《The War of Two Kinds》Logbook #002 - The Recruit's [Not so Warm] Welcoming
The next day after a silent night of sleep, the lass woke up early to the sound of birds cawing loudly and the sun rays that befell onto her pale skin. 'How long did I sleep, goodness sakes.' She said. Stumbling here and there, she notices a door. Opening it, she pulled a string that was attached to the ceiling which turned on a light. Noticing there is a faucet and other familiar machines used in a bathroom, she refreshes herself as much as possible.
After wiping herself dry with her own robes she donned, she puts on her shoes and walks about the neighborly quiet village. 'Huh, where is everyone? Did I wake up too early?' She looks left and right before she turns ahead to a medium sized hut that looked oddly familiar. "Heh, I guessed that's the chief's home. Kinda like mine, maybe I should take a visit. Walking slowly towards the hut, she sniffed out a very fragrant smell from one of its windows. "Is that breakfast I smell?" She curiously asked herself. Venturing towards the hut, she knocks on its metal sleeted doors slowly. Waiting patiently, a sound of footsteps could be heard as the door opened. "Hey ah~ Coming, oh who are you?" A middle aged woman draped in a white blouse looked down towards the newly faced visitor.
"Oh me? I am Mary. I am lost and two of your people brought me here to visit the Chief. I would like to speak with her/him if its possible." Mary explained.
"Ohh, You must be Miss Winosa's kid, come on in. You can hang out over there by the kitchen table. Chief is still sleeping and my partner is busy in the room doing work. You must be hungry, let me prepare some food, alright. " The woman said as she guided the lass towards the dining table.
"Thanks." Mary said as she pulled out a chair and took a seat.
Looking far away from the window as to the place she sat, she sees the sun basking as usual a bright yellow flare. Blinding to stare for too long, she sighs softly.
A sweet hum could be heard by the right side of Mary's ear, it directed towards the woman, who was making up sandwiches and other breakfast delicacies. The hum rather sweet, its sounded more of a lullaby than a song. It couldn't even be tribal either, it sounded very Europian between the ages of the industrial ages and the more modern era. Listening closely to the hum, Mary figured it out to be Beethoven's 'Fuer Elise'.
Packing up the food onto plates and a tray, the woman shuffled slowly towards the middle of the dining table and lays the food. "Wait, not yet." She said softly with a smile. Separating the stacked plates and laying the utensils perfectly. Putting one of the guest herself, the maiden nods. 'Go ahead, I will go and invite the others now. Don't be greedy alright, eat to your heart's content.
Mary wobbly shaking her head, she slowly reaches towards the food with her fork and picks out slowly the things she wanted to eat. Some pancakes , a fish sandwich and some fruits here and there, she felt that was enough for now.
After some time, a familiar face pops up from the door. 'Sure darling....I will eat. Don't need to be so pushy silly.' A masculine voice grunted as he walked towards the kitchen's dining table. 'Morning there girl, had a good one?'
'Yeah, it was alright...' Mary replied with a stutter as she was just about to bite onto some pancakes.
'Continue your fill, I will grab some for myself too.' Choosing a seat and picking his plate, he picks out his food consisting of some pancakes and fruits only. 'Ahh, my wife's pancakes, a sweet tooth as ever she is. Everything she makes has to be either sweet or spicy, there's nothing else. Funny thing, but..."
'I don't actually like sweet food.' He whispered. 'Don't tell her that.' He winked.
Mary chuckled softly, holding her laugh. Nodding, she notices the white bloused woman and 3 other figures. One that looks quite much like Dr.Aug and the other two unknown. 'Quite a morning isn't it, Mrs.Parabell?'
'Why yes, it is Chieftess. Come take a seat, Our guest is here too.' The white bloused lady replied. Dr.Aug entered the dining room, happily waving towards Mary as she took a seat and took her food. As a tease, Dr.Aug, stabs her fork quickly onto NZ's slice of what seems to be watermelon.
Taken by no surprise, The male raised one of his eyebrows and looks towards the doctor. " A very good morning as usual...Aug." This doesn't seem to be the first time she did it.
'Morning!' Aug replied.
As another figure walked towards the seat in between Mary and an empty chair, she looks towards the maiden. 'Why hello there, Miss Welter. You look the same as the last time I saw you.' She smiled, as she was given food laden by the white bloused woman. Taking a seating, she points towards the chair. 'Come on, take a seat. Don't just stand there idly.' Her eyes were towards a lady shadowed by the rays of the sun. 'Just because your a secretary, it doesn't mean you cannot seat and eat a decent breakfast. I told you many times already...'
