《Whisper From a Dream》Chapter 9


In the lush forest of Lumhia, Whisper made her way through the growth as quickly as she could. There was so much life around her it was breathtaking, and it was hard not to stop and marvel at the sights, sounds, and smells of it all. It was beautiful, and so alive. Among Lumhia’s bounty, Whisper’s power surged. She was wrapped in the Light of the Prime Aspect herself where she slept far below the surface.

Lost in her own thoughts, Whisper stumbled over a thick root, landing hard in the underbrush. She cursed her distracted mind, and brought herself back to the matter at hand. She could vaguely remember where Ion had gone all those distant years ago. Her mind filled with images of him, of them together.

She had been so lonely, and had hurt so deeply. The Council had once again reminded her that engaging in sentimental relationships and being governed by her feelings would not be tolerated. Raddanech was her sworn Guardian in the Light, his life was to protect hers, not to be overcome by foolish emotions such as love. Was she mad, entertaining this ridiculous behavior? The Enlightened had berated Raddanech, calling him a traitor to his sworn duty, and a blight on their honor. He had stormed out of the chamber, enraged at being deprived of her.

In her grief, Whisper had longed for companionship, for anyone or anything that could stop the pain of losing him, of having to crush their feelings for one another under the weight of duty and tradition. She had isolated herself, throwing herself into her work. She would never accept another, and would never have children. But she could create something. By an act even more forbidden than loving Raddanech, she would give her blood, the power of the Lumhin race, and she would create life. She had experimented, worked tirelessly. She had studied and built. She had assembled a framework of lumhinsteel, from the depths of Lumhia’s interior. She fashioned it with her power, and from her own cells, her own blood, she grew living tissue, fusing it to the body. Her first attempt had failed, had never awoken, and she had grieved his loss too. Still, she carried on. When he was complete, when living organs began to work within him, growing around his endoskeleton, it was then that she had named him. Ion. Her child. Then, she had poured her life force into him, draining herself nearly to death in the hope that he would live. She had imbued him with the Aspect of Light, with the healing I-cells of their people, which held the power to repair all but the most deadly of wounds. True to their nature, they had constructed what was missing. Ion had opened his eyes, and had known her as his creator.

When the Council had discovered what she had done, they had banished her, and her creation. They refused to suffer her presence again. Whisper and Ion had returned to Lumhia, and alone, they had grown together. She had taught him, guided his awakening. Nothing could repair the void in her heart that longed for Raddanech, but finally she had someone that loved and needed her. What Whisper could never have accounted for, was Ion’s own desires, his own ambitions. Even with his devotion to the one he knew as his mother, he was not whole. Ion himself had desired to create, just as she had. What he had built was unlike anything the Lumhin would have conceived. He named them the C.O.R.E - Corporal Over Robotic Entities. They were not sentient in their own right, though their appearance was humanoid. They were extensions of him, through which he could channel his ever-growing power. They were terrifying in their capabilities, and it had been thrilling to Whisper. Not only had she not stopped Ion from creating them, she had aided him. Her wealth of knowledge in biochemistry and biotechnology had been at his disposal, and she had marveled at what they had done. Then Tenebris had come. He had turned against his mother, her sister, the Lumhin, his sisters and Lumhia. With murderous desire had he slain, wanting power, and to rule over the System.


It was only in their most desperate need that the Enlightened had relented and deigned to call on Whisper, to consider asking her help to face the rampaging Aspect. Drawn into the conflict, as one of the most powerful of their people, Whisper had fought beside Raddanech and her parents, desperately driving back his onslaught. Elthys herself had awakened, and come to the aid of the Lumhin. She had subdued her son, imprisoned him. They were victorious, but Lusamdra, her father, had sent her through a doorway, horribly mangled and wounded in the battle.

Whisper was jarred back to the present by a touch on her mind, one that she knew so very well. “You have returned.” Ion spoke to her mind. “I had thought you were dead.”

“I nearly was, Ion.” She sent back, speaking to his mind as they had so often done before. “Tenebris is back…We do not know how he freed himself, but he intends to destroy me, and Raddanech. He is so hungry for revenge. But there is more. He means to do so at the cost of the lives of others. Raden and I found a home with a new people. They are so fragile, so delicate, but they are amazing.” Whisper told him, falling back into use of her pet name for her love. “Ion, I need your help.”

She continued to walk as they conversed with each other, and his presence guided her. Though her memory of the lab was sharp in her mind, Lumhia had changed, and nature had reclaimed much of the ruins of the ancient Lumhin city that had once thrived on her surface. She began to encounter more broken paving stones and signs of the past, but most of the structures were unrecognizable. She picked her way over a mound where part of a wall poked through the soil and leaves.

