’s face lit up as John’s vision went dark.
“🎩: That… could work…” she remarked.
♛ glared at Foxly with a hateful look.
He shrugged.
“XxFoxlyxX: I like bullying you.” He replied with a relaxed smile.
“♛: You MOTHERF#*KER!” she exclaimed.
The two continued to bicker for a few more minutes before finally taking a break to address the barely conscious John.
“♛: Give me… three hours.” She said, turning to 🎩 with a confident nod.
🎩 nodded.
“🎩: Right…”
Moments later, John’s character was disconnected for being AFK for too long, XxFoxlyxX left for the agreed-upon three hours, not like there was much to do in the frozen version of Arlepia.
XxFoxlyxX got up from his computer, his computer desk was mahogany and his chair was a massacred antique which he had converted into a spinny office chair.
When the black-haired man stood up, he left his large computer room and instead entered the large living room which lay adjacent.
The white, marble floors shined in the light which entered the room through the massive, over-sized windows located opposite the computer room.
With a tired sigh, Foxly sat down on his massive, leather couch and with a single voice command “Tv on” he turned his television on.
He stared at the TV, a race was taking place in comically small cars.
“Set an alarm for three hours,” he instructed, causing a quiet beep to echo around the house.
With that, Foxly laid down on the couch in the empty house and watched people race in small cars.
Meanwhile, ♛ and 🎩 exchanged files and text documents through anonymous file-sharing websites.
“🎩: First things first, you’ll need to know the player-NPC variable blocks and their placements.” She began.
♛ nodded uncertainly.
“🎩: Next you’ll need to cover false server-client flags and the ways to modify them.”
“🎩: I’ve attached a file on editing stats specifically… though it’s a bit outdated…” she explained.
“♛: Alright!” she replied.
In what can only be described as an explosion of motivation or rather sheer determination, ♛ read over the entire fifty-page document regarding the way player-related variables are ordered, in under twenty minutes.
The whole time, 🎩 sat and typed away in a console, running her own diagnostic tests of various things, from the temperatures around the world to player race and class statistics.
“♛: Done, I’ll be moving onto the next one now…” she said, not waiting for any sort of reply.
🎩 turned to her past pupil.
“Almost back to top form I see…” she thought.
The white-haired human leaned back in her seat.
“That’s good to see…”
Like that, 🎩 thought back to the time she met ♛.
Two years ago… In the cold, wet zone of Calsh.
“🎩: Why pick a druid?” asked the white-haired human.
“Crown: …” she stared at the stranger blankly.
“Crown: I’m sorry?” she asked, looking at the stranger who seemingly appeared out of nowhere.
No “Hello” or even a “Sup”, one second Crown was alone, and another she was being questioned by a stranger clad in black robes.
🎩 folded her arms
“🎩: You picked the healing and nature class, why?” she expanded her question.
Not wanting to be rude to the persistent stranger, Crown gave a random answer of the top of her head.
“Crown: Well, I though being a healer could be a good way to get into a group, and nature magic seemed to fit the theme, you know,” she replied with a shrug and a smile.
🎩 nodded.
“🎩: So you chose your class in order to fill a group-role in hopes of allying with others…”
“Crown: I guess?” she replied uncertainly.
The two stood in the large, swampy zone of Calsh, the starting-zone for frog-people.
Several insects with large, glowing spots zipped past the group, pursued by a cluster of players with large bug nets.
“Crown: And who are you?”
“🎩: My name is 🎩, and I want to know everything about this game, hence my questioning.”
Crown breathed a sigh in real life, not wanting to come off as rude in-game.
“Crown: Really? Everything?” she asked.
🎩 nodded again.
Crown smiled impishly, she folded her arms.
“Crown: Then what’s the code making up that tree?” she asked, hoping the question would result in a laugh or at least a smile from the stone-like, emotionless figure before her.
🎩 turned to face the large, wide-leaved tree, its canopy was shaped like a bowl, catching the rain from above and keeping it isolated from the salty, sour bog below, say for slow trickle to lessen the weight of the small pond it carried.
“🎩: Local-sector coordinates are 135, 109, 200…”
“🎩: Model name, tree_swamp_bowllike_1”
“🎩: Texture variant 7, leaf and tree textures compressed into one file,”
“🎩: Collision shape compose of one-thousand vertices,”
“🎩: Orientation, 16, 9, 322”
“🎩: Durability, 1132 / 2000”
“🎩: Last damaged with a stray arrow by a player called Gurlalt.”
Seeing the flow of information leave 🎩’s mouth caused Crown’s mind to shut-off.
“Crown: OK! OK! STOP! I get it!” She pleaded.
🎩 turned to face her once again.
“🎩: Do you think all trees share the same information?” she asked.
It wasn’t something she needed an answer to, it was something she wanted to test Crown on.
“Crown: I guess not? Wouldn’t they be in the same place? Or something?” she asked.
Hesitantly, she turned to the nearby marsh which was infested with large, spiky toads.
“Crown: If you don’t mind… I’d like to get on with my quest…” she said.
🎩 nodded.
“Crown: How did you know all that stuff about the tree by the way?” she asked, turning back only to be met with nothingness.
🎩 was gone.
“♛: Do you have any files on sector-searching? Brute-forcing a coordinate in the world-sector takes ages…” she remarked.
Broken from her day-dream, 🎩 nodded.
