《Takumi: Ordinary Life Of A Setsu Vampire》Chapter 4
“What’s so important that Senji needs me and Shima this urgently? Damn near at the crack of dawn,” Takumi grumbled with his hands stuffed into his Superior Waves black jersey pants. Up ahead, he briefly noted that his reflection wasn’t showing, prompting him to focus Retsu around himself to make himself visible in the mirror.
He looked around, making sure no one was coming his way and stepped onto the welcoming mat. Both sidewalks were clear, aside from a robotic vending machine that was headed his way fast.
“Welcome to Gumi Cafe!” he heard someone say. A robotic worm wiggled its head out from a window display beside Takumi and bowed, welcoming him a second time. Takumi pressed his palm against the pad, ignoring the dancing worm that squirmed side to side.
Now that he thought about it, it had been a long time since he passed through the cafe. He couldn’t picture every lively face there, but could imagine twelve individuals standing around in laughter. “This place is nothing like the dump it was before,” he muttered, checking out the coffee-themed walls. “Senji really cleaned up nicely… the guy’s as obsessed with aesthetic as ever.”
He stepped back to observe the new sign that read “Gumi Cafe,” then entered the cafe as the door slid to the left and a bell jingled. It was much brighter outside compared to the inside of the cafe, and the scent of coffee washed out of the establishment, eliminating the smell of bleach that lingered in the street’s empty sidewalk.
Takumi stepped in and took in the ambiance of the Gumi Café. “Drats… this carpet reeks of cocoa. He must have gotten the idea for this carpet from the last time we hung out,” he noted, recalling the embarrassing memory. How could he forget when the fellow got on all fours and patted the movie theater’s carpet repeatedly, as if he hadn’t ever seen one. Shaking the thought away, Takumi strolled down the steps, immersing himself further into his surroundings.
Intricate tapestries caught his attention, for the refined art really gave a hospitable sense to the place. The place resembled a traditional bar with a vast lounge area. It had various mini tables coated in marble, a poker area, a bar area with many glasses hung along the walls, four giant flat screens at the center of the lounge, and a kitchen in the back, equipped with cooking utensils and a frying table in the front where they’d prepare sushi and other delicacies for customers.
“Am I in the right place? Let me check again,” he thought to himself, but turned around when he heard a “Sssssup bro, leaving so sssoon?”
“Senji Komura.” The distinct voice was all too familiar. Takumi stopped across from the counter and set his sights on the male in a waiter uniform. The male’s shiny golden beads that were hung at the ends of his hair was the second thing Takumi noticed.
“In the flesh,” the male responded. A delightful smile formed across his face with a snake-like tongue flickering out between his pale lips. Senji set three pink flowers into a new vase and placed it at the center of the table he was near. “Spring has arrived and life continues. Likewise, you look nice and stylish this season.” He proceeded to clip two golden earrings on both ends of his earlobes and set his attention back on Takumi. His pink hair twitched as if they were alive, pointing towards Takumi, attracted to the Setsu’s vibe.
“Right back at ya. How are the Komuras? Your pops?” Takumi replied with a faint smile, recalling who the individual was.
“Preparing this new establishment for them actually. I’ve been posted here for sometime. We opened up last week. As for father, he is paying a visit to Peipei… you remember that weasel right?”
“So he’s in Kanazawa…”
“Yes. I hear Lord Takeshi is away, too. There’s actually something I was told to relay to your father, but since you’re in charge f-”
“Miyumi’s the one calling the shots, not me. I have other important matters I’m tryna focus on today. So, are you going to tell me why you called?” Takumi cut him off.
“Straightforward as always, my childhood friend.”
Senji recollected the many times he’d accompanied his father to special events where he prepared delicacies for numerous Hachi celebrations, the last one being over the previous summer. Over those visits, Senji became acquainted with Takumi and Yoshigawa, as well as three others. “Reserved, but explosive at a moment’s notice, this guy” thought Senji, outwardly slipping in, “Might I add… you’ve gotten taller than a giraffe.”
“Cut it out. Who the hell would even take that as a compliment?” mumbled Takumi, taking a glance at a marble table where a pile of menus were laid in a messy way, as Senji continued.
“Right… anyway, father’s dealing with an important business deal, so we in Odaiba are staying safe. I’m very pleased you made it… even if a bit late.” Senji observed, his expression indicating the concern he had for his friend. “That isn’t like you. Did sssomething come up?” Senji set the tray he had in hand at his side and walked over to Takumi.
