《The War of Two Kinds》Logbook #020 - The Mystery
---Tape Starts---
Keeping calm and attentive, the lad watches over his target within a limited field of view with his handy pair of electronic binoculars.
Being battery-powered, it has some special benefits of tracking distance, time of reach and also wind temperature.
To up its ante, the guardian crystal that was attached for it enhanced its power to increase view and clarity at further distances, making himself a short-sighted person to feel more comfortable when using its layered lens.
"Logbook 20..." He mutters before thinking up something to say. "I, William Endicrite am continuing my assignment of watching over my assigned target named Katherine Cavilla.
Though not understanding much about this whole Continuum being employed thing, I really would like to be promoted and prove my skills in my so-called "job" and myself."
He clears his throat before sipping his flask of warm sweet tea.
"I am not feeling good lately. I had been throwing up a lot quite lately and had been having strange dreams and hallucinations. My old partner, Miss Heungson Chau-min has passed away two months ago, yet I feel like I could still see and contact her. Whether that be a sign or just an odd feeling of love, I do not know."
The sound of wood scratching and shuffling could be heard. As the lad leans down and watches his target leave the building, he scribbles down the time, activity and the many different changes coming from her such as body language, cosmetics or outfits.
"Half-past two, Seems pretty wary of surroundings and looking left and right many times. Target seems to be in agitated distress. The bracelet on her left hand missing could have broken in the process or contained something within it, USB containing secret document, Maybe?"
Writing what he says, he picks up his tape recorder and attaches it to a pair of earphones, disguising it as though he was listening than recording it.
Putting on a red feminine pullover jacket, he hoods himself as the fuzz around it slightly blocked his sight and hearing, wool of sorts in brownish and a beige tinge.
Leaving the room slowly, he looks left and right before he closed and locked the room tightly.
Free of any disturbances, he walked through the dimly lit hallway as he passed a few strange individuals who either bothered themselves or kept an eye on him.
"Wer ist das Mädchen dort drüben?" [Who's that girl over there?] A person mutters into her partner's ear, as she made a crooked smile with her thinly slit eyes.
"Keine Ahnung?" [No Idea.] She replies as she smokes her cigarette, before rubbing her shoulder than slanted so long to the wall. "Warum so neugierig?" [Why so curious?]
William closing near the lift, he waited for it to reach level. Due to the building quite many in layers, it would take a while so he waited patiently as he continued fake-listening to his tape-recorder as he whistled softly.
From nearby, a muffled sound of grunts and moans could be heard from the insides of a room as he heard the sound of the wall create a loud bang.
Staying as calm and fitting to the area, he stayed quiet and ignored, without a flinch or reaction.
"Willst du Versuche, sie auszurauben?" [Want to try to rob her?] The lass asked her partner as she rubs the belly of her.
Her partner shaking her, no, she pushes away the arm as she exhales a puff of smoke. "Ein Mädchen, das an einem solchen Ort lebt, ohne Angst zu haben, auf keinen Fall." [ A girl who is living in this type of place with no feeling fear, no way.]"
She replies as she flicks her cigarette bud onto the floor and steps on it before walking away.
Stopped by another person who stood over them due to her tall height, she raised her head.
"..." Apologising with a nod, she stood beside to give the figure some space who unlocked the door beside her.
Stopping the door before entering, the talk figure looks at the two with a serious and stern face. "Ich war von Euch, die versucht haben, das unbekannte Gesicht auszurauben. Ich habe über sie gelesen, sie ist militärisch ausgebildet und auch eine gute Attentäterin. Verschwenden Sie also nicht Ihr Leben mit Geld." [Heard about you guys trying to rob the unfamiliar face, I warn you to don't. I read about her, she's military-trained and a good assassin too. So don't waste your life on money.]
Entering the room, she closes the door and locks it with a latch before a slightly muffled sound of distinct annoyance could be heard. "Verdammte Huren!"
A little frightened from the stranger's comment, the partner of the lass signals her not to ever try to communicate with that person, as she gestured to get back to their room.
The lift arriving with a ping, William steps in as his hood hides his identity, a few other individuals stood by him, only to be with met a familiar face who smiled at him, somehow recognising him.
