《Takumi: Ordinary Life Of A Setsu Vampire》Chapter 19
June’s hover car slid onto the sidewalk, parking just beside the main mansion’s entrance. The nearby plants blew around as its engine made a low rumbling sound, slowing down and finally halting to a gentle stop.
Hanami’s gaze fell onto the posted street lamps she recalled seeing earlier that morning. Now that it was nightfall, they were on and brightened the driveway. Unclipping his seatbelt, June turned to Hanami, who felt her phone buzz. As expected, when he hunched over and peeked in hopes of catching a glimpse at what she was texting, he found she was texting her new friend, Minami.
“W-WHAT THE?!” To his surprise, they were sharing images of odd looking creatures, ones he’d never seen before. Nonetheless, Hanami’s smile filled him with joy. June chuckled and tapped her cheek in order to get her attention.
“Since we’re here, I guess I may stay to talk for a bit and help you unpack if you haven’t already.” Although he was happy he had gotten her home, he didn’t want to part from her side yet. There was still more to talk about. Namely, rumors he’d heard of the current situation in Hokkaido. “Who could have tried to kill her?” June asked himself. He could only hope they weren’t true. “Then again, she wouldn’t know and if I were to tell her, I’d be exposing her to information she isn’t supposed to know directly,” the thoughts raced in his head.
“Hanami,” he called out to the girl. Hearing June’s gentle yet firm voice, she took her eyes off of the enticing conversation, texting Minami that she’d text her back in an hour or so, since she just got back.
“Sorry about that. Unpacking? I have it covered, but if you want your hair straightened, sure!” Hanami slid some of her crimson hair behind her ear and glanced through the rear view mirror where she could see a figure approaching her side of the car. June froze at the mention of straight hair.
“You really zoned out there with your friend,” June replied back, turning the ignition key backwards, turning the hover car off. Its yellow back lights blinked, shutting off completely once the car had landed gracefully.
“Sorry! Minami sent me a silly picture of a tontoron teheh.” She flipped her phone so June could see the image of a fluffy pink adorable aquatic creature that had yellow flippers. “That’s really something…” He rubbed the back of his head, then realized, “Wait, you’re not scared of fish anymore?” June pressed his hand over his mouth as Hanami nodded her head.
“EW! NO, NEVER! I only fear big, slimy, ugly fish! Like the one that nearly ate us when we were little. Oh no! Now it’s in my head!” Hanami slapped her hands up against her cheeks and wiggled in her seat until the memory subsided.
“Haha, how cute.” June gave her a nod and turned over, giving her the side eye as she nodded with a giggle and tapped the armrest of her passenger seat in order to open the door. Before sliding out though, she glanced through the rear view mirror to get a better look at the individual she saw and realized that it was someone she had met earlier. The short height along with the bushy mustache indicated it was the courteous butler who had treated her kindly earlier that day.
The figure stepped out of the shade and into the lantern’s light. His suit was now mauve, unlike the yellow suit he had on in the morning. The single strand of blonde hair along with the pig tail at the center of his head revealed to her that it was indeed none other than Alto. June slipped out from his seat and tapped the roof of his car as Alto waved to June and then to Hanami.
“Ah, you’ve made it back safely,” Alto began. Thrilled, Hanami lunged over to the small man who fell back, but caught her. Alto chuckled, patting her back after she had lightly tackled him. “Welcome home Lady Hanami, pleased to see you again!”
“Same, happy to be back after such a long day!” she answered back with a cheerful smile. Again, she subconsciously noted that he offered a familiar warmth she hadn’t felt in a long time, as she pulled away. The girl walked back and reached into the car seats as Alto went on.
“I’ve heard splendid news. The ceremony went well… I do hope you had a pleasant time.”
Haruna moved her feet around to get herself further in and happily agreed. “Yeah, I made a new friend!”
“You’ll have to invite her over sometime then. Also, did the young master behave well?” Alto continued to converse with the girl as she had finally grabbed her kendo bag. She realized she wouldn’t be able to pull it out through the front, so she slipped out of the door once more with her phone in hand. She ignored Alto’s question, hoping he wouldn’t bring it up again, and opened the back door as Alto moved in and helped her with the bag. After Alto got the bag, Hanami shut the door and fixed the bottom of her dress.
“The young master did something, didn’t he?” Hanami only shook her head, huffing when he mentioned Takumi.