“Quit your worrying. Nothing significant came up.”
Both teens fist bumped before Senji grabbed the menus that were used for night time customers, who were usually Setsus. Takumi pulled back one of the stools and sat down, while Senji walked over to the next table to pile up the other menus.
“Nothing significant for the young Rikuto of the Hachi? The great Alessandro, next in line? That’s hard to believe.”
“Spare me the stupid titles. I just got a bit sidetracked, okay? Quit snoopin’,” Takumi said bluntly to end Senji’s poking around. He briefly thought about the morning involving his fiancée. Her glare popped in his head, but he squinted and refocused on Senji.
“I remember when I used to see you like every month here. It wasn’t you running the place though. Your sis really made this place active, even if it was a dump at that time.”
Senji smiled. “Those days, your folks and a lot of the packs stopped by. They’re all in their own worlds now though. Shiro and the others would pop in often, too. How are your parents though?”
“The usual trouble,” Takumi said casually. “They’re overseas, handling an outbreak right now. At least it’s gotten them away from me…”
“So, you’re in control of the Hachis for the… no, you said-”
“No, Miyumi is,” Takumi cut him off. Tilting his head, he noticed, “Shima isn’t here yet! Crap, I forgot my phone in the car.” Takumi leaned up, but abruptly stopped. “I have my password on it, right?” His worries were primarily on Hanami finding it. Just as he thought that, the girl did briefly find the phone and after trying to enter some passwords, noticed Voltaire looking at her through the front mirror of the car, prompting her to give him the phone. “Uh, I think Takumi forgot this.”
“Ah, he already called to let me know he’d be running a bit late. We’ll have the talk when he getsss here,” Senji said like a snake, thinking back to the call.
From the background sounds of honking, Senji guessed that he got stuck in traffic. At the same time that he was on the call, Senji had seen Takumi step out of his car with a girl, through the camera hooked at the front of the cafe.
“By the way, I saw you come out of your car with a cute girl. Who is she? A girlfriend? Isss that why you were sidetracked? My, my… wait till Akane finds out! She’s going to be ssso happy for you,” Senji teased.
Takumi had picked up a glass of guava juice Senji had prepared for him, but right when he was about to drink, he spat it all out on the table. “N-Nah, that annoying girl is someone Alto told me… to drop off near here. She’s the daughter of some Rikuto.”
“What Rikuto?”
“I don’t know her like that. Don’t get the wrong idea.”
“Really?” Senji slid a napkin out of his black apron and set it on the table to clean up the mess Takumi made.
“No!” Takumi spoke up, then lowered his tone, reaching for a napkin himself. “Excuse me.” Takumi sighed, and moved his seat back so Senji could clean up the rest of the table as he handed Senji the second napkin.
“Then why are you making a huge fusssss? It’sss not like you to show emotion like that for someone insignificant. Interessssting.” Senji opened his eyes just a bit and closed them back again as Takumi called him a “sleazy snake.”
Senji laughed, before continuing. “This very week… I could’ve sworn all of the servant families received letters detailing your engagement to Lady Hanami of Hokkaido. It’s pretty big and it was a clear warning from your folks. Though no one knows what she looks like, I can safely say, I now do.” Takumi took note of Senji’s parted eyes. “She’s really pretty, like the rumors suggested. No one has ever seen her as she’s lived most of her life secluded in the Hasegawa’s estate, you know?”
Takumi’s eyes widened as he then frowned, listening to Senji. He let out a low “Tch.”
“There are other rumors that aren’t as pretty as her looks though. Most intriguing of all are the rumors revolving her blood; she’s mostly human, yet possesses 1% Royal Setsu blood. That’s very concentrated and overwhelming to many. Such a rare specimen… even a droplet would be enough to boost one’s strength. Don’t you think it’s rather foolish to leave her unattended, with some chauffeur?”
“Hm? None of that is of my concern, nor should it be yours. That chick has nothing to do with me, Senji.”
“Has it not tempted you yet?! Impossible. The burning passion of blooming love, I never thought I’d see the day when big bad Tak would be betrothed!” Senji twirled delightfully as Takumi grumbled.
“You’re gonna bring up Akane’s name in the same breath as that girl… stupid snake.”
“Hmm, I wonder if you’ll be able to resist her blood though…”
“Trust me, I’m not letting her blood get the best of me.” Takumi grew more irritated at the thought of him going down towards the ridge of her neck. “You’re a fool if you believe I’m ever going to drink blood, period.”