It was the receptionist daughter who is also the bell boy of the hotel. With a tease and trying to be silent as possible to not ruin the quiet environment.
She sneakily reaches her hand towards William and squeezes his arse, for some reason.
Surprised with the grab, he fakes a cough as he showed a look of displacement. Shaking his head slowly no, he looks away.
With a failed attempt, she smirks before reaching her specific level. The metallic door opening, she dragged out the bag backwards as she faces him with a smile and a wink before the doors closed again for its next travel.
("Freaking creep..") William replied in his head as he rolled his eyes. Still covered in his sports spectacles and his pullover jacket on, it started to feel a little stuffy, breathing slowly at a heavier pace, he was starting to anxiously leave this place for some fresh air.
Level ten, nine, eight... the lift went as it stopped once more. A random stranger entering, she squeezes herself between another person and William. It was getting worse and more compact, the lack of space is not giving enough breathing room.
With a sound of metal scratches, he felt something hard pressing onto him by his hip. Looking down, he notices a handgun holstered. Looking back up, he notices an elderly woman, equally rough in looks and dressing, she was covered in tattoos.
The lady feeling odd, she turns her head to the watchful eyes as they shared a sight. William giving a smile, the elderly nods back in respect and looks away.
She knew she was in no danger and neither did William.
Even if they both owned weapons and bloody well knew how to use it.
Finally, on the ground floor, everyone rushed themselves out of the lift. Not giving bother of anyone in their vicinity as they prepared towards the areas they wanted to go.
Heading towards the entrance, William nods to the receptionist with a smile before turning the doorknob and leaving the building.
Breathing heavily, he inhaled as much oxygen he could hold in.
"Finally, air..." He muttered as he coughed a few times a wheezy breathe. Feeling sick, he rushed towards a nearby rubbish bin and threw up there.
Spitting out his excess saliva, he wipes his mouth with his arm and licked his lips.
"Ah, shit. I am feeling worse. What happened to me to be this way?" He wondered as he properly arranges his vest that was hidden perfectly under his layer of female clothing.
Continuing the walk, he heads to the main area. Knowing it's finally safe, he notifies his Alter Guardian, Shin-ae to possess him and give him the ability to translate language through his head and mouth.
Doing so, his head felt a little dizzy as he passed through a few streets. Feeling exhausted suddenly, he stops and looks left and right as his sight started to double.
Shaking it clear, he recognizes his target who was sitting on a bench relaxing and reading a newspaper. Sipping a sudden cup of coffee beside her.
Relaxing and getting into place, he leaned by the wall and inserts his hands into his pockets as he rhythmically shakes his body bit by bit to nothing, a pseudo musical.
Nothing much happens for some time except for a few incoming messages sent in my HQ and the other two who asked to report in or state the current situation.
During the last few seconds of watching over the target, she then got up and closes her newspaper, brings upon an old 20th-century mobile phone and calls in someone.
Using the enhanced abilities of his possessing Guardian, he listens in on the conversation after removing one of his earpieces.
Trying to not be suspicious, he then walks into a nearby shopping stall and scans for a drink he just picks out while listening in on the conversation.
Something about meeting up in an alleyway and grabbing the 'things' needed for a 'cure', it was a sign of codes to not fall for eavesdropping.
Purchasing a can of glucose sparkling water filled with cane sugar, he pops the lid and sips it slowly after payment as he then followed in the opposite direction of the person.
Without the gifts of a Guardian's abnormal ability, the inhumane ability to understand every language, see-through walls and listen in to any points of direction could have been impossible. (Unless it was a specific satellite used in space but it was rather expensive and private to most countries.)
Following the opposite area, he passes by a partner of his who was also spying upon her specific target. The vendor or The 'Curegiver' so to speak.
With her eyes closed and her arms crossed, she was concentrating her limited enhancement to try to locate as much sound as possible to it's the fullest sensitivity.
With William passing by, it made her alerted and opening her eyes. Nodding at her, she sighs out, realising it was just her private doing his task.
"So, any clues you found about the 'cure'?" Using his language enhancement, he spoke somehow clear German to the ears of his partner, Shanina.