'Ah, yes ma'am. Sorry ma'am.' The unknown person took a seat by the Chieftess, being hidden from the view to even be conceived identifiable.
'Sorry there, where were we, ah yes...Miss Welter's kid.'
'I am sorry, Miss Chieftess, but I don't seem to recognize you.' A mild hispanic face, hair curled everywhere with some metallic augments by her neck and face. She had a wrap of cloth around her left eye, similar to an eye patch.
The Chieftess made a small laugh. 'It makes sense, you were just a small child during that time, pretty short and cute. You were fooling around half the time when me and your mother were negotiating some trade deals.
'I see.' Mary embarrassingly shied out.
'Kids do be kids, but well, you are big girl now, pretty developed and mature. If only the world was how it was centuries ago, you would have probably been a model or an actress or something.'
'The ones you see on film and on folders?' Mary asked.
'Yes, yes. Archived films and etc. That was a nice time, during those days. I was still a kid back then so I can only remember so much.' The Chieftess replied. "The guy there knows better, he may look quite at his middle ages, but he is older than you think. Its only the looks that deceives."
'You know I can hear you right Winosa.' NZ muttered as he was busily fighting for food that Aug keeps smooching off. 'Stop taking my food~' He made a grin towards Aug, he was pretending as if nothing happened.
"Taste good. Good cooking as always, NZ's Wife!" Doctor Aug shouted.
'Aww, Thanks, how sweet.' The white bloused lady replied as she continued cooking.
'What a crowd huh....' Mary whispered softly to herself.
During the moment of rest and after being told that her family is going to pick her up, Mary was excused to rest in the guest house. Having some free time, she took out the second tape and played it.
---Tape Start---
We are now in Basingstoke, Hampshire of The United Kingdom.
The location of this recruit and this "noble's" living quarters.
"Sire, It's time to get up ..." A feminine voice whispered into the boy's delicate ears.
Even though, how many times she repeated, this pathetic boy just couldn't raise his head up.
The feminine voice got fed up and did a quick slap onto his cheek to give him some sense of courtesy. "Sire, Get up you're late!!!".
In an utter surprise, he flipped his blanket towards her and looks left and right. She poorly was covered by the heavy blanket though she managed to keep it tidy.
"What~ What!? How Long!?" He shouted back as a reply.
The feminine voice finally showed her face, slightly smirking and posing into a more strict and nominative position.
"I wonder how long, Sire ." She made a smack remark back to his face.
This feminine of this odd tree is Miss Erika, a lady of stud and class. Even though she is a maid, she is rather the higher dominative of William and rather on friendly terms.
Scratching his head, William finally got back his sight by putting on his blurred glasses.
"Please, Next time, there's no need to shout Erika ... I already heard you the first " A simple white lie he has spoken.
Erika nods her head in the slight agreement giving a soft bow. "Sure then, Sire~ ..." She replied back in a very cunning way.
Just as William was about to take out his towel from his rack, his little sister creaked open the door and stared at him.
"Oi, Bro, if you're late mommy, would be mad. " She told him in a teasing manner.
William short-fused, stomped his feet and made a frustrated look.
He rushed towards his bathroom and banged the door shut, minding his own business.
Erika shakes her head and then continued her job by preparing William's Clothing and cleaning his somewhat clean living chamber's.
His sister went back to her mother downstairs, waiting for William to join them for breakfast together a final time before he leaves.
William finished his bath. Combing his hair to his favorite middle parting and applying his deodorant and gel (how hygienic), he then exited the bathroom and noticed everything was prepared for him.
Oh, how he was amazed.
"Sire, all your items are prepared especially the special bits ." She joked.
"As in specially bits, you mean as toothbrushes and toothpaste, right? " He squinted in question.
Erika just nodded and handed him his suitcase that was packed.
William smiled and made a short wave, in embarrassment and confusion.
He walked down a few flights of stairs and took a long walk through the hallways.
He waved and greeted the other fellow maidens who worked for his Mother's company as statistic counters or share traders.
Obviously, he is rather pitiful for them too as most of them lost their loved ones such as boyfriend's or spouses.
Pretty sure, most of them are angry with him without a doubt for being still alive, technically reminding them that there was a second gender.
Greeted by a door opening, William entered and noticed his mother and sister, sitting by the window panes, eating brunch.
"Yo, Mother and Peeps! " He shouted
They were patiently waiting for him.
"Language... " A mature feminine voice replied back. It was his mother. Rather aged, she still had perfectly silky black hair and donned a rather generous oriental clothing. It made sense as his family is rather interracial.