“That’s laughable.” Senji watched Takumi’s dark purple eyes flick on and off with twinkles.
“To me, she’s nothing more than some chick my parents are forcing me to marry. Not that I’ll do it. I’ll lose my arms or something before that ever happens.”
“Shouldn’t go saying that, Takumi…” Senji sang.
“I’m not giving in to their selfish demands.”
“Not the point, Tak,” Senji added, but Takumi continued to ramble, not hearing what Senji said. Senji watched him, studying the way Takumi moved his hands around subconsciously. It was peculiar, as he could only recall Takumi being relatively composed.
“I’d be enslaving myself to the same outdated customs. That’s not the sort of life I want. I just want an ordinary life… I want-” Takumi slanted over on the stool, regretfully. “I have a promise to keep. Neither that runt or my parents are getting in the way of that.” He clenched his fist, only to slam it down on the table, prompting Senji to slide in and catch one of the cups that nearly tipped over.
“This is the year,” Takumi added, fixing his composure. A smirk formed across Takumi’s face, replacing his frown. Senji enjoyed his friend’s confidence, as the way he uplifted himself felt very gratifying. So much so that Senji chuckled, amused at how expressive his friend became on the topic.
Tempted, Senji folded the wet napkin and poked fun. “Really? So all of this is because of that girl? From the way it looked in here, it ssseemed like you two got pretty close and personal, shshshshshsh,” Senji sounded like a weasel laughing.
Takumi squinted his eyes and ignored what Senji said and switched the topic. “Damn Shima, we’re gonna be late.” Takumi looked over to Senji, who turned around with menu cards in hand.
A faint green light blinked beside the machine, alerting Senji that a new car had driven into the parking spot. He looked up into the security camera. The car that had pulled up out front brought a breeze that blew around the umbrellas that hovered over the tables outside.
“What is it you wanted to talk about anyway, Sen?” Takumi remembered the reason he was there to begin with.
Senji set the menu cards down momentarily and grabbed the controller to the large flat screens that were in the center of the establishment. He tapped the tips of his dark brown casual shoes across the green carpet below his feet and flicked one of the buttons on the controller. This turned on the flat screens that rotated around a few times before the largest one stopped in Takumi’s direction. It was on a news channel reporting an incident that had occurred the night prior to the current day.
“If you’re that impatient, I’ll come out with it,” Senji said. Takumi stood up and approached the lounge area, but stopped in place when Senji said “Night Stalker” while setting the controller down and reaching over the counter to grab a glass.
Takumi tilted his head up. He found the phrase confusing, yet familiar. “Night… what?” His attention drew over to what the anchorwoman said as the volume rose.
“Good morning, Osaka! Toki Kanda, reporting this morning’s news. Last night, another odd incident occurred, one of many sweeping Odaiba. This time our sources say, a thirty year old man and his wife, thirty-five, were mauled by an unseen force after leaving an establishment by the name of Gumi Cafe.” The news reporter brought the mic closer to her lips. “For some reason, the attackers target such establishments and assault victims late at night. It is heavily advised that no one stays out after 12, and especially avoid food chains. The Yori are working diligently to bring us more details on what is being done to capture these fiends. We’ll have detective Joshua Araka live with us later today. After this commercial break, we’ll be revealing the shocking footage of the aforementioned attack. Stay tuned.”
A commercial of baby jellyfish swimming around the screen, all in a different array of colors, came together and bursted into bubbles that overtook the screen. Takumi sunk his chin between his palms.
“Seriously, you said ‘Night Stalker’?” Takumi thought of where he had heard the term before. Then, a particular book Miranda handed to him crossed his mind. He remembered skimming through the pages when he caught a glimpse of the phrase.
From what the news reporter said, he understood why Senji had invited him over. The thought of a black creature on all fours devouring a human popped in Takumi’s head. He squinted his eyes, not wanting to get involved.
Takumi stood up and quickly turned to leave right out the door. Senji bolted over and slid across the carpet nearly tripping due to how fast he had to lunge over. He pulled Takumi back a bit and got in front of him to prevent him from walking out of the door. “Tak! I know you don’t want anything to do with the supernatural, but I think it’s something we need to talk about, ssseeeing as you still owe me a favor. Lately, I’ve been losing customers thanks to that Night Stalker.”
“Nah, get someone else to do it. There are already detectives on the case anyway.” He pushed Senji’s hand off of his shoulder.