“With all due respect, I don’t want to talk about my toxic fiance, ‘kay? Thank you!” Hanami bowed respectfully, not wanting to think back to the last conversation she had with Takumi at Miyumi’s office. She was reminded of the burning desire she had in Miyumi’s office… the desire to shove her elbow into her fiance’s face for the rude things he said to Miyumi and her.
With that, Alto didn’t speak of the ceremony any further, hoping not to get Hanami in a worse mood, especially with what’d occur later that night. With a single blow, Alto whistled. In response to the sound, five Setsu maids appeared right behind him, picking up on the small whistle that Hanami hadn’t heard Alto blow. They approached the girl, knocking her out of her thoughts as they greeted her together. Each of the girls knelt down, setting their palms against the creme pavement and then stood. They all seemed about her age or at least slightly older teens. “Welcome home, Lady Hanami,” the five maids said simultaneously.
Hanami nearly jumped back, surprised at how they all swooped down right in front of her. She quickly fixed her hair, patted her skirt and fixed her composure at a moment’s notice. All five soon stared at her with different expressions, as she took in the appearance of the five and smiled. “Um…. collars?” She eyed the collars on each of the girls, quickly looking ahead to the mansion’s porch as to not offend them if they caught her glancing. “2108… and this is still going on? Or is it really fashion here?” she thought to herself as she went on to say, “T-Thank you teheh… ninjas?”, noticing what seemed to be a tattoo of a shuriken, above each of the girls chin’s.
Out of the five, three exchanged glances and turned back to Hanami. Their violet eyes were wider than typical eyes and their irises seemed to be shaped like piercing kunais darting to the bottom of their eyelashes.
“M’lady?” the one in the middle responded.
“Ninjas?” The farthest of the maids pointed to herself and looked to the other four for a response.
“We’re of the five Senja servant clans surrounding the valley of the Hachi. Rokuro, Saotome, Uesugi, Kobail and Sato. At your beck and call,” said another one.
“More maids… goodie” Hanami thought to herself.
Alto waved over to them. “Now now, there will be time for more formal introductions. It is brisk tonight, so let us head inside. For now… Aimi, Mikiyo, take Lady Hanami indoors. Shelby, you can park Sir June’s car out back. Ubri, you get his bags. He’ll be staying the night.” The four all separated, getting to their individual assigned tasks upon hearing Alto’s order.
“What… about me sir?” Asked the only remaining one.
Alto observed her for a second. “You… I’m not sure why you came. I only requested four. You… can see to it that preparations are done in the kitchen Nithilith.” She maintained a smile, bowing as she took her leave.
The butler then stepped aside, signaling with a nod for the maids to take Hanami inside by shooing them.
Aimi and Mikiyo locked their arms together with hers, lifting her up and taking her in, as Alto approached June, making a quick grabby hand signal that indicated he wanted the keys. June took note of his, blinking twice and indecisively handed Alto the keys, still unsure of what he had just done.
“Wait, I’m staying the night? Uh… I only came to drop Hanami off. I really should be getting back to Pres. It’s quite dangerous Sir Alt-” Before he could say anything else, Alto cut the young man off, patting his shoulder encouragingly.
“That’s nonsense! The Mistress called me moments ago.” Alto groomed his mustache, before turning away and handing the keys over to the remaining maid. “She told me to pass on a message,” Alto coughed, clearing his throat and went on to make an attempt at speaking in a squeaky voice. He mimicked Miyumi as best he could by batting his eyelashes and tried his best impression of Miyumi’s chibi side as he spoke while winking. “Shiro, the watchdog that came before you, has returned. For the time being, he’ll be overseeing my care for the night, so you can stay the night over there, June-June!”
June awkwardly laughed at Alto’s impersonation of his master and explained “I still have to go,” as Alto lamented the impression he had made. Before June could turn around and go for the keys, Alto firmly gripped his shoulder. “As a Noble of the Hasegawa, it’d be dishonorable if I were to leave Pres’ side for too long. It’d be me betraying my duty-” June tried to speak, but when he turned over and saw Alto’s stern cold face, he froze, slightly scared.
Alto shot a quick glance over his shoulder, making sure that Hanami and the maids were considerably far. He moved in and signaled for June to move down so he could tell him something. He whispered, “You also have another duty to uphold, Sir June… it is Lady Hanami’s birthday. As her beloved relative I thought you’d stay and make her happy.”