Her hearing is however really bad, thinking that William cussed, she scolded him.
"Uh-huh, My apologies ..." William in confinement just apologized to not cause any further conflict.
He was then escorted by his little sister towards his seat, a table laden with an array of food though rather typical for a first-class family.
What was served was yogurt, scones, tea ( Rooibos and Black ) and some other goodies such as cakes and creams.
"Thank you Elaine, but... Ugh never mind." he shakes his head off, he didn't really like being forced to do something without a sense. He took a seat and ate some of the food that was given to him. After some time, he was then called by his mother, sitting the opposite of him.
"Anyway, we need to discuss the interview. " She told him.
"Because ... It is rather important ". Her tone suddenly changed to some sort of strictness and seriousness.
"Yes ... Yes .. " he nodded, answering softly.
"As I heard, The government has found out about me ... " He sipped his black tea.
Swallowing the warm dark liquid he continued. "About my bloody existence ..."
His mother nodded and smiled. "Well, at least in the bright side, they know there's hope for "man" kind ". She replied back.
"But ... What if I was used as an experiment? " He asked nervously.
His mother got up and looked at the windowpane, raising her hand and placing it into the sun heated glass.
"THEN, It's one less child to give allowance " she jokingly shouted out.
William squinted in shock. ("Is she even serious?") He asked himself in his dark spaced head.
His mother made a dry cough and then continued speaking. "Anyway ... You read what the letter was written, you know they won't do that stuff to you ." William nodded and finished his black tea.
"Well yes, Basically what was written in the letter was that I am supposed to attend this Military faculty which is used both as a school and a training centre of sorts. As I'm still a college student, I have yet to attend the school part whilst carry out training in the Military part of this faculty."
"Am I correct? " He asked his mother.
"That is correct. " She gave a warm smile as she placed her crumbled fork onto her cake plate.
William looked at his watch. "Well, that settles that then. I'm ought to go now as I don't want to be late for the interview. " His mother nodded and gestured the maid who was waiting by the dining room's door to call in the chauffeur. His sister a little sad called out to her brother, one last time. "So bro? Will be gone for a while? " She asked
"Well, it depends Elaine ... If important people allow me to go home early then I can come and play with you alright.
I promise I will be back before Christmas. " He nodded his head as he exited the room.
His little sister, Elaine nodded and made a soft sniffle. "Alright Bro, enjoy your trip! A promise is a promise. " She waved goodbye to him until he left the main door of this house, or mansion I suppose. His mother patted her young daughter's head as they watched from behind the windowpane.
4 Years ago, Around the Winter of November. I was visiting a research facility that my dad worked for experience purposes.
While on the way to head to the meeting room of where I was going to meet my father, I had an urge to go to the washroom.
Well Apparently...I...Got Lost.
"Man, Where the fuck is the washroom?" I asked myself.
"It's so dead and quiet ... and there's literally no reception here." I checked my phone and my tablet but there was no signals nor bars.
Crash ~ Thump ~~
I got startled yet I still had a little of my cool. ("Huh? What the heck was that ?")
The sound I heard came from a nearby lab room.
I was curious and had no choice to venture in like a curious cat, I had no choice but to check it.
("I swear it came from here...") I slid open a door which had a distilling curtain on it, it was rather pure white as if it's brand new. I pushed it aside.
"Hello, is anyone there?" I asked out but oh how a fool I was.
I always forget about that One Rule.
To Not Butt Into Other People's Business.
There was an ambient noise, sizzling and buzzing coming from a nearby machine, it felt harshly warm as if I'm in some sort of sewer treatment centre. There were odd machines everywhere.
At the ceiling, at the sides, corners and even the floor itself had pipes running all through it.
I saw a shadow in front of a big screen. Rather tall and thin. He wore a great dark robe as if some sort of cultist. But by looking closer, it was just your plain regular winter robe scarfed around his body. It was probably the mistiness and the gloomy environment that gave off those views.
A shining crystalline-like substance glowed towards my face sparkling and twinkling.
Upon "facing" me, it immediately hid and probably alerted the shadow.
A soft whisper came from that figure. A soft "ok...ok..."
The shadow then turned to me, using the least amount of its peripheral vision to notice me.
"What do you want a kid? Can you see I'm busy?"
I was about to tell him that I was about to head to the washroom but he had interrupted it by quickly walking towards my head to head and saying something that gave me the shudders down my spine.
"I know you, you are the Endicrite's Heir, aren't you ... Well, I got a gift for you" At first you might think it isn't actually creepy at all but hearing his tone of saying it out loud is the one that gives the creepiness.