“You’d work faster though. Plusss, I don’t want any of the Strays I’m keeping around to be aligned with what’s happening.”
“They’re legal. Anyway, a few weeks ago, I lost a dog friend of mine. Mr. Pun-chinka. So… it isn’t only about the business-”
“A… dog? You had me come all the way out here… take time out of my day… for a dog? And you’re keeping Strays?” Takumi sighed deeply.
“He used to come around often, but after that thing started popping up, I haven’t seen him. I’m worried something may have happened to him, so I want you to take out that Night Stalker and find out what happened to Mr. Pun-chinka. Here’s a photo of him.” Senji, searched in his back pocket and after retrieving his phone, showed Takumi a photo of the dog.
“You’re really going to make me search for that little fat sausage-looking thing…” Takumi’s eyebrows twitched vigorously.
“The Yori wouldn’t take up this sort of case because it’s a dog. Seeing as you’re Alessandro himself, you’ll be able to do something about this for your dear old friend… right?” Senji winked.
“Seriously?” is all Takumi could say.
“That thing waits until my customers leave to harass them. This isn’t the only place it’s been occurring though. I would deal with that thing myself if I could, but I’m not allowed to leave the café on weeknights and it alwaysss shows up during weeknightsss,” Senji hissed, folding his arms.
“That’s a pretty big favor compared to the one you did for me.” Takumi folded his arms as well.
“I’d disagree. Think back to summer vacation last year,” said Senji, grinning uncontrollably. The memories slowly came. Takumi rubbed his chin thinking back to what Senji had done for him.
It was a Friday night when Takumi and Senji were both attending a party in Hawaii. It was Taro’s birthday celebration and doubled as his going away party, since he’d be going to a school in the United Republic where he’d be playing the remainder of his high school basketball career, while beginning some college level courses early. Takumi was going to play basketball with his older brother and his friends that day, but his mother forced him to join the other children who were dancing in a ballroom instead.
Takumi had sneakily asked Senji to create a copy of himself using his pink hair and to substitute for him. He made sure his mother wasn’t around to notice the exchange. Senji reluctantly agreed, but warned Takumi he owed him a favor, since if he got caught, he’d be in great trouble, with the possibility of even death. Takumi agreed to give him a favor in return.
“Thinking back, it was a pretty big favor,” the teen thought to himself, before responding.
“Considering you also helped keep that Rebecca chick off of me… okay.” Thoughts of when Senji stepped in to dance with a girl who wanted to dance with him crossed his mind. Takumi couldn’t help but wonder though. “Wait, how did you get her to dance with you? Chick was obsessed with me.”
Senji briefly turned away from the question, unsure of whether he should tell Takumi. “Hehehe, about that… I told her I’d get her a date with you if she helped out.”
“She already knew it wasn’t you. Besides, we haven’t seen her in a long time, so you don’t have to worry about that right now.”
“You’ve got a point.” Takumi sighed in relief, considering the fact that her clingy attitude was too overbearing. He only had the Hirazawa basketball team on his mind and thanks to Senji, he gained some much-needed experience.
The taste of defeat at the hand of his older brother and his friends was something Takumi planned to repay. He couldn’t overlook Senji’s noble act as a friend. He turned over, running his free hand up through his bang.
“I guess Shima and I will come back later. If he’s up for it, then I-” Takumi was cut off. A familiar voice said, “Totally am, Tak!”
Takumi and Senji turned their heads, following the familiar voice over to the cash register. There, Yoshigawa spun around on one of the dark-brown leathered stools, nibbling on a random sushi roll he found on a plate. Yoshigawa snapped his fingers and pointed them over towards his buddies, as he swatted some more of the rolls into his mouth. “Yooooooowww.” He continued to nibble on the food and pat the back of his head as he stepped off of the stool. His green hair waved back and forth and his yellow eyes fell on the gentlemen before him.
“Glppp- ahhhhhh, that was tasty, Senji. Your cooking’s getting better and better, man.” Yoshigawa gave Senji a wide smile and walked over to him. Senji assessed that Yoshigawa stood at 5’11, like Takumi. Takumi squinted his eyes, a tad pissed that Yoshigawa hadn’t announced himself earlier.
“Yosssshhhi, when did you get here?” Senji asked him and set two menus on the table.
“Right when you started talking about needing help. I’m such a hero, right?! Right?!” Yoshigawa set a tray he had picked up back down. He munched on the rice ball he scarfed up.
