《Takumi: Ordinary Life Of A Setsu Vampire》Chapter 17
"The moon is so beautiful tonight," June peered past Hanami's side mirror, staring at the golden moon that glowed through the grey clouds surrounding it. The wind that entered the open rear-view window grazed his blonde curly hair as if actual hands were gently stroking them back. Such a sensation was calming, but made him long for a real touch.
"You know... some say if you gaze at the moon for a long time you could look into other worlds and other's can look at you"
“Who… the heck said that?” Hanami murmured in her own thoughts.
June couldn't help but glance in Hanami's direction and observe how the moonlight reflected on her. When she turned her head over to him, June jerked his head to the side before turning his attention back to her for a second. He winked at her while showing off his dimples.
To June's surprise, Hanami momentarily slipped her fingers through his hair. "Boy, your hair hasn't changed at all… it's as soft as ever, but needs a trim" she commented, recalling the days when they'd do each other's hair. "Except, it was never this curly either," she noted, making June blush when she tugged on it a bit.
"I haven't bothered to comb it, although the pres has insisted to do it herself for me" he modestly informed her.
"And I didn't have anyone else's hair to play with since you were gone, so…"
"I'd imagine… you're one crazy stylist, please have mercy" he replied as he thought back to the weird styles she'd made for him as a child, laughing. "But yeah, it gets that way. I barely have time to myself as you know," he mumbled.
"You'll have to let me straighten it sometime! I think I have the straightener in one of the boxes here… my hair supplies are packed, but when I find it, I'll use it on you." Hanami slumped beside the window, comfortably cupping her cheek on her small palm, turning her head to the window. She lost herself in the serene view of the ocean in the far off distance. Its calming waves allowed her to slip deep into thought.
"Something on your mind?" June asked, turning the music on slightly.
"I sorta miss nana, even though it's only been a day. But I do love this liberty…" Hanami said softly.
"Same here," June shook his head. "Osaka's pretty insane, but what can you expect? It's a commercial powerhouse, as most business is done here. It's like the Newest York of Japan."
"Newest… wait, have you been to Newest York?!"
"On one occasion with Lady Miyumi, but I can't really speak on that… because of protocol." Hanami gave him a confused nod. "Anyway, it seems like things are still off in Hokkaido, huh? How's my father and the others?" June asked out of curiosity.
"About that…" She slid her hand into her hair. "I can’t really say since I got cooped up for the longest but things were pretty tense by the end of my prison time. Someone… tried to kill me, but uncle Yuko checked up on me before the elders sent me here. I got locked away and didn't get to see any of the others for months prior to that. When I did get a chance to go outside, I wasn't told anything. They had me go back to my room, so I was stuck there."
"Hang on, someone tried to kill you?!" June brushed the rest aside.
"I wasn't told much about why… but I'm fine now." Her attempts at smiling in an effort to hide the sadness prickling in her, was seen through by June.
"I can't believe that someone tried to kill you… and those elders are still alive, that's a shame."
"Ah! And uncle Yuko is being appointed the head of the Hasegawa until I turn seventeen. Angie wasn't opposed to it, surprisingly."
"That's hard to believe. She'd want the position more than anyone. I wouldn't hold it past her to be plotting something…" June thought, angered. "I bet she's thrilled you're gone." He glanced at the pensive girl. "I actually have to visit father during our next vacation," June noted.
"He hasn't called you?"
"Not since I left Hokkaido… years ago." June kept an awkward smile despite the fact that he wasn't so happy about it at all.
"H-he is busy after all, I'm sure there's a good explana-" Hanami jumped to cheer him up, catching on to the depressed vibes by the tone in his voice. Suddenly, she was cut off by her phone ringing. She picked it up and checked her mail.
Her eyes almost blew out of her face, seeing June's father messaged her to check up on her at that very moment. Not only that, but her phone finally had a connection, so she saw a list of messages. She quickly shoved the phone down to her lap and laughed uncontrollably at the irony.
"Uh… is everything okay?" June asked her, glancing down to her phone as Hanami pressed it to her chest and then peeked to see the message. "Heyyy girl! What's cracking in the napkin?!"
Hanami herself didn't understand the message, but responded to June. "Eeehh! Like I was saying, he has his hands full with all that political stuff and whatnot!"
"Hm… I guess I'll see him when I go to Hokkaido for the next vacation in three months."
"To spend family time, yay!" Hanami cheered, swinging her hands up, hitting the roofing of the car by accident.
"Nothing like that, it's only business with him," June cut in, frowning. Hanami laughed uneasily, recalling the message her uncle sent her.
"Hello? I see the bubble says you read! How's Osaka sweetie?! I wish I could have been there with you, I miss you so much! The palace has been so empty without you! Send my warm regards to the Hachi, and if you need anything reach me ANY TIME! Please come back home real soon! XOXO"
Hanami let out a long sigh. "Empty without me? I was kept no where near the palace…"
"I wonder how nana's day went. Better than mine, for sure. Should I call her when I get to the estate? She's probably busy, too."
