《Takumi: Ordinary Life Of A Setsu Vampire》Chapter 11
"I advise you to get your hands off Hanami… Tachi," June warned in an intimidating tone.
"Tachi?" Hanami repeated in a low giggle that earned her a scowl from Takumi. June all the while hummed, nearing towards them.
"I've come to escort you to Lady Miyumi. The ceremony is starting." Both Takumi and Hanami directed their attention over to June. "And she's not your girlfriend, let her go."
Hanami blinked, surprised at what June said. She then glanced at Takumi's arm, coiled around her waist. "Hey, watch the arm," she said quietly with a blush, as Takumi pulled her in closer.
"Don't call me Tachi, mophead. I do what I want," Takumi spat back.
The comeback itself pissed June off, but he maintained a fake smile, approaching them in casual steps. Takumi noticed the batons that June didn't bother to conceal flailing around, visibly hung out of the belt pouches. A murderous vibe emanated from him.
Seeing as it was only June, Hanami sighed in relief… until she was yanked out of Takumi's hold abruptly. June had pulled her away from Takumi and into his own arms.
"Be gentle!" she shouted at him, gently slapping his hand. "Why are you grabbing me so hard?!"
"Sorry for being late, Hana."
"It's okay, I did sort of run off…" She rubbed her index finger along her cheek and admitted it was her fault for rushing off.
June shook his head, maintaining his smile before setting his attention on Takumi. Hanami did the same. She couldn't help but wonder what was with the intense vibe she got between the two. Strangers don't randomly glare at each other with such intensity. "You two like each other or something?"
Her question was answered by the both of them simultaneously saying " Hell no."
"Eh…" She turned her head back and forth and picked up on Takumi glaring at the arm June had around her. Being in June's arms in Takumi's presence made her feel uncomfortable. She didn't want Takumi to get the wrong idea, but…
"Is she your girlfriend from Hokkaido?" Takumi asked.
"N-No, she's not. Why?" June stuttered, regaining some confidence a second later. "Are you jealous?"
"Nah. I asked because it'd suck to be you, since she's my property."
"No she's not."
Takumi couldn't help but laugh in an evil tone that surprised Hanami. "So obvious…"
"These two know each other?" Hanami took in their exchange while gently tugging June's arm away. "Uh, Takumi…"
"I know who he is," Takumi responded back as she quickly got quiet. "June Hasegawa," he muttered, drawing out a silent moment.
"Step away from my property," Takumi spoke up with a warning directed at June. Authority ruled in his outward voice, but in his head, he sighed, wondering why he didn't want June so close to her. His Setsu side was getting the better of him. "My property?" he muttered in his head, finding it unfathomable that that actually came out of his own mouth.
"Your property?!" Hanami's jaw dropped as she felt June wrap his arm around her again, this time tighter than before.
June whipped his baton up in front of himself. "As I said, she's not-"
Takumi closed his eyes, sliding his hands into his pockets.
"What are you smiling at?" June questioned.
The smile was followed by Takumi laughing faintly. "You're such a beta… gettin' worked up over a taken meal," Takumi mouthed, turning his face away with a faint smirk.
"Hey! I'm right here you know!!! And I'm not owned by you, so don't call me that," Hanami shouted, but was ignored by the two.
At that moment, June remembered what Miyumi had told him about Hanami's situation and the reason she was brought to live in Osaka. "Wait… I forgot." June frowned, thinking in his head. "By the Tensei's decree… she's under his courtship," June sighed internally.
"Come on now, be a good boy and let go of my toy," Takumi bluntly added.
"Enough!" Both June and Hanami yelled out, as the latter pushed June's arm away and bolted towards Takumi. Before she could act impulsively, the voice in her head got her to stop in time to push June back from helping her pummel Takumi.
"No! I'm here to solve a problem, not make it worse. Relax, me," she told herself while keeping June from moving towards Takumi after noticing June had raised his batons.
"We're on campus. I'm part of the Day Patrol and he's disobeying a director order from the principal herself," June said aloud, rationalizing his desire to attack the freshman. "Hana, step aside," June spoke in a deeper tone than usual.
She caught sight of Takumi slipping one of his hands out of his pocket. Takumi's arm shifted to crystallic black, mixing with his once white claws, that turned into black claws and steadily elongated. "What's that?!" she internally freaked out and tried tugging June back as Takumi gave a low chuckle.
"I won't say it again… she's not your property," June repeated himself, making more of an effort to get by Hanami.
"June-pyo… take a breather, I've got this handled. He's only playing around," she tried telling June, but he wasn't having any of that.
"She's my entertainment, a plaything you can't have."
"Take that back!!!"
"That's enough, Takumi!" Hanami screamed. "He's trolling!" Hanami patted June's chest, trying to get to him, to no avail. Both Takumi and June continued their argument until she blew up, unable to take the back and forth. "STOP IT!" her shout got their attention.
They both shut up, feeling her intensity rise higher than ever before. Takumi's arm revered to normal, as he noticed he subconsciously allowed his arm to shift back. Takumi looked at their surroundings, relieved to find there weren't any humans around.
With one strong shove, Hanami whipped around and ran at Takumi again. "I'm bringing you in to Miyumi without any further delay!"
"Not this again," Takumi grumbled, in search of Yoshigawa, who was preoccupied checking out the video that he recorded. He could only watch Yoshigawa's cheesy smile in discontent.
Yoshigawa felt this strong stare and looked over to the three. He shared the video file to three contacts on his phone and quickly closed the app. "Hey, it's the golden dude! Been sometime! We're all here in Hirazawa now! Isn't thaaat something?!" Yoshigawa tried to banter.
Takumi turned away, avoiding Hanami's first attempt at grabbing the front of his jersey. He ran up to Yoshigawa and gripped his shoulder tightly with one hand as he quickly whispered, "I was distracting them this whole time and you did nothing… get that key and find the captain! I'll distract her some more." Takumi pretended to run past Yoshigawa's left, but spun over to the right, fooling the girl into running up against Yoshigawa.