“🎩: Of course, I’ll send it over…” she replied, tabbing out to her desktop and sending ♛ the needed file.
After the three hours were up, XxFoxlyxX logged back in.
“JohnWillStab: Sup…” he said, his eyes reddened and his head throbbing.
Foxly turned to face John.
“XxFoxlyxX: That was quick, are you feeling alright?” he asked.
John nodded.
“JohnWillStab: Yeah… I mean… usually it’d be way worse after that many energy drinks… I think my body just gave up…” he sighed.
Foxly nodded.
“XxFoxlyxX: Great, do you remember what happened?” he asked.
JohnWillStab scratched his aching head.
“JohnWillStab: Well… I was left alone in the inn… then I got chased out by some dude wanting to ban me… I hid in some warehouse and was going to log out when the same edgelord with a red hood and meat cleaver came after me!” he exclaimed.
He tried to recall the events of last night.
“JohnWillStab: I think that top hat teleported me up here, she assumed I was a cheater causing a commotion or something…” he shrugged.
Moments later, ♛ appeared with a puff of smoke.
Behind her appeared 🎩.
“JohnWillStab: Sup…” he lifted his hand to greet ♛.
She proceeded to smash his character over his head, this time no magic shield existed to protect John.
“♛: AHA!” she cheered.
The impact felt like the impact of a ballistic missile, it looked so painful he could practically feel it.
“JohnWillStab: Stop that!” he cried, placing his hands over his head.
♛ grinned.
“♛: Good! Everything is back to normal!” she exclaimed, cracking her knuckles whilst grinning from ear to ear.
From across the room, XxFoxlyxX smirked.
“XxFoxlyxX: So, are you a god-level cheater yet?” he asked.
♛ folded her arms and replied with a smug smile.
“♛: Nope! Three hours was way too short!” she exclaimed.
John’s and Foxly’s expressions soured.
“♛: But I did learn everything I would need to fix stats and track players!” she exclaimed.
“🎩: Yes, she has re-learned the basics...” She nodded.
♛ glared at John and Foxly.
“♛: Now hurry, before I forget everything again!” she exclaimed.
As the trio disappeared with a puff of smoke, 🎩 looked at her pupil fondly.
“🎩: You have found some decent friend at last…” she remarked, cracking a smile.
The Cosmic Interloper
Synopsis: A cyborg transhuman escapes her corporate indenture and through unfathomably unlikely circumstances, she ends up in a fantasy world of full of unique magic, angry people with sharp implements, and the whole flavor-spectrum of divine entities. Hilarity ensues. Features: - No blue boxes or cultivation, this is not a LitRPG nor about martial arts - Hard-ish Sci-Fi meets hard-ish magic - Generally trying to keep this "rational" Rationale: My primary goal with The Cosmic Interloper is to write something that I myself would enjoy reading. Of course, that’s not the only motivation, but I think it’s the most important one for me to keep in mind, especially as the author. In fact, this whole story came about because after consuming oodles of fiction, I found myself craving a very specific type of story which I couldn’t find many examples of. Then I asked myself, “why not write it myself?” and here we are. Disclaimer: In general, while I’m not writing a comedy, I do intend for this story to be funny and a bit wacky or absurd. That said though, I am using this story as a vehicle to explore some potentially dark topics including (but not limited to) slavery, speciesism/racism, and existential questions of self, consciousness, and identity. Still, I’m going to leave the “traumatizing content” tags off, because I don’t feel that what I’ve written so far (or plan on writing) exceeds the threshold that would be necessary for me to tag it thusly. Also, [insert your favorite boilerplate “views expressed” disclaimer here]. I shouldn’t need to say this, but the main character can be wrong on occasion (gasp!) and the way she views the world is not the objective truth (if such a thing even exists).
8 162A Nekomancers delight
Just a story about a skeleton and a catgirl as roommates. Nothing weird happening in here at all. Yep, totally normal stuff. If you spot any mistakes in the current chapter, please write them down in the comments. If you spot mistakes in older chapters, send me a private message through Royal Road please. Thank you very much :) The cover art was made by Blazblack.
8 144August Wind
On an August night in 1976, a single phone call pulls Maggie Peter's into a reality she never expected to face. The tragic death of her childhood friend, Daniel, leaves her caught between his two remaining brothers. One is her best friend and the other is her crush. Hard questions are asked, only a few are answered. How strong is love? How much does it cost?
8 134Sky: CotL canon lore, theories, and observation
[THIS BOOK CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS FOR SKY: CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT]A book about the lore of Sky: Children of the Light's confirmed canon lore, theories made by people from the official discord server, and observation made by multiple people from the fandomExtras: Concept arts
8 773 Ninjas Kick Back (Part 3)
Decided to change her model since her character is getting older changed it to Margaret Qualley instead of Julia Butters Younger model: Julia butters Older model: Margaret Qualley 3rd book! Her new name is Zoey and BlazeHope you all enjoy this series can't believe how many people actually view this. I grew up watching 3 ninjas it's what actually inspired me to do karate and I got back into it. All credits to owner besides my character and lines!
8 201SUN AND MOON | ziggy berman
❝for once in your life.. can you just not be so.. so mean?❞ y/n asked ziggy.❝for once in your life could you just stop pretending?❞ziggy threw the shirt at y/n aggressively. ❝you're shadyside. incase you forgot.❞in which two opposites attractedziggy berman x fem! reader
8 146