《The War of Two Kinds》Logbook #009 - The Guidance
'Tell me Mr.NZ, what's with the scar and the serial number on your face? It gives me some curiosity.' Mary asks as they trailed along the dim forest grounds, heading towards the Welter Tribe territory. A bit worried about her safety, she tried her best to stick as close as possible to NZ but at the same time give him some personal space.
'The scar, oh. It's a little memento when I fought a monster a few years ago. It was quite a hard one to say. This was inflicted by an accidental misjudgement of a firing trajectory. The other scar here, well, is the bullet wound that you have obviously recently found out. Looks neat right? Though, over the years, it's starting to get less and less noticeable. The serial number though, that's what you have to uncover soon. It would be hard to explain everything in this shortcoming of time till we reach the village. Maybe something else, to consider?' He replies. 'Also, call me NZ. No need for Mister, alright curious gal, take me as a friend or a ghost of an old past of yours. After all, your mother and I had a relationship or two in the past.' He grinned a little as the rising moon reflected a light. 'And I don't want to spark up commotion on being a mister.'
'Eh, my mother and you had dated?' She asks, a little surprised. 'Perhaps, curious gal.' He chuckles. 'Though it was a short one, due to complicated problems such as the tribes as an example, hence why I am with my darling in the other tribe.' He winks.
'What's next? I am your accidental love child you abandoned?' Mary cheekily asks in return.
NZ gave a small chuckle. 'Hahaha, no no. We weren't that far off, curious gal. Also, don't get too close on personal secrets, it could haunt you back soon. Even at a maiden your age, eh? Anyway, look er' lights... your village is nearby.'
'Would you like to have dinner with us, NZ?' Mary asks. 'Would be nice to treat you for taking care of me. Maybe I can show you around a little and perhaps some alone time with my mother if you prefer.'
'Hmm...' He chins himself. 'Dinner cooked by curious gal, eh?' Sure I could take up for that. Wouldn't be nice to take down a growing maiden's cooking after all. Maybe this could be a test by your mother, after all.'
'Hmm, did you say something, NZ?'
'No, no. Not the slightest, curious gal.' He chuckles. 'Come on then, show me what you got. See if you can rival my darling's.' He grins once more, before standing towards the entrance of the Welter tribe's village. 'Been a while since I got here.'
'But didn't you come here recently to drop a bag of your tapes?' Mary blandly stated. 'Short memory loss isn't an excuse either.'
'Well, yeah. That's true. I did come here to drop the bag, but, I meant as in visiting your village as a whole with a personal reason.'
'Personal reason, huh.' He waves at him and walks towards the chief's house which is also her own. 'Come on, I won't be waiting much sooner, so as my mother.'
'Right right, curious gal. I'll be coming. I don't have strong legs, age is taking me over as usual.' He chuckles out as he follows Mary, who unlocked the door and guides him up. 'There we go NZ, recognize it?'
'I absolutely do. Still looks the same as ever. Though a few more doors from the last I saw. Siblings, perhaps?' He asks.
Mary nods her head in agreement. 'Yep, I do have some younger siblings. Some adopted and others cloned if you could say in your scientific spectrum.' She replied.
NZ smiles as he heads to the ever familiar dining room. 'May I go greet your mother, the chief?' He points towards the bedroom door where she resided in.
'Go ahead. I guess she be happy to see you for visiting after quite some time. I will go prepare a meal for everyone. So if this bell rings, you know its time.' She answers as she heads towards a coat rack, pulling out an apron and wrapping it upon herself. A little torn and old, but it still had its useful properties.
NZ with a small gazing smile of noticing some percentage of femininity Mary gave off, she heads towards the Chief's bedroom. With a few knocks of a small jingle, he opens the door slowly and gives his greetings. 'Deary, you there?' He asks as he slowly walked towards, the bed where the ol' maiden laid. With a kneel, he gives a small. 'Hey there, Welter. Been a while.'
A pair of eyes slowly moving towards him and a dry lip slowly turning to a smile, the maiden's face in a raspy tone muttered a greeting. 'Been a while, silly fox. Still handsome as ever I...say.' He hand slowly trying to reach towards NZ, he gently holds her hand and smiles back. 'Dear me, you need some medicine soon. NZ replied. 'Care for an antidote? Your daughter is a quite a handful too.'
'My daughter. which one. USP, Mary? Well, as the oldest and most curious of the bunch, I can say it truthfully. It makes sense for a girl her age to be looking towards a brighter future and have wonderful dreams. But well, I could only do so much over the years, hows Alda, she's doing good?'
'She's alright. Still a happy and energetic one as ever. Though due to age, she too is getting softer over the years. She tries her best by impressing me with her cooking though and her constant motherly behavior though.' he laughs softly.