"Woah, where ya going?" Yoshigawa teased, getting in her way every time she tried to go left or right.
"Move it!"
"No, no, nope! Gotta be faster, babe!"
The struggle went on until Hanami managed to push Yoshigawa aside and jumped onto Takumi in a ferocious lunge that he couldn't escape. Swooping right onto his back, she got him into a constricting headlock once again, this time, using all her weight to try and pull back. Like an anaconda, she took it a step further to get him constrained, by wrapping her legs around his hip and tussled with him as he brought his palm up to her face in an attempt to get her off. They struggled with each other, and Takumi pinched her thigh, but she still wouldn't let go.
"Shima!" Takumi spoke up in a growl, failing to shake her off.
"You got it! Remember, patience is a virtue; last as long as you can!" Yoshigawa shouted to his friend and went off to Bentei, who was talking behind two others that were still hustling Yuuichi away.
"Great, now I have to take care of the mutt…" Takumi stopped struggling with his fiancee and took in June's appearance. He figured that if he set June's attention to him, Yoshigawa would go unnoticed. Of course, this worked, since June was laser-focused on Takumi.
A few of the basketball players that returned to retrieve their jackets from a nearby table instigated and mimicked what Takumi called June. It made June feel embarrassed, seeing as Hanami was present in the middle of the skirmish.
To Hanami, it was clear things wouldn't be easy. Takumi wasn't about to let his sister get in his way. Seeing the silver badge on June's forearm agitated the young Setsu above everything else. He wasn't going to let June get in his way of his plans. Thinking back to the several times Miyumi kept tabs on him and messed with him, Takumi only grew more upset. From locking him in a ship for thirty days to no specific destination, to trapping him in a pool filled with basketball-shaped man-eating tadpoles; she had messed with him far too much.
It was a reminder of his imprisonment. "I'm still a valuable tool that has to be monitored by this cursed family, huh?" he grumbled to himself. Now he had another headache to deal with. His attention went over to Hanami, who let go and moved in front of Takumi to prevent him from going at June and vice versa.
"Takumi, stop calling him that!" she snapped at him, sliding off and running to the center, lifting her hands up, one at Takumi and one at June.
"June-pyo, I'll handle this. Why don't you go take care of the-" Before she could finish her sentence, June cut in.
"I won't be insulted by you any longer!"
June had his own uncomfortable memories of Takumi messing with him. That day spent sedentary until he was told to pick out a tarp from a closet on the seventh floor, June found himself knelt down, rummaging through one of the boxes when Takumi passed through the hall. Hands in his pockets, Takumi spotted June. He made sure no one was coming from both ends of the hallway and proceeded to kick June's rump, causing the latter to tumble over the box. Takumi slammed the door right after and continued on his walk with a whistle while June struck the door, calling for someone to open it. He could only wonder why anyone would do something so mean. It wasn't until hours later that he was found and ended up being scolded by Miyumi, who reviewed footage and then punished Takumi for having been rude to June. Still, June had gotten punished without him having done anything wrong. June rubbed his behind, recollecting the spanks he received from Miyumi even though he hadn't done anything wrong. She told him that he should have been more alert so that Takumi wouldn't have caught him off guard. To that, she resumed the degrading spankings.
"You owe me a nice battering!" June spouted.
"Come and give it to me then." Takumi turned over with a serious expression that screamed danger to Hanami, who found June tugged her away from Takumi again.
"Again!?" Takumi thought, having seen June walk up and pull Hanami into his arms. Although he wasn't about to outwardly admit it, seeing her in June's arms made him feel disrespected. "Not jealous…" he assured himself. He took in June's blush. "What a f*ckin' weirdo. If only she'd look up…" Takumi squinted his eyes, seeing June's googly eyes enlarge with her being so close.
With the flash of sunlight shining from the horizon, they both found themselves transfixed in the memory of their previous encounters.
June recalled a particular night, a few months after he became Miyumi's watchdog. The large doors once barricaded with boxes of furniture were now wide open. He distinctively first remembered that as he found himself at a Royal ball hosted by Miyumi. Being her watchdog meant he had to work all night until her departure. He went around serving the guests, carrying trays of glass that were filled up with the finest of drinks imported from Italy and Spain.
All seemed great for most of the evening. He had no problem until he crossed paths with Takumi. Up until that point, he had only met his master's political party, mother and father, and a number of others from the Hachi house except her siblings.
That is, until he got the scary sense he was being watched by someone. When he turned in search, those eyes stayed glued right on him, unfazed. His eyes weren't like any of the other attendees. Wide and menacing, they were a dark purple with slits in them that resembled a liger's, indicating that he was of the Hachi domain.
The eyes that were across the room seemed scornful. They had hatred in them. "What did I do? Is that directed at me? Maybe I look funny in this get-up?" June questioned himself, turning his head around the room and checking himself out in reassurance. "It's probably him…" June guessed, noticing an odd fellow in a goose suit breakdancing in a weird fashion just a few feet ahead of him. "Someone should really tell him he's had too many drinks," June said in his head and walked over to the tray table, where he set down the drinks that he had in hand. When he looked back to where Takumi had been, he noticed he wasn't on the crates anymore.
June felt unease by this, but tried to brush it off and turned around, only for his face to run into the chest of another fellow watchdog serving that night too. Before he fell back, she grasped his shoulder and apologized, combing the top of his curly puffy hair. He rubbed his face and looked up, only to see that it was "Nami?"
"Sorry, I should have seen where I was going!"
"No problem! By the way, mind giving this to Miyumi's younger brother?" She asked, holding out a letter.
"Huh? Sure." June looked at the letter before taking it. "Oh yeah, I gotta return that 'lucky porcupine' doll," he recalled.
