《Binary Progression: Torrented Edition》Be Rootin’ Be Tootin’ and By God, Be Shootin’
About twenty minutes after JohnWillStab left, Bonifacius logged in.
“I wonder if JohnWillStab has logged-in yet?” he thought opening his friends list and seeing the long list of names.
JohnWillStab’s name was grey meaning he was offline.
“Ah, perhaps he has work to attend to, or perhaps he’s spending time with his family!” Bonifacius was just as pure-hearted in person as he was online.
He entered Duskshire and noticed something about the small town was off, it was empty.
He glanced down to the local chat seeing that it was being spammed with messages.
Bonifacius scrolled to the top of the chatlog from a single player called Boopnsnootn.
“Boopnsnootn: this town belongs to me now!”
“Boopnsnootn: I’m going to build my very own empire on the ruins of this s#*tty town!”
“Boopnsnootn: With this inn as my castle!”
Three other characters were present in the long chat-log.
“Rootin’: Right…”
“Tootin’: Kay…”
“Shootin’: Alright…”
Bonifacius headed into the inn seeing that the NPC he wished to take the next quest he would do with JohnWillStab from was dead.
The inn was a large rectangular space with a fireplace and several sets of chairs and tables.
Bookcases lined the walls as well as shelves displaying a large variety of miscellaneous items like flower pots, bottles, bags and cutlery.
On the side of the room opposite Bonifacius was a big till
Three wolfmen stood inside the inn.
Each one wore a leather vest over a white shirt as well as a cowboy hat.
Rootin’ had two scabbards at his hips and a large rifle on his back.
Tootin’ wore a bland poncho and had belts of what were clearly explosives around him, at his side was a primitive shotgun.
Shootin’ was duel-wielding revolvers and had a dagger at his hip, he wore a short, red cloak.
The only individual Bonifacius couldn’t see was Boopnsnootn.
“Bonifacius: Greetings, wolfmen! Have thou seen the one responsible for the deaths of these townsfolk?”
Rootin’, Tootin’ and Shootin’ looked at each other and then back to Bonifacius.
“Shootin’: That’d be us,” they replied drawing their weapons.
Bonifacius suspected as much, though he chose to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Bonifacius could hear a laugh from somewhere.
“Boopnsnootn: Have you come to pledge your allegiance to my nation?”
Bonifacius couldn’t find the speaker, they must have been hiding on the second floor or in the basement.
“Bonifacius: No, my friend and I were simply doing some quests here and I was hoping you could at least spare the quest-giving villagers,”
In truth, Bonifacius didn’t see the fun in massacring towns like this, thought he understood that players had the choice to do so if they wished.
“Boopnsnootn: Well, if you’d be willing to give me a small donation, I could consider it!” he offered.
“Bonifacius: Donation?”
“Boopnsnootn: Of course, 100 gold should be fine!”
Bonifacius had nowhere near enough.
He looked at his fifteen gold in shock.
“Blast it! I knew I shouldn’t have purchased all those pirate costumes!”
“Though, they could come in useful in the future…”
Bonifacius had a serious RP-hording problem, he’s was the kind of person that would keep a dirty boot because maybe, in a few years he might spend a few minutes roleplaying a poor beggar and then the boot would come in handy.
He had several thousand gold in costumes alone, not that he would be willing to part with them.
“Bonifacius: I’m afraid I do not own that much gold.” He explained.
“Boopnsnootn: Don’t lie to me, tank! You’re wearing the most expensive tanking armour in the game!”
“Bonifacius: No, my guild and I simply farmed the armour the normal way!”
“Boopnsnootn: …”
“Boopnsnootn: That’d take like… weeks… for every individual part…”
Bonifacius nodded.
“Boopnsnootn: That’s pretty f#*king sad…”
Bonifacius shrugged.
“Boopnsnootn: Whatever, if you don’t have the gold then you’ve just wasted a precious minute of my life.”
“Boopnsnootn: Take him out, guys.”
Bonifacius drew his shield just in time to block a stream of perfectly timed bullet fire.
The three wolfmen shot one after the other giving Bonifacius no opening to attack.
“Rootin’: It’s nothing personal, just repaying a debt is all.”
Seeing no other chance to escape, Bonifacius activated [defensive stance] and leapt out a window.
Broken shards of glass flew from its shattered frame and onto the ground as Bonifacius grabbed his sword.
The floating shields of the defence stance blocked the incoming bullets for the few seconds necessary for Bonifacius to retreat before they broke.
Quickly, Rootin followed Bonifacius out the window, in his hand hands were two rapiers.
His attacks were almost like fighting against a tornado entirely composed of sharp blades.
“Bonifacius: Those are some impressive skills! I’m certain thou could find a more interesting way to utilize them!”
He exclaimed dodging Rootin’s strikes with equally impressive speed.
“Rootin’: Why thanks, but like I said, we’re just repaying our debt.”
Rooting jumped right over Bonifacius; this didn’t stop the endless storm of sword slashes coming at Bonifacius however, luckily his armour blocked a vast majority of them.