“I see. You should have called though. Want me to make you some herbal tea?”
“Sure, why not.” Yoshigawa spun on the stool playfully.
As Senji did so, Yoshigawa pointed over to Takumi. “You should have seen your face, Takumi. I thought you were going to head out to a convenient store to buy salt when he mentioned the Night Stalker. You’re so old fashioned!” the orange-haired lad joked, poking fun at how traditional Takumi could be at times.
“Really, you should have said something the moment you entered.” Takumi’s eyebrows twitched in annoyance, as he ignored Yoshigawa’s comment.
“Naomi texted me something I asked for. Sorry about that. So, you’re really in? Oh! And congrats on the marriage!” Yoshigawa clapped, to Takumi’s annoyance.
“You’re not going to start with that, too, are you?”
“I’m only teasing, Tak. As for this Stray business…”
“Yeah, it sounded like Strays, the way Senji put it. The Yori are investigating if it’s actually Strays though. Or at least what kind.” Yoshigawa tipped a glass Senji handed him, taking a sip. Takumi shook his head at the same time Yoshigawa loosened up, reclining on a nearby stool.
“I’d be out of here, if it weren’t for Senji having pulled the favor card for that one time at that bastard’s birthday,” Takumi grumbled irritatedly, standing up and walking across the establishment over to the lounge couches.
“Oh, a throwback to you getting wrecked on the court and Senji taking that lass, hahaha! Boyyy, did you get punked!” Yoshigawa joked and jabbed his elbow into Senji’s side, who suddenly was distracted momentarily, pondering on whether to add new dishes to the menus.
“I wasn’t the only one. You got dunked on twice, so you can’t talk. Sanosuke, Luu and Rae were the only ones who didn’t, out of us five… and we both know why,” Takumi protested in a low tone and looked back to the flat screen, as Yoshigawa raised his hands up.
“They’re about to play footage of that Night Stalker after that porcupine commercial.”
Takumi rolled his eyes, laying back on the couch and shifting his attention to the large hologram projection the giant TV gave off.
“Welcome back. I am your host, Toki Kanda, back with news on the Night Stalker. Surveillance footage near the Gumi Cafe has captured what resembles a shadowy figure dragging victims into the darkened alleyways near the establishment moments after they exited. I warn you, what you are about to see is graphic. Although we’ve blurred some of it out, viewer discretion is advised.” Hearing this, the three glued their eyes on the screen.
“Sources claim that the being may be a serial killer targeting individuals who enjoy nighttime strolls. The Yori Task Force haven’t released any information pertaining to the identity of this assailant, but judging by the different attacks, it may be more than one attacker.”
A side view of the Gumi Cafe was shown on screen causing the guys to twist their heads towards the entrance of the café. Just as the woman finished commentating, Takumi face-palmed himself, hiding his face as he sunk lower against the couch. All the while, Yoshigawa snickered. “At least the place is getting more attention, eh Senji?”
“Not the kind I enjoy,” Senji sighed. “Now if it were Naomi passing by…” Senji slipped in on purpose, causing Yoshigawa to pick himself back up as he shifted to a serious glare. “It really must be great to be in love; the exhilarating thrills of danger, drama, it’s a rush really,” he thought to himself. “Naomi hasn’t been around for a while. When you see her, tell her to ssstop by. I made a new tempura sauce I’ve been dying to have some girls try, and I know she’d love-”
“Haha, that’s a good one.” Yoshigawa shook his head. “Give them here, big boy. I’ll try them.” Yoshigawa’s comment was quickly waved off.
“Nah, it’s fine!”
“Right. What if it were just some creepy old guy and not a Stray,” Yoshigawa leaned back and proposed the idea.
“If it were, it’d just enter for guava juice, like they usually do,” Senji mumbled to himself.
Takumi darted a glare at Senji. “You know I’m right here… yet you’d bring up that you let Strays in here?”
“Business is businesssss. The Strays that come here aren’t all that bad and do remember that this is a no-kill zone,” Senji responded back, further pointing out Takumi’s lack of interest in his Setsu work.
“Hmph. Going off of its looks… that’s no Stray though.” Takumi brought his attention to the video as he slid his arm onto the armrest while Yoshi slid off of it.
“Sen, you guys have a bathroom in this place?”
“Obviousssly, Yoshigawa…”
“Great, which way?” Yoshigawa checked around until Senji pointed him in the right direction.