June’s eyes flared up, not with shock, but with anger. “Emotional blackmail! Hanami’s birthday?”
Alto raised his brow, noticing June’s serious expression. “Did you not know?” Alto asked, adding, “That’s the reason why Miyumi has allowed you to stay. Do thank her when you see her, my boy.” Alto turned away from June, but before he could move any further June mouthed, “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” as his fists tightened.
“There’s a chance you could end up bringing back some… some troubling memories for her. And that could trigger… what’s unspoken“ June bit down on his inner cheek. Alto shook his head and raised his hand up, waving off what June said. Alto knew perfectly well what June was talking about, as he had consulted with their grandmother on the matter the same morning.
“I’m well aware that you want the best for her, but part of her being here is to bring forth a positive change in her. She’s been locked away for far too long, but her visit isn’t merely a way for her to stretch her legs. During her stay, my role is to ‘fix’ her and help her on her path.” Alto paused, then went on. “You’ll be doing her an immense favor by assisting us tonight with what we have planned. Please follow me.”
June firmly stared Alto in the eyes, upset. Alto slid his hand into his pocket and took out his phone, prompting June to blink in confusion. Alto raised his hand up to his mouth and coughed a few times as he opened one of his eyes and kept his other one closed with a smile. “Follow me on Stagfam and let’s get going.”
What Alto had said left June dumbfounded. He rubbed his eyes and took the butler’s phone as he questioned, “YOU HAVE A SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT?!?! And… what a username…”
“Even I have been around long enough to have at least one.” Alto turned away, setting his arms behind his back, as June went over to follow Alto on the app and nearly cried out in laughter because of the username: OG.6GoatSmashta49.
Alto continued down the sidewalk and turned, reaching the mansion’s porch. June followed the short butler closely, picking up his pace. Upon reaching the entrance door, June paused, admiring the dimly lit entrance. “Why are all of the lights soft?” He leaned down and whispered beside Alto. Alto glanced up at him. “Because of the birthday of course… and we’re taking a few precautions to relax her.”
June nodded and Alto led him into the living room where the maids had set Hanami down. She awkwardly looked at the two and stood up, only for the two to set her back down. “I’m fine,” the girl said and tried standing up a second time only for the two to set her down again. They began their little playful tussle, restraining Hanami. Alto slid in front of June and snapped his fingers to get the maids to stop messing around.
The two let go of Haruna, bowed, and left to assist Miranda and Gustov in the kitchen while a third maid entered the room. “Mina, you can escort Sir June to the hot spring.” The butler reached up and fiddled with the end of his blonde mustache. “H-Hot spring?” June stuttered.
“Yes, please get comfortable.” Alto winked at him, hinting at the celebration, but June cringed at the wink. “No… I don’t know about that!” he exclaimed, but was tugged out of the living room too quickly for Hanami to even respond to what was going on.
Alto turned around to face her, but as he did, June had quickly rushed back in and gripped the door frame as Minaka returned to pull him away. “Right this way, Junny-wunny. Cooome on-” She pinched June’s cheek, yanking him aside.
“I want to practice kendo with Hanami,” he told the maid, recalling when Hanami mentioned it during their ride, but before he had the chance to continue, he was already out of the room and didn’t want to go back in a third time as it’d make things worse. Instead, he figured he’d practice the following morning if he got the opportunity. “You’ve gotten stronger, that grip of yours” he commented, surprised as Minaka happily gave him a nod.
Back in the living room, Hanami stood up and asked Alto why the maids were holding her against her will. Alto apologized, adding, “We have something to discuss. Do you have any other questions before I go on?”
Haruna nodded. “Is there a room where I can practice my kendo? I just got back, but I can’t put it aside teheh… gotta practice more.” She wore a brimming smile, though in the back of her head, she remembered when she had struggled against Marco. The only Hirazawa Thug she hadn’t taken down. “I’m settling things with him the next time he acts up, you betcha!!!” She yelled in her head.
Alto looked up to the chandelier above them, which was hovering steadily up and down. After three seconds, he responded, “Yes, there is a room. I suppose I’ll tell you what I wanted to discuss later.”
“What is it you wanted to say? You can say it now, gramps.” Hanami giggled, watching the elderly fellow.