Before Bonifacius could turn around, Rootin’ already sprinted around him in the opposite direction he was turning and planted another strike directly under his armour, burying the rapier under his arm.
Rootin’ was about to retreat when he found himself unable to move; Bonifacius was holding onto his bade.
Before he could react, Rootin’ was kicked across Duskshire, he landed in a pile of water barrels.
Before Bonifacius could celebrate he was met with more bullet fire.
He rolled to the side as Tootin’ fired his shotgun at Bonifacius.
“Tootin’: A tank doesn’t stand a chance against three gunmen, not to mention we’re all level 100.”
Before Bonifacius could reply, he saw Shootin’ run up behind him, he jumped out another window and ran around the building to backstab Bonifacius.
Bonifacius used [colossus stomp], the ability allowing him to shake the earth with the impact of one foot.
The force of the impact pushed Shootin’ back.
Before Tootin’ could fire at Bonifacius, the tank charged directly at him through the window.
Bonifacius knocked Tootin’ to the ground and jumped over the till, dodging another wave of concentrated bullet fire.
Bonifacius noticed the corpse of the innkeeper laying behind the till as well.
“So even the innkeeper wasn’t spared!” Bonifacius exclaimed remembering all the one-sided conversations they had.
Glass and alcohol rained down onto Bonifacius as the shelf of bottles above him was being torn apart by bullets.
“Boopnsnootn: Hurry up and get him!”
Bonifacius patiently waited next to the dead innkeeper.
After a few seconds, the corpse disappeared.
Bonifacius activated his [Defensive Stance] as he leapt out from over the counter.
The innkeeper respawned, looking completely shocked by the fight going on in his establishment.
Bonifacius cast [Threatening Battle Cry] causing a wave of red particles to erupt from him and into the surrounding areas.
Bonifacius’ screen flashed red as a smile spread across his face.
“Boopnsnootn: Lol, what the f#*k was that?”
Bonifacius could hear another laugh from the hidden player.
Rootin’ Tootin’ and Shootin’ spun around as they saw the small army of guards sprinting towards Bonifacius.
Bonifacius used the dead innkeeper as a gauge for when all the NPCs outside would respawn, he used an area-of-effect threat-building ability to attract them to him.
However, since the others were marked as outlaws due to their town-killing stunt, they were targeted first.
“Rootin’: Tootin’ die!” Rootin began his retreat upstairs with Shootin’.
“Tootin’: Right!” without any hesitation, Tootin’ lifted his shotgun, firing a [Multi-shot] at all the guards, successfully gaining their attention.
With another ability Tootin’ detonated a collection of bombs in his inventory, killing all the newly-respawned guards as well as almost killing Bonifacius.
As the smoke cleared up, Bonifacius jumped to his feet, he turned towards the staircase with his shield before him.
Suddenly his character fell to the ground as he became inflicted with the paralysis debuff.
“What happened?!”
Bonifacius moved his camera around and saw an ogre standing behind him.
They were manifesting from a cloud of black smoke, in other words they were leaving the safety of an invisibility spell.
The ogre looked pretty frail as far as ogres go.
He wore a long black tunic and had bright red skin and broken-off tusks; he had a dark red hood over his head.
“Boopnsnootn: Gotcha!”
The ogre was holding a small one-handed mace.
His character burst into laughter, he arched his spine backwards as he performed the most villainous, over-the-top laughing animation in the game.
“Bonifacius: What sly tactics!”
“Boopnsnootn: Don’t be a baby, it’s just a game…”
“Boopnsnootn: Or are you telling me to play an illusionist without using illusions?”
Bonifacius turned to the corpse of Tootin’.
Rootin’ and Shootin’ walked down the stairs and towards their dead ally.
“Rootin’: …”
Rootin’ knelt down next to the torn-up body.
Boopnsnootn breathed a sigh.
“Boopnsnootn: You roleplayers are weird…” he shrugged.
The ogre proceeded to kick and stomp on Bonifacius while endlessly cheering.
“Bonifacius: Doesn’t thou fear the retribution of the jGuardians?” asked Bonifacius seeing his health dropping lower and lower.
Boopnsnootn smirked.
“Boopnsnootn: I guess you haven’t heard yet… They’re busy with some alleged cheater…”
He shrugged.
“Boopnsnootn: If an jGuardians make it here, my three minions will dispose of them with ease!”
He glanced over to the wolfmen.
“Boopnsnootn: Seriously, they have some weird fetish for cowboys or something…” he said with a wry expression.
“Bonifacius: Quite the interesting character your boss is…” Bonifacius laughed prompting another kick from Boopnsnootn.
“Rootin’: Just finish him off, Boopnsnootn.”
“Shootin’: Yeah, he was a pretty good fighter.”
“Boopnsnootn: Hey, you might want to find some looser hats because they might be stopping the blood flow to your brains! I’m the one in charge! Don’t you wannabee cowboy furries order me around!”
“Bonifacius: Why side with a villain like him?”