"Excuse me?" Nami questioned, but June brushed it off and asked, "What does my Lady's little brother look like?"
The description Nami gave him matched exactly with the boy who had been staring at him with hateful eyes earlier. Before he could say anything else, June was already searching for the boy. He passed through the crowd as he recited what he'd say to avoid any awkward tension. He'd only hand him the letter and do his best to be polite, then take his leave.
Once he was outside, he let the ambiance help relax his nerves. June's first impulse was to take a seat before he went on to search for the boy. He approached the steps, only to find Takumi there alone.
"Ah!" June quickly slid behind a nearby pillar. He masked himself in the pillar's shadow and held his breath as he peeked over. Takumi's ears twitched, as he remained in place. There were many cars parked on both sides of the stone path that stretched out for miles. Their headlights were all on, making the area clearly visible. Some attendees were still in their cars, as music echoed quietly in the distance. It didn't seem like Takumi was aware of his presence yet.
"That kid… he's gotten others fired before. If I get fired, father will be mad. I don't want to be a headache for father. Okay, breathe… I'll go right over and give it to him, then run." June thought of the rumors he had heard of the young master known as Takumi, the candidate for the Alessandro Enigma.
Considering that he was serving Miyumi, June wasn't looking to cause any trouble and the mere thought of interacting the wrong way stressed him out. June ruffled his hair around in frustration of having forgotten what he was going to recite before. He started contemplating what he should say, but paused when he saw Takumi's shoulders budge. He stood there in the silence. "How old is he anyway?" June wondered. Takumi's height caught his eye, considering they were more or less even.
The clear blue moonlight shone in the distance, illuminating the passing clouds that summer night. Back and forth, the light refracted across the pillars. Takumi tilted his head slightly, picking up on something. The passing breeze alerted Takumi of June's presence and his disagreeable eyes were on him once more. The silence seemed excruciatingly long until he heard Takumi ask, "What do you want?"
June faked a kind smile and slid his hands from behind his back. He held out the letter and said, "Here you are! Special delivery for you!"
"Hm?" Takumi glanced at the letter June was giving him. From the golden sticker at the center, he knew what the letter was about. It was always the same. "Take down the target mentioned in this letter…" Without saying a single word, he stood up, approached June and just when June thought Takumi was going to take it, Takumi slapped the letter out of June's hand and shoved him aside.
This action took June aback, as he fell to the tile floor. June rubbed his aching tailbone in slight pain. "Why'd you do that?!" June shouted.
Takumi responded, "Because you're fake," and then walked off without another word. June felt like yelling at the kid, but bit his tongue instead and clenched his fists. After a moment of just staring at his reflection on the waxed floor, June crawled over to the letter. "What's in that letter anyway?" He was going to reach for it, but before he could, he found a shoe on the letter preventing him from getting it. He looked up, to see it was Takumi again. Takumi slid the letter back and bent down to get it himself. He flicked it around, then stuffed it into his pocket, walking off.
"What a weird kid…" June mumbled with a frown as he stood back up. June's watch beeped, emitting a white glow, alerting him to return back inside; a message passed through, informing him that guests were to be escorted to another location for a bidding event. He took that as a chance to leave the hostile situation altogether, very upset.
In June's eyes, Takumi's nothing more than a rude brat. The only growth he noticed in Takumi over the last two years was his height. Other than that, every instant they crossed paths, Takumi always messed with him for no reason. From pranking him into falling off a ship, to filling June's shoes with cupcakes. Takumi did it all, but those two memories made June cringe in his shoes.
"You're still acting like a stuck up d*ck!" June ran his fingers across his hair, aligning it well with his eyebrows. Takumi didn't enjoy his response, but gave June a fake smirk that matched the annoying one June gave him. The wind picked up between them.
"At least I'm not a branded mutt who got sold off like trash," the purple-eyed Setsu shot back. His response triggered June, who reached for his baton.
"Mutt, mutt, mutt! Is that all you're going to say?"
"Keep barking." Takumi's claws elongated as he raised them up.
"Woah, woah!!! Let���s not let things get out of hand, you two." Hanami pushed Takumi back with her, wearing a sad and worried expression that broke June's heart. He immediately dropped the baton to his side, losing interest in fighting Takumi. "June-pyo, I'm going on ahead. I'll see you later, okay?"
June spaced out. "It can't be…" he mumbled.
"Stop trying to get into fights, Taka Baka! And you call me the brat?! You big baby!"
"Touch me and I'll bite you," Takumi argued, but silenced himself, as she cupped Takumi's hand with a squeeze that caused him to flinch and yanked him over. June's heart throbbed in a panic when he saw this, as the emptiness of his own hand crept in.
Takumi tried pushing her hand away, but the fiery girl gave his hand a tighter squeeze so he wouldn't get away and passed by June, forcing Takumi to walk behind her.
As Takumi passed him, he remained silent and glanced at June from the corner of his eye, then closed his eyes. June couldn���t believe it. "She chose him?" June remained frozen in place as he heard her voice dying down over howling wind. The sound of the gate doors clanging together echoed in his head.
"Hang on, squirt! I have to meet the captain before I go anywhere," Takumi tried telling her as he looked over his shoulder. He met June's scorned glare through the gate, but ignored it and looked over to Yoshigawa, who was talking to Yuuichi.
"I hope that loser coughs up the info. Good luck, Shima." Once again, he felt a tight squeeze he had only ever experienced from one other person in his lifetime. It made him feel uncomfortable, yet at the same time comfortable. He squinted and told her, "Tug my arm any more and you'll dislocate it. I need my arm."
"Jeez, you were doing all sorts of fancy tricks not too long ago and now you can't walk properly?!" she nagged. Takumi sighed, not responding, he maintained his head turned in the direction the courts were.
Hanami again tugged his hand to get him to focus ahead, instead of back at the court that faded into the distance. "Eyes over here, Taka Baka!" Takumi scoffed at what she said. There she went again with the sudden nickname.