Alto walked over to the living room table. “No, it’s fine,” he replied, as he dug his hand into a bowl of keys and searched until he found a small golden key in the form of a “T”. He lifted it up and the small key dangled down, as the long golden chain tapped his sleeve. “The master’s old dojo is being prepared for your use, since he hasn’t used it in a long time. The maids fixed half of the room, but there are still boxes with your kendo belongings that haven’t been unpacked.”
“Thanks grandpa!” The girl nodded as she briefly sunk back into the couch, setting her arm onto the floating couch’s armrest. “He had his own dojo? What did he practice? Not kendo, right?” The question slipped past her lips almost right away.
“He used to fence and practice kendo, though it wasn’t of his own free will. He has a strong dislike for kendo especially.” Alto rubbed his temples in a fastened motion, knowing well what he had said was the honest truth.
“D-DISLIKES KENDO!?” Hanami’s jaw dropped as she recalled that Takumi had glimpsed at her kendo bag earlier that day. “WHY WOULD NANA MAKE ME MARRY A GUY LIKE THAT?! WE’RE ALL ABOUT KENDO!” she stood up and yelled out, shaking her head back and forth as her crimson hair whipped around. Anyone who’d enter the room at that moment would swear she was having a seizure.
Alto’s hands fidgeted as he waited for her to calm down. The girl dropped to her knees, digging her palm into the soft carpet below her. “My life is really over… I can’t be with someone like that,” she murmured to herself until she looked up and shrugged. “Hmmm, we’re both gonna reject the marriage when the day comes anyway.”
Alto didn’t respond, although he had a look of worry… particularly about his well-being if what Hanami said were to happen. Thoughts of Takumi’s mother bearing her claws down on him and Miranda sent chills all over his body. He lifted his hand up and coughed in order to get Hanami’s attention. “Please follow me this way.” He turned away, exiting the living room. The Hasegawa stood up and followed right behind Alto as they passed through the main lobby.
The heel of his black shoes squeaked against the shiny marble floor. Alto nodded and pressed his palm against a pad that was beside the elevator door. “Right this way,” he spoke urgently. While waiting for the elevator to come down, Hanami looked over to the flight of steps. Her eyes skimmed up to the top where she saw multiple portraits along gigantic grey windows that went straight to the transparent ceiling.
Within the giant canvas, a figure was painted. Aside from this figure, there were four other portraits around it. The central one stood out the most. The head of a tall, pale Setsu. He had dark brown spiky hair. His bangs went down his cheeks and the most distinguishable feature was a black dot he had below his left eye and the dark purple eyes.
The eyes seemed to follow her, which sent chills down her spine. Though she couldn’t help but blush upon inspecting his symmetrical features that complemented his perfect chin. It all came together perfectly with the dark purple Royal Armor and Hachi emblem carved on the front, with spirals twisting along the armor. However, the portrait’s resemblance was too close to Takumi’s. His eyes and the eyes of the individual within the frame were the same. “Both hollow for some reason…” she thought to herself.
A ding echoed through the lobby, snapping her out of her zoned out state. Alto looked up to the portrait the girl had been staring at and knew she’d want to ask questions about Takumi and his father. “Those are the Hachi Portraits. Portraits of the previous Sekiha of the Hachi. It’s a custom to have the portrait of the current leader at the center… in this case, Takeshi Hachi” Alto briefly paused. “His son, your fiance, is next in line.”
Hanami’s eyes widened after what she heard. It was the current Sekiha himself, who she had heard a lot about. “That’s Takeshi… the one that put an end to the Seto War long ago.” She remembered a morning when she stumbled upon some old books and took them to her grandmother. The books interested her because they had stories that she didn’t know were real. As a little girl, she was introduced to Setsu history at that moment. Her grandmother told her of Takeshi and the crucial role he played in it.
“Being raised by someone like that…” she thought aloud. “He surely picked his behavior up from his father?” She considered the possibility, only entangling her thoughts further. “No… Lord Takeshi is very dignified, truly kind, a Rikuto amongst Rikutos,” she remembered her grandmother telling her. It was as if fumes swirled around in her head and escaped her ears as she tried to wrap her brain around the two.
“No, the young master isn’t hostile because of him entirely… though partly,” Alto practically read her mind, but she didn’t pick up on it due to being stuck in her head.