Before leaving, Yoshigawa slipped in, “One thing’s for sure. That’s no serial killer. If it’s been happening throughout Odaiba, I bet it’s some roaming Shiki that’s multiplying. The orders have been too caught up in other places, so some may be sneaking into Osaka now with illegal Strays.”
Takumi looked over his shoulder to Yoshigawa. “Yeah, if it’s like that, that means work… work that I didn’t plan on doing. This isn’t good,” he grumbled, tightening his fists a bit on his lap.
“I guess it’s up to us to investigate this, Tak,” Yoshigawa said. He suddenly ran back over and patted Takumi on the shoulders. He dug his fingers into Takumi’s shoulder, applying a bit of pressure while moving them back and forth playfully. “Cheer up! This weeks going to be good!”
Takumi swung his right elbow up to get Yoshigawa to stop. “It’s only this once we’re helping Senji out.”
“Sure.” He turned away, running over to the bathroom to change into formal clothes, as Senji stared at Takumi.
“I really am only making an exception this once.” Takumi said. “There are other Setsu for this stuff. Damn ol’ man left on purpose to force me to take responsibility at the most crucial time.” Takumi stared down at his palm, and then raised it up, rubbing his temples. He felt angry, considering the fact that most of his older siblings were able to live their own lives. Knowing what Senji would say if those words came out, Takumi sighed slowly.
“Yes, but Osaka as a whole is a territory that the Hachi are entrusted with safeguarding. Especially in these current times. Lower families protect specific wards, but report to you. It is your job to make sure each family is doing their part, to ensure not only our safety, but that of the Order. If there are any Strays causing trouble, it’s important they’re stopped and their regions notified.” Takumi bit down the interior of his cheek, not enjoying Senji’s lecture. “We’re losing money here and that affects you, you know.”
“Any Stray who stepsss on this territory must act as respectful guests. They must behave, not cause trou-” Senji abruptly stopped and slid his pale hand into his white apron’s pocket. He pulled out his pink phone. The call was from the chef that worked the day time shift.
“Yesss?” Senji asked. He listened for a while. “Okay. Yes.” Senji paused, and listened some more. “No, there aren’t any customers at this moment, but get here as fast as you can.” The tip of Senji's tongue slithered between his lips. He nodded while hanging up the phone.
“One moment,” Senji excused himself and roamed over to the cash register.
Takumi blinked, as his purple eyes began to glow. Once Senji made it to the register, Takumi raised his hand and signaled for Senji to toss him the controller. Senji took a few steps over to the counter and swung the control over to Takumi. It spun right into Takumi’s right hand. Takumi pressed the reverse button to reverse the recorded video back to the footage, so he could take in the information again. Yoshigawa returned just moments before the video began in his formal outfit.
Footage near the Gumi Cafe 1:37am:
A woman and a man stepped out of the Gumi Café laughing amongst themselves. The man staggered, nearly falling several times, but the woman locked onto his arm to keep him from falling. The pair were headed towards a parked hovering car near an alley with no other cars. A single newspaper strip tumbled across them in the empty area, as the streetlight flickered on and off providing temporary light for the pair. The two looked around as they passed one camera and came into the view of another. The girl grew increasingly anxious and quickly walked ahead of him, making hand motions for him to hurry up.
When the male got to the car, the woman walked around to get into the passenger’s seat, a 4’11 black creature poked its head out from behind a large light blue trash bin. It had glowing yellow eyes that were visible in the video. The male grazed his palm against the pad and the door opened, as the creature grew by several feet. Silver thorns stuck out from its back, coiling down its tail and a set of irregular fangs grew out of its small mouth that enlarged. To a normal human, such features wouldn’t be noticeable.
“That definitely is not a Stray, dude! Jeez, I bet it can tear through a whole pack!” Yoshigawa almost jumped over as Takumi shoved his palm against his face. “Chill bro,” he grumbled as the video continued.
The creature shapeshifted into a humanoid as it stood up on its two hind legs. It rushed away, only to come back full speed. It ran towards the male with a tackle that left the male partially impaled against the shattered door. He lost all the air in his lungs on impact. The news channel blurred out the face he made. One of the creature’s thorns had stabbed right through the driver side door with blood splattering up against the woman, but she didn’t notice until she turned around and the car went on to be violently shaken. From her view, she could see right through the gaping hole that was left on the car door as the creature tore back, ripping through the man and spilling his insides against the window upon being flung back against it. The creature yanked the male’s left foot up causing the human to nearly fall face first, but he grasped the interior door handle and attempted to reach over to the woman who began to freak out, utterly traumatized. Rather than help him, she watched him while shrieking.