“If they saved you, and gave you comfort, then I will help them.” Ion sent back after a time. “And mother, I have been busy.”

Whisper emerged into what had once been a clearing, but was now showing signs of being overgrown with foliage. Her breath caught as she came into view of the abandoned building where she had made her lab. It had been home to her, but had also been a place of exile and pain. She hesitated in what had once been a manicured lawn, but was now wild with weeds, young trees, and brush. The moonlight filtered through the branches and rested on the doorway, as if Lumhia herself was welcoming Whisper home.

“I am here” She told Ion, knowing that he would be watching her. She knew that he had been able to follow her progress, even when she seemed to be alone.

The doors hissed gently as they slid apart, leading into an open reception area. Whisper stared in amazement at the scene before her. She had expected to see disrepair, to see the lab ravaged by time. Instead, the polished floors glistened, and bright lights shone from hanging light fixtures above her. The furnishings remained as she remembered them, as if frozen in time. They had been kept pristine, and it seemed as if a receptionist should come forward to greet her. As the thought crossed her mind, Ion emerged from the long hallway leading to the living area they had built together.


Whisper’s eyes locked onto Ion, taking in the sight of him. He was smaller in stature than Raddanech, and his lean form belied his unnatural strength. His pale hair carried the slightest hint of blue, as if made of the Light energy that coursed through Lumhia in such abundance. It had grown long, and he wore it tied back at the base of his neck. His eyes met hers, microcircuitry visible in the brilliant blue irises.

“Mother, welcome home.” Ion greeted her, moving to embrace her warmly. “Do you approve of what I’ve done?” He asked, gesturing to the expansive room around them.

“It’s incredible... I don’t know what I expected. I was afraid that you would have left, maybe moved on to your own life. You didn’t need to wait for me, Ion.” Whisper said gently, imagining his life here alone.

“This is my life, Mother. We built this, and I was born here. I will not give this up.” Ion said, stepping back and looking at Whisper. “I feared that you were dead, but I hoped I was wrong, I hoped you would return.”

“Whatever it takes, Ion, I can’t allow us to be torn apart again.” Whisper reassured him, her hand resting on his arm as she spoke. “I will not lose you again, and I will not lose Raddanech. We may never be allowed to return to Inasban, but even so, I am happy now.”

“And yet, if Tenebris is free, you come with dire news. You, Raddanech and I cannot overcome him alone, even if I wield the C.O.R.E. in numbers. You speak of confronting a Prime Aspect, for the second time.” Ion replied, tilting his head slightly in a way that seemed so human to Whisper.

“I have the Blessing, and with your help, I believe we can turn him back. Raddanech has gone to the Council to see if they will stop choking on their pride long enough to contain Tenebris.” Whisper answered, a glint of anger in her eyes as she thought of the suffering the selfishness of the Enlightened had caused. “If they won’t help us now, we’ll go alone. The people of Earth, and my friends, don’t deserve to die, and I won’t let him hurt them.”

“I understand.” Ion said simply, as he crossed the room to the opposing hallway. “I will bring the C.O.R.E.”

Ion called the elevator, and descended into the labs below. He emerged into a cavernous room, lined with fluid filled pods. Within each one, a body slept. Their ghostly white forms lay unmoving, dormant and unaware. The C.O.R.E. were pieces of Ion, and he did not allow himself to think of the cost of the upcoming confrontation with Tenebris.

As he entered the room and approached a console, he entered commands into it, activating 12 of the inert forms. If he brought too many, more would be lost to him. If he did not bring enough, their fight would be lost. Fluid drained from the selected chambers, and the glass lids that held them in place slid downward into the end of the tubes. Ion closed his eyes, focusing his power. He joined his mind with them, taking control of their functions. As he did so, they rose. Each was identical to the next, and each was built in his own image. Their hair was the same hue, but was kept closely cropped to their heads. Their eyes were white, and had no visible sign of an iris or other anatomy. Their sightless forms marched toward the door, and under his direction, he brought them back to Whisper where she waited for him.

As Ion and the C.O.R.E. emerged from the elevator, Whisper could only stare. They unnerved her, and she kept her focus on Ion himself as he approached her again. She nodded to him, needing no further words. She called again on her power, and brought back the doorway to Earth. Once her apartment was visible to her on the other side, Whisper stepped through, followed by Ion. The C.O.R.E. emerged two by two, assembling in formation in her living quarters. Grim determination showed on her face as she looked at them. Until Raddanech returned, they would wait.

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