She found herself gawking at the mental image of her fiance and then Takeshi. “I-Is he going to look like that later on?!?! Or more handsome… mmmm.” Her face lit up and she shook back and forth in denial, then jokingly said loud enough for Alto to hear, “Get a hold of yourself, Hanami! Good looks don’t beat personality… if only that jerk were more like his father.”
“You misunderstand Master Takumi. He has his reasons… like many of us, a past.” Alto mumbled and signaled for her to enter the elevator. With a deep sigh, Hanami stepped in. Now she was really curious, but before she could say anything else, Alto shrugged and reminded her, “You said you didn’t want to talk about him, right?”, recalling what she said when they were in the driveway. He chuckled, with one eye open, before closing it again.
“B-but…” Hanami puffed up her cheeks, but gave in. The girl closed her eyes and recalled when she was crossing the red bridge on her way back to the entrance ceremony. Takumi had let go of her hand and stopped just at the other side of the bridge, as a gentle gust lightly waved their clothes around. That’s when he had looked over to her. The light reflecting from the water that passed just below the bridge hit Takumi’s side and made him seem almost angelic, but he had an empty expression on his face. “What could have been on his mind at that moment when he looked at me?” she thought to herself, until the elevator’s ding snapped her out of her thoughts.
Each time the elevator went up a floor, a ding followed right after as she fiddled with her thumbs. The elevator door finally opened as they arrived on the third floor. The butler stepped out and continued on ahead, his footsteps echoing through the empty hallway. Alto stopped halfway down the hallway and fit the golden key into a large white door. When he turned the lock, the doors slid back themselves. The moonlight that crept into the room from the windows within spread out past Alto, illuminating the hallway. Hanami stepped in as Alto flicked the lights on, gasping at how vast the space was.
“It’d be perfect for the kendo club I wanna make,” she happily said aloud. She clapped and kicked off her heels, and ran over to one of the windows to look out to the fields that had fluffy sheep in them. Alto couldn’t help but feel happy seeing that she had forgotten all about what she was wondering before.
“Giving her time to practice will allow us to make final preparations… good,” Alto told himself, clearing his throat before asking, “Would you like me to retrieve your kendo uniform, Lady Hanami?” There was no response from her, as she was too busy admiring the moon that was out that night. “Miss Hana?” He tried to get her attention. “Huh? Oh! Um, sure. Thanks grampa!“
“Very well, I’ll return soon.” Alto excused himself, calling over to the kitchen staff using a hover phone that floated over to him. “All ready?” he quietly whispered. He shot a glance past his shoulder, making sure Hanami hadn’t heard him.
Back in the city, Takumi finished sliding down a set of silver escalators, avoiding a big muddy puddle. Making sure no one saw him, he walked out of the alleyway on his way back to the Gumi Cafe. He sighed to himself, thinking back to the Stray he ran into. “Not good. I don’t want to get myself involved in this shit, but…” He stopped to take a look at the car Jeel had fallen on and took his phone out to give the Yori a call. “Hey, I’m on Abeno Avenue. I’d pursued an illegal Stray type thing, but it got away. You guys should analyze the car and gain some samples to create an image of the Stray.”
“For now, I’ll let them handle this themselves,” he thought to himself. Ending the call, he turned away and continued walking down the busy street up ahead. A sigh escaped his mouth in disappointment of the failed hunt. The thought of the Stray with its tongue hanging out crossed his mind, only for him to push the weird image out of his head. There was nothing he could do for now; he had gotten a lead, so all he had to do was get home and get down to practicing his handles. That was the plan… but he then briefly remembered Hanami, leading him to squint.
“Ah yeah… she’s waiting at home. Damn.” Takumi slid his hand into his jacket and pulled out his phone again, quickly checking if Yoshigawa had left any messages. “Maybe I’ll crash at Shima’s place,” Takumi contemplated, scrolling through until he found Yoshigawa’s chat.
Yoshigawa did in fact leave a message. Takumi walked along, ignoring the sound of the chattering humans that bumped into one another drunkenly. The phone’s light glowed across his face as he arrived at an empty crosswalk and started to read the message. “Yo Tai, I got caught up, sorry I couldn’t help. I sorta ran into a Shiki on the way over. Don’t worry, I handled it. After I destroyed it, five really strong Setsus appeared. They had to be from another region for sure and they were rocking freaky outfits. Seems we have things cut out for us, just like I told ya.”
