《Rise of America 1620》Chapter 4: New York could be mine!


Earlier in the day, no matter what was going on, I was alone in my thinking, but now that I have someone to talk to, some of the little details have been completely reminded and supplemented.

On the hill, William and Oliver sitting on the ground, the autumn breeze blowing on the face with a penetrating coolness.

Looking around from the hill, the forest is so dense that you can't help but marvel at the richness of the forests of the American continent in 1620.

This reminded William of a lesson he learned in college, where his history teacher once said that the settlers on the American continent in 1620 would keep burning firewood even in the summer because the forests were so big that they thought they were inexhaustible.

In this way, the forests of the American continent were almost completely cut down in 200 years.

"Chief, you still have some money on hand. Even if you make two more companions, there will be some left over. So we won't be in trouble with the money, and three men is always safer than one of me.

Seeing William silent, Oliver continued to suggest.

Oliver is completely for William's sake, in 1620 this era of the American continent, they have to face the danger not only the beast also white people, but also those savage Indians.

And in this land, it is very dangerous to travel alone, only a large number of people to show the strength of the characteristics.

At the same time, there is another advantage of more people, that is, it can make a lot of guys who want to find trouble weigh.

The total is 1,367,000dollar cash, after buying Oliver and spending 3,000dollar for him to install, there is still 921,800dollar left.

Of course, William did not need to calculate, as long as the virtual bank account opened, you can see these information.

It occurred to him that what Oliver said was not without merit. Now the security is a big problem, in the case of not being able to buy firearms, then it is necessary to do more people to be able to.

Therefore, he nodded and agreed to Oliver's proposal.

As the purchase of Oliver finally set the mode, so the next purchase is very convenient, in the system does not have to stare at the pop-up selection bar to choose.

According to the set mode, five seconds later two genetic people with the same origin as Oliver and similar experience "Daniel" and "Steven" appeared out of thin air.

The amount of money needed to create them is the same as Oliver.

Each of them is 442200dollar.

William also for the two of them from the copycat options, again custom-made from the 17th world European style coffee-colored leather jacket leather pants and boots.


The cost was another 3,000dollar per person.

At this point, the amount in William's account had already receded to the end.

After this round of purchases, William still had 31,400dollar in his virtual account.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

It's not that he doesn't want a powerful special soldier, but it's just that this type of geneticist costs a lot of money to train. He didn't want to take a chance like the first time and choose to go on, and then more than 800,000 wasted.

The first thing you need to do is to sell more than 800,000 cash, how many furs will be sold?

31,000dollar amount, it does not seem a lot.

But for William, this money can do a lot of things.

This 30,000 dollars can support him to buy food to go south.

Also, when they met other Indians, they could buy some poor quality iron products and exchange some furs with the other side.

As long as William had 100dollar in his account, they would not starve to death.

"According to some information I have, the Southern English established a colony called Jamestown in 1607, thirteen years ago, and called the territory they controlled Virginia.

William sat down with three of his genetic men while he gave them information about the history of the Institute.

Although Oliver, Daniel and Steven are Genestealers, their loyalty is very high, which is very reassuring to William.

So, to them a little bit of information also does not matter.

The system sent them to the side of the body in the system.

The system did not hide anything from them when they were sent to the body.

The biggest "cheater" three are clear, William's some historical information to continue to hide, but also useful.

At the same time, Oliver and the three of them have 100 points of loyalty in their personal attributes column, which is enough to dispel some of William's unease.

"The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're doing.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're doing.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public. After all, when I was in school, I also heard my teacher talk about this once, and now I can remember it is really lucky.

Oliver and the three of them looked at each other and laughed.

The long five thick Steven Road chief than we are more powerful, we are elementary school graduates, three years in the army to learn some useful knowledge, the history of the two is a black eye it. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on the back of your head.


Oliver and Daniel nodded their heads to acknowledge this, they both thought William could think of this historical information, is already very good.

"The British and the French did not fight against each other, and they all drew in the Indian tribes around the immigrant camps, allowing them to fight with other Indian tribes. The French and the British are not fighting each other. This is an opportunity for us," William said, listening to his three men's flattery, not complacent but continuing to speak with a stern expression.

"The nearest British stronghold is not Virginia, but Massachusetts in Plymouth Sound. And here, William thought of the Mayflower with their immigrants.

But soon, William's brow furrowed again.

Because he thought of a problem, there may be a hole in the information just now.

Oliver saw William's frown, so he opened his mouth and asked the chief, there is something wrong with the place does not jump words.

Daniel and Steven also quietly watched.

William said I may have just had a place to say, Massachusetts that side now is likely to have no colonial presence yet, because according to my history that side is the second British colonial point on the American continent, and they should be established in December 1620, by the Mayflower immigrant ship to the people established, but now only the end of September ah.

After that, William smiled bitterly and swept his gaze over the faces of Sanming's men.

"In that case, the British have only one stronghold in Virginia, and it will be three months before the stronghold in Massachusetts is established. Steven asked in a jarring voice.

"If history hadn't been wrong, then this is how it would have happened. William replied with a bitter smile.

The idea was to go from here to the nearest British stronghold and find a place to settle down.

But if the Massachusetts side was not yet completed, we would have to go to Virginia.

That would be a very long way to travel.

He was now in a place near Quebec City, which is the border of Canada in the latter days.

From this side to the territory of the United States, the journey is really very far.

Especially in this process, the sky will meet the kind of danger.

But he could not go, because the Andal tribal "bison" said that the French and the Moclai tribe want the life of it, and the surrounding Indian tribes for the benefit of the French, will certainly come to find the trouble.

Therefore, he had to go.

"The chief, who cares so much. Although I only have elementary school education, but also in this era, the land is occupied by whoever occupies it. It doesn't matter if we have few people now, we can develop slowly to become a dominant power.

The education Oliver received was modern. But in order to protect their loyalty, so the system forcibly instilled brainwashing education.

Therefore, Oliver and the others also have some history.

In addition, three years of volunteer military down, they also brought some of the character of the angry ......

Oliver's words, Daniel and Steven have spoken out in favor of.

Steven grunted that the British, the French can occupy this place we can not. The chief I support you, we have a magic weapon still afraid. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new one. The company's eyes twinkled as he spoke.

Daniel also nodded and said that instead of going to the British, we might as well find a place to develop secretly. With the chief's magic weapon, we can make good friends with some Indian tribes and sell them firearms, like the British and the French let the Indians go to fight for us. The three of them were educated in the 21st century, and even the geneticists were different.

The three of you said one thing and I said another, William nodded in satisfaction.

The genetics of Oliver and the others are more to William's liking than the kind of genetics that are mute and just obey orders.

The actual fact is, on the basis of the loyalty is guaranteed, William that is more satisfied.

"The actual fact that you have good suggestions does not skip a word. The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market. "After listening to your words, I also feel that it is not a matter to go to the British, I have the trader at hand can fully meet our development needs.

After listening to William's words, Oliver's three faces look happy.

Steven, who was a bit naive, grinned and said, "Chief, we can go to New York, it's not very far away and we can build a port there. ......"

William handed the pack of cigarettes to Oliver and asked them to have one too.

After three years of volunteer service, it is impossible not to smoke.

And Steven's words, William first froze for a moment, then his brain began to turn rapidly, thinking about the feasibility of Steven's proposal to go to "New York" that side.

The British had only one state, Virginia, on the American continent, and the second state, Massachusetts, would not arrive until three months later.

As for Pennsylvania, we can't even see a shadow of it now.

Maybe, we can really turn New York into a territory ......

William took a deep breath of smoke.

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