"When did you come up with that name? Quit callin' me that, I'm not stupid." He glanced down to her hand.
"Oh yes you are! At that moment, you were stupid for wanting to pick a fight with June-pyo 'cause he'd wipe the floor with you. I saved those… preeeecious arms of yours," she mocked him.
"Oh please," Takumi sighed at what she said.
"I totally did! He'd have schooled you and classes aren't even in session yet."
He didn't bother fighting Hanami as they walked by random people. She took a moment to get further up the track where there were less people and the sound of the ice cream hover truck wasn't around. "Just don't call me that name again."
"Oh really? I'm calling you that whenever you act like an idiot. Aren���t you supposed to be smart? Trying to fight my cousin… seems like you're dumb-smart!" she chewed him up.
He sighed quietly, not responding for a few seconds. "He was asking for it. Not my fault he was out to ruin me… like you are," he mumbled to himself, very annoyed the weird feelings that had sprouted back on the court.
"Like what?!" Hanami spoke up over the sound of bicycles passing by and kids running around in giggles.
"Not good…" he thought to himself, ignoring her. As usual, he was having what he'd call an "ordinary day." Although now, it was much worse. Takumi glared intensely at the hand that strung him along once more. They passed through the park silently. Dizzying sunlight washed over them on and off as they went down a path.
"He's not giving me trouble, I did it! Mission complete!" she internally cheered. Hanami took the silence as a sign of him obeying her and couldn't help but giggle to herself as they both looked up to the sky. The enriching view made her raise her hand high over her head. She stretched, rolling her shoulder, watching square clouds pass.
The top of the auditorium was visible in the distance, with a series of blimps rotating around the dome, high in the sky. Takumi looked over his shoulder and back ahead. He felt the uncomfortable stares of the people they were walking by. One couple commented how cute they looked together, embarrassing him greatly. His fiancee had heard them too and nervously started to walk faster whilst squeezing Takumi's hand harder.
"Ay…" Takumi whispered at first, but since she seemed to be out of it, he had to speak a bit louder to get her attention. "Ay, Hasegawa." Unknown to him, she purposely ignored him as she slipped into thought of him picking her up, seeing as she was smaller than him. Her thoughts then drifted to her small hand and if it was sweating or if it was his hand sweating. "YO!" Takumi said aloud, snapping Hanami out of it as she stopped just in front of the large red bridge she had rushed through before.
"H-Huh? Yeah?" She turned up to look at him with a spooked look and quickly turned away when she noticed Takumi staring down at her and then down to their hands.
"We've gotten far enough. Let go, your little hands are sweaty. It's disgusting." Takumi cringed at the sensation.
"Sweaty?" Hanami frowned, puffing up her cheek. She flicked his chin lightly in a single hop, but Takumi didn't flinch, merely glaring down at her. "Listen here buster!" Before she went on, Takumi cut in.
"I can walk on my own. Relax, I won't run away."
"How can I trust that?" she slowly said, nibbling on her inner cheek as she realized that her hand was in fact sweaty. She momentarily let go of Takumi's hand and ran her hand across his forearm as he squinted, maintaining his gaze on her. She realized his forearm was sweaty also, so tried using his jersey, but… "It also has sweat!" She freaked, making Takumi turn away and laugh. He pressed the back of his palm to his mouth to maintain the serious composure. "She's something else," he muttered and felt Hanami take his hand again.
"You'd chase me down. It's hot right now. No point in me trying to escape. I'll walk ahead of you… I give you my word," he replied, firmly grasping her hand. His sights drifted off to birds in a nearby pond splashing about. The way their hands fit perfectly made the thought of parting surreal.
Hanami thought about his proposition. She played the scenario in her head. If he did try running, she'd remove one of her shoes and chuck it at the back of his head and would jump on him as soon as he fell over. "That's right!" she told herself.
On the outside, she wiggled side to side, pretending to be indecisive. "Okay…" she mumbled as she felt Takumi loosen his grip. She didn't loosen hers though; she kept it held and looked up at him as they awkwardly stared at each other for five seconds. "Don't give me any more problems."
"Okay, you can let go now…" Takumi set his left hand over her hand and gave a few good tugs, but couldn't get his hand free until the fourth tug; Hanami let go, but popped his wrist out of place. Takumi faced away from her, popping it back just as fast. He glared at the dopey expression she made.
"Sorry about that," her apology went unanswered. He didn't question her weird behavior, seeing as it made him feel really shy, so he passed her without saying anything else.
As he crossed the red bridge up ahead, he had the urge to look back to her. An unknown urge that he couldn't explain.
When he did, he met her gaze. Her eyes expressed sorrow for some reason but she wasn't staring at him, she stared through him, spaced out. That's when he remembered earlier that morning… her dream, her memories that he had seen. "I wonder if she even knows…" His thoughts drifted to what could be running through her head at that moment.
Curiously, he considered checking, but decided not to intrude; he wouldn't want to accidentally trigger anything. If it had to do with her past, it was best that he knew nothing else. "None of my business anyway, cursed Hasegawas."
He couldn't let himself get attached. He didn't understand himself. Why exactly did he hesitate when he thought of letting go of her hand? It was as if he knew the answer, but didn't want to think about it. He refused to think about it at such a time. "I'll get her out soon enough, maybe as fast as tonight."
A faint breeze blew through his hand, prompting him to slide his hands into his pants. This lingering sensation urged him to return and take her hand as he stepped off the shiny red bridge, but he didn't do so. Hanami remained in place where he left her. She looked on, as sunlight shone over Takumi.
"Today's mighty hot, sweet iceys, sweet iceys! Come get your iceys!" she heard someone over a speaker coming from a passing hover truck.
Hanami stepped forward and called out. "Wait for me! Don't go so fast." Her voice went over a lot of the surrounding noise as she passed people and stepped off of the last floorboard of the bridge in a final hop.