"Maybe try calling the h-"
"Not calling the house phone…" Her eyebrows twitched, shooting down June's proposition before he could even get it across. "Those elders didn't even give me the number to the house phone…" Hanami thought to herself. June watched from the corner of his eye, avoiding some of the random animals that were roaming the roads.
"So many sheep on the road… and not the ones I'd like to hit," he mumbled to himself, drifting around the herd. "You keep sighing, don't tell me it's about that guy," June wondered as his grip on the wheel tightened. It still bugged him that Hanami would have to marry someone like Takumi, of all the possible suitors. "What could those elders be thinking, pairing her up with that guy?" June quietly thought, spaced out.
Hanami picked up on the tone of his voice, recalling that whenever something bugged June, he'd speak slowly. Her mind went directly to Takumi, causing her to reach her phone and fumble it whilst pretending she was clueless as to what June was talking about. "Why does June-pyo have to bring him up?" she thought to herself, tilting her head aside, evidently disgusted.
"That guy? What guy?" she played dumb.
"Your fiance," June responded back sharply, picking up speed as they crossed a restaurant stop that was beside the curving road that led up the mountainous forest terrain.
"Fiance?! OH!!! Nononono, Takumi?! He's the last person on my mind! I was thinking about nana still." Hanami forcefully laughed, waving her hand in front of her face, and pulled her knees up against her chest, fixing her attention to the smooth and vacant road the car soared over.
It was like an ongoing tunnel; it reminded her of the morning when Voltaire drove down this track, when they were heading into the city that day. She looked over to the right. As expected, the ocean was still there, except now it was glimmering from the rays of the moonlight that continued to reflect off of the dancing waves. Ships were visible, heading for a harbor.
"You're so unlucky that you have to marry that little jerk."
"That's for sure teheh. It's not happening though! We agreed that when the time comes, we're both going to object."
June's grip on the wheel lightened a bit. He felt as if a weight was lifted off of his chest. His shoulder muscles loosened as he felt more comfortable in his seat. "I'm relieved to hear that, Hana. I really don't like how he treated you back there. Those old rules of arranged marriages within the families really have to go, I can't le-"
"I don't want to be with him, but for now, it doesn't seem like I have a choice." Hanami sighed. "Even if we both object to the marriage, I'm sure we'd still end up having to uphold our families' customs, so… ugh, let's not talk about this for now," she replied, quickly adding, "Think you can spar with me later? I want to add to my diary that I finally beat June-pyo on my first day seeing him again!" She brought her elbow up, giggling.
June took a moment to process how she was feeling, half-heartedly giving her a smile. "I haven't held a kendo blade in years," he admitted with a giggle. He added, "I'm sure you'll find some tough opponents when you make Hirazawa's first kendo club."
"And that's all thanks to you! Can't wait!"
"I can tell… I got to see a few matches last year. If you give the club a good name, you're bound to attract special talents." June paused, and sucked his teeth. "Remember to watch out for the five divas though…"
"Five divas?" Hanami inquired.
"They're female students who give freshmen girls trouble. Just 'cause they're seniors now, they think they run the place. It got so bad last year that a girl jumped off of one of the school buildings," June said, regretfully.
"Oh gosh! They got someone to kill themselves?!" Hanami gasped.
"Don't worry, she didn't die… luckily, it was just a broken leg," June replied, making Hanami sigh in relief.
"I'll keep that in mind. As for recruiting, maybe I could start by making some posters…" Hanami slid her hand down into her bag to get her phone. Upon finding it, she pulled it out and clicked through her phone, searching for Minami's number.
June maintained his sights on the road ahead. The lights gave him a complete view of the road, but due to the oncoming curves up the mountain, he reached over and flicked to lower the car's lighting. The click sound that the knob made reminded him again of when Hanami slapped his hand away. "She chose him… in a way," he mumbled.
Hearing the mumble, Hanami looked over to June. "Did you say something June-pyo?" She tilted her head, a strand of her crimson hair brushed across her cheek.
"No, I was just thinking of that one show… Fantastic Dovers."
"You watch that too?! Colonel Gonstanza, GAHHH!!! There's a special going on today, I was actually planning to watch the latest episode if I got the chance! But… I'm not sure if I'll be able to at the Hachi's, at least not today with packing and school tomorrow." Hanami lowered her shoes off of the seat and tapped the center of her phone, still searching for Minami's number.
"Well you see, Lady Miyumi puts it on from time to time, so I have no choice but to watch it, heheh. Who is that fellow exactly?" June smiled and kept his right hand on the wheel as he scratched the side of his cheek with his left index finger.
Hanami blinked. "Colonel Gonstanza?"
"Yeah, him," June responded back, thinking back to when he had locked eyes with Takumi. A frown formed subconsciously, making it seem as if he were really focusing on the road. Leaning back against her seat once more, Hanami tapped her chin and was just about to answer when she noticed that June was drifting dangerously close to the curve.