Impressed with the sudden German, she smiles a little and answers back.
"Yeah, got a few. This so called 'curing' items are special guns that are enhanced with Guardian crystals, whether intact or corrupted, we do not know. What we know is that this Guardians didn't work on their free will and we're probably scavenged or traded off from old artefacts." She answered back in German, only to be translated to English to William's ears.
Nodding, he took over Shanina's place of recon as she walks away. "I will take over from here," William replies.
"You can take a break or eat something along the way. Once I meet up with Damonica, we can start Phase 2 of the operation."
Shanina nodding she presses her earpiece as she walked away. "Sure. Over and out."
Listening to the targets, the trade was completed with the sound of rough carrying of a bag and the drift of a bike. With that out of the way, he notifies his current status and waits for his next order.
"You may stop following her now, to ease conflict of suspicion. Come to Restaurant [Redacted], we can take a break there. Also, ditch your jacket and sports jacket and dress up in set two. You look outrageously like some drug addict in those and I don't want the Polizei to arrest you for questions." Shanina replies as William honoured her words.
"Truly, I am a drug addict, a hundred per cent." With the call-in of Sae-Yong, she quick changes William's clothes and teases in his body here and there with some slight tickles and pokes.
A simple cosy layer of a white shirt, a black woolly vest, a pair of jeans and a necklace.
Seemingly as it looks feminine, he doesn't score in the top region path.
"Ahh yes, I am as flat as a board, just kidding," William calls in.
"Is that really what you are to report on?" Shanina asks. "Put on some pads or something, or don't. Not like you are wearing a bra anyway."
On another radio, Damonica was heard with a muffled chuckle. "Or us anyway, there's no point in wearing it ever again."
"What's so funny Major?" Shanina asked as she passed her earpiece to another radio channel. "Oh, I see."
William listening on the channel, he heads to his directed location.
Before he started walking, he thanks the two Guardians for working out with him and gives them a cheeky pat on the head.
For Shin-ae she poked her head out for some reason without even being called.
Reaching Restaurant [Redacted], He calls in the given reservation name and was guided to the table. Nodding and smiling, he waves to her before taking a seat.
"How do I look?" he asks with a curious smirk.
"Like a nun who dresses casual but can't pick out anything other than a set of clothing that looks like her own uniform," Shanina replies. William blinking twice, he comments on Shanina's dress.
It was a white and thin sports tee, with a pink singlet to cover her coastal region with a pair of jean shorts and thigh-high knee socks. "You look like a stereotypical ninety's aerobatic, just minus the fuzzy cuffs and socks."
Damonica started laughing again as she hears in the channel of the two's German teasing routine. "Ok, ok, you two chill." She replies while stuttering with her words.
Shanina surprised she looks down and inspects herself. "Oh yeah, it kind of looks that way. I guess we call it even." Raising her hand, she calls in the waitress to come and take their order.
Taking the orders, William just ordered some French fries with a mug of sparkling water.
"Still lack the appetite, I wonder how come you are still sick. It's been already a few weeks." Shanina asks as she confirms their order with the waitress.
"I have not to clue either, just a pain in the arse. At least it's not as worse as a virus or something as the doctor confirmed." William replies as he takes a piece of bread from a tray and spread some butter on it before he chews it off.
"As long as Rampe doesn't get us sick nor ruin the mission with it, I sure hope it would be fine." Damonica replies as she finishes her task and heads to her place of rest.
"Eh, it's fine really. I mean it's not like I slept next to you two last night, nothing seems to be wrong for now. You guys don't show symptoms."
Shanina nods. "Just take care of yourself Will, maybe you could just be overexerting yourself so take a break once in a while."
"Gotcha..." He replies as they were greeted with their food.
"Here you go, A mug of sparkling water, fries and for the other lady, sausages, mashed potatoes and a glass of orange juice. Anything else?"
Shanina shakes her head. "No, thank you."
The waitress with a smile told them to have pleasant eating before leaving her place.
After chewing on bread and fries, he then realises something. "I wonder, how come you guys know I am a male at first glance but everyone else assumes I am female."