“More Strays?” Takumi’s eyes widened. He continued to read through the message. “Those Strays nearly got me, but Zumepaki came in time and forced them to retreat. I haven’t gotten word on whether they tracked them down but we’ll see. Text me back. Worried about ya, wro.”
Takumi turned his phone off, only to hear it buzz again. He checked and saw that Yoshigawa had sent him a picture of his hand with his fingers together and a message. “And don’t leave me on read wro! I just remembered I have something to make for Naomi before she gets back, I’m taking my ass home. ttyl.”
“Jeez… Shima,” Takumi grumbled, glancing over his shoulder to an LED Teriyaki store sign that flickered on and off. He texted Yoshigawa back with a “‘Kay ttyl” and buried his hands into his pockets. He frowned, looking out to the other side of the street. Cars pulled in, honking as they took off due to one car stopping near the sidewalk. A swishing sound continued with each passing car. Takumi dug around for his black earplugs and sighed as he remembered he had left them in his car.
Things were beginning to become quiet though. Not too many people were around, and there weren’t any cars approaching in the distance. Just as soon as Takumi had closed his eyes though, he heard a group down the sidewalk coming over. When he looked over, it was five teens, more or less his age. He only glimpsed for a few seconds and turned away. “Teens this late at night? Probably low-level thugs.”
“Wait…” He raised a brow and turned back to look again. Each of the five had a Hirazawa school pin clipped onto the left side of their chests. On the right side, they had pins of their first name and initial. The five seemed scruffy.
“Hmph… punks,” Takumi murmured to himself. From left to right, the first one was Uda, Sada, Miyoshi, Heisuke and Asa; the five thugs June had brought in for punishing. They had missed the entrance ceremonies and had letters they had to give their legal guardians. Sada, Miyoshi, Heisuke and Asa were clearly upset, but Uda seemed gloomy. Heisuke ordered they all give him the letters and he went on to rip them to shreds, chucking them forcefully into the passing street. “That’s littering, boss,” one of them said.
“Shut up! What are you, a cop?!” Heisuke shot. “You want to get in trouble?”
“They’re sending copy letters by mail anyway, you know,” replied Uda, making Heisuke seem stupid as the others tried not to laugh as they walked.
“You think I don’t know that?! I’m gonna wait for them to send it so I can trash it! Stupid Hachis.”
He looked up ahead and caught Takumi looking over to them. Takumi didn’t avert his gaze from them. His gaze made Uda timid, as he slid over behind Miyoshi, who was the tallest one. They were all silent for a moment until Miyoshi spoke up to kill the silence. “Ack, I shoulda brought my brass knuckles,” he growled, to which Sada replied, “You still would’ve failed, you would've got your ass kicked either way bahahaha… to a little girl!”
“You’re one to talk, Sada! You got swept faster than I could blink!” Sada set his foot in front of Asa in an attempt to trip him as the guys started up a conversation again. “Hey! She caught me slacking is all!” Sada yelled out.
Heisuke interrupted all of them by smashing his fist into his palm, gripping it tightly. “I have to redeem myself… as the leader, I failed you guys. We couldn’t recruit a single hot babe to our club!” Tears blew down his cheeks as two of the other guys pressed their forearms against their eyes not to show their tears. “It’s okay boss! We failed you, too!” Miyoshi whacked both of them over the head.
“But I promise you! I’m going to get that tiny redhead back!”
“Yeah!” They all raised their fists, holding back tears.
“You idiots! You’re going to make me cry, too!” Miyoshi pressed his palms against his face as Asa laughed at them and they glared at him. “What the hell are you laughing at?!” they all asked in sync. Asa looked up ahead to a random dancing panda sign and tried using it as an excuse as they stopped near the cross walk Takumi was near.
“Well guys, I’ll be heading this way. You take care, we’re gangin’ tomorrow and the week after that. We’re taking the Hotaka’s turf’s! They’ve been yapping online this week,” Heisuke said as he started walking away.
“Sure thing boss, keep an eye out. We’ll hang tomorrow!” They all said their individual farewells. “No worries, we’ll get that red haired chick back!” Sada yelled out to them as he waved his hands in the air until they disappeared into the distance.