"JUNE!" Alarmed, Hanami reached over and patted his shoulder. "You're getting too close!" June snapped out of his thoughts and spun the wheel to the left, adjusting the car back onto the road upon reaching the top of the slope. The lights hit a deer, causing it to freeze. June jerked the wheel to the right once and then spun it once more to the left in order to skim past the deer without hitting it.
"A-ACKK!!!" Hanami reached down and gripped June's forearm, quivering. Her head landed against his shoulder and she clenched her eyes. June looked across the rearview mirror on her side and saw the deer scurry off of the road.
"Phew… that was a close one." He opened his eyes and turned. "S-Sorry Hana! Focused too much!" June tried to laugh it off, but stopped abruptly when he felt Hanami hold tightly onto his forearm, gripping the fabric of his white poofy long sleeve. She glanced up at him, her eyes had a tint of fear in them.
"W-What's wrong?" he asked, concerned for her. He slowed the car down and leaned in, gently kissing her forehead. The action made Hanami pull away from him, letting go of his forearm. She rubbed her eyes to get rid of the small tears that formed.
"You aren't going to cry, are you? You're too big for that now." he teased.
"CRY?! WE COULD HAVE DIED! You're lucky I'm not a driving instructor, I'd fail you!" Hanami turned to face June, swiftly rubbing the back of her hand across her forehead. She gave him a stern frown, pointing several times at the road.
June spun the wheel twice to the left and laughed awkwardly while she puffed her cheeks and laid back in her seat, gathering her thoughts. At the same time, June reached over to his cup of guava juice and bit down on the straw, slurping until Hanami went on with what she said earlier.
"Colonel Gonstanza is the main character in the novella. He's a royal guard to a princess in England. They grew up and he went to battle for her, only to return and find out that she was being married off to someone else. So far, he's tried telling her how he feels, but he fears rejection."
June's eyes grew and he felt the liquid go down his windpipe, forcing him to punch his chest repeatedly and spit the juice out of the window. The liquid streamed by the side of his car. He pushed down on the brake to stop the hover car and continued to cough, prompting Hanami to reach out and hit his back repeatedly until he felt better.
"You're so clumsy tonight, gosh," Hanami expressed concern and continued to rub his back. "Want me to drive?" She giggled, eyeing the wheel excitedly. The idea seemed bright in her head, but June knew better.
June laughed and gave her an immediate, "No! All's good!"
"Why? I can't possibly do worse than you!" She puffed up her cheeks.
"Because the last time you were behind the wheel, we crashed into an apple tree. If it weren't for me, you'd have gone face first and died. I haven't forgotten," June brought up an incident that occurred years ago when Hanami had stolen one of the royal rides parked near one of the Hasegawa's palace entrances.
Remembering that, she couldn't agree more. "You're sorta right there," she hated to admit as June started driving again. "I just thought of how silly that guy is to not express his love is all," she went on. June glanced over to the rearview mirror, seeing some headlights beaming.
"Yeah, totally. He should confess already…" June replied.
"But I guess there wouldn't be much of a story if he did," Hanami responded and raised her phone when she heard it buzz.
"If only it were that easy… I sympathize with you Colonel Gonstanza," he turned away and thought to himself, continuing on the long stretch of the dark road. Empty fields on both sides were visible.
"Yeah, I'm almost at the place I'm staying at! There's this show I'm dying to watch but I can't tonight!! Tomorrow's the first day of classes anyway," Hanami typed and clicked send. With the message sent, she looked up towards the moon, now seeing vast crop fields below it.
Back within the ground level of the city, Takumi found himself almost catching the Shiki he had been pursuing. In the distance, he saw it leap up onto a ledge. It stared down at him, turned around, and then dove. Takumi flew up onto the same ledge a second later and saw the Shiki run into a swirling portal. At the end of the portal, there seemed to be something. He saw snow twinkling down, along with a view of what seemed to be a factory's clocktower within the portal.
"That must be where it's been hiding." Takumi leaned over and dove from the ledge onto the ground. He ran towards the portal, only for vibes to alert him to stop. Just as he did, a series of bright flashes blew down in front of him, sending loads of gravel towards him.
Takumi staggered back and backflipped three times, and reached down for his Woshu weapon, Incisor. Rain continued to pour around him as he saw a series of daggers lodged into the area he was headed for.
Tilting his sights up to an air vent, a shadowy being seemed to be dancing on it, making its way to the front of the portal the Night Stalker had escaped into. A scent of decay emanated from this being. Its slick pale skin came into view as a cloud finished passing overhead. Rain washed over this entity, who was shielded from it by a trench coat it wore. Taking in its form, Takumi noticed an odd looking symbol on the trench coat. The symbol of a swan made up of blades. There was a strong vibe of corruption coming from him.
"Look here, one actually came," the being spoke with a cackle at the end.
Takumi stood up and silently watched him, shooting a glance at the portal behind the being.
"A Stray…" Takumi grumbled.
"Wait a second…" The entity sniffed the air, cracking a wide grin of delight.
"Get out of my way." Takumi bolted straight for the being on top of the large vent.
"No can do! Jeel the Sitter, here to CHOMP you!"
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