'Yeah, thanks for taking care of her. Though a little selfish of asking you to take care of her and grow her up alone, it was the only choice.' She coughs dryly a little as she was served water by NZ. 'Here, let me guide you up.' NZ says as he gently helps her. 'Thanks, silly fox. Say, antidote. Do you really think it could help?'
'Most definitely, though it could lead to some side effects. I promise its not negative though.' He assured the Chieftess Welter.
With a secret peek, Mary watches the two converse and hear on in each-other. After some time, she returned to her cooking.
'Hmm, well if it worked on her. I guess it could do the same. Can't be like this all the time after all. Someone needs to guide this people. Though Mary seems to get a good hold of it. It feels a little... rude.' Welter replied. 'Go ahead, try it on me.'
'As you say, deary.' With a slow reach towards his bag, his other hand gently lays the sickly lady. With the help of a guardian crystal who started floating around him, he slowly pulls upon a syringe and some elixir from a contained flask. 'Would this amount do?' NZ asks the crystal.
The crystal glowing softly, it replied with a yes for its answer. Getting rid of excess air, he slowly injects the elixir into Chieftess Welter. 'Any pain, deary?'
'No, its alright. Don't feel a thing. Say, are you still named after your gun? You know, part of the Oath, our old tribe used to name each-other.' Welter asks curiously.
'Most definitely. I am still NZ. How about you Welter? Are you still named after yours?' NZ replies.
'Yes, but since I passed my main gun down to Mary, she is now considered USP. I in the other hand hold my other gun I possess. Still have my Welter family name though.'
'Ah her. Been a while since I spoke to her, well mostly Guardians in general. I guess she is still in you, keeping your body steady.'
'Indeed, silly fox.' She smiles.' That's all with the medicine?' She asks.
NZ nods. 'That is all. In a couple of days, you will be fine and healthy again. Though you may need some rehab to walk around again. Been months since you got off the bed after all.'
'True.' She laughs softly.
Ding ding ding... A ring of bells was sounded outside of the room. Though a little muffled it was able to be heard. 'Dinners ready, time to eat!'
NZ looks at Welter. 'Well, look at the time. It was nice speaking with you deary. But, well perhaps I see you again in a few days?'
'Mayhaps, silly fox. I mean. Will.' With a smile, she relaxes herself and watches the ceiling.
Heading to the kitchen, he took his seat as he was greeted by a few surprised children and Mary who was smiling and inviting him for a meal.
'Kids, this is NZ. She is mom's friend and one of our ally tribes groups.' With a smile, NZ smiles and waves back at them. Using a device on his neck to alter his voice and physique by a small but, he gave himself a more feminine tone though, his deeply accent is still there. 'Hello there children.'
'Come Miss NZ, take a seat. Eat with us. Now kids, she would only be here for awhile before she has to go back home, so behave alright.'
With a dragging tone, they said 'Yes.'
NZ laughs and looks at the food. Quite a big portion of venison, he noticed. "Is this all for just a few of you lots? That's a big appetite.' NZ curiously asks.
'Not really, we keep some of this for tomorrow's leftover and then smoke the other remains. We will make use of the bones for soup or decorations if we have the time.
'Ahh, I see.' He answers as he was eating a slice of venison with the homemade sauce and freshly picked wild vegetables. 'Woah, delicious.'
'As much as your darling's?' Mary asks cheekily. 'On par for sure, though the sauce may be a little too salty. Good overall though.' NZ replies.
'Hehe thanks.' Mary blushes out as she continues eating.
'Sis, Miss NZ reminds me of a person from a story I read recently in a story book.' One of the girls said. 'Really How? I bet NZ would be curious too.'
'Alright then, it was a story about a big castle and there once lived an evil witch who kidnapped girls.'
'She's the witch?' Mary cheekily answers. 'No no, Sis, let me finish.' The girl replied in a angry tone.
'Then one day, there was a hero, a very beautiful lady, with the wits and a very courageous smile. Her hair had the same color and style as her. She wore thin armor and had a leather coat on similar to miss!'
'Then the heroine killed the witch and saved the kidnapped girls, the end?' Mary answers.
With a annoyed face, the kid pokes her sisters cheek with the fork. 'Ow.'
'No, she stabbed the sword through the eye of the witch just like that and then while distracted, she dive kicks the witch into a dungeon room. Thinking it was save, she unshackled the girls as fast as possible. Only that the witch, slowly transformed to a monster. A very big and dark one, a dragon. Thinking the castle was going to collapse. She summoned a magical being which could fly and guide the children slowly out. In the collapsing castle, the heroine and the dragon had a stand out as the children escaped. With a sudden war-cry, the heroine leapt towards the dragon and cuts its head off. As it tumbled down, The heroine slid down a block of stone and then filled up a few flasks of the dragon's blood. With drinking one in the process, the heroine had an urge of power before she dissipated to the unknown. The end.'