“Red hair?” Takumi squinted, wondering if they were talking about Hanami, since she was the only redhead who crossed his mind. The two stared ahead, as dozens of the city’s lights flashed around them from the cars and bicyclists speeding through. Heisuke tried looking at Takumi from the corner of his eye. He seemed awfully familiar, but Heisuke couldn’t tell where he had seen him exactly. When Takumi turned to look at him, he quickly looked straight ahead as the light changed.
Hover-cars halted and Heisuke stepped onto the street, crossing until he disappeared into the crowd of oncoming pedestrians. Takumi looked on, but brushed it off. Before he could take a step onto the street, the car near him honked repeatedly. He glanced at the car and stepped back onto the sidewalk as the window rolled and a familiar voice called out.
“If it isn’t the half pint, Takumi!” The young Setsu raised a brow and approached the window. He peered inside and saw it was none other than…
“Shiro…” Takumi groaned internally, recognizing who it was.
“That’s my name, part of the fame! Hop in, lil bro!”
“I’m not your little brother,” Takumi answered back with a frown as he turned over and found Shiro reached over through the window and grabbed the back of his arm.
“You’re as cruel as ever! Get in!” Takumi squinted and reached down. He pulled the handle of the car and slid in, shutting it as Shiro tried high fiving him, but Takumi ignored him. The light flicked on, so Shiro focused on the road. “I ride into town and the first one I run into is you, haha. What are you doing downtown in such a sketchy area?” Shiro asked, trying to start up a conversation. “Awfully near the red light district, you know… wait, you are about that age.”
“None of the perverted garbage you’re thinking about is why I’m here,” Takumi sighed. “Was just handling some business…” Takumi responded.
“You? Handling business?! What kind? Don’t tell me Setsu work… I thought you said you were done with Setsu duties.” Shiro shook his head, recalling the very words Takumi had told him years ago.
“It’s been five years, things change. Besides, I’m not doing it ‘cause I want to… just have to get this little thing out the way,” Takumi replied, setting his cheek against the back of his hand, and gazing at the different buildings they passed by. “How about you? Why are you here anyway? Thought you were running Miyumi’s clothing line in Paris,” Takumi added as Shiro turned on the car’s windshield wiper to get rid of the droplets of rain. The chilly breeze that blew in front of Takumi made the Setsu slide his free hand into his pocket as Shiro reached over and turned on the stereo to listen to some casual music.
“I thought she gave me a vacation…”
Takumi raised a brow. “By vacation… you mean?”
Shiro nodded and started to laugh as Takumi smiled, finding it amusing. “That sister of yours called me over here to do some Setsu work, so it’s a vacation from the ordinary human life,” Shiro snickered.
“Of course.” Takumi tapped the tip of his nose with his pinky and then leaned back, looking ahead.
“For her to call me back with urgency, something must be going on. The Stray activity must be hot,” Shiro added, shifting the wheel as he drifted along the road. “Supa hot,” Shiro added, noticing an advertising post for spicy ramen over the freeway.
“Drop me off at the Gumi Cafe,” Takumi told him.
“Gumi Cafe? They finally renovated the place? Sweet! I’ll have to stop by for a drink, it’s been a mighty long time! You were just a small kid back when the place was running. Senji must be huge now, right?” Shiro rambled on.
“Sorta.” Takumi heard a phone buzzing. He glanced down to the cupboard, noticing it was Shiro’s. The latter dove down to take the phone, as the profile picture showed him kissing Miyumi, causing the young Setsu to squint. Takumi had the urge to throw up, but managed to control it.
“Great, I’ll drop you off then.” Shiro pulled into the street that’d take them to the Gumi Cafe. The hover-car sped up and stopped just beside Takumi’s car. The young Setsu pulled up his hoodie and slid out of Shiro’s car, avoiding a puddle that was just in front of the door by hopping over it.
“See ya.” Takumi slammed the door shut, and pondered on whether to enter and let Senji know of what happened, but figured he’d just return the following morning since it was already late. It’d take some time to drive back to the Hachi Estate, and he still had some research to do on the factory name he had caught a glimpse of just before the portal had closed.
With a sigh, Takumi entered the bar and went to the back of the lounge where he had left his bag. Senji wasn’t around, which he found weird. “Where’s Sen?” Takumi asked the clerk near the cash register.