In the ensuing struggle, the man attempted to kick at the creature’s face, but the creature clamped down on the man’s foot and tore a chunk of his calf. Blood splattered all over its face. As a reflex, the male let go of the door handle as his bloodied fingers tapped the area the creature had bit through. The creature dragged the male into the alley and the woman quickly reached over and shut the door of the car, hastily looking through her purse for her phone.
Within the video, the woman’s trembling hands were visible from inside the car. A camera from the building across the sidewalk the car was on captured the rest. She tried calling on the phone, but dropped it in frustration when it wouldn’t turn on, as it was out of battery life. As she reached down to search the car for the man’s phone, she turned and looked over towards the alley and shrieked. On all fours, the creature dove towards the car, smashing right through the window and that was when the news channel ended the broadcasting of the video.
Due to how violent the rest of the video was, the news channel was forced to pixelate the entire screen while the audio continued for three minutes. Takumi and Yoshigawa turned to each other with their eyebrows raised. “To think they actually showed that on the news for once.”
“It’s a tactic to keep people inside,” Takumi responded, patting his knees before rising, as Senji set his attention on him when the screaming from the audio slowly came to a stop.
“Well, that was very unsettling.” Senji pressed down a combination code to the cash register. “So, you aren’t coming tonight?”
Takumi shook his head and lunged over the couch, landing behind it. “I didn’t say that.”
“I’ll tell you what… get it done, find my dog, and I’ll make you a batch of honey rolls.”
“Only a batch? You’re so cheap, you bastard.” Takumi tilted his head aside.
“That’s better than nothing; remember, you’re doing this because you owe me a favor, my dear childhood friend.”
“Make it three batches. I’m a growing guy… my dear childhood friend.” Takumi responded sarcastically with a smirk.
“You still have that sssweet tooth… fine.”
“Shima and I will be here later. We’ll see what we can do.”
Yoshigawa gave an affirming nod. “We’ll capture it and go from there.”
Takumi turned away and headed to the restroom to change, too. He shut the door and pressed his back against it, as memories of his grandfather crossed his mind.
“Soon that will be you out there, my boy! On that grand stage, the high school regionals!” The jolly laugh with the scent of his cologne still distinctly in his nose, made him feel a deep stabbing sensation in his heart, a feeling that Takumi tried to shake off. “Tch, now’s not the time. Where’s that other…”
Takumi locked the restroom door and reached down, opening his purple bag that Yoshigawa had brought him. One by one, Takumi first brought out his basketball sneakers, the white and purple Superior 12s, as a smile formed out of delight at the sight of such beauties. “Shima, start getting your car ready. We’re heading to the school now for that ceremony,” Takumi called out from within the restroom.
“‘Kay, gotcha,” Yoshigawa responded, fist bumping Senji before heading to the entrance of the cafe. He briefly glanced over at the ticking cat clock hung up above the entrance door and snapped his fingers after catching sight of the time. “10:05 a.m. Tak, might wanna hurry up! Traffic is crazy today. Who knows how long it’ll take to get there if we get caught in a jam. I may have to stop by a bakery to get some lemon cakes for Naomi, too.” Yoshigawa patted his palm on the door pad and exited, nearly stepping on a small brown dog that was walking on its hind legs.
“HEY, WATCH IT!” A robotic voice yelled at Yoshigawa from the dog’s collar. The dog growled at him before continuing his walk with his human owner following right behind; the back of its hair spiked up when the girl stopped to apologize to Yoshigawa. He politely smiled at her, spotting one of his watch dogs keeping an eye on him.
Yoshigawa jokingly said, “Aye, sorry dawg. I’m in a bit of a rush too, but lemme make it up to ya.” The dog’s tail started to wag, but it kept its eyes squinted, maintaining its hostility by attempting to bite Yoshigawa’s hand when he tried assisting.
“What’s with you, dawg?! I’m tryna get your owner’s number so I can hook you up with one chill pussy, in exchange for your owner’s.” The orange-haired teen responded loudly on purpose, thinking of his small tiger-like kitten, Bell, while rolling his white armband up from his wrist to his shoulder. The back of Yoshigawa’s jersey flapped back and forth with the increasing breeze. At his response, the dog started growling again, taking it as an offense. The dog moved its head down, showing off its teeth when Yoshigawa started to advance towards its owner.