'So what happened to the children and the hero after she vanished?' Mary asks.
(Ah, I know this story. Its a retelling of an event that Continuum made of a sacrifice towards of one of those infected. How did it become a dragon and knight fairy-tale, I don't know.') NZ answers in his head.
'The children grew up to be powerful warriors and mages (Soldiers) to fight alongside the queen (Continuum) and destroy any dragons they encounter. Not to say, there were only bad dragons, but there were good ones too that helped to teach them.' The kid said.
With a smile, NZ looks towards the children. 'Would it be fair to say, that the hero was actually me?'
'Impossible, it happened many years ago.' The kid said. 'How many years ago to be exact?'
'30. Miss NZ looks too young to be that old.' The kid replied with a smile.
'Awe shucks. Thanks kid. Adorable, but, heh. Actually it was the dragon's blood that made me look younger. It gave me some powers too in exchange.'
The kids awestruck looks at NZ. 'No way!' she answers. 'Please show us.'
'I mean I could, but it's quite late. But I promise I would show you kids when the time comes. After all, its dragon magic, it's hard to come by.'
'You better do, or else. We wouldn't friend you because you lied.' The kid answers with a smirk. 'A harsh one huh, no problem. Sounds fair. By the oath of Trekh'mer. (An old Guardian depicted as a deity for Welter's tribe.)'
'Deal!' The kids shouted. After some time of interacting and eating. NZ took his coat and heads to the door, guided by Mary. 'Hey wait.' She whispers.
'What you said earlier? Was that true?' Mary curiously asked.
NZ nods. 'Yes, it was. Though dragons and knights are a little overrated, what really happened was a little different.' He laughs softly.
'I see, take care. Will.' ~ She waves towards NZ and smiles.
'Till next time, curious gal!' He waves back the children and Mary.
After taking care of her mother and laying the children to bed, Mary heads to her room, to listen to tape nine.
---Tape Start---
"Well, Are you ready?" A feminine voice sounded from a sonorous window pane. A rough yet gentle and motherly tone.
"What do you think? You know I am always ready General even for a fight." A calm and collected male voice replied back.
"Alright then…" The general replied as a door creaked open.
With a smile, he walks into the dormitory. After so many days of training himself to walk again with the help of his family and his three close buddies, he finally had the courage to greet his comrades once more and fight alongside them again. 'Hello there, pretty ladies.' He excitedly called out.
Distracted while playing a game of cards, the echelon turned around and made a surprised look. 'Rampage, you're alive! Great to see you again!' The tall soldier replied as she walk towards him, punches him by the stomach and hugs.
'Ohh- I am glad to see you too.' With a sudden strike of pain, he grins with a smile as he was welcomed by the Tall One. One by one, he was soon greeted by the others, Chau-Min and Sherrinford smiled at his return as they sat by their beds doing their own business.
The General pleased, she closes the door of the dormitory and heads off to her base. William now slowly walks back to his comfy bed, greeted with a bouquet of flowers and some surprises filled in his drawer. 'That's quite an amount of stuff.'
The tall soldier chuckled. 'Well, best to make use of them before they run out. Disposing them will only make some sad after all.'
'Indeed, you got a point.' He chuckles as he looks through and arranges the gifts properly. Arranging the flowers into a vase filled with water, he places it on his cabinet by his bed. 'There we go, all neat and tidy. Thanks for the gifts everyone, I am grateful.'
'Heh, not only us though. A few dolts from the other echelons and classes also gifted you some stuff. Go take a greeting towards them too.' Chau-min replied as she pokes her head down.
'Well, I guess that's how it is then. Thanks. I have balls of steel, ready to take punches.'
'Heh. Good luck Rampage, hope to see you back alive for real this time.' The tall one snickered.
'Come on, give him a break.' Nudged her partner.
Rikae who was being pushed by Captain Shanina as she was in her wheelchair looked up at the bodily figure.
"William woke up?" She innocently asked.
"Yes, William has woken up from sleep." William answered.
As Rikae is constantly in her own world and since she can't really tell the time, she thought William was asleep for a far too long hours. For her world, it was considered a 6-12 hours of sleep.
"Yeah! Now I can show you my newer drawings. I made a lot while William was asleep." She cheekily said as cheered.
William smiled. As softly he could speak so she wouldn't consider it a shout, he said "Yeah! I wouldn't mind~."
Shanina made a small smile as she wheeled Rikae back to her bunk bed.
Captain Shanina walked towards William . She took off her gloves and handed her hand. "Welcome back from the dead, Mr Endicrite." She didn't really know what else to say.