“Downstairs in the office,” the individual answered. Takumi didn’t question him any further, only giving him a faint nod.
“Tell him I’ll be stopping by tomorrow morning… possibly.” The clerk bowed as the jingling sound announced Takumi’s exit. The young Setsu got into his car and sped onto the road.
Elsewhere, on another road, Shiro lifted up his phone. “Shiro, we’re all set up at the Minato Ward and the Hercules Shiki has been spotted,” Kiku informed him.
“Got it. Get to work lil sis. I’ll call back.” Shiro tore through the empty highway, tossing his phone onto the passenger’s seat. “Looks like things are as lively as ever. Some vacation this’ll be,” Shiro laughed and cracked his neck.
- In Serial16 Chapters
Loner Boy
When Lara is attacked one night, after going to the cinema with her best friend Maria. She was unexpectedly saved by the famous loner of her school.
8 132 - In Serial37 Chapters
Man Vs Edythe
Military veteran, survivalist, and now transmigrator?! While driving to meet some old military friends to go camping with. 33-year-old Dante Santos finds himself mysteriously transported to the world of Edythe. A mystical world populated with only women and where men are thought of as only mythical beings. At a glance, this world may seem like every man’s fantasy, but there lie many dangers in this paradise. From monstrous creatures that prowl the lands, to sinister individuals who scheme in the shadows. It’ll take everything Dante has to adapt and overcome all which Edythe has to offer as well as to find out why he was brought here. This is my first story so any and all constructive criticisms are welcome! Updates once a week on Thursday. Also if you want more, my site will be one chapter ahead of others, so do check it out. I also post on Scribble and Moonquill as well.
8 129 - In Serial46 Chapters
The innocent bride and her dangerous lover (completed)
you think i came all the way from paris to this small town of pakistan for what for three lacks " he smirked and looked towrds his men who laughed at that thought. "well clearly you did because if not what are you doing here then or wait did you wanted to have tour of this small town because i don,t see other reason of yours to be here . "this time she replied who were just standing there quitely from the beginning ."well darling " he came close to her and said "i came for my bride , i came for you " he said while touching her cheek wih his thumb.larib khan a straightforward ,religious , cute , innocent , decent girl . she seems calm but if someone make her angry it will be their last day . but if they are on her good side she loves from her heart and can give her life for her loved ones . she help people to heal from bad things that happened to them she love her reiligion and her family but she hate men alot . Because she thinks they only use women for their desires and are not able to love .king Xavier albert thomson, he has a body like greek god he is just like a shell ,hard from outside but from the inside he is soo soft but only few people knows that . Noone dare to call him by name who did they are 12 feet beneath the ground . the most merciless mafia king who runs mafia and also is the ceo of the most top biggest company of paris ,he kill first and ask question later and doesn,t show mercy beacuse according to him it makes you weak and he can,t risk to be weak in this bussniss . HE never knew he could love but after seeing her it was love for first sight or lust of having her he doesn,t know but he knows one thing . "larib khan is his only his even if he have to force her to be his or kill the world to have her but no one takes what is his from him not even her . she have to accpet him one way or another. "3 in pakistan on 8 feb 2020
8 143 - In Serial201 Chapters
Part 2 posted on my profile
8 595 - In Serial39 Chapters
Deviant's Masquerade: Setting Lore Compendium
Due to popular request, this is a lore compendium for the Deviant's Masquerade Setting, collecting all of the reader asked questions into a single place while also elaborating on the setting itself for anyone who is interested in the world that my stories: Hacking Reality, The Huntsman's Quest, Get Ink'd, All The Sinners Saints, and the DM Anthology takes place in. Please Note: Due to being an informational series rather than an actual story, this fiction may update sporadically compared to the rest of my near weekly stories.
8 168 - In Serial14 Chapters
The Need For Speed || Iceman Fanfic {COMPLETED}
⚠️: This isn't your usual Top Gun Fanfiction. If you don't like that, then don't read. I went to great lengths to re write this puppy. With Mav's career on the line after Goose's death, she has to make a big decision, either leave Top Gun Altogether or stay and work through it. Rivalries are ablaze as the new Rio Ghostrider is called upon to be Mavericks Rio, where as Iceman proves he's worthy of the certain female fighter pilot's attention.Book 1: The Need For SpeedBook 2: Medal of Honor
8 74