“Boopnsnootn: They were stuck in a respawning-loop in the desert in Ajuan, if not for me their characters would be as good as lost!” he said proudly.
Rootin’ nodded reluctantly.
“Rootin’: To ignore our debt would be to ignore our ideals of honour and comradery.”
Boopnsnootn shrugged.
“Boopnsnootn: Eh, sure.”
“Bonifacius: How does slaying innocents come off as honourful?”
“Boopnsnootn: They’re just NPCs dude…”
Rootin’ gritted his teeth.
“Rootin’: Even so…”
“Bonifacius: Is honour not meant to better us? Or is it just a weight pulling you down?”
“Bonifacius: If all honour leaves thee with is a foul taste, then thou are not striving for it! Not even close!”
“Boopnsnootn: Would you f#*king stop?!” he kicked Bonifacius again and again.
“Boopnsnootn: Your roleplay talk is weirding me out!” he replied with a sour expression.
Slowly his immobilized body was moved up against the walls as bruises and cuts began to add up.
The inn went completely silent as the rays of sunlight twinkled in the broken glass on the floor.
“Bonifacius: Ask yourselves if this is truly right!”
“Bonifacius: If thy boss commanded it, would thou slay one another?”
“Boopnsnootn: Of course, they would!”
He turned towards Rootin’.
“Boopnsnootn: Go on, prove it!”
His request was met with silence.
Slowly the ogre became more and more impatient.
“Boopnsnootn: Hurry up and shoot each other!”
“Rootin’: Is this really necessary, boss?”
“Boopnsnootn: YES!”
“Boopnsnootn: You can’t be serious! Some bul#*hit roleplay-talk is all it took to break your so-called honour-code?” he demanded.
“Bonifacius: Thou have done more than enough! Will thou follow the words of a villain holding thee prisoner, chained up with thy own resolve?”
The ogre gritted his teeth.
“Boopnsnootn: Alright, I’m done with you s#*t!”
He turned towards Bonifacius, mace in hand.
A loud bang erupted from the inn as Rootin’ put his gun away.
“Rootin’: No, we won’t.”
Boopnsnootn fell to the ground with a massive hole in his torso.
Rootin walked up to Bonifacius.
He helped him off the ground until the paralysis wore off.
“Rootin’: You have my apologies, tank. Our judgement was clouded.”
“Bonifacius: Thou need not mention it! I am glad thou have rid thyself of the one weighting thee down.”
Rootin’ nodded.
“Rootin’: Right,”
“Rootin’: The jGuardians should be here soon, since we’re not cheaters they must be coming in carts instead of portals…”
Free form the effect of paralysis, Bonifacius stood up and patted Rootin’ on the shoulder.
“Bonifacius: Fear not, friend! Town-raids happen all the time, thou will receive a slap upon the wrist at worst!”
“Bonifacius: If something worst was to happen I shall go stand up for thee, I may still have some sway when it comes to the jGuardians!”
Rootin’ nodded with a smile.
Not long after that, the jGuardians appeared.
They waited for Boopnsnootn to respawn and put him as well as Rootin’, Tootin’ and Shootin’ under paralysis spells before loading them onto a cart and bringing them to their base in Highfall.
They tried to arrest Bonifacius too but the one in charge of the arrest-group received a private message from the higher-ups telling him to leave Bonifacius out of it.
Not long after, JohnWillStab logged in to check if Bonifacius was online.
The McKenzie Files Books 1, 2 and novella
Ever wondered what would happen if a sarcastic, foul-mouthed ex-superhero found himself zapped across space and time to a world of swords and sorcery? So did I. Contains approx 5% swearing by volume. (Books one, two and the novella are finished; further stories coming soon. Long chapters: average chapter length is 6000 words).
8 202A Standard Model of Magic
The world ended, and magic came back. The part our parents didn't expect, was for Science to break on reentry. Twenty years after the apocalypse, with our nations dismantled and hidden continents unearthed, a new generation has grown up in the wreckage of 21st century civilization. For us, the fantastic is at our doorstep and we have had no choice but to fight back. Meanwhile, the laws of nature bend and break at the whims of immortal gods, all of which are now dead and none of which are content to stay that way. But we cannot afford to give up. We are the stewards of a rewritten century, in which a little luck and a whole lot of magic might make anything possible – maybe even a world better than the one we lost. A Standard Model of Magic is a complete overhaul of my old story A Storm in the Fall. I'm afraid I was unhappy with the LitRPG elements, which I don't mind reading, but I apparently loath writing. Sorry. Once I'd made the choice to decouple the story from the OF that inspired it and reconfigure the magic system to my satisfaction, little of the original plotline survived. I will be salvaging most of my original characters, and I will keep some elements which are endemic to the genre, but that is all. I don't have an update schedule which I can commit to yet, but I will try to maintain a weekly pace.(This is currently RoyalRoad exclusive, since I'm lazy. If you find it posted elsewhere, it wasn't me and it wasn't with permission) If you're interested, I've set up a discord.
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