Ten minutes later, the two were backstage, within the auditorium. Two muscular stylists locked their arms around Takumi's and hauled him into a changing room against his will. "Relax, we'll get you prepared for the event."
"I can do this without help, bud!" Takumi complained, but they ignored him. "Miyumi!!!"
Meanwhile, Miyumi expressed her gratitude by momentarily bear-hugging Hanami, before letting her go. She tapped her bicep and winked, proclaiming, "No big deal, piece of cake," to which Takumi poked his head out from behind the curtain, giving her a glare. He tried to escape the two stylists, but was yanked back in by the back of his belt, which was hooked to a hold one of the muscular stylists had.
Hanami stuck her tongue out at him mockingly and turned away, since it was time for her to go take her seat in the first row. Inside of the changing stall, Takumi continued struggling, insisting that he could take care of himself. Thus, the two allowed him to do so. He checked himself in the mirror and pressed his index fingers at the button of his long sleeve. He noticed the "Le Chen Cour" logo, squinting his eyes at the promotion Miyumi was slipping in, knowing the event was being televised in Osaka.
Takumi slid his index fingers from the bottom to the top and like an invisible zipper, the two sides came together. He stepped out and avoided Hanami's and Miyumi's starry eyes, both mesmerized by how well he pulled off the look.
"F-Flawless… the suit that is," Hanami's goggling intensified.
"Ah, shut up," he muttered.
"Jeez, I gave a compliment." Hanami waved her finger around then set her hands on her hips.
He only replied with his signature "Tch."
"That's typical of him, he never likes any of the stuff I come up with. He only likes Superior and those other brands, I think it's a phase," Miyumi giggled to herself.
"I don't wear your trash because I don't like you," Takumi uttered while taking his leave.
His comment struck a nerve in Hanami. "He really said that to his sister of all people…" She raised her fist up, but before she did anything, Miyumi stopped her, ignoring what Takumi had said.
"Oh, let him be. He's only being stubborn, what he says shouldn't be taken so seriously. Anyway, take a look at these, Hana deaaarrrr." At Miyumi's call, Hanami turned around to three robotic jellyfish with slippery tendrils grabbing her and pulling her into the changing room besides the one Takumi had been in. She giggled as one of the robotic jellyfish raised her arms up and skimmed its slippery nob along her armpits.
"What are these things doing!?"
"Since you're not in your school uniform, they'll put you in one that I prepared for you, and wipe away sweat," Miyumi responded. After twenty seconds, she was changed into the appropriate school uniform for the ceremony. She checked herself in the mirror and flicked her red hair back, then stepped out with her hands on her hips. Miyumi patted Hanami's shoulders and gave the nod of approval. "You can take your seat outside now."
When Hanami opened the curtain, it was as if she was hit with a blinding light, followed by all types of voices and faces storming her all at once. The chattering sound emanated from the crowd of students and their parents. Everyone seemed happy, casually conversing. People found their seats within the auditorium and the final preparations were complete. She turned her head, impressed with the sea of onlookers. She blinked and looked around, searching for Minami in the front row. Once she spotted her friend, she quickly descended the stairs and ran to the seat beside Minami, who was now fully awake with a confused expression all over her face.
"Hey Haruna, where'd you go?" Minami reached up and stretched, twisting her hips to crack her spine and when Hanami sat down, she scooted closer to her. "I woke up and you weren't here. There are so many people now," she spoke up so Hanami could hear her.
"Sorry teheh, I met the principal and she had me run an-" Before she could finish, a large platform rose from on top of the stage, drawing everyone's attention to the flamboyant light show. Miyumi was on top of it. A series of seats rose up from below this platform. These seats each had one of the committee members all seated behind the principal. Hanami realized that Miyumi was now in her adult form, not the chibi form she used around her before.
"Hmmm, so she uses this form in the presence of humans and the media," Minami deduced while Hanami was glued to Miyumi's mature physique. The dress Miyumi had on complemented her figure to the extent that no one could look away. Even the husbands in the crowd had their eyes all on her until their wives gave them a few good whacks to screw in the loose eyeballs.
Miyumi elegantly walked up the steps of the podium. She set her hands down over a holographic sheet that had all of the rules for the classes and an old speech she was supposed to quote. Instead of doing this, she started with her own special greeting.
"Hello and welcome to Hirazawa Private High's Fourth Entrance Ceremony. Already four years have passed since the school first opened. This very year, our first graduating class of seniors that stuck around from the very beginning, will be leaving. Some to our university, others overseas. I'd like to commemorate them for showing up today in support of the next ones up! Shout out to you all!!!" Miyumi waved her hand, not paying mind to where they were exactly. "We have a few new committee members too. This is certainly going to be a very special year for all of us, and we wholeheartedly appreciate you all for being here today to watch a new batch of tomorrow's future entering their new home. Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in all of your lives, a new dawn, a new journey. I am Miyumi Cordelia Hachi, and I thank you all for entrusting your loved ones to not only me, but the staff behind me as well. I will play my role as close to perfection as possible every day to make this a productive year for you all. From this point on, your growth begins. Allow me to introduce those who will play a part in that happening!"
Miyumi closed her eyes, bringing her hands to her chest. She sprouted her hands up and whipped her hands down to the row that was at the far left behind her. "We'll begin with the staff. Teachers, stand when your names are called." The teachers all nodded as their faces were put up on the screens of the different blimps circling above. "Our well-known and brilliant class D1 teacher, straight from France's top tech institutes, Mr. Sadao Guillermo Fujiwara!!! The quirky and strident giant, class D-2's teacher, Ms. Tsuzuri Soh!!! And Mrs. Hobobobo, Mr.Clambsy, Ms.Tweedie, and Emore!!! Please stand!" Each teacher rose up and proudly bowed to the hundreds of onlookers, except for the slumbering Emore.