Out of nowhere, The lunatic decided to sprawl at me with some sort of gut knife to only miss by a few inches and get it stuck to a wall.
With my intention of fight or flight, I immediately took a head start and ran away as far as I could, only somehow managing to reach the meeting room and me, not pissing my pants.
My father was still in the meeting, he just stared at me with a strange look and continued talking to his supervisors. I just kept my mouth shut and sat at a chair nearby. I wanted to scream for help and all but since this place seems to be rather conceived and eerily depressing, I just had no choice but to probably think I hallucinated.
I sat quietly till the meeting ended, I was driven back home as my father apologized to me that he had to stay for the night there for a Night watch.
I just sighed it out and said it was alright. The chauffeur smiled at me with his warm and fuzzy smile as he drove me home. He asked me how was my trip and I just answered with a simple "It was fun..."
I didn't really want to bring it out to his poor old chap as he would probably think I'm some imaginative kid with a wacky brain of some sort.
What really kept me curious was the thing that floated around the figure.
The Crystal...
---Tape Cut---
Click click ~
Ambient noise could be heard from the muffled sounds of tar crunching and cracking.
Click click ~ The sound is heard again but only louder and sharper in tone.
William was looking at out of the window daydreaming and talking to himself.
The Crystal...
"Uh-hmm..." A noise of someone clearing their throat could be heard next to him.
William dazed slowly towards the noise still in a half-asleep state.
"Mr.William! " A voice called out to him, breaking through his senses.
William got startled and avert his gaze towards the speaker. "Yeah, What is it .. Miss Kalen," William asked her in return for her wake-up call.
"You silly goose, You are still a heavy daydreamer as ever ... We are going to reach Reading in a couple of minutes, could you hold on tight? " She told him.
"Aren't we supposed to head to the faculty of that military base? " William asked her in confusion.
"Yes, you dumb bolt. The Military base is technically in Basingstoke but it's between the area of Reading, so technically it both Basingstoke and Reading ...Mr.Sherlock". She joked with him.
William chuckled in embarrassment.
This chauffeur is Kalen Reina. She is some rich girl with a strange name. She likes changing her name quite a lot of times probably for some secrets or sorts or just for fun. The last time I heard, Her mother agreed to let her be named Kurumi. The reason is that her family has an odd bloodline dating back to the Edo period as some sort of warmonger or whatever.
Now, however, her family makes a living by doing cosmetic business. She technically has a lot of money but since her mother is a little smart for stopping her allowance, well, she has to work it out for herself. So, she took over the job of a part-time driver for my family. Well, let's just say it's odd to have a neighbor with a daughter who works for my family's house.
I wonder what the commoners would think.
Ironically, for a family who makes money out of cosmetic business, she ironically hates make-up and relies on natural beauty and to be honest, she is quite a beauty especially those jugs of hers. Oh, wow, now what am I thinking ...
A few minutes later, William arrived at the area. Some strange machines checked all over the car by scanning weird beams of lights towards our car and some sort of strange beeping disk, perhaps a metal detector.
After a check or so, they were given the clear. Kalen drove through the now opened gates and parked at the visitors and applicant section of the parking area. The area was empty like dead, barely cars nor bikes were there. The only thing William could see is a huge building with a newish symbol symbolizing the letter "C".
Kalena pocketed her keys and pats William hard on the back. Whack~
"Oi.," William shouted.
"What..? It's your first day in a Military Base, cheer up. I am walking you in for your first time here ." She giggled and told William.
Kalena gave him his suitcase and his document files that were kept together with him. She walked him into the base as a sign was placed next to the entrance's door.
" Continuum, The place where wonders happen." That doesn't really sound millitaryish. "I thought this was a military base..." he asked Kalena confused.
"Are you always going to question me like a kid? This is the place you prick." She gave William a rude remark and a raised eyebrow.
Upon entering, A robotic-like dog whizzed through them. William thought he was getting attacked so he jumped and tripped on the stairs, giving him a slight concussion. The dog, however, was probably malfunctioning so it headed a beeline towards the nearby forest plains.
Kalena whispered to herself. "What the fuck?..."
Scratching his head, William got up and wiped his black trousers which now had white dust on it. Another figure came from the door came running out. "Jeez..."
"Excuse me, Have you seen my drone?" The figure asked William. William looked down to see a very short figure dressed in uniform and all with an odd band around her arm.
William still in a slight concussion said a simple soft "Yes..." and pointed towards the forest plains.