The dog got on all fours, shaking its tail in preparation, but just as it was going to lunge up and bite Yoshigawa’s forearm, a fast rotating basketball flew between the two, striking Yoshigawa’s car before bouncing over to Yoshigawa, who kicked it up and balanced it on his head. The dog shivered and hurried over to the protection of its owner, springing up into her arms. The girl didn’t respond to the ball nearly hitting her dog since she was too distracted by Yoshigawa’s charm.
Takumi stepped out of the open entrance and gave the dog a deadly glare. “Come on, don’t have time to waste on mutts.” Takumi stepped between Yoshigawa and the girl. He pressed his right palm up against Yoshigawa’s chin to separate him from the girl and tugged Yoshigawa away just as the girl finished giving him her number.
Yoshigawa made a calling sign at her as he turned away to head into his car, as she waved back. “Ballin’ time, Tak. Strap up!” Yoshigawa got comfy in his pink seat and slapped his palms together, but Takumi only shook his head. He patted Takumi’s shoulder while laughing. “I’m only joking. Can’t turn down a pretty girl, ya know. At least not when those cursed watch dogs are on me.” Yoshigawa side-eyed a woman in a silver uniform jotting notes, as she didn’t bother moving while openly staring at Yoshigawa, who sighed.
“I should be excited to ball, but I can’t shake off the feeling something bad’s going to happen…” Takumi thought to himself.
- In Serial22 Chapters
The Coming of Magic : A World in Chaos
Two brothers, far from home when disaster strikes the earth. Can they make it home? Will there be anything left to go home to? Who will they still be when they get there? Magic has come to earth and Jack and his brother Bryan have to traverse a postapocolyptic U.S.A. All while making friends, meeting old ones, adjusting to the new world and of course making some pretty serious enemies. --------------------------------- This is my first book so bare with me here! Any input helps a ton! I do take suggestions seriously. I have 30+ chapters written ahead of time but they still need some polishing and editing to post each one. Please point out any errors you find in the comments! I read every one and reply to most! Release schedule is not set in stone right now as my schedule is very hectic. I promise I will not drop this and try to post at least every other day. Every 3 Days max. Thanks again for taking the time to read my story! NOTE: THERE WILL BE COMBAT, BRUTALITY, MINOR GORE AND MINOR LANGUAGE. Also minor romantic situations. If it gets out of hand I'll add the tags for it. 11/30/17 I just updated some middle chapters. There were some bad spelling and grammar mistakes. In my defense I posted those chapters on my honeymoon lol. It should flow better now. I know the prologue is still troublesome but give it a shot beyond that. It gets much better. 12/5/17 I have been updating some of the earlier chapters. Nothing canon changing but it’s fleshed out a bit and flows better. Also fixed some glaring mistakes.
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Durgen the Bardbarian
Durgen, being the smallest orc in the village, was naturally near the bottom of the totem pole. Day in and day out, he's tasked with daily monotonous "quests" that offered nothing and only got experience points from killing things outside the village. Of coarse, this wouldnt be a good story if something didnt happen while out hunting one day that changed his life forever. Developing as much skills as possible, he sets out to forge his own path. "Dis story gud!" -Some git "Read dis book!" -Warboss
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Along for the Ride
Every child born on the continent of West Cartia is taught about the Great Goblin War but what the annals of history fail to mention is that the entirety of the conflict could be traced back to a group of four friends who stumbled into the currents of fate in search of a fantasy novel. This is the story of how a band of bookworms realized that when destiny pulled hard enough, struggling was futile; it was best to relax and go along for the ride. "A breezy, good time with all the trappings of high fantasy fun." - someone eventually (hopefully)
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With You It's Not So Bad
Synopsis: Melo yearns for a change in his boring life. One night after he wakes up early, he decides to step outside. When he thought he found his life-changing moment, his love lead him into a different world. Just how will his life go on from now on? Release: Daily (Chapter size varies depending on scene and flow) Status: Daily Finished Arc 1: Done Arc 2: Concluded
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Rescuing Andy
This book sees the police force of Toronto losing Jerry trying to save Andy when she is shot twice in the stomache. Will the force and more importantly her boyfriend Sam Swarek be able to save her in time?
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Over 98K views and 1K votes, y'all! TYSM!! >;3*DISCLAIMER*These aren't mine. I found most of them online. :)The pic belongs to yandere-woman on DeviantArt.Enjoy, peeps!!'Shortie :P'
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