Clambsy moved over and whispered at the other two. "Why did she give them cool descriptions and not us? First day and I already smell favoritism, there goes my higher paycheck…" The other two laughed fakely, shrugging as the crowds clapped delightfully.
"Moving on, let's hear some words from these teachers who will guide you through this year." Miyumi giggled, waving over to the individuals who all rose, except for one. The crowd murmured, noting that one of the teachers in the last row hadn't stood up. From within the crowd, Yoshigawa nudged for Takumi to look at the slumbering guy beside him that was sleeping out cold. When Takumi looked beside him, he realized the giant fellow beside him nearly drooled over him, but slid his seat aside, avoiding the saliva.
Takumi kept the same expressionless face and didn't budge from his position, as Miyumi elevated one of the papers over her face so the crowd wouldn't see and signaled for him to poke Emore, urgently. Takumi could see her signaling in the corner of his eye, but he stared ahead blankly until Miyumi gave up and went on with the ceremony. She requested that each of the teachers and staff come up to give their own brief speeches, which all of them did in the span of two touching hours, where they spoke of themselves, why they became teachers, and how they hope to impact their new students to change the world for the better, especially in the face of the current conflict plaguing most countries worldwide.
After the last teacher spoke, Miyumi signaled for Takumi to come up to deliver his speech by setting her papers on the podium and flicking her wrist over in his direction. An impactful speech meant to motivate his peers, delivered by the top student of the new grade. Peers who for the most part, praised him.
"Now, in order to wrap this ceremony up, we'll have a well-known prodigy impart words of guidance to his fellow students. Please welcome, Takumi Hachi." At the sound of his name, many of the young girls in the crowd all went ballistic. Even some of the older students who were present commented on his appealing physique.
Takumi rose from his seat with his eyes closed. He had on a plain look that expressed his disinterest in the whole event. "Those who work hard come out on top… has to be the stupidest lie ever told." This thought shifted over to the reason why he never enjoyed most holidays, why he didn't like what most humans were made to believe. "Valentines, Christmas, New Years… yes, that one in particular. Only used to keep them all blissfully oblivious to the promises never followed through… pathetic. I'll just get this over with quickly." He pushed the thoughts away after clearing the final step and approached the podium.
Minami slapped her hands together forming heart eyes. "That's him! The guy I told you about!" She tapped Hanami's shoulder repeatedly. "MY FUTURE HUSBAND!!!" To her dismay, Minami grabbed her hands, professing unforeseen desires that blew her away.
"He's grown so much! I could just bottle him up and keep him all to myself!!! HE'S GOTTEN SO HANDSOME!!! I need a nibble, EEKK!" Minami fangirled, ogling all over Takumi's body… or at least, the body she imagined him to have under his uniform, as she contemplated running up to the stage, but fought the strong desire, knowing it would most likely get her kicked out.
Hanami forced a smile and looked up towards the hovering stage. Just then, confetti started to float downwards, one landing against Hanami's nose and another brushing up against her eye, making her lift the back of her hand to her eye. She flicked it off as she observed Minami's intense stare projected at Takumi.
"Can I really blame her? She doesn't even know he's my fiance. I'll have to tell her sometime… but how? Would she stop being my friend if I do?" Hanami pouted in doubt. The thought of Minami not being her friend made her sad. She couldn't bring herself to show it though. She pulled herself together once again and set her sights on Takumi. "That guy is ruining my life…"
Again, he seemed very upset. He still had that frown that she couldn't understand. "What could it be now?" she wondered. "I've only known him for a day. One moment he seems happy…" She thought back to when Takumi was driving down the court cheerfully. A sequence of the memories she had gained throughout the day played out. Moments when he seemed distant and others when he showed some emotion. Now, before all of the people present, he seemed upset. "So bipolar…" Hanami mumbled.
Gazing at the thousands of onlookers that formed a sea of white and purple, Takumi searched around for no one in particular. Cheers erupted all around with the sound of trumpets beginning to play. Bursts of flares blew up in the sky, left and right. Takumi's arms laid at his side. He waited for the crowd of parents, students and other visitors to calm down, then lifted the wireless microphone that was neatly set on the podium for him. Everyone sat down and Takumi closed his eyes and began.
"Classes D-1, D-2, D-3, and D-4… rise." At his command, the new students in the center row rose. Hanami tilted her head and did as the others did, helping Minami up. Out of the entire crowd, Takumi naturally found Hanami and focused on her as he spoke. "Feel that breeze?" Takumi asked as a gust blew down into the dome.
Students shut their eyes and briefly held their breaths before taking in a long draw of the air that passed. A sense of peace was present. Takumi smiled faintly, but Hanami found it unusual. She wondered what crossed his mind and felt weird that his eyes were on her for a moment. Takumi went on to look up to the sky and raised his index finger, cueing for the passing blimps to release blossoms down.
"You're all blossoms entering Hirazawa with this refreshing breeze. Fresh blossoms that will cultivate the grounds and lay the future foundations for generations to come in your own way. Parents, new students, and staff of Hirazawa, I am truly grateful to be here amongst you all. This is the beginning of an amazing year that will not only test us, but improve who we are as individuals and unite us all together as one big collective. When you're down, look to your peers for reassurance and support to stand back up and push on."
People couldn't help but applaud. The staff itself followed right after, rising from their seats aside from the snoozing Emore. They clapped at Takumi's inspirational words. A melodic piano tune played with the emotional hearts of everyone exposed to it, bringing in the entire mood. White fuzzy particles twinkled up out of the crowd, embracing the blossoms that glided down. The particles were white Retsu that came from the human's positive emotions. Shared emotions of hope, joy and happiness that all came together at this wonderful moment.
A tingly warm sensation overcame Hanami. She had the urge to wiggle around, but she kept it to herself, only searching for words to express it all. "How is it… that he's like this? This is really sweet… is he faking it?" For someone who seemed rude and insensitive half of the time, his words were those she would have never expected to hear from him of all people.