The girl said thank you and ran all the way to the forest plains.
William just squinted and said a soft "Be safe..." and walked into the building which had a waiting room filled with benches and tons of window panes. He took a seat beside Kalena and looks at her in disbelief.
"Have you seen that?" William asked Kalena out of the blue willing for an answer.
Kalena nodded. "Yes, I have seen that and that was quite awkward. Damn, For quite a young girl, how was she able to just roam around this building? She must be related to one of the soldiers here or something, who knows. This is also a school so probably she is being taken care of in away."
After a while of getting back into sense and a quick turn of asking directions from the receptionist, They somehow managed to reach the interview room.
A woman and probably her friend or relation were relaxing by the window pane. They were talking to each other when they noticed the both of them. The woman gave a glint at William, out of curiosity or out of mind. The shorter one was still looking out the windowpane so she gave really no distractions.
The woman walked towards William and Kalena, small struts from her specially made military boots could be heard, it gave a metallic clang.
clang clang clang ~
"Gute morgen.." A soft and monotonic voice was dragged out from her mouth as her long hair was pushed away with a brush of her hand.
William knowing German answered back. "Gute morgen...".
"Are you two here for the interview..?" She asked both of them.
Kalena answered back with some respect. "No, Only him... He is the one taking the interview." she nudged towards William ("Show some respect...").
"Him?" she had a long sound of silence. "I see...You must be Mr.William then. Velkommen to Continuum. I am supposed to be your guide, The name is Shanina."
(Oh Shit...) William saluted towards her and bowed.
"... No need to worry, I am not going to be strict with you .. but thank you for the respect. I will take you into the interview room to meet the Generals then send you off to meet your other guide who will talk to you about the basis of what is going to happen after the interview and take you to your barracks. Unfortunately, it is shared so there might be some trouble to interact ... with the females. " The captain explained to him.
William nodded and listened to her explanations of this building and what is it used for.
"This is Continuum, a school and a training platform for students or graduates to join the military. But compared to other typical national military training centres, this place is involved with science and you might probably try out prototype weapons by your arranged class. There are quite a few classes here all based on your physical, mental and strategic strength. Think of it as a game, there is probably one who is good at guns but bad at blades than there are ones good with supporting the team but is bad at leading one. This is what this centre is based on." The Captain explained some more.
"Anyway ... Your time is on. Go in and do your fullest. You will be having an interview with the Generals so be respectful and don't answer questions until allowed so. " The captain guided him in after opening the door.
The captain saluted to the Generals and asked William to sit down. "This is Herr William of The Endicrite family. The one that caught the governments and the scientists eyes."
A woman who had a huge scar on her eye slightly covered by an eyepatch nodded and excused the captain out. "Ahh Da, you are the one who survived The Happening, impressive. Its been so long to find something, I mean someone to help our deterioration of population. "
William felt eerily creeped out by her melodramatic and dark tone of voice. He unloosened his tie and exhaled out.
"My apologise ... " Her tone suddenly turned into a more calming and relaxing tone. "It was rude of me to not introduce myself. "I am General Ferdunov, 4 Starred and General of the army. "
"Those two bezdel'niki (slackers) over there are General Mirabella and General, whatever her name is. Mia, I think."
William gazed to the other side of the table to notice two dark toned women sleeping, one arm crossed and the other on a chin's rest.
"We were doing meetings since the morning and kept the last spot of time just for you. I was surprised you actually managed to come at this time, even with this harsh cold weather." She told William in a less roughened voice not typical for a Russian.
William cooled and smiled. "Really? My apologies then if I had to make you guys wait. I am grateful to be welcomed."
The general smiled at William and got up, William too got up thinking, he was supposed to start his meeting.
The general raised her arm and smashed the table. "WAKE UP!~" She shouted throughout the room in a deafening sound.
The other two generals opened their eyes. One of the generals got freaked out and almost stumbled but the other one just sat there calmly and opened her eyes. Looking closely, she had a metallic prosthesis for an arm.
"Oh, he came wonderful... " The one with the arms crossed and the metallic prosthesis said. "I am General Mia, three Starred, Nice to meet you. "
The other one was doing her hair and smiled.
"My apologies, these useful idiots are really troubling sometimes." General Ferdunov apologized to William again. "Because of them, Most of the soldiers in their compartment are soft towards them causing them to make silly mistakes every so often".
"Anyway... Shall we start the interview now?" She calmly asked him after taking a sit.
William nodded and said " Yes... Please." A sound of a thud could be heard, as the tape made a whirring noise.
---Tape End---
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