"Danke, Frau Leutenegger ." He shook her hand which was quite rough and hard like stone.
Captain Shanina puts on her glove and walked towards the door. "I have to go do my work … don't do anything stupid."
She left the door shut.
William spend his next few hours hanging out and towards the girls from the other classes and echelons.
"I know right..!? Unfortunately, it actually hurts." William made a soft smile towards the circle of his crystal as he rubbed his stomach. Communicating with Sae-yong in their crystal form.
'What a sad guy, anyway. You ought to visit General in the interrogation room, a special meeting is held there, If you get what I mean.' Sae-Yong replied.
'On it.'
"Can I leave now?" Rose said as she pushed away her gang who was blocking her exit while holding her sniper rifle.
"Chill Rose, your aim is getting worse lately. Be patient and slow." A soldier from another echelon told her.
"I can't forget it ! Every-time I aim ...I always have this sense of panic. I can't be a sniper anymore, I give up!" She screamed hysterically.
"You are our only good sniper in the team, you have to stay … Yes, you may have been kicked from Phantom and de-ranked but you're still a soldier." The soldier explained to her.
"It's not about that, it's about what happened in the past!" She was getting senile.
"Rose, Listen, that was the past. It was five years ago … You have to chill or else Navigator will probably get you kicked from the base too."
Trying to calm her hyperventilating, General Ferdunov secretly listened and watched her conversation for the past few hours they were there in the Firing Zone.
(It's impossible to bring William to her. She would go crazy for sure…but I should just try.) General Ferdunov talked in her head.
Rose looks at her phone, getting a notification.
"Excuse me, but I have to go guys… I got to go for my meeting." General Ferdunov sent Rose a notification through her phone as she entered the meeting room.
General Ferdunov changed her behavior back to her typical strict facade.
Rose knocks the door.
"You may enter…" General Ferdunov replied.
Rose enters and closes the door, taking a seat , she fumbled around, in stress and frustration.
"How were you for the past few days, Miss Rose?" General Ferdunov asked in her calm manner.
"It was alright , I guess…" Rose answered back, muttering to herself.
"Lately I had been giving reports that your mental health has changed. The drill master also said you were getting worse in your rifling skills." General Ferdunov read the notice she was given.
"I..I...I can explain General. I just wasn't in my best mood lately." Rose replied as she puts her head low.
General Ferdunov nods. "You could have joined the mental health talks going on in our Well-being Hub but you didn't even enter any one of them by record. Tell me Rose, can you explain please?"
"No, I can't …" Rose replied.
"You can't or you don't want to?" William replied as he came out from the shadows.
"I really can't~. Wait?" Rose raised her head towards the direction of the voice.
"William? What the Fuck!?" She screamed in the small room causing William And the General to close their ears.
"Calm down Rose… I know it's a surprise but I can tell you, the bullet actually gave an ache to my head." He replied.
"General? What is this… Was he animated from the death or what!?" Rose demanded for an answer.
"Rose , Calm down… He is playing a fool with you, no he wasn't reanimated. He was revived from an unknown encounter." The general replied.
"Was it a guardian?" Rose asked again.
"No, it was god." William replied back, sarcastically.
"God revived you? So you are saying there is a such thing as a god?" Rose asked. She was an atheist.
"Yes… there is a god. Just not how you expect it to be." William replied.
Rose started to get her sense back, she started weeping.
"Rose, you alright?" William went to her , patting her back.
"It's just that … ~~ if I didn't wait a second longer, I could have made the shot perfectly ." She covered her face and cried.
"I am sorry, I am so sorry William!" She started talking to herself.
"It's alright ...really …" William said as he tried calming the maiden.
"I know..I know…" she whimpered as she tried to stop her crying.
General Ferdunov shakes her head. (Didn't expect her to cry ...she is usually very calm and motivated.)
"I heard you were kicked from Phantom and de-ranked, was that correct?" William asked.
"Yes … that one failed shot cause my rank to turn down." Rose said softly.
"General, could you add her back, I'm already here again." William asked.
"Sorry can't do, once she is de-ranked and kicked out from an Echelon she can only reconsider it after five more years of her service." General Ferdunov explained.
"Ten years just to get back to her original rank… that's awful." William sighed.
"Rules are rules, William." Rose said.
"But..~ it can reconsidered as William is still alive as a proof. I just have to report him to the government. But, it might cause some… problems due to the inconsistency of time." General Ferdunov said.
"Really?~" Rose raised her head once more, now with hope.
"Yes...Rose." General Ferdunov replied back.
"Well then, Let's get to it!" William cheered.
---Tape Ends---
With that, the maiden named Mary slowly drowsed herself to a slumber, dreaming for a day, something interesting would happen. One day.
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