"Create your plans each day and execute them. Do not dwindle on an unchangeable past; focus on today and look forward to tomorrow. Work efficiently in every moment and it will pay off. Every single one of you has dreams you wish to turn into reality. I, too, have a goal I must accomplish. We will all be doubted… we will be faced with obscure difficulties and there may come times where we may want to give up, but I urge you to remember this moment when that thought crosses your mind. Focus on not only reaching your goals, but motivating those around you as well. Take this moment to familiarize yourself with the faces you'll be seeing this year."
Minami pressed her hands down on Hanami's shoulders, pouncing on her friend. "Just how dreamy can one guy be?!?! I can't wait to talk- oh no… I have to get back home early." She briefly paused, before jumping again. "I guess I'll see him in school at some point!" Hanami laughed awkwardly, only giving Minami silent nods whilst dying inside.
Confetti blew up into the skies, being shot out from cannon-like boxes that were set up in front of the first three rows at the front. Yoshigawa gave Takumi a thumbs up from within the crowd and turned over to greet some of his fellow peers that engaged him in frivolous banter. People took this time to hug and express gratitude for being in the momentous occasion with one another.
"At least… that's what I'd like to say, fools who don't question their ordinary lives," Takumi thought to himself.
"With that, the honorable mentions for this year's freshmen roster goes to… Himari Ginko, Minami Momogi, Yoshigawa Fukushima, Luu LaCroft, Koujo Makura, Chizuru Lopavia, Rae Reigns, and Sanosuke Belclaire. Some are not in attendance today, but these are the freshmen who marked the highest scores in the entrance exams. Give a round of applause… and may we all have a successful school year in Hirazawa."
"Chizuru…?" Hanami mumbled when she heard a familiar name.
Takumi closed his eyes and raised his hand up, forming it into a fist. "Now…" Takumi glanced down to a small paper Miyumi had left on the podium. He had to say what was on it and he felt embarrassed that she'd make him say it. "Enjoy the rest of the festivities. I…" Takumi coughed hard. "I like the energy. May you all have a great year, and don't get in my way. Thank you."
Miyumi yanked Takumi behind the podium as the podium disappeared to a lower floor, out of the audience's view. After this, the robotic assistants backstage started the upbeat music once more. The stage hovered back down as people came together in celebration in all rows. Day Patrol members were near the exit of the auditorium, urging the mob of people to exit in an orderly file.
Instead of waiting in the long line, Minami and Hanami exited from the backdoor that was located backstage. It was Hanami's idea. Once outside, the girls headed to the courtyard, where they had met earlier that day. Minami commented, "Today was so much fun! We should take some pictures to celebrate, bestie!" She looked at her phone, and realized it had died. "Oops!"
Hanami giggled while taking out her own phone. She pulled Minami in for a hug as the two girls tittered. Hanami moved over and brought her phone out for the shot. They both made a duck face, and the two posed near fountains that started to glow as the sun began to set gradually above the school's skydome.
After this, June appeared, informing Hanami, "It's time for us to go." Hanami nodded, saying her farewells to Minami. Minami waved her goodbyes as she walked off. The rest of the evening went smoothly for Minami, who got a call from her younger brother. He asked her for some lemon cake as compensation for missing his induction. Though her answer would have been a flat out no, she ended up going anyway since she was in a giving mood.
To her surprise, when she entered the shop, she saw a fellow that was present at the ceremony: Yoshigawa. She wondered what he was doing there. Of course, she answered her own question right after remembering she was in a bakery. Minami shook her head, to avoid focusing on his orangey scent. Ironically, it matched his hair. She shot glances his way and walked into a different aisle. "Great, he didn't see me," she thought, and turned her focus to the shelves around her. She looked through the different candies and crossed over to the bakery area. The lemon cakes were nowhere to be found. She sighed and grabbed a random can of crackers and got in line. To her surprise, he moved over beside her, waiting in line too.
After a moment, Yoshigawa kindly greeted her after noticing her. "Hey there, how ya doing?"
��I'm fine…" she responded, obviously nervous since it was her first conversation with someone like him. After a brief silence, she introduced herself. "I'm Minami."
"Minami? You seem very calm like gentle waves, hehe. You can call me Yoshi." Yoshigawa continued to look around.
She laughed, wanting to hide in a shell. She kept her eyes glued to her shoes and at the corner of her eyes, noticed he had lemon cakes.
"Lemon cakes?" she thought aloud.
Yoshigawa lifted the three he had up and tilted his head. "Yeah, someone wanted me to get them some, but they seem really popular this week. Dunno why."
"Tell me about it. Ugh, my little brother wanted lemon cakes too. I was just going to ask one of the employees where I could find some." Yoshigawa nodded and pointed over his shoulder. "Ah, they're over there."
Minami grabbed the side of his elbow and glanced over in the direction he pointed. "Wow, thanks! Can you hold my sp-" Her eyes widened at the sight of dozens of people clambering for the lemon cake shelves.
"Are those things that popular!?" She dropped to her knees in disappointment. Yoshigawa took a slight step back, watching her fling her hands up before dramatically slamming them to the waxed floor. "That kid is not going to let me hear the end of it…" she groaned and felt a hand placed on her shoulder.
"Here, you can have one of mine."
Hearing this, Minami shot up ecstatically. "MY SAVIOR!!! Y-You'd really give me one?!" She reached to take it, but Yoshigawa moved it behind his back and jammed his face in towards her chest when she stood up, catching her completely off guard.
"Just play along…" Yoshigawa told himself.
Him being so close made her blush. He wasn't giving off positive Retsu though, which weirded her out until she remembered he's a Rikuto. She shot a glance at his jawline as he motioned his face, and when he looked up to her she looked away embarrassed. "What do you… want? Why are you so close?"