Damonica starts chuckling again for god knows what reason. "Simple, that's because you told us and...we already know how you like naked."
"And also because your voice is rougher and deeper when you speak German, and...." Shanina looks up and down at him as he drinks his mug of sparkling water. "You have barely a cup size..."
William smirks and nods. "Ahh, yeah...sure." A little embarrassed, he wondered why he asks that dumb question."Wait naked, since when?"
Shanina rubs her eyes with her two fingers. "When we change in the locker room. Could we move on to another topic?"
"Yeah, so basically few of us bothered with our curiosity to see your body and you don't Rampe?" Damonica asked in a curious and perverted manner.
"You got to be kidding." Shanina expressively embarrassed or annoyed, she drinks up her orange juice and orders another glass.
"Aren't I suppose to be embarrassed and Yes, I do get curious once in a while but I do not go oogling, just a short glance," William replies as he calms down Shanina with a wave.
"I'm alright, I'm alright," Shanina replies as she shakes her head and crosses her arms. "Not normal for me to listen to this type of jokes, that's why."
"Alright, alright back on topic. What's phase two?" William asked?
"Phase two would be a little confrontation. We will wait when Koln's cathedral gets attacked tomorrow by Axis troops as per theorised and then we try to join in the fight and watch over her secretly." Shanina explains with a serious tone. "If you want to, one of you can try to get to know her and become acquainted. I recommend Will, as his lesser than dominative personality, can perhaps attract this woman. She's confirmed to be attracted to females and males, so there's a point where you two can mingle."
William squints. "So basically you want me to sleep with her?"
"No, you idiot. Wait for, nevermind, that could work out. But only as part of the mission. Don't go any further, perhaps a one night stand would be enough. I checked medical records too, she has no signs of STDs so that's fine." She explains more and intricately.
"Well, whatever floats the boat I guess." William shakes his head. ("As long as I get the promotion, but eh.")
"Alright then, that's it. Purposely let axis attack the cathedral, then try to befriend her." William simplifies the assignment.
"Yeah, then we can move on to Phase three, but that's still underworked. So yeah." Shanina replies as she notices the waitress giving her the drink. "Thank you."
"Sounds simple enough..." Damonica replies. "Well, see you in the hotel room. Whenever when you want to return unless you want to have a date with William and show him around Koln."
"Sounds good to me," William answers with a smile.
"Eh works a shot. A date is then. Over and out." Shanina removes her earpiece and shuts it down. Turning off the call on her phone, she checks out some sites for good places to visit and see, maybe a few interesting sites herself that she wanted to visit.
"By the way, are you still recording?" Shanina asks as she scrolls her phone.
"Yeah, why?" He asks as he glances at the still running tape recorder.
"Shut it out, we will head to some private-public places." With a knowing sound of understanding, she turns off her phone and calls in the bill. "Let's have some fun for today, ok? Just the two of us." She smiles as she spoke in a rather unnatural bland tone.
William understanding her situation, he nods back with his warm smile. "I see what you mean."
Reaching his tape recorder, he presses the stop record button.
---Tape Ends---
Mary closing in the tape recorder, she pulls out the tape and places in the next one.
Before playing play, she started to feel exhausted. "Ahh, What a day today. Isn't it Id'dreek?"
"Yes, Mary. It was. Thank you for saving me, I could have gone fully corrupted if it weren't for you. I was only showing symptoms of stage 2 which was the seeping of liquid and exhaustion of aura." Id'dreek replies as her crystal glowed.
She couldn't manifest a physical form on earth yet as she didn't gain enough mana for it.
"Alright then, that makes sense. And also welcome, it's worth the time spent." She replies. "Well, I ought to sleep soon, see you tomorrow. Id'dreek."
"You too Mary, Sweet dreams," Id'dreek replies as she stopped communicating.
Turning off a table lamp, the darkness enveloped the room as it gave a cold yet warm sensation. Rather lovely to its touch, the blanket was both soft, cuddly and cosy.
Sleeping for the first time on a normal modern bed, it felt like heaven.
"Till tomorrow..." Mary whispers. "A better tomorrow."
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