"You aren't objecting?" The Rikuto kept his face there.
She tried registering if what she heard and saw was correct. "D-Does he think… I'm easy?"
"I'll give you two lemons for… your two melons."
"THIS WORM!" Surely she heard wrong. She told herself. Aloud Yoshigawa shouted "AWWWWW YEAAAAHHHH BABBBYY!!! JOIN MY SWEET MEMORIES!!!" Before he could reach up to feel one, Minami's fist flew right up and uppercutted him straight into the lights above. Yoshigawa's face hit the lights as his body was hurled back down to the ground.
"DIRTY PERVERT!!!" She screamed, getting the attention of the whole bakery, and ran out of the bakery with her hands pressed against her eyes. Yoshigawa laid out flat, twitching, as other people in the store ran up and tried taking the lemon cakes out of his hands. Outside of the store, two watchdogs took note as Yoshigawa glanced to where they were.
"I'm truly sorry about that… but with the plans I have tonight, I had to do that," Yoshigawa's voice shifted to serious as he stood up, only to notice his lemon cakes were missing.
Back on school grounds, there were still plenty of individuals around that wanted to stay longer, but were being told to leave. Unlike those individuals, there was one that had to stay despite wanting to leave. He went to the front of the building that led to the entrance of the entire compound. The thought of June crossed his mind. He sighed with a shrug, and recalled that Miyumi wanted to see him over something. The thought of what it could be made his heart heavy again. He had to go to the Von Caust Castle to find out what she wanted. "Better not be that…" he grumbled under his breath. With that, he walked off in the direction of the castle that was above the campus, taking in the evening shade that brushed up against its glass and obsidian structure.
- In Serial352 Chapters
Calamity Mandate
Beneath the peaceful surface of a nation, a conflict between royal factions and secret organizations is coming to a boil. Drawing upon esoteric energies, those with Exalted powers rule supreme as they fight to shape the world in their vision. Yuzu, a simple pawnshop owner's daughter finds herself in possession of a mysterious ornate chest that has the power to manipulate destiny. Her normal life in an asian influenced Victorian era changes dramatically as she gets plunged deep into a dangerous, mystical world filled with secret rituals, horrifying monsters and ancient gods. Follow Yuzu as she entangles herself in the threads of fate to save her friends and family from the dark forces rising from the depths. She must develop her powers as an Exalted, find allies and unravel the mysteries that govern the course of history. The delicate balance that holds the nation in check has already been disrupted. How far will those ripples spread? - Author's Note - This story starts quite slowly, and takes until about Chapter 16 to get rolling. I wrote this to be the kind of story you can really get into, where the world and characters are fleshed out and when the action happens it makes sense and hits hard. Thank you for reading. Update Schedule: Every Wednesday and Sunday at 5PM PST (8PM EST)
8 5924 - In Serial10 Chapters
The isolated nation of Silveria has been content with neutrality for years. Thriving, booming and prosperous, the small country lives in the midst of a century-long war between the superpowers of the Coalition and the Unity, a conflict that has claimed the lives of millions, and appears unlikely to end. With a sudden invasion threatening the peace of the nation, the people of Silveria are expected to rise to the challenge, and protect their sovereighty, freedom, and their Motherland. Is a spiritual successor to the novel : 𝕽𝖊𝖇𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖔𝖓 Chapters are released once every two days, and occasionally early.
8 179 - In Serial16 Chapters
A collection of short stories and chapters, telling interwoven stories within a shared sci-fi/fantasy universe. Follow the pitiful lives of homeless vampires and cyborg zombies, the deadly conflicts of dragon necromancers and merciless crime-lords, and the mysterious designs of grim reapers and powerful aliens scheming for domination...
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Serenity's Children
Mothership Serenity The most beautiful vessel to ever grace the Milky Way. At 310 kilometers in diameter, the sheer metal moon was Humanity's greatest endeavor. A near-eternal symbol of peace, of togetherness and forgiveness. The day of her maiden voyage would be the end of a long and bloody history of constant conflict and strife. Such were the feelings infused into the miniature planet fitted with every luxury and facility imaginable, from giant casinos to expansive natural reserves and multi-purpose factories. However, the stars had a far different fate for the vessel, her escort ships, and the six hundred thousand souls aboard them all. Bitter rivalries between interstellar nations, personal hatreds, vendettas, righteous fury, and horrors that lurk in the lightless empty - one can only ask, what else could be awaiting them? All we know is that a select few souls will lie at the center of it all. They who will eventually be called; Serenity’s Children. (New chapters will be posted once a week, around Friday or Saturday 8:00 PM. They might also be posted on Tuesdays depending on the backlog I have built up, to allow for substantive editing just in case.)
8 203 - In Serial13 Chapters
What a small world (Tobi love story)
"I wish I told Obito that I love him before he died." Hinoiri said to Tobi as they watch the sunset. Tobi looked at Hinoiri shocked and said "Hinoiri.."Hinoiri was taken by the akatsuki because of her amazing taijutsu and medical ninjutsu. They also need to have someone to take care of the hideout while they were on missions. She was assigned to take care of Tobi while the others are off trying to catch the four tails because Tobi got injured trying to get the three tails.Will Tobi tell the truth?!⚠️There will be spoilers! For those who have not watched naruto shippuden, I recommend not reading this.⚠️I don't own any of the pictures you see.I don't own Naruto.
8 197 - In Serial159 Chapters
Stretch Marks
I'm slowly getting better. I write things here because it clears my head. Read it if you wish. Just a bunch of horrible poetry.The gray areas are hard. so i'll write through them"Starry skies and butterflies are all it takes to fall in love"~R.Blackwell_________Updates every Friday(if I can)#215~~ highest rank in recovery#225~~ highest rank in poetry *Big deal for me. So shut it*《》《》《》Created somewhere around September 26, 2017
8 174